Source code for mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.remap_mpas_climatology_subtask

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
# distributed with this code, or at

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import xarray as xr
import numpy
import os
from pyremap import MpasMeshDescriptor

from mpas_analysis.shared.analysis_task import AnalysisTask

from mpas_analysis.shared.constants import constants

from import build_config_full_path, \
from import write_netcdf

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.climatology import get_remapper, \
    get_masked_mpas_climatology_file_name, \
    get_remapped_mpas_climatology_file_name, \
from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.comparison_descriptors import \

[docs]class RemapMpasClimatologySubtask(AnalysisTask): # {{{ ''' An analysis tasks for computing climatologies from output from the ``timeSeriesStatsMonthly`` analysis member. Attributes ---------- climatologyName : str A name that describes the climatology (e.g. a short version of the important field(s) in the climatology) used to name the subdirectories for each stage of the climatology variableList : list of str A list of variable names in ``timeSeriesStatsMonthly`` to be included in the climatologies iselValues : dict A dictionary of dimensions and indices (or ``None``) used to extract a slice of the MPAS field. seasons : list of str A list of seasons (keys in ``shared.constants.monthDictionary``) over which the climatology should be computed or ['none'] if only monthly climatologies are needed. comparisonDescriptors : dict of ``MeshDescriptor`` Descriptors of the comparison grids to use for remapping, with grid names as the keys. restartFileName : str If ``comparisonGridName`` is not ``None``, the name of a restart file from which the MPAS mesh can be read. useNcremap : bool, optional Whether to use ncremap to do the remapping (the other option being an internal python code that handles more grid types and extra dimensions) op : {'avg', 'min', 'max'} operator for monthly stats ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, mpasClimatologyTask, parentTask, climatologyName, variableList, seasons, comparisonGridNames=None, iselValues=None, subtaskName='remapMpasClimatology', useNcremap=None): # {{{ ''' Construct the analysis task and adds it as a subtask of the ``parentTask``. Parameters ---------- mpasClimatologyTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that produced the climatology to be remapped parentTask : ``AnalysisTask`` The parent task, used to get the ``taskName``, ``config`` and ``componentName`` climatologyName : str A name that describes the climatology (e.g. a short version of the important field(s) in the climatology) used to name the subdirectories for each stage of the climatology variableList : list of str A list of variable names in ``timeSeriesStatsMonthly`` to be included in the climatologies seasons : list of str A list of seasons (keys in ``shared.constants.monthDictionary``) to be computed or ['none'] (not ``None``) if only monthly climatologies are needed. comparisonGridNames : list of {'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'}, optional The name(s) of the comparison grid to use for remapping. If none is supplied, `add_comparison_descriptor()` must be called to add one or more comparison grids. iselValues : dict, optional A dictionary of dimensions and indices (or ``None``) used to extract a slice of the MPAS field(s). subtaskName : str, optional The name of the subtask useNcremap : bool, optional Whether to use ncremap to do the remapping (the other option being an internal python code that handles more grid types and extra dimensions). This defaults to the config option ``useNcremap`` if it is not explicitly given. If a comparison grid other than ``latlon`` is given, ncremap is not supported so this flag is set to ``False``. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis tags = ['climatology'] # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(RemapMpasClimatologySubtask, self).__init__( config=mpasClimatologyTask.config, taskName=parentTask.taskName, subtaskName=subtaskName, componentName=parentTask.componentName, tags=tags) self.variableList = variableList self.seasons = seasons self.comparisonDescriptors = {} if comparisonGridNames is not None: for comparisonGridName in comparisonGridNames: comparisonDescriptor = get_comparison_descriptor( self.config, comparisonGridName) self.comparisonDescriptors[comparisonGridName] = \ comparisonDescriptor self.iselValues = iselValues self.climatologyName = climatologyName self.mpasClimatologyTask = mpasClimatologyTask self.op = mpasClimatologyTask.op self.run_after(mpasClimatologyTask) parentTask.add_subtask(self) # this is a stopgap until MPAS implements the _FillValue attribute # correctly self._fillValue = -9.99999979021476795361e+33 if useNcremap is None: self.useNcremap = self.config.getboolean('climatology', 'useNcremap') else: self.useNcremap = useNcremap
