Source code for mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.climatology

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Functions for creating climatologies from monthly time series data
# Authors
# -------
# Xylar Asay-Davis

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import xarray as xr
import os
import numpy
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from pyremap import Remapper, LatLonGridDescriptor, ProjectionGridDescriptor

from mpas_analysis.shared.constants import constants

from mpas_analysis.shared.timekeeping.utility import days_to_datetime

from import build_config_full_path, \
    make_directories, fingerprint_generator
from import write_netcdf

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.comparison_descriptors import \

[docs]def get_remapper(config, sourceDescriptor, comparisonDescriptor, mappingFilePrefix, method, logger=None): # {{{ """ Given config options and descriptions of the source and comparison grids, returns a ``pyremap.Remapper`` object that can be used to remap from source files or data sets to corresponding data sets on the comparison grid. If necessary, creates the mapping file containing weights and indices needed to perform remapping. Parameters ---------- config : instance of ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Contains configuration options sourceDescriptor : ``MeshDescriptor`` subclass object A description of the source mesh or grid comparisonDescriptor : ``MeshDescriptor`` subclass object A description of the comparison grid mappingFilePrefix : str A prefix to be prepended to the mapping file name method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'} The method of interpolation used. logger : ``logging.Logger``, optional A logger to which ncclimo output should be redirected Returns ------- remapper : ``pyremap.Remapper`` object A remapper that can be used to remap files or data sets from the source grid or mesh to the comparison grid. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis mappingFileName = None if not _matches_comparison(sourceDescriptor, comparisonDescriptor): # we need to remap because the grids don't match mappingBaseName = '{}_{}_to_{}_{}.nc'.format( mappingFilePrefix, sourceDescriptor.meshName, comparisonDescriptor.meshName, method) tryCustom = config.get('diagnostics', 'customDirectory') != 'none' if tryCustom: # first see if mapping files are in the custom directory mappingSubdirectory = build_config_full_path( config, 'diagnostics', 'mappingSubdirectory', baseDirectoryOption='customDirectory') mappingFileName = '{}/{}'.format(mappingSubdirectory, mappingBaseName) if not tryCustom or not os.path.exists(mappingFileName): # second see if mapping files are in the base directory mappingSubdirectory = build_config_full_path( config, 'diagnostics', 'mappingSubdirectory', baseDirectoryOption='baseDirectory') mappingFileName = '{}/{}'.format(mappingSubdirectory, mappingBaseName) if not os.path.exists(mappingFileName): # we don't have a mapping file yet, so get ready to create one # in the output subfolder if needed mappingSubdirectory = \ build_config_full_path(config, 'output', 'mappingSubdirectory') make_directories(mappingSubdirectory) mappingFileName = '{}/{}'.format(mappingSubdirectory, mappingBaseName) remapper = Remapper(sourceDescriptor, comparisonDescriptor, mappingFileName) mpiTasks = config.getWithDefault('execute', 'mapMpiTasks', 1) mappingSubdirectory = \ build_config_full_path(config, 'output', 'mappingSubdirectory') make_directories(mappingSubdirectory) with TemporaryDirectory(dir=mappingSubdirectory) as tempdir: remapper.build_mapping_file(method=method, logger=logger, mpiTasks=mpiTasks, tempdir=tempdir) return remapper # }}}
[docs]def compute_monthly_climatology(ds, calendar=None, maskVaries=True): # {{{ """ Compute monthly climatologies from a data set. The mean is weighted but the number of days in each month of the data set, ignoring values masked out with NaNs. If the month coordinate is not present, a data array ``month`` will be added based on ``Time`` and the provided calendar. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray A data set with a ``Time`` coordinate expressed as days since 0001-01-01 or ``month`` coordinate calendar : {'gregorian', 'gregorian_noleap'}, optional The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores, used to determine ``month`` from ``Time`` coordinate, so must be supplied if ``ds`` does not already have a ``month`` coordinate or data array maskVaries : bool, optional If the mask (where variables in ``ds`` are ``NaN``) varies with time. If not, the weighted average does not need make extra effort to account for the mask. Most MPAS fields will have masks that don't vary in time, whereas observations may sometimes be present only at some times and not at others, requiring ``maskVaries = True``. Returns ------- climatology : object of same type as ``ds`` A data set without the ``'Time'`` coordinate containing the mean of ds over all months in monthValues, weighted by the number of days in each month. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def compute_one_month_climatology(ds): monthValues = list(ds.month.values) return compute_climatology(ds, monthValues, calendar, maskVaries) ds = add_years_months_days_in_month(ds, calendar) monthlyClimatology = \ ds.groupby('month').map(compute_one_month_climatology) return monthlyClimatology # }}}
