Source code for mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.mpas_climatology_task

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
# distributed with this code, or at

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import xarray
import os
import subprocess
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import dask
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

from mpas_analysis.shared.analysis_task import AnalysisTask

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.climatology import \
    get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_directory, \
    get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_file_name, \

from import make_directories, \

from import write_netcdf

from mpas_analysis.shared.constants import constants

[docs]class MpasClimatologyTask(AnalysisTask): # {{{ ''' An analysis tasks for computing climatologies from output from the ``timeSeriesStatsMonthly*`` analysis members. Attributes ---------- variableList : dict of lists A dictionary with seasons as keys and a list of variable names in the stream to be included in the climatologies for each season in the values. allVariables : list of str A list of all available variable names in the stream used to raise an exception when an unavailable variable is requested inputFiles : list of str A list of input files used to compute the climatologies. ncclimoModel : {'mpaso', 'mpascice'} The name of the component expected by ``ncclimo`` startDate, endDate : str The start and end dates of the climatology as strings startYear, endYear : int The start and end years of the climatology seasonSubtasks : dict If using xarray to compute climatologies, a dictionary of subtasks, one for each possible season op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'} operator for monthly stats streamName : str The name of the stream to read from, one of ``timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput``, ``timeSeriesStatsMonthlyMinOutput``, ``timeSeriesStatsMonthlyMaxOutput`` ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, config, componentName, taskName=None, op='avg'): # {{{ ''' Construct the analysis task. Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Contains configuration options componentName : {'ocean', 'seaIce'} The name of the component (same as the folder where the task resides) op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'}, optioinal operator for monthly stats taskName : str, optional the name of the task, defaults to mpasClimatology<ComponentName><Op> ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.variableList = {} self.op = op if op == 'avg': self.streamName = 'timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput' elif op == 'min': self.streamName = 'timeSeriesStatsMonthlyMinOutput' elif op == 'max': self.streamName = 'timeSeriesStatsMonthlyMaxOutput' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected monthly stats operator {}'.format(op)) tags = ['climatology', op] if componentName == 'ocean': self.ncclimoModel = 'mpaso' elif componentName == 'seaIce': self.ncclimoModel = 'mpascice' else: raise ValueError('component {} is not supported by ncclimo.\n' 'Check with Charlie Zender and Xylar Asay-Davis\n' 'about getting it added'.format(componentName)) if taskName is None: suffix = componentName[0].upper() + componentName[1:] + \ op[0].upper() + op[1:] taskName = 'mpasClimatology{}'.format(suffix) self.allVariables = None self.useNcclimo = config.getboolean('climatology', 'useNcclimo') # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(MpasClimatologyTask, self).__init__( config=config, taskName=taskName, componentName=componentName, tags=tags) ncclimoParallelMode = config.get('execute', 'ncclimoParallelMode') if self.useNcclimo: if ncclimoParallelMode in ['bck', 'mpi']: ncclimoThreads = config.getint('execute', 'ncclimoThreads') self.subprocessCount = ncclimoThreads else: # running in serial self.subprocessCount = 1 self.seasonSubtasks = {} if not self.useNcclimo: # this process doesn't do anything on its own, so no need to # block other tasks self.subprocessCount = 1 # setup one subtask for each possible season that could be added for season in constants.monthDictionary: self.seasonSubtasks[season] = MpasClimatologySeasonSubtask( self, season) self.add_subtask(self.seasonSubtasks[season]) # make sure each season runs after the months that make up that # season for season in constants.monthDictionary: if season in constants.abrevMonthNames: continue monthValues = constants.monthDictionary[season] monthNames = [constants.abrevMonthNames[month-1] for month in monthValues] for monthName in monthNames: self.seasonSubtasks[season].run_after( self.seasonSubtasks[monthName])
