#!/usr/bin/env python
Tool to split 2 previously merged MPAS non-contiguous meshes into separate files.
Typical usage is:
split_grids.py -1 outfile1.nc -2 outfile2.nc infile
The optional arguments for nCells, nEdges, nVertices, and maxEdges should
generally not be required as this information is saved in the combined mesh file
as global attributes by the merge_grids.py script.
import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from netCDF4 import Dataset
def parse_args(args=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
parser.add_argument('infile', metavar='MESHFILE',
help='Mesh file to split')
parser.add_argument('-1', '--outfile1', default='mesh1.nc', metavar='FILENAME',
help='File name for first mesh output \n(default: %(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('-2', '--outfile2', default='mesh2.nc', metavar='FILENAME',
help='File name for second mesh output \n(default: %(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('--nCells', type=int,
help='The number of cells in the first mesh \n'
'(default: the value specified in MESHFILE global '
'attribute merge_point)')
parser.add_argument('--nEdges', type=int,
help='The number of edges in the first mesh \n'
'(default: the value specified in MESHFILE global '
'attribute merge_point)')
parser.add_argument('--nVertices', type=int,
help='The number of vertices in the first mesh \n'
'(default: the value specified in MESHFILE global '
'attribute merge_point)')
parser.add_argument('--maxEdges', type=int, nargs=2, metavar=('MAXEDGES1', 'MAXEDGES2'),
help='The number of maxEdges in each mesh \n'
'(default: the value specified in MESHFILE global '
'attribute merge_point\n OR: will use MESHFILE '
'maxEdges dimension and assume same for both)')
return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs]def split_grids(infile=None, outfile1=None, outfile2=None,
nCells=None, nEdges=None, nVertices=None, maxEdges=None, runner=None):
Split two previously merged MPAS non-contiguous meshes together into
separate files. Typical usage is:
.. code:: python
split_grids(infile='infile.nc', outfile1='outfile1.nc', outfile2='outfile2.nc')
The optional arguments for ``nCells``, ``nEdges``, ``nVertices``, and ``maxEdges``
should generally not be required as this information sould have been saved in
``infiles``'s global attribute ``merge_point`` when created by
infile : str
The file name for the mesh to split
outfile1 : str
The file name for the first split mesh
outfile2 : str
The file name for the second split mesh
nCells : int, optional
The number of cells in the first mesh (default: the value specified in
infile global attribute merge_point)
nEdges : int, optional
The number of edges in the first mesh (default: the value specified in
infile global attribute merge_point
nVertices : int, optional
The number of vertices in the first mesh (default: the value specified in
infile global attribute merge_point
maxEdges : list[int, int], optional
A list of the number of max edges (int) in each mesh (default: the value
specified in infile global attribute merge_point OR will use infile
maxEdges dimension and assume same for both)
runner : str, optional
The command to write into the global history attribute of the outfile
now = datetime.now().strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
if not runner:
runner = '{}.split_grids(infile={}, outfile1={}, outfile2={}, nCells={},' \
'nEdges={}, nVertices={})'.format(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0],
infile, outfile1, outfile2,
nCells, nEdges, nVertices)
merge_point_args_missing = (nCells is None,
nEdges is None,
nVertices is None)
print('Opening {} to split'.format(infile))
with Dataset(infile) as nc_in:
# NOTE: Because nCells, nEdges, and nVertices are optional arguments and
# the previous merge point can be specified in the mesh file, we
# need to do some complicated error handling.
merge_point_in_file = 'merge_point' in nc_in.ncattrs()
if not merge_point_in_file and any(merge_point_args_missing):
raise ValueError('ERROR: Previous merge point under specified!\n'
' nCells, nEdges, and nVertices options must all '
'be given, or merge_point global attribute must exist '
'in {}'.format(infile))
elif merge_point_in_file and not any(merge_point_args_missing):
print('Warning: command line arguments are overriding previous merge '
'point as specified in {} merge_point global'
' attribute'.format(infile))
elif merge_point_in_file:
if not all(merge_point_args_missing):
print('Warning: nCells, nEdges, and nVertices options must all '
'be given to override speification in {} merge_point global '
mp = json.loads(nc_in.merge_point)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('ERROR: {} merge_point global attribute is not valid JSON.\n'
