Source code for mpas_analysis.ocean.plot_climatology_map_subtask

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
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# Copyright (c) 2020 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
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An analysis subtasks for plotting comparison of 2D model fields against
# Authors
# -------
# Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis, Milena Veneziani

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from pyremap.descriptor import interp_extrap_corner

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask

from mpas_analysis.shared.plot import plot_global_comparison, \

from mpas_analysis.shared.html import write_image_xml

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology import \
from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.comparison_descriptors import \

from mpas_analysis.ocean.utility import nans_to_numpy_mask

[docs]class PlotClimatologyMapSubtask(AnalysisTask): # {{{ """ An analysis task for plotting 2D model fields against observations. Attributes ---------- season : str A season (key in ``shared.constants.monthDictionary``) to be plotted. comparisonGridName : {'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'} The name of the comparison grid to plot. remapMpasClimatologySubtask : ``RemapMpasClimatologySubtask`` The subtask for remapping the MPAS climatology that this subtask will plot remapObsClimatologySubtask : ``RemapObservedClimatologySubtask`` The subtask for remapping the observational climatology that this subtask will plot secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask : ``RemapMpasClimatologySubtask`` A second subtask for remapping another MPAS climatology to plot in the second panel and compare with in the third panel removeMean : bool, optional If True, a common mask for the model and reference data sets is computed (where both are valid) and the mean over that mask is subtracted from both the model and reference results. This is useful for data sets where the desire is to compare the spatial pattern but the mean offset is not meaningful (e.g. SSH) outFileLabel : str The prefix on each plot and associated XML file fieldNameInTitle : str The name of the field being plotted, as used in the plot title mpasFieldName : str The name of the variable in the MPAS timeSeriesStatsMonthly output obsFieldName : str The name of the variable to use from the observations file observationTitleLabel : str the title of the observations subplot diffTitleLabel : str, optional the title of the difference subplot unitsLabel : str the units of the plotted field, to be displayed on color bars imageCaption : str the caption when mousing over the plot or displaying it full screen galleryGroup : str the name of the group of galleries in which this plot belongs groupSubtitle : str the subtitle of the group in which this plot belongs (or blank if none) groupLink : str a short name (with no spaces) for the link to the gallery group galleryName : str the name of the gallery in which this plot belongs depth : {None, float, 'top', 'bot'} Depth at which to perform the comparison, 'top' for the sea surface 'bot' for the sea floor configSectionName : str the name of the section where the color map and range is defined """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis, Milena Veneziani
[docs] def __init__(self, parentTask, season, comparisonGridName, remapMpasClimatologySubtask, remapObsClimatologySubtask=None, secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask=None, controlConfig=None, depth=None, removeMean=False, subtaskName=None): # {{{ ''' Construct one analysis subtask for each plot (i.e. each season and comparison grid) and a subtask for computing climatologies. Parameters ---------- parentTask : ``AnalysisTask`` The parent (master) task for this subtask season : str A season (key in ``shared.constants.monthDictionary``) to be plotted. comparisonGridName : {'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'} The name of the comparison grid to plot. remapMpasClimatologySubtask : ``RemapMpasClimatologySubtask`` The subtask for remapping the MPAS climatology that this subtask will plot remapObsClimatologySubtask : ``RemapObservedClimatologySubtask``, optional The subtask for remapping the observational climatology that this subtask will plot secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask : ``RemapMpasClimatologySubtask``, optional A second subtask for remapping another MPAS climatology to plot in the second panel and