#!/usr/bin/env python
Tool to merge 2 MPAS non-contiguous meshes together into a single file
import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from netCDF4 import Dataset
def parse_args(args=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
parser.add_argument('infile1', metavar='FILENAME1',
help='File name for first mesh to merge')
parser.add_argument('infile2', metavar='FILENAME2',
help='File name for second mesh to merge')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='outfile', default='merged_mesh.nc', metavar='FILENAME',
help='The merged mesh file')
return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs]def merge_grids(infile1=None, infile2=None, outfile=None, runner=None):
Merges two MPAS non-contiguous meshes together into a single file
infile1 : str
The file name for the first mesh to merge
infile2 : str
The file name for the second mesh to merge
outfile : str
The file name for the first mesh to merge
runner : str, optional
The command to write into the global history attribute of the outfile
now = datetime.now().strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
if not runner:
runner = '{}.merge_grids(infile1={}, infile2={}, outfile={})'.format(
os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], infile1, infile2, outfile)
print('Opening files to merge:\n {}\n {}'.format(infile1, infile2))
print('Creating the merged mesh file: {}'.format(outfile))
with Dataset(infile1) as nc_in1, Dataset(infile2) as nc_in2, \
Dataset(outfile, 'w', format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") as mesh:
nCells1 = nc_in1.dimensions['nCells'].size
nEdges1 = nc_in1.dimensions['nEdges'].size
nVertices1 = nc_in1.dimensions['nVertices'].size
nCells2 = nc_in2.dimensions['nCells'].size
nEdges2 = nc_in2.dimensions['nEdges'].size
nVertices2 = nc_in2.dimensions['nVertices'].size
if nc_in1.dimensions['vertexDegree'].size != nc_in2.dimensions['vertexDegree'].size:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The two files have different lengths of the "
"vertexDegree dimension.")
mesh.createDimension('nCells', nCells1 + nCells2)
mesh.createDimension('nEdges', nEdges1 + nEdges2)
mesh.createDimension('nVertices', nVertices1 + nVertices2)
mesh.createDimension('TWO', 2)
mesh.createDimension('vertexDegree', nc_in1.dimensions['vertexDegree'].size)
if 'StrLen' in nc_in1.dimensions:
mesh.createDimension('StrLen', nc_in1.dimensions['StrLen'].size)
maxEdges = max(nc_in1.dimensions['maxEdges'].size, nc_in2.dimensions['maxEdges'].size)
mesh.createDimension('maxEdges', maxEdges)
mesh.createDimension('maxEdges2', maxEdges * 2)
optionalDims = ('Time', 'nVertLevels', 'nVertInterfaces')
for dim in optionalDims:
if dim in nc_in1.dimensions and dim in nc_in2.dimensions:
if len(nc_in1.dimensions[dim]) != len(nc_in2.dimensions[dim]):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The two files have different lengths "
"of the {} dimension.".format(dim))
if dim == 'Time':
mesh.createDimension('Time', size=None) # make unlimited dimension
mesh.createDimension(dim, nc_in1.dimensions[dim].size)
print('Merging variable:')
vars1 = set(nc_in1.variables)
vars2 = set(nc_in2.variables)
# only copy variables common to both files
for varname in (vars1 & vars2):
print(' {}'.format(varname))
if nc_in1.variables[varname].dimensions \
!= nc_in2.variables[varname].dimensions:
raise ValueError("ERROR: Variable {} has different dimensions in "
"the two files.".format(varname))
theVar = nc_in1.variables[varname]
newVar = mesh.createVariable(varname, theVar.dtype, theVar.dimensions)
# (Assuming here that nCells, nEdges, and nVertices are never both in a variable)
# now assign value
if 'nCells' in theVar.dimensions:
tup1 = ()
tup2 = ()
tupMerge = ()
for ind in range(len(theVar.dimensions)):
if theVar.dimensions[ind] == 'nCells':
tup1 += (slice(0, nCells1),)
tup2 += (slice(0, nCells2),)
