Making Changes to mpas_tools

New python functions and modules (.py files) can be added within the conda_package/mpas_tools. These will automatically be part of the mpas_tools package. New directories with python modules should include an file (which can be empty) to indicate that they are also part of the package.

Entry Points

The best way to add new “scripts” to the package is to add a function without any arguments somewhere in the package, and then to add it as an “entry point” both in conda_package/ and conda_package/recipe/meta.yaml.

As an example, the entry point planar_hex is defined in as:

                  ['planar_hex = mpas_tools.planar_hex:main',

and in meta.yaml as:

  number: 0
    - planar_hex = mpas_tools.planar_hex:main

When the package is installed in a conda environment, a stub script planar_hex will be in the user’s path that will call the function main() in the module mpas_tools.planar_hex:

def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('--nx', dest='nx', type=int, required=True,
                        help='Cells in x direction')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    make_planar_hex_mesh(args.nx, args.ny, args.dc,
                         args.nonperiodic_x, args.nonperiodic_y,

As you can see, the function pointed to by the entry point can used to parse command-line arguments, just as a “normal” python script would do

By convention, entry points do not typically include the .py extension.


If you changes introduce new dependencies, these need to be added to the recipe for the conda package in conda_package/recipe/meta.yaml

Add these changes to the end of the run section of requirements:

    - python
    - netcdf4
    - affine

These requirements must be on the conda-forge anaconda channel. If you need help with this, please contact the developers.