import argparse
import numpy
import xarray
def add_critical_land_blockages(dsMask, dsBlockages):
Add the masks associated with one or more transects to the land mask
dsMask : xarray.Dataset
The mask to which critical blockages should be added
dsBlockages : xarray.Dataset
The transect masks defining critical land regions that should block
ocean flow (e.g. the Antarctic Peninsula)
dsMask : xarray.Dataset
The mask with critical blockages included
dsMask = dsMask.copy()
nTransects = dsBlockages.sizes['nTransects']
for transectIndex in range(nTransects):
dsMask.regionCellMasks[:, 0] = numpy.maximum(
dsBlockages.transectCellMasks[:, transectIndex],
dsMask.regionCellMasks[:, 0])
return dsMask
def main_add_critical_land_blockages():
Entry point for add_critical_land_blockages command-line tool
description = """
Add transects that identify critical regions where narrow strips of land block
ocean flow. These are, essentially, the opposite of critical passages, which
must remain open for ocean flow.
parser = \
parser.add_argument("-f", "--input_mask_file", dest="input_mask_filename",
help="Mask file that includes cell and edge masks.",
metavar="INPUTMASKFILE", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_mask_file",
help="Mask file that includes cell and edge masks.",
metavar="OUTPUTMASKFILE", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-b", "--blockage_file", dest="blockage_file",
help="Masks for each transect identifying critical "
"land blockage.", metavar="BLOCKFILE",
args = parser.parse_args()
dsMask = xarray.open_dataset(args.input_mask_filename)
dsBlockages = xarray.open_dataset(args.blockage_file)
dsMask = add_critical_land_blockages(dsMask, dsBlockages)
def widen_transect_edge_masks(dsMask, dsMesh, latitude_threshold=43.0):
Alter critical passages at polar latitudes to be at least two cells wide,
to avoid sea ice blockage
dsMask : xarray.Dataset
The mask to which critical blockages should be added
dsMesh : xarray.Dataset
The transect masks defining critical land regions that should block
ocean flow (e.g. the Antarctic Peninsula)
latitude_threshold : float
Minimum latitude, degrees, for transect widening
dsMask : xarray.Dataset
The mask with critical blockages included
latitude_threshold_radians = numpy.deg2rad(latitude_threshold)
dsMask = dsMask.copy()
maxEdges = dsMesh.sizes['maxEdges']
latMask = numpy.abs(dsMesh.latEdge) > latitude_threshold_radians
edgeMask = numpy.logical_and(
latMask, dsMask.transectEdgeMasks == 1)
for iEdge in range(maxEdges):
eoc = dsMesh.edgesOnCell[:, iEdge]-1
mask = numpy.logical_and(eoc >= 0,
# cells with a neighboring transect edge should be masked to 1
dsMask['transectCellMasks'] = dsMask.transectCellMasks.where(
numpy.logical_not(mask), 1).astype(int)
return dsMask
def main_widen_transect_edge_masks():
Entry point for widen_transect_edge_masks command-line tool
description = """
Alter transects to be at least two cells wide. This is used for critical
passages, to avoid sea ice blockage. Specifically, mark cells on both sides
of each transect edge mask as a water cell.
parser = \
parser.add_argument("-f", "--mask_file", dest="mask_filename",
help="Mask file with cell and edge transect masks.",
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mesh_file", dest="mesh_filename",
help="MPAS Mesh filename.", metavar="MESHFILE",
parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_file", dest="out_filename",
help="Output mask file,different from input filename.",
parser.add_argument("-l", "--latitude_threshold",
help="Minimum latitude, degrees, for transect "
required=False, type=float, default=43.0)
args = parser.parse_args()
dsMask = xarray.open_dataset(args.mask_filename)
dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset(args.mesh_filename)
dsMask = widen_transect_edge_masks(dsMask, dsMesh, args.latitude_threshold)
def add_land_locked_cells_to_mask(dsMask, dsMesh, latitude_threshold=43.0,
Find ocean cells that are land-locked, and alter the cell mask so that they
are counted as land cells.