compare with in the third panel controlConfig : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser``, optional Configuration options for a control run (if any) depth : {float, 'top', 'bot'}, optional Depth the data is being plotted, 'top' for the sea surface 'bot' for the sea floor removeMean : bool, optional If True, a common mask for the model and reference data sets is computed (where both are valid) and the mean over that mask is subtracted from both the model and reference results. This is useful for data sets where the desire is to compare the spatial pattern but the mean offset is not meaningful (e.g. SSH) subtaskName : str, optinal The name of the subtask. If not specified, it is ``plot<season>_<comparisonGridName>`` with a suffix indicating the depth being sliced (if any) ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.season = season self.depth = depth self.comparisonGridName = comparisonGridName self.remapMpasClimatologySubtask = remapMpasClimatologySubtask self.remapObsClimatologySubtask = remapObsClimatologySubtask self.secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask = \ secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask self.controlConfig = controlConfig self.removeMean = removeMean if depth is None: self.depthSuffix = '' else: self.depthSuffix = 'depth_{}'.format(depth) if subtaskName is None: subtaskName = 'plot{}_{}'.format(season, comparisonGridName) if depth is not None: subtaskName = '{}_{}'.format(subtaskName, self.depthSuffix) config = parentTask.config taskName = parentTask.taskName tags = parentTask.tags # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(PlotClimatologyMapSubtask, self).__init__( config=config, taskName=taskName, subtaskName=subtaskName, componentName='ocean', tags=tags) # this task should not run until the remapping subtasks are done, since # it relies on data from those subtasks self.run_after(remapMpasClimatologySubtask) if remapObsClimatologySubtask is not None: self.run_after(remapObsClimatologySubtask) if secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask is not None: self.run_after(secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask)
# }}}
[docs] def set_plot_info(self, outFileLabel, fieldNameInTitle, mpasFieldName, refFieldName, refTitleLabel, unitsLabel, imageCaption, galleryGroup, groupSubtitle, groupLink, galleryName, diffTitleLabel='Model - Observations', configSectionName=None): # {{{ """ Store attributes related to plots, plot file names and HTML output. Parameters ---------- outFileLabel : str The prefix on each plot and associated XML file fieldNameInTitle : str The name of the field being plotted, as used in the plot title mpasFieldName : str The name of the variable in the MPAS timeSeriesStatsMonthly output refFieldName : str The name of the variable to use from the observations or reference file refTitleLabel : str the title of the observations or reference subplot unitsLabel : str the units of the plotted field, to be displayed on color bars imageCaption : str the caption when mousing over the plot or displaying it full screen galleryGroup : str the name of the group of galleries in which this plot belongs groupSubtitle : str the subtitle of the group in which this plot belongs (or blank if none) groupLink : str a short name (with no spaces) for the link to the gallery group galleryName : str the name of the gallery in which this plot belongs diffTitleLabel : str, optional the title of the difference subplot configSectionName : str, optional the name of the section where the color map and range is defined, default is the name of the task """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.outFileLabel = outFileLabel self.fieldNameInTitle = fieldNameInTitle self.mpasFieldName = mpasFieldName self.refFieldName = refFieldName self.refTitleLabel = refTitleLabel self.diffTitleLabel = diffTitleLabel self.unitsLabel = unitsLabel # xml/html related variables self.imageCaption = imageCaption self.galleryGroup = galleryGroup self.groupSubtitle = groupSubtitle self.groupLink = groupLink self.galleryName = galleryName if configSectionName is None: self.configSectionName = self.taskName else: self.configSectionName = configSectionName season = self.season depth = self.depth if depth is None: self.fieldNameInTitle = fieldNameInTitle self.thumbnailDescription = season elif depth == 'top': self.fieldNameInTitle = 'Sea Surface {}'.format(fieldNameInTitle) self.thumbnailDescription = '{} surface'.format(season) elif depth == 'bot': self.fieldNameInTitle = 'Sea Floor {}'.format(fieldNameInTitle) self.thumbnailDescription = '{} floor'.format(season) else: self.fieldNameInTitle = '{} at z={} m'.format(fieldNameInTitle, depth) self.thumbnailDescription = '{} z={} m'.format(season, depth)
