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IO utility functions

Phillip J. Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import glob
import os
import random
import string
from datetime import datetime
import numpy

[docs]def paths(*args): # {{{ """ Returns glob'd paths in list for arbitrary number of function arguments. Note, each expanded set of paths is sorted. Parameters ---------- *args : list A list of arguments to pass to ``glob.glob`` Returns ------- paths : list of str A list of file paths """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram paths = [] for aargs in args: paths += sorted(glob.glob(aargs)) return paths # }}}
def fingerprint_generator(size=12, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): # {{{ """ Returns a random string that can be used as a unique fingerprint Parameters ---------- size : int, optional The number of characters in the fingerprint chars : list of char, optional The fingerprint Returns ------- fingerprint : str A random string Reference --------- """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) # }}}
[docs]def make_directories(path): # {{{ """ Make the given path if it does not already exist. Parameters ---------- path : str the path to make Returns ------- path : str the path unchanged """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass return path # }}}
[docs]def build_config_full_path(config, section, relativePathOption, relativePathSection=None, defaultPath=None, baseDirectoryOption='baseDirectory'): # {{{ """ Get a full path from a base directory and a relative path Parameters ---------- config : MpasAnalysisConfigParser object configuration from which to read the path section : str the name of a section in `config`, which must have an option ``baseDirectory`` relativePathOption : str the name of an option in ``section`` of the relative path within ``baseDirectory`` (or possibly an absolute path) relativePathSection : str, optional the name of a section for ``relativePathOption`` if not ``section`` defaultPath : str, optional the name of a path to return if the resulting path doesn't exist. baseDirectoryOption : str, optional the name of the option in ``section`` for the base directorys Returns ------- fullPath : str The full path to the given relative path within the given ``baseDirectory`` """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if relativePathSection is None: relativePathSection = section subDirectory = config.get(relativePathSection, relativePathOption) if os.path.isabs(subDirectory): fullPath = subDirectory else: fullPath = '{}/{}'.format(config.get(section, baseDirectoryOption), subDirectory) if defaultPath is not None and not os.path.exists(fullPath): fullPath = defaultPath return fullPath # }}}
def get_region_mask(config, regionMaskFile): # {{{ """ Get the full path for a region mask with a given file name Parameters ---------- config : MpasAnalysisConfigParser object configuration from which to read the path regionMaskFile : str the file name of the region mask, typically a relative path Returns ------- fullFileName : str The absolute path to the given fileName within the custom or base diagnostics directories """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if os.path.isabs(regionMaskFile): fullFileName = regionMaskFile else: tryCustom = config.get('diagnostics', 'customDirectory') != 'none' found = False fullFileName = None if tryCustom: # first see if region mask file is in the custom directory regionMaskDirectory = build_config_full_path( config, 'diagnostics', 'regionMaskSubdirectory', baseDirectoryOption='customDirectory') fullFileName = '{}/{}'.format(regionMaskDirectory, regionMaskFile) found = os.path.exists(fullFileName) if not found: # no, so second see if mapping files are in the base directory regionMaskDirectory = build_config_full_path( config, 'diagnostics', 'regionMaskSubdirectory', baseDirectoryOption='baseDirectory') fullFileName = '{}/{}'.format(regionMaskDirectory, regionMaskFile) found = os.path.exists(fullFileName) if not found: # still not found, point to a local mask directory maskSubdirectory = build_config_full_path(config, 'output', 'maskSubdirectory') make_directories(maskSubdirectory) fullFileName = '{}/{}'.format(maskSubdirectory, regionMaskFile) return fullFileName # }}} def build_obs_path(config, component, relativePathOption=None, relativePathSection=None, relativePath=None): # {{{ """ Parameters ---------- config : MpasAnalysisConfigParser object configuration from which to read the path component : {'ocean', 'seaIce', 'iceberg'} the prefix on the ``*Observations`` section in ``config``, which must have an option ``obsSubdirectory`` relativePathOption : str, optional the name of an option in `section` of the relative path within ``obsSubdirectory`` (or possibly an absolute path) relativePathSection : str, optional the name of a section for ``relativePathOption`` if not ``<component>Observations`` relativePath : str, optional As an alternative to giving the option (and possibly section) of the relative path, it can be supplied directly Returns ------- fullPath : str The full path to the given relative path within the observations directory for the given component """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis obsSection = '{}Observations'.format(component) if relativePath is None: if relativePathSection is None: relativePathSection = obsSection relativePath = config.get(relativePathSection, relativePathOption) if os.path.isabs(relativePath): fullPath = relativePath else: obsSubdirectory = config.get(obsSection, 'obsSubdirectory') if os.path.isabs(obsSubdirectory): fullPath = '{}/{}'.format(obsSubdirectory, relativePath) else: basePath = config.get('diagnostics', 'customDirectory') fullPath = '{}/{}/{}'.format(basePath, obsSubdirectory, relativePath) if basePath == 'none' or not os.path.exists(fullPath): basePath = config.get('diagnostics', 'baseDirectory') fullPath = '{}/{}/{}'.format(basePath, obsSubdirectory, relativePath) return fullPath # }}}
[docs]def check_path_exists(path): # {{{ """ Raise an exception if the given path does not exist. Parameters ---------- path : str Absolute path Raises ------ OSError If the path does not exist """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if not (os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path)): raise OSError('Path {} not found'.format(path)) # }}}
def get_files_year_month(fileNames, streamsFile, streamName): # {{{ """ Extract the year and month from file names associated with a stream Parameters ---------- fileNames : list of str The names of files with a year and month in their names. streamsFile : ``StreamsFile`` The parsed streams file, used to get a template for the streamName : str The name of the stream with a file-name template for ``fileNames`` Returns ------- years, months : list of int The years and months for each file in ``fileNames`` """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis template = streamsFile.read_datetime_template(streamName) template = os.path.basename(template) dts = [datetime.strptime(os.path.basename(fileName), template) for fileName in fileNames] years = [dt.year for dt in dts] months = [dt.month for dt in dts] return years, months # }}} def decode_strings(da): """ Decode to unicode strings an array that might either be char or string type in the NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- da : ``xarray.DataArray`` the data array of strings to decode Returns ------- strings : list The data array as a list of unicode strings """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if da.dtype.type is numpy.string_: strings = [bytes.decode(name) for name in da.values] else: strings = [name for name in da.values] return strings # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python