dsMask : xarray.Dataset
A land-mask data set
dsMesh : xarray.Dataset
MPAS Mesh data set
latitude_threshold : float, optional
Minimum latitude, in degrees, for transect widening
nSweeps : int, optional
Maximum number of sweeps to search for land-locked cells
dsMask : xarray.Dataset
A copy of the land-mask data set with land-locked cells added to the
mask for the first region
dsMask = xarray.Dataset(dsMask)
dsMesh = dsMesh.copy(deep=True)
landMask = dsMask.regionCellMasks.max(dim='nRegions') > 0
dsMask['landMaskDiagnostic'] = xarray.where(landMask, 1, 0)
print("Running Total number of cells: "
cellsOnCell = dsMesh.cellsOnCell - 1
nEdgesOnCell = dsMesh.nEdgesOnCell
nextCellsOnCell = cellsOnCell.copy(deep=True)
prevCellsOnCell = cellsOnCell.copy(deep=True)
for iEdgeOnCell in range(nextCellsOnCell.shape[1]):
iP1 = numpy.mod(iEdgeOnCell + 1, nEdgesOnCell)
nextCellsOnCell[:, iEdgeOnCell] = cellsOnCell[:, iP1]
iM1 = numpy.mod(iEdgeOnCell - 1, nEdgesOnCell)
prevCellsOnCell[:, iEdgeOnCell] = cellsOnCell[:, iM1]
dsMesh['cellsOnCell'] = cellsOnCell
dsMesh['nextCellsOnCell'] = nextCellsOnCell
dsMesh['prevCellsOnCell'] = prevCellsOnCell
dsMesh['latCell'] = numpy.rad2deg(dsMesh.latCell)
dsMesh['lonCell'] = numpy.rad2deg(dsMesh.lonCell)
landMask, removable = _remove_cells_with_isolated_edges1(
dsMask, dsMesh, landMask, latitude_threshold)
landMask = _remove_cells_with_isolated_edges2(
dsMask, dsMesh, landMask, removable, nSweeps)
oceanMask = _flood_fill(dsMask, dsMesh, landMask, removable)
landMask = _revert_cells_with_connected_edges(
dsMask, dsMesh, oceanMask, landMask, removable, nSweeps)
return dsMask
def main_add_land_locked_cells_to_mask():
Entry point for add_land_locked_cells_to_mask command-line tool
description = """
Find ocean cells that are land-locked, and alter the cell
mask so that they are counted as land cells.
parser = \
parser.add_argument("-f", "--input_mask_file", dest="input_mask_filename",
help="Mask file that includes cell and edge masks.",
metavar="INPUTMASKFILE", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_mask_file",
help="Mask file that includes cell and edge masks.",
metavar="OUTPUTMASKFILE", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mesh_file", dest="mesh_filename",
help="MPAS Mesh filename.", metavar="MESHFILE",
parser.add_argument("-l", "--latitude_threshold",
help="Minimum latitude, in degrees, for transect "
required=False, type=float, default=43.0)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--number_sweeps", dest="nSweeps",
help="Maximum number of sweeps to search for "
"land-locked cells.",
required=False, type=int, default=10)
args = parser.parse_args()
dsMask = xarray.open_dataset(args.input_mask_filename)
dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset(args.mesh_filename)
dsMask = add_land_locked_cells_to_mask(dsMask, dsMesh,
def _remove_cells_with_isolated_edges1(dsMask, dsMesh, landMask,
print("Step 1: Searching for land-locked cells. Remove cells that only "
"have isolated active edges.")
landMaskNew = landMask.copy(deep=True)
active = numpy.logical_not(landMask)
removable = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.abs(dsMesh.latCell) >= latitude_threshold, active)
cellsOnCell = dsMesh.cellsOnCell
valid = numpy.logical_and(removable, cellsOnCell >= 0)
activeEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, active[cellsOnCell])
nextCellsOnCell = dsMesh.nextCellsOnCell
valid = numpy.logical_and(removable, nextCellsOnCell >= 0)
activeNextEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, active[nextCellsOnCell])
# which vertices have adjacent active edges on this cell?
activeAdjacentEdges = numpy.logical_and(activeEdge, activeNextEdge)
# which removable cells have no pairs of adjacent active cells?
noActiveAdjacentEdges = numpy.logical_and(
removable, numpy.logical_not(numpy.any(activeAdjacentEdges, axis=1)))
landMaskNew[noActiveAdjacentEdges] = 1
landLockedCounter = numpy.count_nonzero(noActiveAdjacentEdges)
dsMask.regionCellMasks[:, 0] = numpy.maximum(dsMask.regionCellMasks[:, 0],
dsMask.landMaskDiagnostic[noActiveAdjacentEdges] = 2
print(" Number of landLocked cells: {}".format(landLockedCounter))
return landMaskNew, removable
def _remove_cells_with_isolated_edges2(dsMask, dsMesh, landMask, removable,
print("Step 2: Searching for land-locked cells. Remove cells that have "
"any isolated active edges.")
cellsOnCell = dsMesh.cellsOnCell
nextCellsOnCell = dsMesh.nextCellsOnCell
prevCellsOnCell = dsMesh.prevCellsOnCell
for iSweep in range(nSweeps):
landLockedCounter = 0
landMaskNew = landMask.copy(deep=True)
active = numpy.logical_not(landMask)
mask = numpy.logical_and(removable, active)
valid = numpy.logical_and(mask, cellsOnCell >= 0)
activeEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, active[cellsOnCell])
valid = numpy.logical_and(mask, nextCellsOnCell >= 0)
activeNextEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, active[nextCellsOnCell])
valid = numpy.logical_and(mask, prevCellsOnCell >= 0)
activePrevEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, active[prevCellsOnCell])
# an edge is land-locked if it is active but neither neighbor is active
landLockedEdges = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_or(activePrevEdge, activeNextEdge)))
landLockedCells = numpy.any(landLockedEdges, axis=1)
landLockedCounter = numpy.count_nonzero(landLockedCells)
if landLockedCounter > 0:
landMaskNew[landLockedCells] = 1
dsMask.regionCellMasks[landLockedCells, 0] = 1
dsMask.landMaskDiagnostic[landLockedCells] = 3
landMask = landMaskNew
print(" Sweep: {} Number of landLocked cells removed: {}".format(
iSweep + 1, landLockedCounter))
if landLockedCounter == 0:
return landMask
def _flood_fill(dsMask, dsMesh, landMask, removable):
print("Step 3: Perform flood fill, starting from open ocean.")