tupMerge += (slice(nCells1, nCells1 + nCells2),)
tup1 += (slice(None),)
tup2 += (slice(None),)
tupMerge += (slice(None),)
newVar[tup1] = nc_in1.variables[varname][tup1]
newVar[tupMerge] = nc_in2.variables[varname][tup2]
elif 'nEdges' in theVar.dimensions:
tup1 = ()
tup2 = ()
tupMerge = ()
for ind in range(len(theVar.dimensions)):
if theVar.dimensions[ind] == 'nEdges':
tup1 += (slice(0, nEdges1),)
tup2 += (slice(0, nEdges2),)
tupMerge += (slice(nEdges1, nEdges1 + nEdges2),)
tup1 += (slice(None),)
tup2 += (slice(None),)
tupMerge += (slice(None),)
newVar[tup1] = nc_in1.variables[varname][tup1]
newVar[tupMerge] = nc_in2.variables[varname][tup2]
elif 'nVertices' in theVar.dimensions:
tup1 = ()
tup2 = ()
tupMerge = ()
for ind in range(len(theVar.dimensions)):
if theVar.dimensions[ind] == 'nVertices':
tup1 += (slice(0, nVertices1),)
tup2 += (slice(0, nVertices2),)
tupMerge += (slice(nVertices1, nVertices1 + nVertices2),)
tup1 += (slice(None),)
tup2 += (slice(None),)
tupMerge += (slice(None),)
newVar[tup1] = nc_in1.variables[varname][tup1]
newVar[tupMerge] = nc_in2.variables[varname][tup2]
# just take file 1's version
newVar[:] = theVar[:]
# Indexes need adjusting:
if varname == "indexToCellID":
newVar[nCells1:] += nCells1
elif varname == "indexToEdgeID":
newVar[nEdges1:] += nEdges1
elif varname == "indexToVertexID":
newVar[nVertices1:] += nVertices1
elif varname == "cellsOnEdge":
part2 = newVar[nEdges1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nCells1
newVar[nEdges1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "edgesOnCell":
part2 = newVar[nCells1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nEdges1
newVar[nCells1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "edgesOnEdge":
part2 = newVar[nEdges1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nEdges1
newVar[nEdges1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "cellsOnCell":
part2 = newVar[nCells1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nCells1
newVar[nCells1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "verticesOnCell":
part2 = newVar[nCells1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nVertices1
newVar[nCells1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "verticesOnEdge":
part2 = newVar[nEdges1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nVertices1
newVar[nEdges1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "edgesOnVertex":
part2 = newVar[nVertices1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nEdges1
newVar[nVertices1:, :] = part2
elif varname == "cellsOnVertex":
part2 = newVar[nVertices1:, :]
part2[part2 > 0] += nCells1
newVar[nVertices1:, :] = part2
attrToCopy = ("on_a_sphere", "sphere_radius", "is_periodic")
for attr in attrToCopy:
if attr in nc_in1.ncattrs() and attr in nc_in2.ncattrs():
if nc_in1.getncattr(attr) == nc_in2.getncattr(attr):
mesh.setncattr(attr, nc_in1.getncattr(attr))
"Warning: Value for '{0}' global attribute differs between "
"input files. '{0}' being skipped.".format(attr))
print("Warning: '{0}' global attribute not present in both input "
"files. '{0}' being skipped.".format(attr))
# Add merge info to allow exact splitting later
mesh.merge_point = json.dumps({'nCells': nCells1,
'nEdges': nEdges1,
'nVertices': nVertices1,
'maxEdges1': nc_in1.dimensions['maxEdges'].size,
'maxEdges2': nc_in2.dimensions['maxEdges'].size
run_command = "{}: {} \n".format(now, runner)
mesh.history = maybe_encode(run_command)
print('Merge complete! Output file: {}.'.format(outfile))
# NOTE: Python 2 and 3 string fun conflicting with NC_CHAR vs NC_STRING, see:
# https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/529
def maybe_encode(string, encoding='ascii'):
return string.encode(encoding)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return string
def main():
arguments = parse_args()
arguments.runner = ' '.join(sys.argv[:])
if __name__ == '__main__':