# }}}
[docs] def add_variables(self, variableList, seasons=None): # {{{ ''' Add one or more variables and optionally one or more seasons for which to compute climatologies. Parameters ---------- variableList : list of str A list of variable names in the stream to be included in the climatologies seasons : list of str, optional A list of seasons (keys in ``shared.constants.monthDictionary``) to be computed or ``None`` if only monthly climatologies are needed. Raises ------ ValueError if this funciton is called before this task has been set up (so the list of available variables has not yet been set) or if one or more of the requested variables is not available in the stream. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if self.allVariables is None: raise ValueError('add_variables() can only be called after ' 'setup_and_check() in MpasClimatologyTask.\n' 'Presumably tasks were added in the wrong order ' 'or add_variables() is being called in the wrong ' 'place.') if seasons is None: seasons = list(constants.abrevMonthNames) for variable in variableList: if variable not in self.allVariables: raise ValueError( '{} is not available in {} output:\n{}'.format( variable, self.streamName, self.allVariables)) for season in seasons: if season not in self.variableList: self.variableList[season] = [] if variable not in self.variableList[season]: self.variableList[season].append(variable) # add variables to individual months as well, since those will # be computed first for season in seasons: if season not in constants.abrevMonthNames: monthValues = constants.monthDictionary[season] monthNames = [constants.abrevMonthNames[month-1] for month in monthValues] self.add_variables(variableList, seasons=monthNames)
# }}} def setup_and_check(self): # {{{ ''' Perform steps to set up the analysis and check for errors in the setup. Raises ------ IOError : If a restart file is not available from which to read mesh information or if no history files are available from which to compute the climatology in the desired time range. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call setup_and_check from the base class (AnalysisTask), # which will perform some common setup, including storing: # self.runDirectory , self.historyDirectory, self.plotsDirectory, # self.namelist, self.runStreams, self.historyStreams, # self.calendar super(MpasClimatologyTask, self).setup_and_check() if self.op == 'avg': self.check_analysis_enabled( analysisOptionName='config_am_timeseriesstatsmonthly_enable', raiseException=True) elif self.op == 'min': self.check_analysis_enabled( analysisOptionName='config_AM_timeSeriesStatsMonthlyMin_enable', raiseException=True) elif self.op == 'max': self.check_analysis_enabled( analysisOptionName='config_AM_timeSeriesStatsMonthlyMax_enable', raiseException=True) self.startYear, self.endYear = self.get_start_and_end() self.startDate = '{:04d}-01-01_00:00:00'.format(self.startYear) self.endDate = '{:04d}-12-31_23:59:59'.format(self.endYear) # get a list of timeSeriesSta output files from the streams file, # reading only those that are between the start and end dates self.inputFiles = self.historyStreams.readpath( self.streamName, startDate=self.startDate, endDate=self.endDate, calendar=self.calendar) if len(self.inputFiles) == 0: raise IOError('No files were found in stream {} between {} and ' '{}.'.format(self.streamName, self.startDate, self.endDate)) self.symlinkDirectory = self._create_symlinks() with xarray.open_dataset(self.inputFiles[0]) as ds: self.allVariables = list(ds.data_vars.keys()) # }}} def run_task(self): # {{{ ''' Compute the requested climatologies ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if len(self.variableList.keys()) == 0: # nothing to do return if not self.useNcclimo: # subtasks will take care of it, so nothing to do return'\nComputing MPAS climatologies from files:\n' ' {} through\n {}'.format( os.path.basename(self.inputFiles[0]), os.path.basename(self.inputFiles[-1]))) seasonsToCheck = list(constants.abrevMonthNames) for season in self.variableList: if season not in seasonsToCheck: seasonsToCheck.append(season) allExist = True for season in seasonsToCheck: climatologyFileName = self.get_file_name(season) climatologyDirectory = get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_directory( self.config, self.op) if not os.path.exists(climatologyFileName): allExist = False break if allExist: for season in seasonsToCheck: if season not in self.variableList: continue # make sure all the necessary variables are also present with xarray.open_dataset(self.get_file_name(season)) as ds: for variableName in self.variableList[season]: if variableName not in ds.variables: allExist = False break if not allExist: self._compute_climatologies_with_ncclimo( inDirectory=self.symlinkDirectory, outDirectory=climatologyDirectory) # }}} def