Source code for mpas_tools.seaice.mesh

from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import math

degreesToRadians = math.pi / 180.0
radiansToDegrees = 180.0 / math.pi

[docs]def write_scrip_file(scripFilename, title, nCells, maxEdges, latCell, lonCell, corner_lat, corner_lon, mask=None): """ A low-level function for writing a SCRIP file for the given MPAS-Seaice mesh Parameters ---------- scripFilename : str The name of the resulting SCRIP file title : str A string to include as the ``title`` attribute in the SCRIP file nCells : int The number of cells in the mesh maxEdges : int The maximum number of edges/vertices on a cell in the mesh latCell : numpy.ndarray The latitude (in radians) of cell centers lonCell : numpy.ndarray The longitude (in radians) of cell centers corner_lat : numpy.ndarray The latitude (in radians) of cell vertices corner_lon : numpy.ndarray The longitude (in radians) of cell vertices mask : numpy.ndarray, optional A mask of where cells are valid """ # output mesh file scripFile = Dataset(scripFilename, "w", format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") scripFile.title = title.strip() scripFile.createDimension("grid_size", nCells) scripFile.createDimension("grid_corners", maxEdges) scripFile.createDimension("grid_rank", 1) grid_dims = scripFile.createVariable( "grid_dims", "i", dimensions=["grid_rank"]) grid_center_lat = scripFile.createVariable( "grid_center_lat", "d", dimensions=["grid_size"]) grid_center_lon = scripFile.createVariable( "grid_center_lon", "d", dimensions=["grid_size"]) grid_imask = scripFile.createVariable( "grid_imask", "i", dimensions=["grid_size"]) grid_corner_lat = scripFile.createVariable( "grid_corner_lat", "d", dimensions=[ "grid_size", "grid_corners"]) grid_corner_lon = scripFile.createVariable( "grid_corner_lon", "d", dimensions=[ "grid_size", "grid_corners"]) grid_center_lat.units = "radians" grid_center_lon.units = "radians" grid_imask.units = "unitless" grid_corner_lat.units = "radians" grid_corner_lon.units = "radians" grid_dims[:] = [nCells] grid_center_lat[:] = latCell grid_center_lon[:] = lonCell if mask is None: grid_imask[:] = np.ones(nCells, dtype="i") else: grid_imask[:] = mask[:] grid_corner_lat[:, :] = corner_lat[:, :] grid_corner_lon[:, :] = corner_lon[:, :] scripFile.close()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def write_2D_scripfile(filenameScripOut, scripTitle, nColumns, nRows, latsCentre, lonsCentre, latsVertex, lonsVertex, degrees=False): """ Write a SCRIP file for the given 2D grid Parameters ---------- filenameScripOut : str The name of the resulting SCRIP file scripTitle : str A string to include as the ``title`` attribute in the SCRIP file nColumns : int The number of columns in the grid nRows : int The number of rows in the grid latsCentre : numpy.ndarray The latitude (in radians) of cell centers lonsCentre : numpy.ndarray The longitude (in radians) of cell centers latsVertex : numpy.ndarray The latitude (in radians) of cell vertices lonsVertex : numpy.ndarray The longitude (in radians) of cell vertices degrees : bool, optional Whether the latitude and longitude variables are in degrees (as opposed to radians) """ if degrees: scaling = np.pi / 180. else: scaling = 1.0 fileOut = Dataset(filenameScripOut, "w", format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") fileOut.title = scripTitle grid_size = nRows * nColumns grid_corners = 4 grid_rank = 2 fileOut.createDimension("grid_size", grid_size) fileOut.createDimension("grid_corners", grid_corners) fileOut.createDimension("grid_rank", grid_rank) grid_dimsVar = fileOut.createVariable( "grid_dims", "i", dimensions=("grid_rank",)) grid_center_latVar = fileOut.createVariable( "grid_center_lat", "d", dimensions=("grid_size",)) grid_center_lonVar = fileOut.createVariable( "grid_center_lon", "d", dimensions=("grid_size",)) grid_imaskVar = fileOut.createVariable( "grid_imask", "i", dimensions=("grid_size",)) grid_corner_latVar = fileOut.createVariable( "grid_corner_lat", "d", dimensions=( "grid_size", "grid_corners")) grid_corner_lonVar = fileOut.createVariable( "grid_corner_lon", "d", dimensions=( "grid_size", "grid_corners")) grid_dims = np.zeros(grid_rank, dtype="i") grid_center_lat = np.zeros(grid_size, dtype="d") grid_center_lon = np.zeros(grid_size, dtype="d") grid_imask = np.zeros(grid_size, dtype="i") grid_corner_lat = np.zeros((grid_size, grid_corners), dtype="d") grid_corner_lon = np.zeros((grid_size, grid_corners), dtype="d") grid_dims[0] = nColumns grid_dims[1] = nRows for iRow in range(0, nRows): for iColumn in range(0, nColumns): i = iColumn + iRow * nColumns grid_center_lat[i] = latsCentre[iRow, iColumn] * scaling grid_center_lon[i] = lonsCentre[iRow, iColumn] * scaling grid_imask[i] = 1 for iVertex in range(0, 4): grid_corner_lat[i, iVertex] = \ latsVertex[iRow, iColumn, iVertex] * scaling grid_corner_lon[i, iVertex] = \ lonsVertex[iRow, iColumn, iVertex] * scaling grid_dimsVar[:] = grid_dims grid_center_latVar[:] = grid_center_lat grid_center_lonVar[:] = grid_center_lon grid_imaskVar[:] = grid_imask grid_corner_latVar[:] = grid_corner_lat grid_corner_lonVar[:] = grid_corner_lon grid_center_latVar.units = "radians" grid_center_lonVar.units = "radians" grid_imaskVar.units = "unitless" grid_corner_latVar.units = "radians" grid_corner_lonVar.units = "radians" fileOut.close()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def make_mpas_scripfile_on_cells(meshFilename, scripFilename, title): """ Write a SCRIP file for cel quantities on the given MPAS-Seaice mesh Parameters ---------- meshFilename : str The name of a file containing the MPAS-Seaice mesh scripFilename : str The name of the resulting SCRIP file title : str A string to include as the ``title`` attribute in the SCRIP file """ # input mesh data meshFile = Dataset(meshFilename, "r") nCells = len(meshFile.dimensions["nCells"]) maxEdges = len(meshFile.dimensions["maxEdges"]) latCell = meshFile.variables["latCell"][:] lonCell = meshFile.variables["lonCell"][:] latVertex = meshFile.variables["latVertex"][:] lonVertex = meshFile.variables["lonVertex"][:] nEdgesOnCell = meshFile.variables["nEdgesOnCell"][:] verticesOnCell = meshFile.variables["verticesOnCell"][:] meshFile.close() # make corner arrays corner_lat = np.zeros((nCells, maxEdges), dtype="d") corner_lon = np.zeros((nCells, maxEdges), dtype="d") for iCell in range(0, nCells): for iVertexOnCell in range(0, nEdgesOnCell[iCell]): iVertex = verticesOnCell[iCell, iVertexOnCell] - 1 corner_lat[iCell, iVertexOnCell] = latVertex[iVertex] corner_lon[iCell, iVertexOnCell] = lonVertex[iVertex] for iVertexOnCell in range(nEdgesOnCell[iCell], maxEdges): corner_lat[iCell, iVertexOnCell] = corner_lat[iCell, nEdgesOnCell[iCell] - 1] corner_lon[iCell, iVertexOnCell] = corner_lon[iCell, nEdgesOnCell[iCell] - 1] # create the scrip file write_scrip_file( scripFilename, title, nCells, maxEdges, latCell, lonCell, corner_lat, corner_lon)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def make_mpas_scripfile_on_vertices(meshFilename, scripFilename, title): """ Write a SCRIP file for vertex quantities on the given MPAS-Seaice mesh Parameters ---------- meshFilename : str The name of a file containing the MPAS-Seaice mesh scripFilename : str The name of the resulting SCRIP file title : str A string to include as the ``title`` attribute in the SCRIP file """ # input mesh data meshFile = Dataset(meshFilename, "r") nVertices = len(meshFile.dimensions["nVertices"]) vertexDegree = len(meshFile.dimensions["vertexDegree"]) latCell = meshFile.variables["latCell"][:] lonCell = meshFile.variables["lonCell"][:] latVertex = meshFile.variables["latVertex"][:] lonVertex = meshFile.variables["lonVertex"][:] cellsOnVertex = meshFile.variables["cellsOnVertex"][:] meshFile.close() # make corner arrays corner_lat = np.zeros((nVertices, vertexDegree), dtype="d") corner_lon = np.zeros((nVertices, vertexDegree), dtype="d") for iVertex in range(0, nVertices): for iCellOnVertex in range(0, vertexDegree): iCell = cellsOnVertex[iVertex, iCellOnVertex] - 1 if iCell != -1: corner_lat[iVertex, iCellOnVertex] = latCell[iCell] corner_lon[iVertex, iCellOnVertex] = lonCell[iCell] else: corner_lat[iVertex, iCellOnVertex], \ corner_lon[iVertex, iCellOnVertex] = \ _estimate_missing_cell_latlon( iVertex, iCellOnVertex, vertexDegree, cellsOnVertex, latCell, lonCell, latVertex, lonVertex) # create the scrip file write_scrip_file(scripFilename, title, nVertices, vertexDegree, latVertex, lonVertex, corner_lat, corner_lon)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _rotate_about_vector(vectorToRotate, vectorAxis, rotationAngle): """ Rotate the given Cartesian vector around the given axis by the given angle. Parameters ---------- vectorToRotate : numpy.ndarray The 3-element vector to rotate vectorAxis : numpy.ndarray The 3-element axis of rotation rotationAngle : float The