# init flood fill to 0 for water, -1 for land, 1 for known open ocean
floodFill = xarray.where(
numpy.logical_and(removable, numpy.logical_not(landMask)), 0, -1)
latCell = dsMesh.latCell
lonCell = dsMesh.lonCell
cellsOnCell = dsMesh.cellsOnCell
# North Pole
mask = latCell > 84.0
openOceanMask = mask
# Arctic
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 160.0, lonCell < 230.0),
latCell > 73.0)
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
# North Atlantic
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 315.0, lonCell < 340.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > 15.0, latCell < 45.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 290.0, lonCell < 300.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > 72.0, latCell < 75.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 0.0, lonCell < 10.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > 70.0, latCell < 75.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
# North Pacific
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 150.0, lonCell < 225.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > 0.0, latCell < 45.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
# South Atlantic
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 0.0, lonCell < 5.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > -60.0, latCell < 0.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
# South Pacific
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 180.0, lonCell < 280.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > -60.0, latCell < -10.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
# Southern Ocean
mask = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(lonCell > 0.0, lonCell < 165.0),
numpy.logical_and(latCell > -60.0, latCell < -45.0))
openOceanMask = numpy.logical_or(openOceanMask, mask)
mask = numpy.logical_and(floodFill == 0, openOceanMask)
floodFill[mask] = 1
nFloodableCells = numpy.count_nonzero(floodFill == 0)
print(" Initial number of flood cells: {}".format(nFloodableCells))
dsMask.landMaskDiagnostic[floodFill == 1] = 5
# sweep over neighbors of known open ocean points
for iSweep in range(dsMesh.sizes['nCells']):
newFloodCellsThisSweep = 0
mask = floodFill == 0
cellIndices = numpy.nonzero(mask.values)[0]
for iCellOnCell in range(cellsOnCell.shape[1]):
neighbors = cellsOnCell[cellIndices, iCellOnCell]
filledNeighbors = numpy.logical_and(neighbors >= 0,
floodFill[neighbors] == 1)
fillIndices = cellIndices[filledNeighbors.values]
if len(fillIndices) > 0:
floodFill[fillIndices] = 1
newFloodCellsThisSweep += len(fillIndices)
print(" Sweep {} new flood cells this sweep: {}".format(
iSweep, newFloodCellsThisSweep))
if (newFloodCellsThisSweep == 0):
oceanMask = (floodFill == 1)
print('oceanMask:', numpy.count_nonzero(oceanMask))
return oceanMask
def _revert_cells_with_connected_edges(dsMask, dsMesh, oceanMask, landMask,
removable, nSweeps):
print("Step 4: Searching for land-locked cells, step 3: revert cells with "
"connected active edges")
cellsOnCell = dsMesh.cellsOnCell
nextCellsOnCell = dsMesh.nextCellsOnCell
prevCellsOnCell = dsMesh.prevCellsOnCell
for iSweep in range(nSweeps):
landMaskNew = numpy.array(landMask)
# only remove a cell that was added in Step 2,
# _remove_cells_with_isolated_edges2
mask = numpy.logical_and(removable, dsMask.landMaskDiagnostic == 3)
notLand = numpy.logical_not(landMask)
valid = numpy.logical_and(mask, cellsOnCell >= 0)
oceanEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, oceanMask[cellsOnCell])
valid = numpy.logical_and(mask, nextCellsOnCell >= 0)
activeNextEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, notLand[nextCellsOnCell])
valid = numpy.logical_and(mask, prevCellsOnCell >= 0)
activePrevEdge = numpy.logical_and(valid, notLand[prevCellsOnCell])
reactivate = numpy.any(
numpy.logical_or(activePrevEdge, activeNextEdge)), axis=1)
landLockedCounter = numpy.count_nonzero(reactivate)
if landLockedCounter > 0:
landMaskNew[reactivate] = 0
dsMask.regionCellMasks[reactivate, 0] = 0
oceanMask[reactivate] = 1
dsMask.landMaskDiagnostic[reactivate] = 4
landMask = landMaskNew
print(" Sweep: {} Number of land-locked cells returned: {}".format(
iSweep + 1, landLockedCounter))
if landLockedCounter == 0:
return landMask