Source code for mpas_tools.mesh.creation.coastal_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python
name: coastal_tools
authors: Steven Brus

last modified: 07/09/2018

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import numpy as np
import pyflann
from skimage import measure
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import spatial, io
import timeit
import os
import cartopy
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from rasterio.features import rasterize
from affine import Affine
import shapely.geometry
from geometric_features.plot import subdivide_geom
import mpas_tools.mesh.creation.mesh_definition_tools as mdt
cartopy.config['pre_existing_data_dir'] = \
    os.getenv('CARTOPY_DIR', cartopy.config.get('pre_existing_data_dir'))

# Constants
km = 1000.0
deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0
rad2deg = 180.0 / np.pi

call_count = 0

# Bounding box declarations (for coastal refinements)

# ---------------
# Region boxes
# ---------------

# Bays and estuaries
Delaware_Bay = {"include": [np.array([-75.61903, -74.22, 37.8, 40.312747])],
                "exclude": []}
Galveston_Bay = {"include": [np.array([-95.45, -94.4, 29, 30])],
                 "exclude": []}

# Regions
Delaware_Region = {"include": [np.array([-77, -69.8, 35.5, 41])],
                   "exclude": []}

# Coastlines
US_East_Coast = {"include": [np.array([-81.7, -62.3, 25.1, 44.50])],  # East FL to Bay of Fundy
                 "exclude": [np.array([-66.0, -64.0, 31.5, 33.0]),    # Bermuda
                             np.array([-79.75, -70.0, 20.0, 28.5]),   # Bahamas
                             np.array([-65.15, -62.43, 43.0, 45.55]), # Gulf of St. Lawence
                             np.array([-66.65, -62.43, 43.0, 45.0])]} # ''

US_Gulf_Coast = {"include": [np.array([-98.0, -80.0, 24.0, 31.0]),    # West FL to NE Mexico
                             np.array([-98.5, -95.5, 20.0, 24.0]),    # East Mexico
                             np.array([-91.0, -86.0, 20.0, 22.0])     # Yucatan
                 "exclude": []}

Caribbean = {"include": [np.array([-89.85, -59.73, 9.35, 20.86]),
             "exclude": []}

US_West_Coast = {"include": [np.array([-127.0, -116.0, 32.5, 49.0]),  # California
                             np.array([-117.5, -108.0, 22.8, 32.5])   # Baja and West Mexico
                 "exclude": [np.array([-116.5, -115.0, 32.8, 33.8]),  # Salton Sea
                             np.array([-120.5, -116.5, 35.5, 40.5]),  # Lake Tahoe, etc.
                             np.array([[-111.89, 21.24],              # Baja
                                       [-107.17, 22.48],
                                       [-113.94, 30.77],
                                       [-119.44, 33.09]])]}

Hawaii = {"include": [np.array([-161.0, -154.0, 18.0, 23.0])],
          "exclude": []}

Alaska = {"include": [np.array([-170.0, -141.0, 49.0, 63.0]),
                      np.array([-141.0, -129.5, 49.0, 61.0]),  # Southeast
                      np.array([-129.5, -121.0, 49.0, 55.0])   # Connects AK to CA
          "exclude": [np.array([-171.0, -151.79, 49.54, 58.83])]}  # Aleutian Islands

Bering_Sea_E = {"include": [np.array([-180.0, -168.5, 56.00, 64.0])],
                "exclude": []}

Bering_Sea_W = {"include": [np.array([161.90, 180.0, 57.85, 66.63])],
                "exclude": []}

Aleutian_Islands_E = {"include": [np.array([-180.0, -151.79, 49.54, 58.83])],
                      "exclude": [np.array([-173.16, -164.37, 55.81, 57.55])]}

Aleutian_Islands_W = {"include": [np.array([164.9, 180.0, 50.77, 56.31])],
                      "exclude": [np.array([178.5, 179.5, 51.25, 51.75])]}

Greenland = {"include":[np.array([-81.5,-12.5,60,85])],
Atlantic = {"include": [np.array([-78.5, -77.5, 23.5, 25.25])],  # Bahamas, use with large transition start to fill Atlantic
            "exclude": []}

# Combined coastlines
CONUS = {"include": [], "exclude": []}

Continental_US = {"include": [], "exclude": []}

# ----------------
# Plotting boxes
# ----------------

Western_Atlantic = np.array([-98.186645, -59.832744, 7.791301, 45.942453])
Contiguous_US = np.array([-132.0, -59.832744, 7.791301, 51.0])
North_America = np.array([-175.0, -60.0, 7.5, 72.0])
Delaware = np.array([-77, -69.8, 35.5, 41])
Entire_Globe = np.array([-180, 180, -90, 90])

