from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import math
from mpas_tools.cime.constants import constants
def extend_seaice_mask(filenameMesh, filenamePresence, extendDistance,
Add a field ``icePresenceExtended`` to ``filenamePresence`` if it doesn't
already exist. This field is the ``icePresence`` field extended by
a distance of ``extendDistance``.
filenameMesh : str
The filename of the MPAS-Seaice mesh
filenamePresence : str
A filename for a file containing an ``icePresence`` field to be
extended and to which a new ``icePresenceExtended`` will be added
extendDistance : float
The distance in km to expand (no expansion is performed if
unitSphere : bool, optional
Whether the mesh is provided on the unit sphere, rather than one with
the radius of the Earth
# mesh
print("Load mesh...")
fileMesh = Dataset(filenameMesh, "r")
nCells = len(fileMesh.dimensions["nCells"])
nEdgesOnCell = fileMesh.variables["nEdgesOnCell"][:]
cellsOnCell = fileMesh.variables["cellsOnCell"][:]
cellsOnCell[:] = cellsOnCell[:] - 1
xCell = fileMesh.variables["xCell"][:]
yCell = fileMesh.variables["yCell"][:]
zCell = fileMesh.variables["zCell"][:]
# presence
print("Load ice presence...")
filePresence = Dataset(filenamePresence, "r")
if "icePresenceExtended" in filePresence.variables:
# we're already done, probably from a previous call
icePresence = filePresence.variables["icePresence"][:]
# ice edge cells
print("Get ice edge cells...")
iceEdgeCell = np.zeros(nCells, dtype="i")
for iCell in range(0, nCells):
# if (iCell % 100000 == 0):
# print(iCell, " of ", nCells, " cells...")
for iCellOnCell in range(0, nEdgesOnCell[iCell]):
iCell2 = cellsOnCell[iCell, iCellOnCell]
if icePresence[iCell] == 1 and icePresence[iCell2] == 0:
iceEdgeCell[iCell] = 1
# only edge cells
nEdgeCells = np.sum(iceEdgeCell)
print("nEdgeCells: ", nEdgeCells)
print("Get edge cell vector...")
iCellEdge = np.zeros(nEdgeCells, dtype="i")
iEdgeCell = 0
for iCell in range(0, nCells):
if iceEdgeCell[iCell] == 1:
iCellEdge[iEdgeCell] = iCell
iEdgeCell = iEdgeCell + 1
del iceEdgeCell
# get edge positions
print("Get edge positions...")
xCellEdgeCell = np.zeros(nEdgeCells)
yCellEdgeCell = np.zeros(nEdgeCells)
zCellEdgeCell = np.zeros(nEdgeCells)
for iEdgeCell in range(0, nEdgeCells):
iCell = iCellEdge[iEdgeCell]
xCellEdgeCell[iEdgeCell] = xCell[iCell]
yCellEdgeCell[iEdgeCell] = yCell[iCell]
zCellEdgeCell[iEdgeCell] = zCell[iCell]
# find extended mask
print("Find new extended mask...")
extendDistance = extendDistance * 1000.0 # convert from km to m
if unitSphere:
earthRadius = constants['SHR_CONST_REARTH']
extendDistance = extendDistance / earthRadius
distanceLimit = math.pow(extendDistance, 2)
icePresenceNew = icePresence.copy()
if extendDistance > 0.0:
distances = np.zeros(nEdgeCells)
for iCell in range(0, nCells):
if iCell % 100000 == 0:
print(iCell, " of ", nCells, " cells...")
distances = np.multiply(
(xCell[iCell] - xCellEdgeCell),
(xCell[iCell] - xCellEdgeCell)) + np.multiply(
(yCell[iCell] - yCellEdgeCell),
(yCell[iCell] - yCellEdgeCell)) + np.multiply(
(zCell[iCell] - zCellEdgeCell),
(zCell[iCell] - zCellEdgeCell))
if distances[distances.argmin()] <= distanceLimit:
icePresenceNew[iCell] = 1
print("Load ice presence...")
filePresence = Dataset(filenamePresence, "a")
icePresenceVar = filePresence.createVariable(
"icePresenceExtended", "d", dimensions=["nCells"])
icePresenceVar[:] = icePresenceNew[:]