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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
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Module of classes/routines to manipulate fortran namelist and streams
# Authors
# -------
# Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

from lxml import etree
import re
import os.path
import f90nml
import json

from mpas_analysis.shared.containers import ReadOnlyDict
from import paths
from mpas_analysis.shared.timekeeping.utility import string_to_datetime

[docs] def convert_namelist_to_dict(fname, readonly=True): """ Converts a namelist file to key-value pairs in dictionary. Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name of the namelist readonly : bool, optional Should the resulting dictionary read-only? Returns ------- nml : dict A dictionary where keys are namelist options and values are namelist """ nml = # convert ordered dict to dict (Python 3 dict is ordered) # nml = json.loads(json.dumps(nml)) # flatten the dict flat = dict() for section in nml: for key in nml[section]: flat[key.lower()] = nml[section][key] nml = flat if readonly: nml = ReadOnlyDict(nml) return nml
class NameList: """ Class for fortran manipulation of namelist files, provides read and write functionality """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis # constructor
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, path=None): """ Parse the namelist file Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name of the namelist file path : str, optional If ``fname`` contains a relative path, ``fname`` is relative to ``path``, rather than the current working directory """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis if not os.path.isabs(fname) and path is not None: # only the file name was given, not the absolute path, and # a path was provided, so we will assume the namelist # file is actually in the path fname = '{}/{}'.format(path, fname) # input file name self.fname = fname # get values self.nml = convert_namelist_to_dict(fname)
# note following accessors do not do type casting
[docs] def __getattr__(self, key): """ Accessor for dot noation, e.g., nml.field Parameters ---------- key : str The key to get a value for Returns ------- value : str The value associated with ``key`` """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis return self.nml[key.lower()]
# provide accessor for dictionary notation (returns string)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Accessor for bracket notation, e.g., nml['field'] Parameters ---------- key : str The key to get a value for Returns ------- value : Any The value associated with ``key`` """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis return self.nml[key.lower()]
# provide accessors for get, getint, getfloat, getbool with appropriate # casting for comparable behavior with config files #{{{
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get the value associated with a given key Parameters ---------- key : str The key to get a value for Returns ------- value : Any The value associated with ``key`` """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis return self.nml[key.lower()]
[docs] def getint(self, key): """ Get the integer value associated with a given key Parameters ---------- key : str The key to get a value for Returns ------- value : int The value associated with ``key`` """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis return int(self.nml[key.lower()])
[docs] def getfloat(self, key): """ Get the float value associated with a given key Parameters ---------- key : str The key to get a value for Returns ------- value : float The value associated with ``key`` """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis return float(self.nml[key.lower()])
[docs] def getbool(self, key): """ Get the boolean value associated with a given key Parameters ---------- key : str The key to get a value for Returns ------- value : bool The value associated with ``key`` """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis value = self.nml[key.lower()] assert type(value) is bool return value
def find_option(self, possibleOptions): """ If one (or more) of the names in ``possibleOptions`` is an option in this namelist file, returns the first match. Parameters ---------- possibleOptions: list of str A list of options to search for Returns ------- optionName : str The name of an option from possibleOptions occurring in the namelist file Raises ------ ValueError If no match is found. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis for optionName in possibleOptions: if optionName in self.nml.keys(): return optionName raise ValueError('None of the possible options {} found in namelist ' 'file {}.'.format(possibleOptions, self.fname)) class StreamsFile: """ Class to read in streams configuration file, provdies read and write functionality """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, streamsdir=None): """ Parse the streams file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name the stream file streamsdir : str, optional The base path to both the output streams data and the sreams file (the latter only if ``fname`` is a relative path). """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis if not os.path.isabs(fname) and streamsdir is not None: # only the file name was given, not the absolute path, and # a streamsdir was provided, so we will assume the streams # file is actually in the streamsdir fname = '{}/{}'.format(streamsdir, fname) self.fname = fname self.xmlfile = etree.parse(fname) self.root = self.xmlfile.getroot() if streamsdir is None: # get the absolute path to the directory where the # streams file resides (used to determine absolute paths # to file names referred to in streams) self.streamsdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fname)) else: self.streamsdir = streamsdir