# -----------------
# Restrict Boxes
# -----------------

Empty = {"include": [],
         "exclude": []}

Delaware_restrict = {"include": [np.array([[-75.853, 39.732],
                                           [-74.939, 36.678],
                                           [-71.519, 40.156],
                                           [-75.153, 40.077]]),
                                 np.array([[-76.024, 37.188],
                                           [-75.214, 36.756],
                                           [-74.512, 37.925],
                                           [-75.274, 38.318]])],
                     "exclude": []}

Gulf_restrict = {"include": [np.array([[-85.04, 13.80],
                                       [-76.90, 16.60],
                                       [-86.24, 36.80],
                                       [-105.55, 22.63]])],
                 "exclude": []}

Caribbean_restrict = {"include": [np.array([[-76.39, 4.55],
                                            [-53.22, 4.29],
                                            [-53.22, 38.94],
                                            [-94.99, 18.47]])],
                      "exclude": [np.array([[-80.72, 1.66],
                                            [-73.70, 3.03],
                                            [-78.94, 9.33],
                                            [-84.98, 7.67]]),
                                  np.array([[-100.18, 13.76],
                                            [-82.93, 6.51],
                                            [-85.08, 13.74],
                                            [-95.86, 18.04]])]}

East_Coast_restrict = {"include": [],
                       "exclude": [np.array([[-72.0, 46.69],
                                             [-61.74, 45.48],
                                             [-44.07, 49.49],
                                             [-63.47, 53.76]])]}
Bering_Sea_restrict = {"include": [],
                       "exclude": [np.array([[143.46, 51.79],
                                             [155.65, 50.13],
                                             [166.23, 63.78],
                                             [148.63, 62.30]]),
                                   np.array([[154.36, 68.22],
                                             [-173.80, 65.94],
                                             [-161.81, 72.02],
                                             [163.64, 73.70]])]}

Atlantic_restrict = {"include": [np.array([[-86.39, 13.67],
                                           [-24.44, 21.32],
                                           [-50.09, 55.98],
                                           [-105.58, 23.61]]),
                                 np.array([[-76.39, 4.55],
                                           [-30.74, -2.66],
                                           [-30.83, 43.95],
                                           [-94.99, 18.47]])],
                     "exclude": [np.array([[-80.72, 1.66],
                                           [-73.70, 3.03],
                                           [-78.94, 9.33],
                                           [-84.98, 7.67]]),
                                 np.array([[-100.18, 13.76],
                                           [-82.93, 6.51],
                                           [-85.08, 13.74],
                                           [-95.86, 18.04]])]}

# User-defined inputs

default_params = {

    # Path to bathymetry data and name of file
    "nc_file": "./",
    "nc_vars": ["lon","lat","z"],

    # Bounding box of coastal refinement region
    "region_box": Continental_US,
    "origin": np.array([-100, 40]),
    "restrict_box": Empty,

    # Coastline extraction parameters
    "z_contour": 0.0,
    "n_longest": 10,
    "smooth_coastline": 0,
    "point_list": None,

    # Global mesh parameters
    "grd_box": Entire_Globe,
    "ddeg": .1,
    # 'EC' (defaults to 60to30), 'QU' (uses dx_max_global), 'RRS' (uses dx_max_global and dx_min_global)
    "mesh_type": 'EC',
    "dx_max_global": 30.0 * km,
    "dx_min_global": 10.0 * km,