# }}} def setup_and_check(self): # {{{ ''' Perform steps to set up the analysis and check for errors in the setup. Raises ------ IOError : If a restart file is not available from which to read mesh information or if no history files are available from which to compute the climatology in the desired time range. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call setup_and_check from the base class (AnalysisTask), # which will perform some common setup, including storing: # self.runDirectory , self.historyDirectory, self.plotsDirectory, # self.namelist, self.runStreams, self.historyStreams, # self.calendar super(RemapMpasClimatologySubtask, self).setup_and_check() try: self.restartFileName = self.runStreams.readpath('restart')[0] except ValueError: raise IOError('No MPAS restart file found: need at least one ' 'restart file to perform remapping of ' 'climatologies.') # we set up the remapper here because ESFM_RegridWeightGen seems to # have trouble if it runs in another process (or in several at once) self._setup_remappers() # don't add the variables and seasons to mpasClimatologyTask until # we're sure this subtask is supposed to run self.mpasClimatologyTask.add_variables(self.variableList, self.seasons) # make the mapping directory, because doing so within each process # seems to be giving ESMF_RegridWeightGen some trouble mappingSubdirectory = build_config_full_path(self.config, 'output', 'mappingSubdirectory') make_directories(mappingSubdirectory) # }}} def run_task(self): # {{{ ''' Compute the requested climatologies ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis'\nRemapping climatology {}'.format( self.climatologyName)) dsMask = xr.open_dataset(self.mpasClimatologyTask.inputFiles[0]) dsMask = dsMask[self.variableList] iselValues = {'Time': 0} if self.iselValues is not None: iselValues.update(self.iselValues) # select only Time=0 and possibly only the desired vertical # slice dsMask = dsMask.isel(**iselValues) for season in self.seasons: self._mask_climatologies(season, dsMask) for comparisonGridName in self.comparisonDescriptors: for season in self.seasons: maskedClimatologyFileName = self.get_masked_file_name( season) remappedFileName = self.get_remapped_file_name( season, comparisonGridName) if not os.path.exists(remappedFileName): self._remap(inFileName=maskedClimatologyFileName, outFileName=remappedFileName, remapper=self.remappers[comparisonGridName], comparisonGridName=comparisonGridName, season=season) # }}} def add_comparison_grid_descriptor(self, comparisonGridName, comparisonDescriptor): # {{{ ''' Add a custom grid descriptor (something other than 'latlon' or 'antarctic' or 'arctic'). Parameters ---------- comparisonGridName : str The name of the comparison grid comparisonDescriptor : ``MeshDescriptor`` A descriptor of the comparison grid to use for remapping ''' self.comparisonDescriptors[comparisonGridName] = \ comparisonDescriptor # }}}
[docs] def get_masked_file_name(self, season): # {{{ """ Given config options, the name of a field and a string identifying the months in a seasonal climatology, returns the full path for MPAS climatology files before and after remapping. Parameters ---------- season : str One of the seasons in ``constants.monthDictionary`` Returns ------- fileName : str The path to the climatology file for the specified season. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis fileName = get_masked_mpas_climatology_file_name(self.config, season, self.componentName, self.climatologyName, self.op) return fileName # }}}
[docs] def get_remapped_file_name(self, season, comparisonGridName): # {{{ """ Given config options, the name of a field and a string identifying the months in a seasonal climatology, returns the full path for MPAS climatology files before and after remapping. Parameters ---------- season : str One of the seasons in ``constants.monthDictionary`` comparisonGridName : {'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'} The name of the comparison grid to use for remapping. Returns ------- fileName : str The path to the climatology file for the specified season. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis fileName = get_remapped_mpas_climatology_file_name( self.config, season, self.componentName, self.climatologyName, comparisonGridName, self.op) return fileName # }}}
def customize_masked_climatology(self, climatology, season): # {{{ """ Override this function to customize the climatology during the masking phase (before remapping) Parameters ---------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset``` The MPAS climatology data set that has had a mask added but has not yet been remapped season : str The name of the season to be masked Returns ------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset``` The same data set with any custom fields added or modifications made """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis return climatology # }}} def customize_remapped_climatology(self, climatology, comparisonGridNames, season): # {{{ """ Override this function to customize the climatology after remapping Parameters ---------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset``` The MPAS climatology data set that has been remapped comparisonGridNames : {'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'} The name of the comparison grid to use for remapping. season : str The name of the season to be remapped Returns ------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset``` The same data set with any custom fields added or modifications made """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis return climatology # }}} def _setup_remappers(self): # {{{ """ Set up the remappers for remapping from the MPAS to the comparison grids. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis config = self.config # make reamppers mappingFilePrefix = 'map' self.remappers = {} for comparisonGridName in self.comparisonDescriptors: comparisonDescriptor = \ self.comparisonDescriptors[comparisonGridName] self.comparisonGridName = comparisonDescriptor.meshName mpasDescriptor = MpasMeshDescriptor( self.restartFileName, meshName=config.get('input', 'mpasMeshName')) self.mpasMeshName = mpasDescriptor.meshName self.remappers[comparisonGridName] = get_remapper( config=config, sourceDescriptor=mpasDescriptor, comparisonDescriptor=comparisonDescriptor, mappingFilePrefix=mappingFilePrefix, method=config.get('climatology', 'mpasInterpolationMethod'), logger=self.logger) # }}} def _setup_file_names(self): # {{{ """ Create a dictionary of file names and directories for this climatology """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis config = self.config climatologyBaseDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(config, self.op) mpasMeshName = config.get('input', 'mpasMeshName') comparisonFullMeshNames = {} for comparisonGridName in self.comparisonDescriptors: comparisonDescriptor = \ self.comparisonDescriptors[comparisonGridName] comparisonFullMeshNames[comparisonGridName] = \ comparisonDescriptor.meshName keys = [] for season in self.seasons: stage = 'masked' keys.append((season, stage)) stage = 'remapped' for comparisonGridName in self.comparisonDescriptors: keys.append((season, stage, comparisonGridName)) self._outputDirs = {} self._outputFiles = {} for key in keys: season = key[0] stage = key[1] if stage == 'remapped': comparisonGridName = key[2] stageDirectory = '{}/{}'.format(climatologyBaseDirectory, stage) if stage == 'masked': directory = '{}/{}_{}'.format( stageDirectory, self.climatologyName, mpasMeshName) elif stage == 'remapped': directory = '{}/{}_{}_to_{}'.format( stageDirectory, self.climatologyName, mpasMeshName, comparisonFullMeshNames[comparisonGridName]) make_directories(directory) monthValues = sorted(constants.monthDictionary[season]) startMonth = monthValues[0] endMonth = monthValues[-1] suffix = '{:04d}{:02d}_{:04d}{:02d}_climo'.format( self.mpasClimatologyTask.startYear, startMonth, self.mpasClimatologyTask.endYear, endMonth) if season in constants.abrevMonthNames: season = '{:02d}'.format(monthValues[0]) fileName = '{}/{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( directory, self.mpasClimatologyTask.ncclimoModel, season, suffix) self._outputDirs[key] = directory self._outputFiles[key] = fileName # }}} def _mask_climatologies(self, season, dsMask): # {{{ ''' For each season, creates a masked version of the climatology Parameters ---------- season : str The name of the season to be masked dsMask : ``xarray.Dataset`` object A data set (from the first input file) that can be used to determine the mask in MPAS output files. Author ------ Xylar Asay-Davis ''' climatologyFileName = self.mpasClimatologyTask.get_file_name(season) maskedClimatologyFileName = self.get_masked_file_name(season) if not os.path.exists(maskedClimatologyFileName): # slice and mask the data set climatology = xr.open_dataset(climatologyFileName) climatology = climatology[self.variableList] iselValues = {} if 'Time' in climatology.dims: iselValues['Time'] = 0 if self.iselValues is not None: iselValues.update(self.iselValues) # select only Time=0 and possibly only the desired vertical # slice if len(iselValues.keys()) > 0: climatology = climatology.isel(**iselValues) # add valid mask as a variable, useful for remapping later climatology['validMask'] = \ xr.DataArray(numpy.ones(climatology.dims['nCells']), dims=['nCells']) # mask the data set for variableName in self.variableList: climatology[variableName] = \ climatology[variableName].where( dsMask[variableName] != self._fillValue) # customize (if this function has been overridden) climatology = self.customize_masked_climatology(climatology, season) write_netcdf(climatology, maskedClimatologyFileName) # }}} def _remap(self, inFileName, outFileName, remapper, comparisonGridName, season): # {{{ """ Performs remapping either using ``ncremap`` or the native python code, depending on the requested setting and the comparison grid Parameters ---------- inFileName : str The name of the input file to be remapped. outFileName : str The name of the output file to which the remapped data set should be written. remapper : ``pyremap.Remapper`` object A remapper that can be used to remap files or data sets to a comparison grid. comparisonGridNames : {'latlon', 'antarctic', 'arctic'} The name of the comparison grid to use for remapping. season : str The name of the season to be remapped """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if remapper.mappingFileName is None: # no remapping is needed return renormalizationThreshold = self.config.getfloat( 'climatology', 'renormalizationThreshold') if self.useNcremap: remapper.remap_file(inFileName=inFileName, outFileName=outFileName, overwrite=True, renormalize=renormalizationThreshold, logger=self.logger) remappedClimatology = xr.open_dataset(outFileName) remappedClimatology.load() remappedClimatology.close() else: climatologyDataSet = xr.open_dataset(inFileName) remappedClimatology = remapper.remap(climatologyDataSet, renormalizationThreshold) # customize (if this function has been overridden) remappedClimatology = self.customize_remapped_climatology( remappedClimatology, comparisonGridName, season) write_netcdf(remappedClimatology, outFileName) # }}}
# }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python