.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html Remapper for "online" remapping of data sets ============================================ :raw-html-m2r:`

Xylar Asay-Davis
date: 2017/04/15

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This document describes the design and implementation of a ``Remapper`` class for performing either "online" (in memory) or "offline" (through files via ``ncremap``\ ) remapping of horizontal data sets. The ``Remapper`` is needed in order to support remapping to and from grids grids not currently supported by ``ncremap`` such as polar stereographic grids commonly used for polar data sets. .. raw:: html


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Requirement: Support for remapping to and from stereographic grids
Date last modified: 2017/04/15
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

There should exist a method for interpolating from stereographic grids to the comparison grid used in MPAS-Analysis. This is needed to support observations that are stored on stereographic grids. It would often be more efficient (in terms of the size of data sets) and more practical to perform analysis of polar data sets on a stereographic grid centered at that pole. Support for mapping to stereographic grids should be included, if feasible. .. raw:: html

Algorithmic Formulations

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Design solution: Support for remapping to and from stereographic grids
Date last modified: 2017/04/15
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The design solution is somewhat complex and will be described in multiple sections. .. raw:: html

MeshDescriptor classes

To support mapping to and from MPAS meshes, lat/lon grid and stereographic grids (as well as future grids we might want to support), I propose defining a "mesh descriptor" that defines the mesh either by reading it from a file or by creating it from simple numpy ndarrays. Each ``MeshDescriptor`` class defines enough information (such as the locations of cell centers and corners) about the mesh or grid to allow remapping between meshes. An ``MpasMeshDescriptor`` class will define MPAS meshes read from a file. A ``LatLonGridDescriptor`` class will define global lat/lon grids such as the existing comparison grid. A ``ProjectionGridDescriptor`` class will define any grid that can be described by a logically rectangular grid with ``pyproj`` projection. In particular, such a projection grid could be used to support both polar stereographic grids and regional lat/lon grids. .. raw:: html

Remapper class

Remapping between meshes described by ``MeshDescriptor`` classes will be performed by a ``Remapper`` class. This class will support both "online" mapping in memory and "offline" mapping with ``ncremap``. Only "online" mapping will be supported for grids defined with the ``ProjectionGridDescriptor``\ , as these are not supported by ``ncremap``. A ``Remapper`` object will be created by giving it source and destintion ``MeshDescriptor`` objects and an optional mapping file name. (If the mapping file name is not given, it is assumed that the source and destination grids are the same, and no remapping is needed.) If remapping is performed "online", it supports renormalization of masked arrays. If a data sets includes ``NaN``\ s in a given data array, both the data array and a mask are remapped, and renormalization is performed anywhere the remapped mask exceeds a given threshold. .. raw:: html

Design and Implementation

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Implementation: Support for remapping to and from stereographic grids
Date last modified: 2017/04/15
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The implementation is on the branch `xylar/MPAS-Analysis/add_polar_stereographic_interp `_ .. raw:: html

MeshDescriptor classes

Each ``MeshDescriptor`` subclass includes the following member variables or methods: * ``meshName``\ : a name of the mesh or grid, used for naming mapping files and climatologies * ``regional``\ : whether the mesh is regional or global * ``coords`` and ``dims``\ : dictionaries defining the coordinates and dimensions of this mesh, used to update a data set following remapping * ``to_scrip`` method: used to write out a SCRIP file defining the mesh. .. raw:: html

Remapper class

Below is a skeleton of the ``Remapper`` public API. .. code-block:: python class Remapper(object): def __init__(self, sourceDescriptor, destinationDescriptor, mappingFileName=None): ''' Create the remapper and read weights and indices from the given file for later used in remapping fields. ''' def build_mapping_file(self, method='bilinear', additionalArgs=None): ''' Given a source file defining either an MPAS mesh or a lat-lon grid and a destination file or set of arrays defining a lat-lon grid, constructs a mapping file used for interpolation between the source and destination grids. ''' def remap_file(self, inFileName, outFileName, variableList=None, overwrite=False): ''' Given a source file defining either an MPAS mesh or a lat-lon grid and a destination file or set of arrays defining a lat-lon grid, constructs a mapping file used for interpolation between the source and destination grids. ''' def remap(self, ds, renormalizationThreshold=None): ''' Given a source data set, returns a remapped version of the data set, possibly masked and renormalized. ''' .. raw:: html

Testing and Validation: Support for remapping to and from stereographic grids
Date last modified: 2017/04/15
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

On the branch `xylar/MPAS-Analysis/add_polar_stereographic_interp `_\ , climatologies have ben updated to use ``Remapper`` objects. Analysis has been run on both ``QU240`` and ``EC60to30`` beta0 ACME results, and results have been compared by eye. Results from ``ncremap`` are identical, as expected. Because of renormalization, results with "online" remapping differ from those from ``ncremap``\ , typically with less severe masking of missing data. Continuous integration unit tests for climatology and interpolation have both been updated to make use of the ``Remapper`` class. New tests have been added to perform remapping with stereographic grids.