    # Coastal mesh parameters
    "dx_min_coastal": 10.0 * km,
    "trans_width": 600.0 * km,
    "trans_start": 400.0 * km,

    # Bounding box of plotting region
    "plot_box": North_America,

    # Options
    "nn_search": "flann",
    "plot_option": True


# Functions

[docs]def coastal_refined_mesh(params, cell_width=None, lon_grd=None, lat_grd=None): # {{{ coastal_refined_mesh.counter += 1 call_count = coastal_refined_mesh.counter if cell_width is None: # Create the background cell width array lon_grd, lat_grd, cell_width = create_background_mesh( params["grd_box"], params["ddeg"], params["mesh_type"], params["dx_min_global"], params["dx_max_global"], params["plot_option"], params["plot_box"], call_count) # Get coastlines from bathy/topo data set coastlines = extract_coastlines( params["nc_file"], params["nc_vars"], params["region_box"], params["z_contour"], params["n_longest"], params["point_list"], params["plot_option"], params["plot_box"], call_count) # Compute distance from background grid points to coastline D = distance_to_coast( coastlines, lon_grd, lat_grd, params["origin"], params["nn_search"], params["smooth_coastline"], params["plot_option"], params["plot_box"], call_count) # Blend coastline and background resolution, save cell_width array as .mat file cell_width = compute_cell_width( D, cell_width, lon_grd, lat_grd, params["dx_min_coastal"], params["trans_start"], params["trans_width"], params["restrict_box"], params["plot_option"], params["plot_box"], lon_grd, lat_grd, coastlines, call_count) # Save matfile # save_matfile(cell_width/km,lon_grd,lat_grd) print("") return (cell_width, lon_grd, lat_grd)
# }}} coastal_refined_mesh.counter = 0 ############################################################## def create_background_mesh(grd_box, ddeg, mesh_type, dx_min, dx_max, # {{{ plot_option=False, plot_box=[], call=None): print("Create background mesh") print("------------------------") # Create cell width background grid lat_grd = np.arange(grd_box[2], grd_box[3], ddeg) lon_grd = np.arange(grd_box[0], grd_box[1], ddeg) nx_grd = lon_grd.size ny_grd = lat_grd.size print(" Background grid dimensions:", ny_grd, nx_grd) # Assign background grid cell width values if mesh_type == 'QU': cell_width_lat = dx_max / km * np.ones(lat_grd.size) elif mesh_type == 'EC': cell_width_lat = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat_grd) elif mesh_type == 'RRS': cell_width_lat = mdt.RRS_CellWidthVsLat(lat_grd, dx_max / km, dx_min / km) cell_width = np.tile(cell_width_lat, (nx_grd, 1)).T * km # Plot background cell width if plot_option: print(" Plotting background cell width") plt.figure() plt.plot(lat_grd, cell_width_lat) plt.savefig('bckgrnd_grid_cell_width_vs_lat' + str(call) + '.png') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.contourf(lon_grd, lat_grd, cell_width, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plot_coarse_coast(ax, plot_box) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig( 'bckgnd_grid_cell_width' + str(call) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print(" Done") return (lon_grd, lat_grd, cell_width) # }}} ############################################################## def extract_coastlines(nc_file, nc_vars, region_box, z_contour=0, n_longest=10, point_list=None, # {{{ plot_option=False, plot_box=[], call=None): print("Extract coastlines") print("------------------") # Open NetCDF file and read cooordintes nc_fid = Dataset(nc_file, "r") lon = nc_fid.variables[nc_vars[0]][:] lat = nc_fid.variables[nc_vars[1]][:] bathy_data = nc_fid.variables[nc_vars[2]] # Get coastlines for refined region coastline_list = [] for i,box in enumerate(region_box["include"]): # Find coordinates and data inside bounding box xb,rect= get_convex_hull_coordinates(box) lon_region, lat_region, z_region = get_data_inside_box(lon, lat, bathy_data, xb) z_data = np.zeros(z_region.shape) z_data.fill(np.nan) idx = get_indices_inside_quad(lon_region,lat_region,box) z_data[idx] = z_region[idx] print(" Regional bathymetry data shape:", z_region.shape) # Find coastline contours print(" Extracting coastline "+str(i+1)+"/"+str(len(region_box["include"]))) contours = measure.find_contours(z_data, z_contour) # Keep