[docs]def compute_climatology(ds, monthValues, calendar=None, maskVaries=True): # {{{ """ Compute a monthly, seasonal or annual climatology data set from a data set. The mean is weighted but the number of days in each month of the data set, ignoring values masked out with NaNs. If the month coordinate is not present, a data array ``month`` will be added based on ``Time`` and the provided calendar. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray A data set with a ``Time`` coordinate expressed as days since 0001-01-01 or ``month`` coordinate monthValues : int or array-like of ints A single month or an array of months to be averaged together calendar : {'gregorian', 'gregorian_noleap'}, optional The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores, used to determine ``month`` from ``Time`` coordinate, so must be supplied if ``ds`` does not already have a ``month`` coordinate or data array maskVaries : bool, optional If the mask (where variables in ``ds`` are ``NaN``) varies with time. If not, the weighted average does not need make extra effort to account for the mask. Most MPAS fields will have masks that don't vary in time, whereas observations may sometimes be present only at some times and not at others, requiring ``maskVaries = True``. Returns ------- climatology : object of same type as ``ds`` A data set without the ``'Time'`` coordinate containing the mean of ds over all months in monthValues, weighted by the number of days in each month. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis ds = add_years_months_days_in_month(ds, calendar) mask = xr.zeros_like(ds.month, bool) for month in monthValues: mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, ds.month == month) climatologyMonths = ds.where(mask, drop=True) climatology = _compute_masked_mean(climatologyMonths, maskVaries) return climatology # }}}
[docs]def add_years_months_days_in_month(ds, calendar=None): # {{{ ''' Add ``year``, ``month`` and ``daysInMonth`` as data arrays in ``ds``. The number of days in each month of ``ds`` is computed either using the ``startTime`` and ``endTime`` if available or assuming ``gregorian_noleap`` calendar and ignoring leap years. ``year`` and ``month`` are computed accounting correctly for the the calendar. Parameters ---------- ds : ``xarray.Dataset`` or ``xarray.DataArray`` object A data set with a ``Time`` coordinate expressed as days since 0001-01-01 calendar : {'gregorian', 'gregorian_noleap'}, optional The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores, used to determine ``year`` and ``month`` from ``Time`` coordinate Returns ------- ds : object of same type as ``ds`` The data set with ``year``, ``month`` and ``daysInMonth`` data arrays added (if not already present) ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if ('year' in ds.coords and 'month' in ds.coords and 'daysInMonth' in ds.coords): return ds ds = ds.copy() if 'year' not in ds.coords or 'month' not in ds.coords: if calendar is None: raise ValueError('calendar must be provided if month and year ' 'coordinate is not in ds.') datetimes = days_to_datetime(ds.Time, calendar=calendar) if 'year' not in ds.coords: ds.coords['year'] = ('Time', [date.year for date in datetimes]) if 'month' not in ds.coords: ds.coords['month'] = ('Time', [date.month for date in datetimes]) if 'daysInMonth' not in ds.coords: if 'startTime' in ds.coords and 'endTime' in ds.coords: ds.coords['daysInMonth'] = ds.endTime - ds.startTime else: if calendar == 'gregorian': print('Warning: The MPAS run used the Gregorian calendar ' 'but does not appear to have\n' 'supplied start and end times. Climatologies ' 'will be computed with\n' 'month durations ignoring leap years.') daysInMonth = numpy.array( [constants.daysInMonth[int(month) - 1] for month in ds.month.values], float) ds.coords['daysInMonth'] = ('Time', daysInMonth) return ds # }}}
def remap_and_write_climatology(config, climatologyDataSet, climatologyFileName, remappedFileName, remapper, logger=None): # {{{ """ Given a field in a climatology data set, use the ``remapper`` to remap horizontal dimensions of all fields, write the results to an output file, and return the remapped data set. Note that ``climatologyFileName`` and ``remappedFileName`` will be overwritten if they exist, so if this behavior is not desired, the calling code should skip this call if the files exist and simply load the contents of ``remappedFileName``. Parameters ---------- config : instance of ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Contains configuration options climatologyDataSet : ``xarray.DataSet`` or ``xarray.DataArray`` object A data set containing a climatology fieldName : str