# }}} def setup_and_check(self): # {{{ """ Perform steps to set up the analysis and check for errors in the setup. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call setup_and_check from the base class (AnalysisTask), # which will perform some common setup, including storing: # self.runDirectory , self.historyDirectory, self.plotsDirectory, # self.namelist, self.runStreams, self.historyStreams, # self.calendar super(PlotClimatologyMapSubtask, self).setup_and_check() config = self.config self.startYear = config.getint('climatology', 'startYear') self.endYear = config.getint('climatology', 'endYear') self.startDate = config.get('climatology', 'startDate') self.endDate = config.get('climatology', 'endDate') mainRunName = config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') self.xmlFileNames = [] prefixPieces = [self.outFileLabel] if self.comparisonGridName != 'latlon': prefixPieces.append(self.comparisonGridName) prefixPieces.append(mainRunName) if self.depth is not None: prefixPieces.append(self.depthSuffix) years = 'years{:04d}-{:04d}'.format(self.startYear, self.endYear) prefixPieces.extend([self.season, years]) self.filePrefix = '_'.join(prefixPieces) self.xmlFileNames.append('{}/{}.xml'.format(self.plotsDirectory, self.filePrefix)) # }}} def run_task(self): # {{{ """ Plots a comparison of E3SM/MPAS output to SST/TEMP, SSS/SALT or MLD observations or a control run """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis, Milena Veneziani season = self.season depth = self.depth comparisonGridName = self.comparisonGridName"\nPlotting 2-d maps of {} climatologies for {} on " "the {} grid...".format(self.fieldNameInTitle, season, comparisonGridName)) # first read the model climatology remappedFileName = \ self.remapMpasClimatologySubtask.get_remapped_file_name( season=season, comparisonGridName=comparisonGridName) remappedModelClimatology = xr.open_dataset(remappedFileName) if depth is not None: if str(depth) not in remappedModelClimatology.depthSlice.values: raise KeyError('The climatology you are attempting to perform ' 'depth slices of was originally created ' 'without depth {}. You will need to delete and ' 'regenerate the climatology'.format(depth)) remappedModelClimatology = remappedModelClimatology.sel( depthSlice=str(depth), drop=True) # now the observations or control run if self.remapObsClimatologySubtask is not None: remappedFileName = self.remapObsClimatologySubtask.get_file_name( stage='remapped', season=season, comparisonGridName=comparisonGridName) remappedRefClimatology = xr.open_dataset(remappedFileName) elif self.secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask is not None: remappedFileName = \ self.secondRemapMpasClimatologySubtask.get_remapped_file_name( season=season, comparisonGridName=comparisonGridName) remappedRefClimatology = xr.open_dataset(remappedFileName) elif self.controlConfig is not None: climatologyName = self.remapMpasClimatologySubtask.climatologyName remappedFileName = \ get_remapped_mpas_climatology_file_name( self.controlConfig, season=season, componentName=self.componentName, climatologyName=climatologyName, comparisonGridName=comparisonGridName, op=self.remapMpasClimatologySubtask.op) remappedRefClimatology = xr.open_dataset(remappedFileName) controlStartYear = self.controlConfig.getint('climatology', 'startYear') controlEndYear = self.controlConfig.getint('climatology', 'endYear') if controlStartYear != self.startYear or \ controlEndYear != self.endYear: self.refTitleLabel = '{}\n(years {:04d}-{:04d})'.format( self.refTitleLabel, controlStartYear, controlEndYear) else: remappedRefClimatology = None if remappedRefClimatology is not None and depth is not None: depthIndex = -1 for index, depthSlice in enumerate( remappedRefClimatology.depthSlice.values): try: depthSlice = depthSlice.