Source code for mpas_analysis.ocean.climatology_map_ssh

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import xarray as xr
from pyremap import LatLonGridDescriptor

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask

from import build_obs_path

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology import RemapMpasClimatologySubtask, \

from mpas_analysis.ocean.plot_climatology_map_subtask import \

from mpas_analysis.shared.constants import constants

[docs]class ClimatologyMapSSH(AnalysisTask): # {{{ """ An analysis task for comparison of sea surface height (ssh) against observations """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, config, mpasClimatologyTask, controlConfig=None): # {{{ """ Construct the analysis task. Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Configuration options mpasClimatologyTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted controlConfig : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser``, optional Configuration options for a control run (if any) """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis fieldName = 'ssh' # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(ClimatologyMapSSH, self).__init__( config=config, taskName='climatologyMapSSH', componentName='ocean', tags=['climatology', 'horizontalMap', fieldName, 'publicObs']) mpasFieldName = 'timeMonthly_avg_pressureAdjustedSSH' iselValues = None sectionName = self.taskName # read in what seasons we want to plot seasons = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'seasons') if len(seasons) == 0: raise ValueError('config section {} does not contain valid list ' 'of seasons'.format(sectionName)) comparisonGridNames = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'comparisonGrids') if len(comparisonGridNames) == 0: raise ValueError('config section {} does not contain valid list ' 'of comparison grids'.format(sectionName)) # the variable mpasFieldName will be added to mpasClimatologyTask # along with the seasons. remapClimatologySubtask = RemapSSHClimatology( mpasClimatologyTask=mpasClimatologyTask, parentTask=self, climatologyName=fieldName, variableList=[mpasFieldName], comparisonGridNames=comparisonGridNames, seasons=seasons, iselValues=iselValues) if controlConfig is None: refTitleLabel = 'Observations (AVISO Dynamic ' \ 'Topography, 1993-2010)' observationsDirectory = build_obs_path( config, 'ocean', '{}Subdirectory'.format(fieldName)) obsFileName = \ "{}/".format( observationsDirectory) refFieldName = 'zos' outFileLabel = 'sshAVISO' galleryName = 'Observations: AVISO' remapObservationsSubtask = RemapObservedSSHClimatology( parentTask=self, seasons=seasons, fileName=obsFileName, outFilePrefix=refFieldName, comparisonGridNames=comparisonGridNames) self.add_subtask(remapObservationsSubtask) diffTitleLabel = 'Model - Observations' else: remapObservationsSubtask = None controlRunName = controlConfig.get('runs', 'mainRunName') galleryName = None refTitleLabel = 'Control: {}'.format(controlRunName) refFieldName = mpasFieldName outFileLabel = 'ssh' diffTitleLabel = 'Main - Control' for comparisonGridName in comparisonGridNames: for season in seasons: # make a new subtask for this season and comparison grid subtask = PlotClimatologyMapSubtask( self, season, comparisonGridName, remapClimatologySubtask, remapObservationsSubtask, controlConfig=controlConfig, removeMean=True) subtask.set_plot_info( outFileLabel=outFileLabel, fieldNameInTitle='Zero-mean SSH', mpasFieldName=mpasFieldName, refFieldName=refFieldName, refTitleLabel=refTitleLabel, diffTitleLabel=diffTitleLabel, unitsLabel=r'cm', imageCaption='Mean Sea Surface Height', galleryGroup='Sea Surface Height', groupSubtitle=None, groupLink='ssh', galleryName=galleryName) self.add_subtask(subtask)
# }}} # }}} class RemapSSHClimatology(RemapMpasClimatologySubtask): # {{{ """ Change units from m to cm """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def customize_masked_climatology(self, climatology, season): # {{{ """ Mask the melt rates using ``landIceMask`` and rescale it to m/yr Parameters ---------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset``` The MPAS climatology data set that has had a mask added but has not yet been remapped season : str The name of the season to be masked Returns ------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset`` object the modified climatology data set """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis fieldName = self.variableList[0] # scale the field to cm from m climatology[fieldName] = constants.cm_per_m * climatology[fieldName] return climatology # }}} # }}} class RemapObservedSSHClimatology(RemapObservedClimatologySubtask): # {{{ """ A subtask for reading and remapping SSH observations """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def get_observation_descriptor(self, fileName): # {{{ ''' get a MeshDescriptor for the observation grid Parameters ---------- fileName : str observation file name describing the source grid Returns ------- obsDescriptor : ``MeshDescriptor`` The descriptor for the observation grid ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # create a descriptor of the observation grid using the lat/lon # coordinates obsDescriptor =, latVarName='lat', lonVarName='lon') return obsDescriptor # }}} def build_observational_dataset(self, fileName): # {{{ ''' read in the data sets for observations, and possibly rename some variables and dimensions Parameters ---------- fileName : str observation file name Returns ------- dsObs : ``xarray.Dataset`` The observational dataset ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis dsObs = xr.open_dataset(fileName) dsObs = dsObs.rename({'time': 'Time'}) dsObs.coords['month'] = dsObs['Time.month'] dsObs.coords['year'] = dsObs['Time.year'] dsObs = dsObs.drop_vars(['Time', 'time_bnds']) # scale the field to cm from m dsObs['zos'] = constants.cm_per_m * dsObs['zos'] return dsObs # }}} # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python