get_start_and_end(self): # {{{ """ Get the start and end years and dates for the climatology. This function is provided to allow a custom method for setting the start and end years of the climatology. By default, they are read from the climatology section of the config file Returns ------- startYear, endYear : int The start and end years of the climatology """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis startYear = self.config.getint('climatology', 'startYear') endYear = self.config.getint('climatology', 'endYear') return startYear, endYear # }}}
[docs] def get_file_name(self, season): # {{{ """ Returns the full path for MPAS climatology file produced by ncclimo. Parameters ---------- season : str One of the seasons in ``constants.monthDictionary`` Returns ------- fileName : str The path to the climatology file for the specified season. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis return get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_file_name(self.config, season, self.componentName, self.op)
# }}} def _create_symlinks(self): # {{{ """ Create symlinks to monthly mean files so they have the expected file naming convention for ncclimo. Returns ------- symlinkDirectory : str The path to the symlinks created for each timeSeriesStatsMonthly input file """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis config = self.config fileNames = sorted(self.inputFiles) years, months = get_files_year_month(fileNames, self.historyStreams, self.streamName) climatologyOpDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(config, self.op) symlinkDirectory = '{}/source_symlinks'.format( climatologyOpDirectory) make_directories(symlinkDirectory) for inFileName, year, month in zip(fileNames, years, months): outFileName = '{}/{}{:04d}-' \ '{:02d}'.format(symlinkDirectory, self.ncclimoModel, year, month) try: os.symlink(inFileName, outFileName) except OSError: pass return symlinkDirectory # }}} def _compute_climatologies_with_ncclimo(self, inDirectory, outDirectory, remapper=None, remappedDirectory=None): # {{{ ''' Uses ncclimo to compute monthly, seasonal and/or annual climatologies. Parameters ---------- inDirectory : str The run directory containing timeSeriesStatsMonthly output outDirectory : str The output directory where climatologies will be written remapper : ``pyremap.Remapper`` object, optional If present, a remapper that defines the source and desitnation grids for remapping the climatologies. remappedDirectory : str, optional If present, the path where remapped climatologies should be written. By default, remapped files are stored in the same directory as the climatologies on the source grid. Has no effect if ``remapper`` is ``None``. Raises ------ OSError If ``ncclimo`` is not in the system path. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if find_executable('ncclimo') is None: raise OSError('ncclimo not found. Make sure the latest nco ' 'package is installed: \n' 'conda install nco\n' 'Note: this presumes use of the conda-forge ' 'channel.') parallelMode = self.config.get('execute', 'ncclimoParallelMode') seasons = [season for season in self.variableList if season not in constants.abrevMonthNames] variableList = [] for season in self.variableList: variableList.extend(self.variableList[season]) # include each variable only once variableList = sorted(list(set(variableList))) if len(seasons) == 0: seasons = ['none'] args = ['ncclimo', '--no_stdin', '-4', '--clm_md=mth', '-a', 'sdd', '-m', self.ncclimoModel, '-p', parallelMode, '-j', '{}'.format(self.subprocessCount), '-v', ','.join(variableList), '--seasons={}'.format(','.join(seasons)), '-s', '{:04d}'.format(self.startYear), '-e', '{:04d}'.format(self.endYear), '-i', inDirectory, '-o', outDirectory] if remapper is not None: args.extend(['-r', remapper.mappingFileName]) if remappedDirectory is not None: args.extend(['-O', remappedDirectory])'running: {}'.format(' '.join(args))) for handler in self.logger.handlers: handler.flush() # set an environment variable to make sure we're not using czender's # local version of NCO instead of one we have intentionally loaded env = os.environ.copy() env['NCO_PATH_OVERRIDE'] = 'No' process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if stdout: stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') for line in stdout.split('\n'): if stderr: stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') for line in stderr.split('\n'): self.logger.error(line) if process.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(process.returncode, ' '.join(args))
# }}} # }}} class MpasClimatologySeasonSubtask(AnalysisTask): # {{{ ''' An analysis subtasks for computing climatologies from output from the ``timeSeriesStatsMonthly`` analysis member for a single month or season. Attributes ---------- season : str The season of the climatology parentTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that this subtask belongs to. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def __init__(self, parentTask, season, subtaskName=None): # {{{ ''' Construct the analysis task and adds it as a subtask of the ``parentTask``. Parameters ---------- parentTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that this subtask belongs to. season : str A keys in ``shared.constants.monthDictionary`` subtaskName : str, optional the name of the subtask, defaults to season ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.season = season if subtaskName is None: subtaskName = season # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(MpasClimatologySeasonSubtask, self).__init__( config=parentTask.config, taskName=parentTask.taskName, componentName=parentTask.componentName, tags=parentTask.tags, subtaskName=subtaskName) self.parentTask = parentTask parallelTaskCount = self.config.getint('execute', 'parallelTaskCount') self.subprocessCount = min(parallelTaskCount, self.config.getint('climatology', 'subprocessCount')) self.daskThreads = min( multiprocessing.cpu_count(), self.config.getint('climatology', 'daskThreads')) # }}} def run_task(self): # {{{ ''' Compute the requested climatologies ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis season = self.season parentTask = self.parentTask if season not in parentTask.variableList: # nothing to do return variableList = parentTask.variableList[season] if len(variableList) == 0: # nothing to do return'\nComputing MPAS climatology from files:\n' ' {} through\n {}'.format( os.path.basename(parentTask.inputFiles[0]), os.path.basename(parentTask.inputFiles[-1]))) climatologyFileName = parentTask.get_file_name(season) climatologyDirectory = get_unmasked_mpas_climatology_directory( self.config) allExist = False if os.path.exists(climatologyFileName): allExist = True # make sure all the necessary variables are also present with xarray.open_dataset(climatologyFileName) as ds: for variableName in variableList: if variableName not in ds.variables: allExist = False break if not allExist: with dask.config.set(schedular='threads', pool=ThreadPool(self.daskThreads)): self._compute_climatologies_with_xarray( inDirectory=parentTask.symlinkDirectory, outDirectory=climatologyDirectory) # }}} def _compute_climatologies_with_xarray(self, inDirectory, outDirectory): # {{{ ''' Uses xarray to compute seasonal and/or annual climatologies. Parameters ---------- inDirectory : str The run directory containing timeSeriesStatsMonthly output outDirectory : str The output directory where climatologies will be written ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def _preprocess(ds): # drop unused variables during preprocessing because only the # variables we want are guaranteed to be in all the files return ds[variableList] season = self.season parentTask = self.parentTask variableList = parentTask.variableList[season] chunkSize = self.config.getint('input', 'maxChunkSize') if season in constants.abrevMonthNames: # this is an individual month, so create a climatology from # timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput fileNames = sorted(parentTask.inputFiles) years, months = get_files_year_month( fileNames, self.historyStreams, parentTask.streamName) with xarray.open_mfdataset(parentTask.inputFiles, combine='nested', concat_dim='Time', chunks={'nCells': chunkSize}, decode_cf=False, decode_times=False, preprocess=_preprocess) as ds: ds.coords['year'] = ('Time', years) ds.coords['month'] = ('Time', months) month = constants.abrevMonthNames.index(season) + 1 climatologyFileName = parentTask.get_file_name(season)'computing climatology {}'.format( os.path.basename(climatologyFileName))) ds = ds.where(ds.month == month, drop=True) ds = ds.mean(dim='Time') ds.compute(num_workers=self.subprocessCount) write_netcdf(ds, climatologyFileName) else: outFileName = parentTask.get_file_name(season=season)'computing climatology {}'.format( os.path.basename(outFileName))) fileNames = [] weights = [] for month in constants.monthDictionary[season]: monthName = constants.abrevMonthNames[month-1] fileNames.append(parentTask.get_file_name(season=monthName)) weights.append(constants.daysInMonth[month-1]) with xarray.open_mfdataset(fileNames, concat_dim='weight', combine='nested', chunks={'nCells': chunkSize}, decode_cf=False, decode_times=False, preprocess=_preprocess) as ds: ds.coords['weight'] = ('weight', weights) ds = ((ds.weight*ds).sum(dim='weight') / ds.weight.sum(dim='weight')) ds.compute(num_workers=self.subprocessCount) write_netcdf(ds, outFileName) # }}} # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python