Source code for mpas_tools.mesh.conversion

import os
import xarray
import subprocess
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import shutil

from import write_netcdf

[docs]def convert(dsIn, graphInfoFileName=None, logger=None, dir=None): """ Use ``MpasMeshConverter.x`` to convert an input mesh to a valid MPAS mesh that is fully compliant with the MPAS mesh specification. Parameters ---------- dsIn : xarray.Dataset A data set to convert graphInfoFileName : str, optional A file path (relative or absolute) where the graph file (typically ```` should be written out. By default, ```` is not saved. logger : logging.Logger, optional A logger for the output if not stdout dir : str, optional A directory in which a temporary directory will be added with files produced during conversion and then deleted upon completion. Returns ------- dsOut : xarray.Dataset The MPAS mesh """ if dir is not None: dir = os.path.abspath(dir) with TemporaryDirectory(dir=dir) as tempdir: inFileName = '{}/'.format(tempdir) write_netcdf(dsIn, inFileName) outFileName = '{}/'.format(tempdir) if graphInfoFileName is not None: graphInfoFileName = os.path.abspath(graphInfoFileName) outDir = os.path.dirname(outFileName) _call_subprocess(['MpasMeshConverter.x', inFileName, outFileName], logger) dsOut = xarray.open_dataset(outFileName) dsOut.load() if graphInfoFileName is not None: shutil.copyfile('{}/'.format(outDir), graphInfoFileName) return dsOut
[docs]def cull(dsIn, dsMask=None, dsInverse=None, dsPreserve=None, graphInfoFileName=None, logger=None, dir=None): """ Use ``MpasCellCuller.x`` to cull cells from a mesh based on the ``cullCell`` field in the input file or DataSet and/or the provided masks. ``cullCell``, dsMask and dsInverse are merged together so that the final mask is the union of these 3. The preserve mask is then used to determine where cells should *not* be culled. Parameters ---------- dsIn : xarray.Dataset A data set to cull, possibly with a ``cullCell`` field set to one where cells should be removed dsMask : xarray.Dataset or list, optional A data set (or data sets) with region masks that are 1 where cells should be culled dsInverse : xarray.Dataset or list, optional A data set (or data sets) with region masks that are 0 where cells should be culled dsPreserve : xarray.Dataset or list, optional A data set (or data sets) with region masks that are 1 where cells should *not* be culled graphInfoFileName : str, optional A file path (relative or absolute) where the graph file (typically ```` should be written out. By default, ```` is not saved. logger : logging.Logger, optional A logger for the output if not stdout dir : str, optional A directory in which a temporary directory will be added with files produced during cell culling and then deleted upon completion. Returns ------- dsOut : xarray.Dataset The culled mesh """ if dir is not None: dir = os.path.abspath(dir) with TemporaryDirectory(dir=dir) as tempdir: inFileName = '{}/'.format(tempdir) write_netcdf(dsIn, inFileName) outFileName = '{}/'.format(tempdir) args = ['MpasCellCuller.x', inFileName, outFileName] if dsMask is not None: if not isinstance(dsMask, list): dsMask = [dsMask] for index, ds in enumerate(dsMask): fileName = '{}/mask{}.nc'.format(tempdir, index) write_netcdf(ds, fileName) args.extend(['-m', fileName]) if dsInverse is not None: if not isinstance(dsInverse, list): dsInverse = [dsInverse] for index, ds in enumerate(dsInverse): fileName = '{}/inverse{}.nc'.format(tempdir, index) write_netcdf(ds, fileName) args.extend(['-i', fileName]) if dsPreserve is not None: if not isinstance(dsPreserve, list): dsPreserve = [dsPreserve] for index, ds in enumerate(dsPreserve): fileName = '{}/preserve{}.nc'.format(tempdir, index) write_netcdf(ds, fileName) args.extend(['-p', fileName]) if graphInfoFileName is not None: graphInfoFileName = os.path.abspath(graphInfoFileName) outDir = os.path.dirname(outFileName) _call_subprocess(args, logger) dsOut = xarray.open_dataset(outFileName) dsOut.load() if graphInfoFileName is not None: shutil.copyfile('{}/'.format(outDir), graphInfoFileName) return dsOut
[docs]def mask(dsMesh, fcMask=None, fcSeed=None, logger=None, dir=None): """ Use ``MpasMaskCreator.x`` to create a set of region masks either from mask feature collections or from seed points to be used to flood fill Parameters ---------- dsMesh : xarray.Dataset, optional An MPAS mesh on which the masks should be created fcMask : geometric_features.FeatureCollection, optional A feature collection containing features to use to create the mask fcSeed : geometric_features.FeatureCollection, optional A feature collection with points to use a seeds for a flood fill that will create a mask of all cells connected to the seed points logger : logging.Logger, optional A logger for the output if not stdout dir : str, optional A directory in which a temporary directory will be added with files produced during mask creation and then deleted upon completion. Returns ------- dsMask : xarray.Dataset The masks """ if dir is not None: dir = os.path.abspath(dir) with TemporaryDirectory(dir=dir) as tempdir: inFileName = '{}/'.format(tempdir) write_netcdf(dsMesh, inFileName) outFileName = '{}/'.format(tempdir) args = ['MpasMaskCreator.x', inFileName, outFileName] if fcMask is not None: fileName = '{}/mask.geojson'.format(tempdir) fcMask.to_geojson(fileName) args.extend(['-f', fileName]) if fcSeed is not None: fileName = '{}/seed.geojson'.format(tempdir) fcSeed.to_geojson(fileName) args.extend(['-s', fileName]) _call_subprocess(args, logger) dsOut = xarray.open_dataset(outFileName) dsOut.load() return dsOut
def _call_subprocess(args, logger): """Call the given subprocess and send the output to the logger""" if logger is None: subprocess.check_call(args) else: process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if stdout: stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') for line in stdout.split('\n'): if stderr: stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') for line in stderr.split('\n'): logger.error(line) if process.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(process.returncode, ' '.join(args))