
MPAS-Tools includes capabilities for logging output from many of its function calls to either stdout/stderr or to a log file.

Using logging

Logging is performed by creating a mpas_tools.logging.LoggingContext object inside a with statement:

with LoggingContext(__name__) as logger:

    logger.info('Step 1. Generate mesh with JIGSAW')
    logger.info('Step 2. Convert triangles from jigsaw format to netcdf')
    logger.info('Step 3. Convert from triangles to MPAS mesh')

A LoggingContext is given a unique name (typically the name of the module, __name__). If no other arguments are supplied, the logger will write to stdout with calls to logger.info() and logger.debug(), and to stderr for calls to logger.error().

It is convenient to create this kind of a logger in contexts where logging might be to a file or might be to stdout/stderr, depending on the calling code.

Often, a function should support output to a logger but you do not necessarily want the calling code to have to crate one if the calling code just wants output to stdout/stderr. In such contexts, the function can take logger=None as an optional argument. Then, in the function itself, a new LoggingContext can be created that will just use the existing logger if there is one or create a new ong for stdout/stderr if none is provided. As an example, here is a snippet from mpas_tools.mesh.creation.build_mesh.build_spherical_mesh():

def build_spherical_mesh(cellWidth, lon, lat, earth_radius,
                         out_filename='base_mesh.nc', plot_cellWidth=True,
                         dir='./', logger=None):
    with LoggingContext(__name__, logger=logger) as logger:

        logger.info('Step 1. Generate mesh with JIGSAW')
        jigsaw_driver(cellWidth, lon, lat, on_sphere=True,
                      earth_radius=earth_radius, logger=logger)

        logger.info('Step 2. Convert triangles from jigsaw format to netcdf')
                         output_name='mesh_triangles.nc', on_sphere=True,

        logger.info('Step 3. Convert from triangles to MPAS mesh')
        write_netcdf(convert(xarray.open_dataset('mesh_triangles.nc'), dir=dir,

The optional argument logger is passed to a new LoggingContext. That way logger is guaranteed not to be None (so calls to logger.info work properly). The logger is also passed on to mpas_tools.mesh.creation.jigsaw_driver.jigsaw_driver() and mpas_tools.io.write_netcdf() for output from those functions.

To log to a new log file, simply pass a file name to the log_filename argument:

with LoggingContext(name=__name__, log_filename='output.log') as logger:
    logger.info('Step 1. Generate mesh with JIGSAW')

If both the logger and log_filename arguments are not None, the log_filename is ignored and the existing logger is simply used for logging.

Logging subprocess calls

You can also run subprocesses and capture the output to a logger. This is accomplished with the function mpas_tools.logging.check_call(), which acts a lot like subprocess.check_call() but with output going to the logger, as in this example from mpas_tools.mesh.creation.jigsaw_driver.jigsaw_driver()

from mpas_tools.logging import check_call

def jigsaw_driver(cellWidth, x, y, on_sphere=True, earth_radius=6371.0e3,
                  geom_points=None, geom_edges=None, logger=None):

    opts.jcfg_file = 'mesh.jig'
    check_call(['jigsaw', opts.jcfg_file], logger=logger)