only n_longest coastlines and those not within exclude areas contours.sort(key=len, reverse=True) for c in contours[:n_longest]: # Convert from pixel to lon,lat c[:, 0] = (xb[3] - xb[2]) / float(len(lat_region)) * c[:, 0] + xb[2] c[:, 1] = (xb[1] - xb[0]) / float(len(lon_region)) * c[:, 1] + xb[0] c = np.fliplr(c) exclude = False for area in region_box["exclude"]: # Determine coastline coordinates in exclude area idx = get_indices_inside_quad( c[:, 0], c[:, 1], area, grid=False) # Exlude coastlines that are entirely contained in exclude area if idx.size == c.shape[0]: exclude = True break elif idx.size != 0: c = np.delete(c, idx, axis=0) # Keep coastlines not entirely contained in exclude areas if not exclude: cpad = np.vstack((c, [np.nan, np.nan])) coastline_list.append(cpad) print(" Done") # Add in user-specified points if point_list: for i,points in enumerate(point_list): cpad = np.vstack((points, [np.nan, np.nan])) coastline_list.append(cpad) # Combine coastlines coastlines = np.concatenate(coastline_list) if plot_option: print(" Plotting coastlines") # Find coordinates and data inside plotting box lon_plot, lat_plot, z_plot = get_data_inside_box( lon, lat, bathy_data, plot_box) # Plot bathymetry data, coastlines and region boxes fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) levels = np.linspace(np.amin(z_plot), np.amax(z_plot), 100) ds = 100 # Downsample dsx = np.arange(0, lon_plot.size, ds) # bathy data dsy = np.arange(0, lat_plot.size, ds) # to speed up dsxy = np.ix_(dsy, dsx) # plotting plt.contourf(lon_plot[dsx], lat_plot[dsy], z_plot[dsxy], levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plot_coarse_coast(ax, plot_box) plt.plot(coastlines[:, 0], coastlines[:, 1], color='white') for box in region_box["include"]: plot_region_box(box, 'b') for box in region_box["exclude"]: plot_region_box(box, 'r') plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal') plt.savefig( 'bathy_coastlines' + str(call) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print(" Done") return coastlines # }}} ############################################################## def distance_to_coast(coastlines, lon_grd, lat_grd, origin, nn_search, smooth_window, # {{{ plot_option=False, plot_box=[], call=None): print("Distance to coast") print("-----------------") # Remove Nan values separating coastlines coast_pts = coastlines[np.isfinite(coastlines).all(axis=1)] # Smooth coast points if necessary if smooth_window > 1: coast_pts[:, 0], coast_pts[:, 1] = smooth_coastline( coast_pts[:, 0], coast_pts[:, 1], smooth_window) # Convert coastline points to x,y,z and create kd-tree npts = coast_pts.shape[0] coast_pts_xyz = np.zeros((npts,3)) coast_pts_xyz[:, 0], coast_pts_xyz[:, 1], coast_pts_xyz[:, 2] = lonlat2xyz(coast_pts[:, 0], coast_pts[:, 1]) if nn_search == "kdtree": tree = spatial.KDTree(coast_pts_xyz) elif nn_search == "flann": flann = pyflann.FLANN() flann.build_index( coast_pts_xyz, algorithm='kdtree', target_precision=1.0, random_seed=0) # Convert backgound grid coordinates to x,y,z and put in a nx_grd x 3 array for kd-tree query Lon_grd, Lat_grd = np.meshgrid(lon_grd, lat_grd) X_grd, Y_grd, Z_grd = lonlat2xyz(Lon_grd,Lat_grd) pts = np.vstack([X_grd.ravel(), Y_grd.ravel(), Z_grd.ravel()]).T # Find distances of background grid coordinates to the coast print(" Finding distance") start = timeit.default_timer() if nn_search == "kdtree": d, idx = tree.query(pts) elif nn_search == "flann": idx, d = flann.nn_index(pts, checks=2000, random_seed=0) d = np.sqrt(d) end = timeit.default_timer() print(" Done") print(" " + str(end - start) + " seconds") # Make distance array that corresponds with cell_width array D = np.reshape(d, Lon_grd.shape) if plot_option: print(" Plotting distance to coast") # Find coordinates and data inside plotting box lon_plot, lat_plot, D_plot = get_data_inside_box( lon_grd, lat_grd, D, plot_box) # Plot distance to coast fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) D_plot = D_plot / km levels = np.linspace(np.amin(D_plot), np.amax(D_plot), 10) plt.contourf(lon_plot, lat_plot, D_plot, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plot_coarse_coast(ax, plot_box) plt.plot(coastlines[:, 