A field within the climatology to be remapped climatologyFileName : str The name of the output file to which the data set should be written before remapping (if using ncremap). remappedFileName : str The name of the output file to which the remapped data set should be written. remapper : ``pyremap.Remapper`` object A remapper that can be used to remap files or data sets to a comparison grid. logger : ``logging.Logger``, optional A logger to which ncclimo output should be redirected Returns ------- remappedClimatology : ``xarray.DataSet`` or ``xarray.DataArray`` object A data set containing the remapped climatology """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis useNcremap = config.getboolean('climatology', 'useNcremap') if remapper.mappingFileName is None: # no remapping is needed remappedClimatology = climatologyDataSet else: renormalizationThreshold = config.getfloat( 'climatology', 'renormalizationThreshold') if useNcremap: if not os.path.exists(climatologyFileName): write_netcdf(climatologyDataSet, climatologyFileName) remapper.remap_file(inFileName=climatologyFileName, outFileName=remappedFileName, overwrite=True, renormalize=renormalizationThreshold, logger=logger) remappedClimatology = xr.open_dataset(remappedFileName) else: remappedClimatology = remapper.remap(climatologyDataSet, renormalizationThreshold) write_netcdf(remappedClimatology, remappedFileName) return remappedClimatology # }}}
[docs]def get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_directory(config, op='avg'): # {{{ """ Get the directory for an unmasked MPAS climatology produced by ncclimo, making the directory if it doesn't already exist Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` configuration options op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'} operator for monthly stats """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis climatologyOpDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(config, op) mpasMeshName = config.get('input', 'mpasMeshName') directory = '{}/unmasked_{}'.format(climatologyOpDirectory, mpasMeshName) make_directories(directory) return directory # }}}
[docs]def get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_file_name(config, season, componentName, op='avg'): # {{{ """ Get the file name for an unmasked MPAS climatology produced by ncclimo Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` configuration options season : str One of the seasons in ``constants.monthDictionary`` componentName : {'ocean', 'seaIce'} The MPAS component for which the climatology is being computed op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'} operator for monthly stats """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis startYear = config.getint('climatology', 'startYear') endYear = config.getint('climatology', 'endYear') if componentName == 'ocean': ncclimoModel = 'mpaso' elif componentName == 'seaIce': ncclimoModel = 'mpascice' else: raise ValueError('component {} is not supported by ncclimo.\n' 'Check with Charlie Zender and Xylar Asay-Davis\n' 'about getting it added'.format(componentName)) directory = get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_directory(config, op) make_directories(directory) monthValues = sorted(constants.monthDictionary[season]) startMonth = monthValues[0] endMonth = monthValues[-1] suffix = '{:04d}{:02d}_{:04d}{:02d}_climo'.format( startYear, startMonth, endYear, endMonth) if season in constants.abrevMonthNames: season = '{:02d}'.format(monthValues[0]) fileName = '{}/{}_{}_{}.nc'.format(directory, ncclimoModel, season, suffix) return fileName # }}}
[docs]def get_masked_mpas_climatology_file_name(config, season, componentName, climatologyName, op='avg'): # {{{ """ Get the file name for a masked MPAS climatology Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Configuration options season : str One of the seasons in ``constants.monthDictionary`` componentName : {'ocean', 'seaIce'} The MPAS component for which the climatology is being computed climatologyName : str The name of the climatology (typically the name of a field to mask and later remap) op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'} operator for monthly stats """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis startYear = config.getint('climatology', 'startYear') endYear = config.getint('climatology', 'endYear') mpasMeshName = config.get('input', 'mpasMeshName') if componentName == 'ocean': ncclimoModel = 'mpaso' elif componentName == 'seaIce': ncclimoModel = 'mpascice' else: raise ValueError('component {} is not supported by ncclimo.\n' 'Check with Charlie Zender and Xylar Asay-Davis\n' 'about getting it added'.format(componentName)) climatologyOpDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(config, op) stageDirectory = '{}/masked'.format(climatologyOpDirectory) directory = '{}/{}_{}'.format( stageDirectory, climatologyName, mpasMeshName) make_directories(directory) monthValues = sorted(constants.monthDictionary[season]) startMonth = monthValues[0] endMonth = monthValues[-1] suffix = '{:04d}{:02d}_{:04d}{:02d}_climo'.format( startYear, startMonth, endYear, endMonth) if season in constants.abrevMonthNames: season = '{:02d}'.format(monthValues[0]) fileName = '{}/{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( directory, ncclimoModel, season, suffix) return fileName # }}}
