# Create a SCRIP file from an MPAS mesh.
# See for details: http://www.earthsystemmodeling.org/esmf_releases/public/ESMF_5_2_0rp1/ESMF_refdoc/node3.html#SECTION03024000000000000000
import sys
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
from mpas_tools.cime.constants import constants
[docs]def scrip_from_mpas(mpasFile, scripFile, useLandIceMask=False):
Create a SCRIP file from an MPAS mesh
mpasFile : str
The path to a NetCDF file with the MPAS mesh
scripFile : str
The path to the output SCRIP file
useLandIceMask : bool
Whether to use the landIceMask field for masking
if useLandIceMask:
print(" -- Landice Masks are enabled")
print(" -- Landice Masks are disabled")
# make a space in stdout before further output
fin = netCDF4.Dataset(mpasFile, 'r')
# This will clobber existing files
fout = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFile, 'w')
# Get info from input file
latCell = fin.variables['latCell'][:]
lonCell = fin.variables['lonCell'][:]
latVertex = fin.variables['latVertex'][:]
lonVertex = fin.variables['lonVertex'][:]
verticesOnCell = fin.variables['verticesOnCell'][:] - 1
nEdgesOnCell = fin.variables['nEdgesOnCell'][:]
nCells = len(fin.dimensions['nCells'])
maxVertices = len(fin.dimensions['maxEdges'])
areaCell = fin.variables['areaCell'][:]
sphereRadius = float(fin.sphere_radius)
on_a_sphere = str(fin.on_a_sphere)
# check the longitude convention to use positive values [0 2pi]
if np.any(np.logical_or(lonCell < 0, lonCell > 2.0 * np.pi)):
raise ValueError("lonCell is not in the desired range (0, 2pi)")
if np.any(np.logical_or(lonVertex < 0, lonVertex > 2.0 * np.pi)):
raise ValueError("lonVertex is not in the desired range (0, 2pi)")
if sphereRadius <= 0:
sphereRadius = constants['SHR_CONST_REARTH']
print(f" -- WARNING: sphereRadius<0 so setting sphereRadius = "
if on_a_sphere == "NO":
print(" -- WARNING: 'on_a_sphere' attribute is 'NO', which means that "
"there may be some disagreement regarding area between the "
"planar (source) and spherical (target) mesh")
if useLandIceMask:
landIceMask = fin.variables['landIceMask'][:]
landIceMask = None
# Write to output file
# Dimensions
fout.createDimension("grid_size", nCells)
fout.createDimension("grid_corners", maxVertices)
fout.createDimension("grid_rank", 1)
# Variables
grid_center_lat = fout.createVariable('grid_center_lat', 'f8',
grid_center_lat.units = 'radians'
grid_center_lon = fout.createVariable('grid_center_lon', 'f8',
grid_center_lon.units = 'radians'
grid_corner_lat = fout.createVariable('grid_corner_lat', 'f8',
('grid_size', 'grid_corners'))
grid_corner_lat.units = 'radians'
grid_corner_lon = fout.createVariable('grid_corner_lon', 'f8',
('grid_size', 'grid_corners'))
grid_corner_lon.units = 'radians'
grid_area = fout.createVariable('grid_area', 'f8', ('grid_size',))
grid_area.units = 'radian^2'
grid_imask = fout.createVariable('grid_imask', 'i4', ('grid_size',))
grid_imask.units = 'unitless'
grid_dims = fout.createVariable('grid_dims', 'i4', ('grid_rank',))
grid_center_lat[:] = latCell[:]
grid_center_lon[:] = lonCell[:]
# SCRIP uses square radians
grid_area[:] = areaCell[:]/(sphereRadius**2)
grid_dims[:] = nCells
# grid corners:
grid_corner_lon_local = np.zeros((nCells, maxVertices))
grid_corner_lat_local = np.zeros((nCells, maxVertices))
cellIndices = np.arange(nCells)
lastValidVertex = verticesOnCell[cellIndices, nEdgesOnCell-1]
for iVertex in range(maxVertices):
mask = iVertex < nEdgesOnCell
grid_corner_lat_local[mask, iVertex] = \
latVertex[verticesOnCell[mask, iVertex]]
grid_corner_lon_local[mask, iVertex] = \
lonVertex[verticesOnCell[mask, iVertex]]
mask = iVertex >= nEdgesOnCell
grid_corner_lat_local[mask, iVertex] = latVertex[lastValidVertex[mask]]
grid_corner_lon_local[mask, iVertex] = lonVertex[lastValidVertex[mask]]
if useLandIceMask:
# If useLandIceMask are enabled, mask out ocean under land ice.
grid_imask[:] = 1 - landIceMask[0, :]
# If landiceMasks are not enabled, don't mask anything out.
grid_imask[:] = 1
grid_corner_lat[:] = grid_corner_lat_local[:]
grid_corner_lon[:] = grid_corner_lon_local[:]
print("Input latCell min/max values (radians): {}, {}".format(
latCell[:].min(), latCell[:].max()))
print("Input lonCell min/max values (radians): {}, {}".format(
lonCell[:].min(), lonCell[:].max()))
print("Calculated grid_center_lat min/max values (radians): {}, {}".format(
grid_center_lat[:].min(), grid_center_lat[:].max()))
print("Calculated grid_center_lon min/max values (radians): {}, {}".format(
grid_center_lon[:].min(), grid_center_lon[:].max()))
print("Calculated grid_area min/max values (sq radians): {}, {}".format(
grid_area[:].min(), grid_area[:].max()))
print("Creation of SCRIP file is complete.")
def main():
print("== Gathering information. (Invoke with --help for more details. All"
" arguments are optional)")
parser = OptionParser()
parser.description = "This script takes an MPAS grid file and generates " \
"a SCRIP grid file."
parser.add_option("-m", "--mpas", dest="mpasFile",
help="MPAS grid file name used as input.",
default="grid.nc", metavar="FILENAME")
parser.add_option("-s", "--scrip", dest="scripFile",
help="SCRIP grid file to output.", default="scrip.nc",
parser.add_option("-l", "--landice", dest="landiceMasks",
help="If flag is on, landice masks will be computed "
"and used.",
for option in parser.option_list:
if option.default != ("NO", "DEFAULT"):
option.help += (" " if option.help else "") + "[default: %default]"
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if not options.mpasFile:
sys.exit('Error: MPAS input grid file is required. Specify with -m '
'command line argument.')
if not options.scripFile:
sys.exit('Error: SCRIP output grid file is required. Specify with -s '
'command line argument.')
if not options.landiceMasks:
options.landiceMasks = False
scrip_from_mpas(options.mpasFile, options.scripFile, options.landiceMasks)