angle of rotation (in radians) Returns ------- rotatedVector : numpy.ndarray The rotated vector """ # r = vectorAxis / np.linalg.norm(vectorAxis) C = math.cos(rotationAngle) S = math.sin(rotationAngle) t = 1.0 - C rot = np.zeros((3, 3)) rot[0, 0] = t * r[0] * r[0] + C rot[0, 1] = t * r[0] * r[1] - S * r[2] rot[0, 2] = t * r[0] * r[2] + S * r[1] rot[1, 0] = t * r[0] * r[1] + S * r[2] rot[1, 1] = t * r[1] * r[1] + C rot[1, 2] = t * r[1] * r[2] - S * r[0] rot[2, 0] = t * r[0] * r[2] - S * r[1] rot[2, 1] = t * r[1] * r[2] + S * r[0] rot[2, 2] = t * r[2] * r[2] + C # get relative position of missing cell rotatedVector = np.matmul(rot, vectorToRotate) return rotatedVector def _wrap_index(i, n): return i % n def _rotate_about_vertex(latCell, lonCell, latVertex, lonVertex, angle): vertexPosition = _get_position_from_lat_lon(latVertex, lonVertex) cellPosition = _get_position_from_lat_lon(latCell, lonCell) vertexToCellVector = cellPosition - vertexPosition vertexToCellVectorMagnitude = _vector_magnitude(vertexToCellVector) vertexToCellVectorNormalized = _normalize_vector(vertexToCellVector) perpendicularVector = _cross_product(vertexPosition, vertexToCellVector) perpendicularVectorNormalized = _normalize_vector(perpendicularVector) rotatedVectorNormalized = \ math.cos(angle * degreesToRadians) * vertexToCellVectorNormalized + \ math.sin(angle * degreesToRadians) * perpendicularVectorNormalized rotatedVector = rotatedVectorNormalized * vertexToCellVectorMagnitude newPositionVector = vertexPosition + rotatedVector latRotated, lonRotated = _get_lat_lon_from_position(newPositionVector) return latRotated, lonRotated def _estimate_missing_cell_latlon( iVertex, iCellOnVertexNeeded, vertexDegree, cellsOnVertex, latCell, lonCell, latVertex, lonVertex): """ Estimate the latitude and longitude of a "missing" neighbor cell that has been culled from the MPAS-Seaice mesh Parameters ---------- iVertex : int The index of the vertex with the missing neighbor iCellOnVertexNeeded : int The local index on the vertex of the missing cell vertexDegree : int The maximum number of cells neighboring each vertex cellsOnVertex : numpy.ndarray The indices of cells neighboring each vertex in the mesh latCell : numpy.ndarray The latitude (in radians) of cell centers lonCell : numpy.ndarray The longitude (in radians) of cell centers latVertex : numpy.ndarray The latitude (in radians) of vertices lonVertex : numpy.ndarray The longitude (in radians) of vertices Returns ------- lat : float The approximate latitude of the missing cell center lon : float The approximate longitude of the missing cell center Raises ------ ValueError If no reasonable location for the missing cell can be found """ # firstly we find a cell on vertex that exists nRotations = 0 for iCellOnVertex in range(0, vertexDegree): iCell = cellsOnVertex[iVertex, _wrap_index( iCellOnVertexNeeded - iCellOnVertex - 1, vertexDegree)] - 1 nRotations = nRotations + 1 if iCell != -1: # find relative vector to cell we have which needs to be rotated cellPosition = _get_position_from_lat_lon( latCell[iCell], lonCell[iCell]) vertexPosition = _get_position_from_lat_lon( latVertex[iVertex], lonVertex[iVertex]) cellVector = cellPosition - vertexPosition # rotate cell vector around vertex vector theta = nRotations * ((2.0 * math.pi) / float(vertexDegree)) missingCellVector = _rotate_about_vector( cellVector, vertexPosition, theta) # get absolute position missingCellPosition = vertexPosition + missingCellVector # get missing cell lat, lon lat, lon = _get_lat_lon_from_position(missingCellPosition) return lat, lon raise ValueError("Can't find position!") def _get_position_from_lat_lon(lat, lon): position = np.zeros(3) position[0] = math.cos(lat) * math.cos(lon) position[1] = math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lon) position[2] = math.sin(lat) return position def _get_lat_lon_from_position(position): lat = math.asin(position[2]) lon = math.atan2(position[1], position[0]) return lat, lon def _vector_magnitude(vector): magnitude = math.sqrt(math.pow(vector[0], 2) + math.pow(vector[1], 2) + math.pow(vector[2], 2)) return magnitude def _normalize_vector(vector): magnitude = _vector_magnitude(vector) normalizedVector = vector / magnitude return normalizedVector def _cross_product(u, v): cp = np.zeros(3) cp[0] = u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1] cp[1] = u[2] * v[0] - u[0] * v[2] cp[2] = u[0] * v[1] - u[1] * v[0] return cp