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: pass if depthSlice == str(depth): depthIndex = index if depthIndex == -1: raise KeyError('The climatology you are attempting to perform ' 'depth slices of was originally created ' 'without depth {}. You will need to delete and ' 'regenerate the climatology'.format(depth)) remappedRefClimatology = remappedRefClimatology.isel( depthSlice=depthIndex, drop=True) if self.removeMean: if remappedRefClimatology is None: remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName] = \ remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName] - \ remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName].mean() else: masked = remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName].where( remappedRefClimatology[self.refFieldName].notnull()) remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName] = \ remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName] - \ masked.mean() masked = remappedRefClimatology[self.refFieldName].where( remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName].notnull()) remappedRefClimatology[self.refFieldName] = \ remappedRefClimatology[self.refFieldName] - \ masked.mean() if self.comparisonGridName == 'latlon': self._plot_latlon(remappedModelClimatology, remappedRefClimatology) elif self.comparisonGridName == 'antarctic' or \ self.comparisonGridName == 'arctic': self._plot_polar(remappedModelClimatology, remappedRefClimatology) # }}} def _plot_latlon(self, remappedModelClimatology, remappedRefClimatology): # {{{ """ plotting a global lat-lon data set """ season = self.season config = self.config configSectionName = self.configSectionName mainRunName = config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') modelOutput = nans_to_numpy_mask( remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName].values) lon = remappedModelClimatology['lon'].values lat = remappedModelClimatology['lat'].values lonTarg, latTarg = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) if remappedRefClimatology is None: refOutput = None bias = None else: refOutput = nans_to_numpy_mask( remappedRefClimatology[self.refFieldName].values) bias = modelOutput - refOutput filePrefix = self.filePrefix outFileName = '{}/{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, filePrefix) title = '{} ({}, years {:04d}-{:04d})'.format( self.fieldNameInTitle, season, self.startYear, self.endYear) plot_global_comparison(config, lonTarg, latTarg, modelOutput, refOutput, bias, configSectionName, fileout=outFileName, title=title, modelTitle='{}'.format(mainRunName), refTitle=self.refTitleLabel, diffTitle=self.diffTitleLabel, cbarlabel=self.unitsLabel) caption = '{} {}'.format(season, self.imageCaption) write_image_xml( config, filePrefix, componentName='Ocean', componentSubdirectory='ocean', galleryGroup='Global {}'.format(self.galleryGroup), groupSubtitle=self.groupSubtitle, groupLink='global_{}'.format(self.groupLink), gallery=self.galleryName, thumbnailDescription=self.thumbnailDescription, imageDescription=caption, imageCaption=caption) # }}} def _plot_polar(self, remappedModelClimatology, remappedRefClimatology): # {{{ """ plotting an Arctic or Antarctic data set """ season = self.season comparisonGridName = self.comparisonGridName config = self.config configSectionName = self.configSectionName mainRunName = config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') oceanMask = remappedModelClimatology['validMask'].values self.landMask = np.ones(oceanMask.shape), mask=np.logical_not(np.isnan(oceanMask))) modelOutput = nans_to_numpy_mask( remappedModelClimatology[self.mpasFieldName].values) if remappedRefClimatology is None: refOutput = None bias = None else: refOutput = nans_to_numpy_mask( remappedRefClimatology[self.refFieldName].values) bias = modelOutput - refOutput comparisonDescriptor = get_comparison_descriptor( config, comparisonGridName) x = comparisonDescriptor.xCorner y = comparisonDescriptor.yCorner filePrefix = self.filePrefix outFileName = '{}/{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, filePrefix) title = '{} ({}, years {:04d}-{:04d})'.format( self.fieldNameInTitle, season, self.startYear, self.endYear) if self.comparisonGridName == 'antarctic': hemisphere = 'south' else: # arctic hemisphere = 'north' plot_polar_projection_comparison( config, x, y, self.landMask, modelOutput, refOutput, bias, fileout=outFileName, colorMapSectionName=configSectionName, title=title, modelTitle='{}'.format(mainRunName), refTitle=self.refTitleLabel, diffTitle=self.diffTitleLabel, cbarlabel=self.unitsLabel, hemisphere=hemisphere) upperGridName = comparisonGridName[0].upper() + comparisonGridName[1:] caption = '{} {}'.format(season, self.imageCaption) write_image_xml( config, filePrefix, componentName='Ocean', componentSubdirectory='ocean', galleryGroup='{} {}'.format(upperGridName, self.galleryGroup), groupSubtitle=self.groupSubtitle, groupLink='{}_{}'.format(comparisonGridName, self.groupLink), gallery=self.galleryName, thumbnailDescription=self.thumbnailDescription, imageDescription=caption, imageCaption=caption)
# }}} # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python