[docs] def read(self, streamname, attribname): """ Get the value of the given attribute in the given stream Parameters ---------- streamname : str The name of the stream attribname : str The name of the attribute within the stream Returns ------- value : str The value associated with the attribute, or ``None`` if the attribute was not found """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis for stream in self.root: # assumes streamname is unique in XML if stream.get('name') == streamname: return stream.get(attribname) return None
def read_datetime_template(self, streamname): """ Get the value of the given attribute in the given stream Parameters ---------- streamname : str The name of the stream Returns ------- value : str The template for file names from this stream in a format accepted by ``datetime.strptime``. This is useful for parsing the date from a given file name. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis template =, 'filename_template') replacements = {'$Y': '%Y', '$M': '%m', '$D': '%d', '$S': '00000', # datetime doesn't handle seconds alone '$h': '%H', '$m': '%M', '$s': '%S'} for old in replacements: template = template.replace(old, replacements[old]) return template
[docs] def readpath(self, streamName, startDate=None, endDate=None, calendar=None): """ Given the name of a stream and optionally start and end dates and a calendar type, returns a list of files that match the file template in the stream. Parameters ---------- streamName : string The name of a stream that produced the files startDate, endDate : string or datetime.datetime, optional String or datetime.datetime objects identifying the beginning and end dates to be found. Note: a buffer of one output interval is subtracted from startDate and added to endDate because the file date might be the first or last date contained in the file (or anything in between). calendar : {'gregorian', 'noleap'}, optional The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores, and is required if startDate and/or endDate are supplied Returns ------- fileList : list A list of file names produced by the stream that fall between the startDate and endDate (if supplied) Raises ------ ValueError If no files from the stream are found. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis template =, 'filename_template') if template is None: raise ValueError('Stream {} not found in streams file {}.'.format( streamName, self.fname)) replacements = {'$Y': '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]', '$M': '[0-9][0-9]', '$D': '[0-9][0-9]', '$S': '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]', '$h': '[0-9][0-9]', '$m': '[0-9][0-9]', '$s': '[0-9][0-9]'} path = template for old in replacements: path = path.replace(old, replacements[old]) if not os.path.isabs(path): # this is not an absolute path, so make it an absolute path path = '{}/{}'.format(self.streamsdir, path) fileList = paths(path) if len(fileList) == 0: raise ValueError( "Path {} in streams file {} for '{}' not found.".format( path, self.fname, streamName)) if (startDate is None) and (endDate is None): return fileList if startDate is not None: # read one extra file before the start date to be on the safe side if isinstance(startDate, str): startDate = string_to_datetime(startDate) if endDate is not None: # read one extra file after the end date to be on the safe side if isinstance(endDate, str): endDate = string_to_datetime(endDate) # remove any path that's part of the template template = os.path.basename(template) dateStartIndex = template.find('$') if dateStartIndex == -1: # there is no date in the template, so we can't exclude any files # based on date return fileList dateEndOffset = len(template) - (template.rfind('$') + 2) outFileList = [] for fileName in fileList: # get just the baseName = os.path.basename(fileName) dateEndIndex = len(baseName) - dateEndOffset fileDateString = baseName[dateStartIndex:dateEndIndex] fileDate = string_to_datetime(fileDateString) add = True if startDate is not None and startDate > fileDate: add = False if endDate is not None and endDate < fileDate: add = False if add: outFileList.append(fileName) return outFileList
[docs] def has_stream(self, streamName): """ Does the stream file have the given stream? Returns True if the streams file has a stream with the given streamName, otherwise returns False. Parameters ---------- streamName : str The name of the stream Returns ------- streamFound : bool ``True`` if the stream was found in the stream file, ``False`` otherwise """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis for stream in self.root: # assumes streamname is unique in XML if stream.get('name') == streamName: return True return False
[docs] def find_stream(self, possibleStreams): """ If one (or more) of the names in ``possibleStreams`` is an stream in this streams file, returns the first match. Parameters ---------- possibleStreams : list of str A list of streams to search for Returns ------- streamName : str The name of an stream from possibleOptions occurring in the streams file Raises ------ ValueError If no match is found. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis for streamName in possibleStreams: if self.has_stream(streamName): return streamName raise ValueError('None of the possible streams {} found in streams ' 'file {}.'.format(possibleStreams, self.fname))