0], coastlines[:, 1], color='white') plt.grid( xdata=lon_plot, ydata=lat_plot, c='k', ls='-', lw=0.1, alpha=0.5) plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal') plt.savefig('distance' + str(call) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print(" Done") return D # }}} ############################################################## def signed_distance_from_geojson(fc, lon_grd, lat_grd, max_length=None): # {{{ """ Get the distance for each point on a lon/lat grid from the closest point on the boundary of the geojson regions. Parameters ---------- fc : geometrics_features.FeatureCollection The regions to be rasterized lon_grd : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of evenly spaced longitude values lat_grd : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of evenly spaced latitude values max_length : float, optional The maximum distance (in degrees) between points on the boundary of the geojson region. If the boundary is too coarse, it will be subdivided. Returns ------- signed_distance : numpy.ndarray A 2D field of distances (negative inside the region, positive outside) to the shape boundary """ distance = distance_from_geojson(fc, lon_grd, lat_grd, nn_search='flann', max_length=max_length) mask = mask_from_geojson(fc, lon_grd, lat_grd) signed_distance = (-2.0 * mask + 1.0) * distance return signed_distance def mask_from_geojson(fc, lon_grd, lat_grd): # {{{ """ Make a rasterized mask on a lon/lat grid from shapes (geojson multipolygon data). Parameters ---------- fc : geometrics_features.FeatureCollection The regions to be rasterized lon_grd : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of evenly spaced longitude values lat_grd : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of evenly spaced latitude values Returns ------- mask : numpy.ndarray A 2D mask with the shapes rasterized (0.0 outside, 1.0 inside) """ print("Mask from geojson") print("-----------------") nlon = len(lon_grd) nlat = len(lat_grd) dlon = (lon_grd[-1] - lon_grd[0])/(nlon-1) dlat = (lat_grd[-1] - lat_grd[0])/(nlat-1) transform = Affine(dlon, 0.0, lon_grd[0], 0.0, dlat, lat_grd[0]) shapes = [] for feature in fc.features: # a list of feature geometries and mask values (always 1.0) shape = shapely.geometry.shape(feature['geometry']) # expand a bit to make sure we hit the edges of the domain shape = shape.buffer(dlat) shapes.append((shapely.geometry.mapping(shape), 1.0)) mask = rasterize(shapes, out_shape=(nlat, nlon), transform=transform) if np.abs(lon_grd[0] - (-180.)) < 1e-3 and \ np.abs(lon_grd[-1] - (180.)) < 1e-3: # the extra column at the periodic boundary needs to be copied print(' fixing periodic boundary') mask[:, -1] = mask[:, 0] return mask # }}} def distance_from_geojson(fc, lon_grd, lat_grd, nn_search, max_length=None): # {{{ """ Get the distance for each point on a lon/lat grid from the closest point on the boundary of the geojson regions. Parameters ---------- fc : geometrics_features.FeatureCollection The regions to be rasterized lon_grd : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of evenly spaced longitude values lat_grd : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of evenly spaced latitude values nn_search: {'kdtree', 'flann'} The method used to find the nearest point on the shape boundary max_length : float, optional The maximum distance (in degrees) between points on the boundary of the geojson region. If the boundary is too coarse, it will be subdivided. Returns ------- distance : numpy.ndarray A 2D field of distances to the shape boundary """ print("Distance from geojson") print("---------------------") print(" Finding region boundaries") boundary_lon = [] boundary_lat = [] for feature in fc.features: # get the boundary of each shape shape = shapely.geometry.shape(feature['geometry']).boundary if max_length is not None: # subdivide the shape if it's too coarse geom_type = shape.geom_type shape = subdivide_geom(shape, geom_type, max_length) x, y = shape.coords.xy boundary_lon.extend(x) boundary_lat.extend(y) boundary_lon = np.array(boundary_lon) boundary_lat = np.array(boundary_lat) # Remove point at +/- 180 lon and +/- 90 lat because these are "fake". # Need a little buffer (0.01 degrees) to avoid misses due to rounding. mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_or( np.logical_or(boundary_lon <= -179.99, boundary_lon >= 179.99), np.logical_or(boundary_lat <= -89.99, boundary_lat >= 89.99))) boundary_lon = boundary_lon[mask] boundary_lat = boundary_lat[mask] print(" Mean boundary latitude: {0:.2f}".format(np.mean(boundary_lat))) # Convert coastline points to x,y,z and create kd-tree npoints = len(boundary_lon) boundary_xyz = np.zeros((npoints, 3)) boundary_xyz[:, 0], boundary_xyz[:, 1], boundary_xyz[:, 2] = \ lonlat2xyz(boundary_lon, boundary_lat) flann = None tree = None if nn_search == "kdtree": tree = spatial.KDTree(boundary_xyz) elif nn_search == "flann": flann = pyflann.FLANN() flann.build_index( boundary_xyz, algorithm='kdtree', target_precision=1.0, random_seed=0) else: raise ValueError('Bad nn_search: expected kdtree or flann, got ' '{}'.format(nn_search)) # Convert backgound grid coordinates to x,y,z and put in a nx_grd x 3 array # for kd-tree query Lon_grd, Lat_grd = np.meshgrid(lon_grd, lat_grd) X_grd, Y_grd, Z_grd = lonlat2xyz(Lon_grd, Lat_grd) pts = np.vstack([X_grd.ravel(), Y_grd.ravel(), Z_grd.ravel()]).T # Find distances of background grid coordinates to the coast print(" Finding distance") start = timeit.default_timer() distance = None if nn_search == "kdtree": distance, _ = tree.query(pts) elif nn_search == "flann": _, distance = flann.nn_index(pts, checks=2000, random_seed=0) distance = np.sqrt(distance) end = timeit.default_timer() print(" Done") print(" {0:.0f} seconds".format(end-start)) # Make distance array that corresponds with cell_width array distance = np.reshape(distance, Lon_grd.shape) return distance # }}} def compute_cell_width(D, cell_width, lon, lat, dx_min, trans_start, trans_width, restrict_box, # {{{ plot_option=False, plot_box=[], lon_grd=[], lat_grd=[], coastlines=[], call=None): print("Compute cell width") print("------------------") # Compute cell width based on distance print(" Computing cell width") backgnd_weight = .5 * \ (np.tanh((D - trans_start - .5 * trans_width) / (.2 * trans_width)) + 1.0) dist_weight = 1.0 - backgnd_weight ## Use later for depth and slope dependent resolution ##hres = np.maximum(dx_min*bathy_grd/20,dx_min) ##hres = np.minimum(hres,dx_max) #hw = np.zeros(Lon_grd.shape) + dx_max #hw[ocn_idx] = np.sqrt(9.81*bathy_grd[ocn_idx])*12.42*3600/25 #hs = .20*1/dbathy_grd #h = np.fmin(hs,hw) #h = np.fmin(h,dx_max) #h = np.fmax(dx_min,h) cell_width_old = np.copy(cell_width) # Apply cell width function if len(restrict_box["include"]) > 0: # Only apply inside include regions for box in restrict_box["include"]: idx = get_indices_inside_quad(lon, lat, box) cell_width[idx] = (dx_min*dist_weight[idx] + np.multiply(cell_width_old[idx], backgnd_weight[idx])) else: # Apply everywhere cell_width = (dx_min*dist_weight + np.multiply(cell_width_old, backgnd_weight)) # Don't applt cell width function in exclude regions (revert to previous values) if len(restrict_box["exclude"]) > 0: for box in restrict_box["exclude"]: idx = get_indices_inside_quad(lon, lat, box) cell_width[idx] = cell_width_old[idx] print(" Done") if plot_option: print(" Plotting cell width") # Find coordinates and data inside plotting box lon_plot, lat_plot, cell_width_plot = get_data_inside_box( lon_grd, lat_grd, cell_width / km, plot_box) # Plot cell width fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) levels = np.linspace(np.amin(cell_width_plot), np.amax(cell_width_plot), 100) plt.contourf(lon_plot, lat_plot, cell_width_plot, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plot_coarse_coast(ax, plot_box) plt.plot(coastlines[:, 0], coastlines[:, 1], color='white') if restrict_box: for box in restrict_box["include"]: plot_region_box(box, 'b') for box in restrict_box["exclude"]: plot_region_box(box, 'r') plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal') plt.savefig('cell_width' + str(call) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # Plot cell width transistion functions ts = trans_start/km tw = trans_width/km d = np.linspace(0,2*(ts+tw),1000) bw = .5*(np.tanh((d-ts-.5*tw)/(.2*tw))+1) dw = 1-bw plt.figure() plt.plot(d,bw) plt.plot(d,dw) plt.legend(('background','coastal