[docs]def get_remapped_mpas_climatology_file_name(config, season, componentName, climatologyName, comparisonGridName, op='avg'): # {{{ """ Get the file name for a masked MPAS climatology Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Configuration options season : str One of the seasons in ``constants.monthDictionary`` componentName : {'ocean', 'seaIce'} The MPAS component for which the climatology is being computed climatologyName : str The name of the climatology (typically the name of a field to mask and later remap) comparisonGridName : str The name of the comparison grid to use for remapping. If it is one of the default comparison grid names ``{'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'}``, the full grid name is looked up via get_comparison_descriptor op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'} operator for monthly stats """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis startYear = config.getint('climatology', 'startYear') endYear = config.getint('climatology', 'endYear') mpasMeshName = config.get('input', 'mpasMeshName') if componentName == 'ocean': ncclimoModel = 'mpaso' elif componentName == 'seaIce': ncclimoModel = 'mpascice' else: raise ValueError('component {} is not supported by ncclimo.\n' 'Check with Charlie Zender and Xylar Asay-Davis\n' 'about getting it added'.format(componentName)) climatologyOpDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(config, op) if comparisonGridName in ['latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic']: comparisonDescriptor = get_comparison_descriptor(config, comparisonGridName) comparisonFullMeshName = comparisonDescriptor.meshName else: comparisonFullMeshName = comparisonGridName stageDirectory = '{}/remapped'.format(climatologyOpDirectory) directory = '{}/{}_{}_to_{}'.format(stageDirectory, climatologyName, mpasMeshName, comparisonFullMeshName) make_directories(directory) monthValues = sorted(constants.monthDictionary[season]) startMonth = monthValues[0] endMonth = monthValues[-1] suffix = '{:04d}{:02d}_{:04d}{:02d}_climo'.format( startYear, startMonth, endYear, endMonth) if season in constants.abrevMonthNames: season = '{:02d}'.format(monthValues[0]) fileName = '{}/{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( directory, ncclimoModel, season, suffix) return fileName # }}}
def get_climatology_op_directory(config, op='avg'): ''' Get the output directory for MPAS climatologies from output with the given monthly operator: avg, min or max ''' climatologyBaseDirectory = build_config_full_path( config, 'output', 'mpasClimatologySubdirectory') return '{}/{}'.format(climatologyBaseDirectory, op) def _compute_masked_mean(ds, maskVaries): # {{{ ''' Compute the time average of data set, masked out where the variables in ds are NaN and, if ``maskVaries == True``, weighting by the number of days used to compute each monthly mean time in ds. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def ds_to_weights(ds): # make an identical data set to ds but replacing all data arrays with # nonnull applied to that data array weights = ds.copy(deep=True) if isinstance(ds, xr.core.dataarray.DataArray): weights = ds.notnull() elif isinstance(ds, xr.core.dataset.Dataset): for var in ds.data_vars: weights[var] = ds[var].notnull() else: raise TypeError('ds must be an instance of either xarray.Dataset ' 'or xarray.DataArray.') return weights if maskVaries: dsWeightedSum = (ds * ds.daysInMonth).sum(dim='Time', keep_attrs=True) weights = ds_to_weights(ds) weightSum = (weights * ds.daysInMonth).sum(dim='Time') timeMean = dsWeightedSum / weightSum.where(weightSum > 0.) else: days = ds.daysInMonth.sum(dim='Time') dsWeightedSum = (ds * ds.daysInMonth).sum(dim='Time', keep_attrs=True) timeMean = dsWeightedSum / days.where(days > 0.) return timeMean # }}} def _matches_comparison(obsDescriptor, comparisonDescriptor): # {{{ ''' Determine if the two meshes are the same ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if isinstance(obsDescriptor, ProjectionGridDescriptor) and \ isinstance(comparisonDescriptor, ProjectionGridDescriptor): # pretty hard to determine if projections are the same, so we'll rely # on the grid names match = obsDescriptor.meshName == comparisonDescriptor.meshName and \ len(obsDescriptor.x) == len(comparisonDescriptor.x) and \ len(obsDescriptor.y) == len(comparisonDescriptor.y) and \ numpy.all(numpy.isclose(obsDescriptor.x, comparisonDescriptor.x)) and \ numpy.all(numpy.isclose(obsDescriptor.y, comparisonDescriptor.y)) elif isinstance(obsDescriptor, LatLonGridDescriptor) and \ isinstance(comparisonDescriptor, LatLonGridDescriptor): match = ((('degree' in obsDescriptor.units and 'degree' in comparisonDescriptor.units) or ('radian' in obsDescriptor.units and 'radian' in comparisonDescriptor.units)) and len( == len( and len(obsDescriptor.lon) == len(comparisonDescriptor.lon) and numpy.all(numpy.isclose(, and numpy.all(numpy.isclose(obsDescriptor.lon, comparisonDescriptor.lon))) else: match = False return match # }}} def _setup_climatology_caching(ds, startYearClimo, endYearClimo, yearsPerCacheFile, cachePrefix, monthValues): # {{{ ''' Determine which cache files already exist, which are incomplete and which years are present in each cache file (whether existing or to be created). ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis cacheInfo = [] cacheIndices = -1 * numpy.ones(ds.dims['Time'], int) monthsInDs = ds.month.values yearsInDs = ds.year.values # figure out which files to load and which years go in each file for firstYear in range(startYearClimo, endYearClimo + 1, yearsPerCacheFile): years = range(firstYear, firstYear + yearsPerCacheFile) yearString, fileSuffix = _get_year_string(years[0], years[-1]) outputFileClimo = '{}_{}.nc'.format(cachePrefix, fileSuffix) done = False if os.path.exists(outputFileClimo): # already cached dsCached = None try: dsCached = xr.open_dataset(outputFileClimo) except IOError: # assuming the cache file is corrupt, so deleting it. print('Warning: Deleting cache file {}, which appears to ' 'have been corrupted.'.format(outputFileClimo)) os.remove(outputFileClimo) monthsIfDone = len(monthValues) * len(years) if ((dsCached is not None) and (dsCached.attrs['totalMonths'] == monthsIfDone)): # also complete, so we can move on done = True if dsCached is not None: dsCached.close() cacheIndex = len(cacheInfo) for year in years: for month in monthValues: mask = numpy.logical_and(yearsInDs == year, monthsInDs == month) cacheIndices[mask] = cacheIndex if numpy.count_nonzero(cacheIndices == cacheIndex) == 0: continue cacheInfo.append((outputFileClimo, done, yearString)) ds = ds.copy() ds.coords['cacheIndices'] = ('Time', cacheIndices) return cacheInfo, cacheIndices # }}} def _cache_individual_climatologies(ds, cacheInfo, printProgress, yearsPerCacheFile, monthValues, calendar): # {{{ ''' Cache individual climatologies for later aggregation. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis for cacheIndex, info in enumerate(cacheInfo): outputFileClimo, done, yearString = info if done: continue dsYear = ds.where(ds.cacheIndices == cacheIndex, drop=True) if printProgress: print(' {}'.format(yearString)) totalDays = dsYear.daysInMonth.sum(dim='Time').values monthCount = dsYear.dims['Time'] climatology = compute_climatology(dsYear, monthValues, calendar, maskVaries=False) climatology.attrs['totalDays'] = totalDays climatology.attrs['totalMonths'] = monthCount climatology.attrs['fingerprintClimo'] = fingerprint_generator() write_netcdf(climatology, outputFileClimo) climatology.close() # }}} def _cache_aggregated_climatology(startYearClimo, endYearClimo, cachePrefix, printProgress, monthValues, cacheInfo): # {{{ ''' Cache aggregated climatology from individual climatologies. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis yearString, fileSuffix = _get_year_string(startYearClimo, endYearClimo) outputFileClimo = '{}_{}.nc'.format(cachePrefix, fileSuffix) done = False if len(cacheInfo) == 0: climatology = None done = True if os.path.exists(outputFileClimo): # already cached climatology = None try: climatology = xr.open_dataset(outputFileClimo) except IOError: # assuming the cache file is corrupt, so deleting it. print('Warning: Deleting cache file {}, which appears to have ' 'been corrupted.'.format(outputFileClimo)) os.remove(outputFileClimo) if len(cacheInfo) == 1 and outputFileClimo == cacheInfo[0][0]: # theres only one cache file and it already has the same name # as the aggregated file so no need to aggregate done = True elif climatology is not None: monthsIfDone = ( endYearClimo - startYearClimo + 1) * len(monthValues) if climatology.attrs['totalMonths'] == monthsIfDone: # also complete, so we can move on done = True else: climatology.close() if not done: if printProgress: print(' Computing aggregated climatology ' '{}...'.format(yearString)) first = True for cacheIndex, info in enumerate(cacheInfo): inFileClimo = info[0] ds = xr.open_dataset(inFileClimo) days = ds.attrs['totalDays'] months = ds.attrs['totalMonths'] if first: totalDays = days totalMonths = months climatology = ds * days first = False else: totalDays += days totalMonths += months climatology = climatology + ds * days ds.close() climatology = climatology / totalDays climatology.attrs['totalDays'] = totalDays climatology.attrs['totalMonths'] = totalMonths climatology.attrs['fingerprintClimo'] = fingerprint_generator() write_netcdf(climatology, outputFileClimo) return climatology # }}} def _get_year_string(startYear, endYear): if startYear == endYear: yearString = '{:04d}'.format(startYear) fileSuffix = 'year{}'.format(yearString) else: yearString = '{:04d}-{:04d}'.format(startYear, endYear) fileSuffix = 'years{}'.format(yearString) return yearString, fileSuffix # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python