' merge_point: {}'.format(infile, nc_in.merge_point))
mp_keyset = set(mp)
if {'nCells', 'nEdges', 'nVertices'} <= mp_keyset:
nCells = mp['nCells']
nEdges = mp['nEdges']
nVertices = mp['nVertices']
raise ValueError('ERROR: merge_point global attribute of {} must '
'contain nCells, nEdges, and nVertices.\n'
' merge_point: {}'.format(infile, mp))
if {'maxEdges1', 'maxEdges2'} <= mp_keyset:
maxEdges = [mp['maxEdges1'], mp['maxEdges2']]
print('Creating the mesh files:\n {}\n {}'.format(
outfile1, outfile2))
with Dataset(outfile1, 'w', format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") as mesh1, \
Dataset(outfile2, 'w', format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") as mesh2:
mesh1.createDimension('nCells', nCells)
mesh1.createDimension('nEdges', nEdges)
mesh1.createDimension('nVertices', nVertices)
mesh1.createDimension('TWO', 2)
mesh2.createDimension('nCells', nc_in.dimensions['nCells'].size - nCells)
mesh2.createDimension('nEdges', nc_in.dimensions['nEdges'].size - nEdges)
mesh2.createDimension('nVertices', nc_in.dimensions['nVertices'].size - nVertices)
mesh2.createDimension('TWO', 2)
if 'StrLen' in nc_in.dimensions:
mesh1.createDimension('StrLen', nc_in.dimensions['StrLen'].size)
mesh2.createDimension('StrLen', nc_in.dimensions['StrLen'].size)
if maxEdges is None:
maxEdges = [nc_in.dimensions['maxEdges'].size,
mesh1.createDimension('maxEdges', maxEdges[0])
mesh1.createDimension('maxEdges2', maxEdges[0] * 2)
mesh2.createDimension('maxEdges', maxEdges[1])
mesh2.createDimension('maxEdges2', maxEdges[1] * 2)
mesh1.createDimension('nVertLevels', nc_in.dimensions['nVertLevels'].size)
mesh1.createDimension('nVertInterfaces', nc_in.dimensions['nVertInterfaces'].size)
mesh1.createDimension('Time', size=None) # make unlimited
mesh2.createDimension('nVertLevels', nc_in.dimensions['nVertLevels'].size)
mesh2.createDimension('nVertInterfaces', nc_in.dimensions['nVertInterfaces'].size)
mesh2.createDimension('Time', size=None) # make unlimited
print('Splitting variable:')
for var in nc_in.variables:
print(' {}'.format(var))
var_in = nc_in.variables[var]
var1 = mesh1.createVariable(var, var_in.dtype, var_in.dimensions)
var2 = mesh2.createVariable(var, var_in.dtype, var_in.dimensions)
slice1, slice2 = var_slice(var_in.dimensions, nc_in,
nCells, nEdges, nVertices, maxEdges)
var1[:] = nc_in.variables[var][slice1]
var2[:] = nc_in.variables[var][slice2]
# Adjust the indexes
if var == 'indexToCellID':
var2[:] -= nCells
elif var == 'indexToEdgeID':
var2[:] -= nEdges
elif var == 'indexToVertexID':
var2[:] -= nVertices
elif var in ['cellsOnCell', 'cellsOnEdge', 'cellsOnVertex']:
tmp = var2[...]
tmp[tmp > 0] -= nCells
var2[:] = tmp
elif var in ['edgesOnCell', 'edgesOnEdge', 'edgesOnVertex']:
tmp = var2[...]
tmp[tmp > 0] -= nEdges
var2[:] = tmp
elif var in ['verticesOnCell', 'verticesOnEdge']:
tmp = var2[...]
tmp[tmp > 0] -= nVertices
var2[:] = tmp
attr_to_copy = ("on_a_sphere", "sphere_radius", "is_periodic")
for attr in attr_to_copy:
if attr in nc_in.ncattrs():
mesh1.setncattr(attr, nc_in.getncattr(attr))
mesh2.setncattr(attr, nc_in.getncattr(attr))
print("Warning: '{0}' global attribute not present in input "
"file. '{0}' will not be added to the two output "
run_command = '{}: {} \n'.format(now, runner)
if 'history' in nc_in.ncattrs():
mesh1.history = maybe_encode(run_command + nc_in.history)
mesh2.history = maybe_encode(run_command + nc_in.history)
mesh1.history = maybe_encode(run_command)
mesh2.history = maybe_encode(run_command)
print('Split complete! Mesh files:\n {}\n {}'.format(outfile1, outfile2))
def var_slice(dimensions, nc_in, nCells, nEdges, nVertices, maxEdges):
slice1 = ()
slice2 = ()
for dim in dimensions:
if dim == 'nCells':
slice1 += (slice(0, nCells),)
slice2 += (slice(nCells, nc_in.dimensions['nCells'].size),)
elif dim == 'nEdges':
slice1 += (slice(0, nEdges),)
slice2 += (slice(nEdges, nc_in.dimensions['nEdges'].size),)
elif dim == 'nVertices':
slice1 += (slice(0, nVertices),)
slice2 += (slice(nVertices, nc_in.dimensions['nVertices'].size),)
elif dim == 'maxEdges':
slice1 += (slice(0, maxEdges[0]),)
slice2 += (slice(0, maxEdges[1]),)
elif dim == 'maxEdges2':
slice1 += (slice(0, maxEdges[0]*2),)
slice2 += (slice(0, maxEdges[1]*2),)
slice1 += (slice(None),)
slice2 += (slice(None),)
return slice1, slice2
# NOTE: Python 2 and 3 string fun conflicting with NC_CHAR vs NC_STRING, see:
# https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/529
def maybe_encode(string, encoding='ascii'):
return string.encode(encoding)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return string
def main():
arguments = parse_args()
arguments.runner = ' '.join(sys.argv[:])
if __name__ == '__main__':