region')) plt.plot([ts,ts],[0.0,1.0],'k-') plt.plot([ts+tw,ts+tw],[0.0,1.0],'k-') plt.tight_layout() plt.xlabel('distance (km)') plt.ylabel('weight') plt.savefig('trans_func'+str(call)+'.png',bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print(" Done") return cell_width # }}} ############################################################## def save_matfile(cell_width, lon, lat): io.savemat('cellWidthVsLatLon.mat', mdict={ 'cellWidth': cell_width, 'lon': lon, 'lat': lat}) ############################################################## def CPP_projection(lon, lat, origin): R = 6378206.4 origin = origin * deg2rad x = R * (lon * deg2rad - origin[0]) * np.cos(origin[1]) y = R * lat * deg2rad return x, y ############################################################## def lonlat2xyz(lon,lat): R = 6378206.4 x = R*np.multiply(np.cos(lon*deg2rad),np.cos(lat*deg2rad)) y = R*np.multiply(np.sin(lon*deg2rad),np.cos(lat*deg2rad)) z = R*np.sin(lat*deg2rad) return x,y,z ############################################################## def smooth_coastline(x, y, window): xs = np.copy(x) ys = np.copy(y) offset = (window-1)/2 for pt in range(offset-1, x.size-offset): xs[pt] = np.mean(x[pt-offset:pt+offset]) ys[pt] = np.mean(y[pt-offset:pt+offset]) return xs, ys ############################################################## def get_data_inside_box(lon, lat, data, box, idx=False): # Find indicies of coordinates inside bounding box lon_idx, = np.where((lon >= box[0]) & (lon <= box[1])) lat_idx, = np.where((lat >= box[2]) & (lat <= box[3])) # Get indicies inside bounding box lon_region = lon[lon_idx] lat_region = lat[lat_idx] latlon_idx = np.ix_(lat_idx, lon_idx) # Return data inside bounding box if idx == False: try: # Numpy indexing z_region = data[latlon_idx] except: # NetCDF indexing z_region = data[lat_idx, lon_idx] return (lon_region, lat_region, z_region) # Return indicies of data inside bounding box elif idx == True: return latlon_idx ############################################################## def get_indices_inside_quad(lon, lat, box, grid=True): wrap = flag_wrap(box) lon_adj = np.copy(lon) if wrap: idx = np.where((lon_adj >= -180.0) & (lon_adj <= -90.0)) lon_adj[idx] = lon_adj[idx] + 360.0 if grid: # Create vectors of all coordinates Lon_grd, Lat_grd = np.meshgrid(lon_adj, lat) X = Lon_grd.ravel() Y = Lat_grd.ravel() else: X = lon_adj Y = lat xb,rect = get_convex_hull_coordinates(box) # Find indices of coordinates in convex hull of quad region idxx = np.where((X >= xb[0]) & (X <= xb[1])) idxy = np.where((Y >= xb[2]) & (Y <= xb[3])) idx_ch = np.intersect1d(idxx, idxy) idx = np.copy(idx_ch) if rect == True: if grid == True: idx = np.unravel_index(idx, Lon_grd.shape) return idx # Initialize the local coordinate vectors to be outside unit square R = 0.0 * X - 10.0 S = 0.0 * Y - 10.0 # Initialize the coordinate vectors for points inside convex hull of quad region r = 0.0 * R[idx] s = 0.0 * S[idx] x = X[idx] y = Y[idx] # Map all coordinates in convex hull of quad region to unit square # by solving inverse transformaion with Newton's method tol = 1e-8 maxit = 25 for it in range(0, maxit): # Compute shape fuctions phi1 = np.multiply((1.0 - r), (1.0 - s)) phi2 = np.multiply((1.0 + r), (1.0 - s)) phi3 = np.multiply((1.0 + r), (1.0 + s)) phi4 = np.multiply((1.0 - r), (1.0 + s)) # Compute functions that are being solved f1 = .25 * (phi1 * box[0, 0] + phi2 * box[1, 0] + phi3 * box[2, 0] + phi4 * box[3, 0]) - x f2 = .25 * (phi1 * box[0, 1] + phi2 * box[1, 1] + phi3 * box[2, 1] + phi4 * box[3, 1]) - y # Compute Jacobian df1ds = .25 * ((r - 1.0) * box[0, 0] - (1.0 + r) * box[1, 0] + (1.0 + r) * box[2, 0] + (1.0 - r) * box[3, 0]) df1dr = .25 * ((s - 1.0) * box[0, 0] + (1.0 - s) * box[1, 0] + (1.0 + s) * box[2, 0] - (1.0 + s) * box[3, 0]) df2ds = .25 * ((r - 1.0) * box[0, 1] - (1.0 + r) * box[1, 1] + (1.0 + r) * box[2, 1] + (1.0 - r) * box[3, 1]) df2dr = .25 * ((s - 1.0) * box[0, 1] + (1.0 - s) * box[1, 1] + (1.0 + s) * box[2, 1] - (1.0 + s) * box[3, 1]) # Inverse of 2x2 matrix det_recip = np.multiply(df1dr, df2ds) - np.multiply(df2dr, df1ds) det_recip = 1.0 / det_recip dr = np.multiply(det_recip, np.multiply(df2ds, f1) - np.multiply(df1ds, f2)) ds = np.multiply(det_recip, -np.multiply(df2dr, f1) + np.multiply(df1dr, f2)) # Apply Newton's method rnew = r - dr snew = s - ds # Find converged values err = R[idx] - rnew idxr = np.where(np.absolute(err) < tol) err = S[idx] - snew idxs = np.where(np.absolute(err) < tol) idx_conv = np.intersect1d(idxr, idxs) # Update solution R[idx] = rnew S[idx] = snew # Find indicies of unconverged values idx = np.delete(idx, idx_conv) # print("Iteration: ", it, "unconverged values: ", idx.size) # Terminate once all values are converged if idx.size == 0: break # Initialize to unconverged values for next iteration r = R[idx] s = S[idx] x = X[idx] y = Y[idx] # Find any remaining unconverged values if grid == True: idx_nc = np.unravel_index(idx, Lon_grd.shape) else: idx_nc = np.copy(idx) # Find indicies of coordinates inside quad region lon_idx, = np.where((R >= -1.0) & (R <= 1.0)) lat_idx, = np.where((S >= -1.0) & (S <= 1.0)) idx = np.intersect1d(lon_idx, lat_idx) if grid == True: idx = np.unravel_index(idx, Lon_grd.shape) ## Plot values inside quad region # plt.figure() # plt.plot(X,Y,'.') # if grid == True: # plt.plot(Lon_grd[idx],Lat_grd[idx],'.') # plt.plot(Lon_grd[idx_nc],Lat_grd[idx_nc],'.') # else: # plt.plot(lon[idx],lat[idx],'.') # plt.plot(lon[idx_nc],lat[idx_nc],'.') # plt.plot(box[:,0],box[:,1],'o') # plt.savefig("restrict_box.png") return idx ############################################################## def get_convex_hull_coordinates(box): wrap = flag_wrap(box) xb = np.zeros(4) if box.size == 4: if wrap: for i in range(2): if box[i] >= -180.0 and box[i] <= -90.0: box[i] = box[i] + 360.0 xb[0] = box[0] xb[1] = box[1] xb[2] = box[2] xb[3] = box[3] rect = True else: if wrap: for i in range(4): if box[i, 0] >= -180.0 and box[i, 0] <= -90.0: box[i, 0] = box[i, 0] + 360.0 xb[0] = np.amin(box[:, 0]) xb[1] = np.amax(box[:, 0]) xb[2] = np.amin(box[:, 1]) xb[3] = np.amax(box[:, 1]) rect = False return xb,rect ############################################################## def flag_wrap(box): wrap = False if box.size == 4: if box[0] > 0.0 and box[1] < 0.0: wrap = True else: if np.any(box[:,0] > 0.0) and np.any(box[:,0] < 0.0): wrap = True return wrap ############################################################## def plot_coarse_coast(ax, plot_box): ax.set_extent(plot_box, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE) ############################################################## def plot_region_box(box, color): ls = color + '-' if box.size == 4: plt.plot([box[0], box[1]], [box[2], box[2]], ls) plt.plot([box[1], box[1]], [box[2], box[3]], ls) plt.plot([box[1], box[0]], [box[3], box[3]], ls) plt.plot([box[0], box[0]], [box[3], box[2]], ls) else: plt.plot([box[0, 0], box[1, 0]], [box[0, 1], box[1, 1]], ls) plt.plot([box[1, 0], box[2, 0]], [box[1, 1], box[2, 1]], ls) plt.plot([box[2, 0], box[3, 0]], [box[2, 1], box[3, 1]], ls) plt.plot([box[3, 0], box[0, 0]], [box[3, 1], box[0, 1]], ls) ########################################################################## # Incorporate later for depth and slope dependent resolution ########################################################################## ## ## Interpolate bathymetry onto background grid #Lon_grd = Lon_grd*deg2rad #Lat_grd = Lat_grd*deg2rad #bathy = inject_bathymetry.interpolate_bathymetry(data_path+nc_file,Lon_grd.ravel(),Lat_grd.ravel()) #bathy_grd = -1.0*np.reshape(bathy,(ny_grd,nx_grd)) #ocn_idx = np.where(bathy_grd > 0) # # if plot_option: # plt.figure() # levels = np.linspace(0,11000,100) # plt.contourf(lon_grd,lat_grd,bathy_grd,levels=levels) # plot_coarse_coast(plot_box) # plt.colorbar() # plt.axis('equal') # plt.savefig('bckgnd_grid_bathy.png',bbox_inches='tight') ## Interpolate bathymetry gradient onto background grid #dbathy = inject_bathymetry.interpolate_bathymetry(data_path+nc_file,Lon_grd.ravel(),Lat_grd.ravel(),grad=True) #dbathy = np.reshape(dbathy,(ny_grd,nx_grd)) #dbathy_grd = np.zeros((ny_grd,nx_grd)) #dbathy_grd[ocn_idx] = dbathy[ocn_idx] # # if plot_option: # plt.figure() # plt.contourf(lon_grd,lat_grd,1/dbathy_grd) # plot_coarse_coast(plot_box) # plt.colorbar() # plt.axis('equal') # plt.savefig('bckgnd_grid_bathy_grad.png',bbox_inches='tight')