Source code for mpas_analysis.shared.mpas_xarray.mpas_xarray

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2020 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import numpy as np
import six
import xarray
from functools import partial

from mpas_analysis.shared.timekeeping.utility import \
    string_to_days_since_date, string_to_datetime, days_to_datetime, \

Utility functions for importing MPAS files into xarray.

open_multifile_dataset : open an xarray data set from MPAS data files
subset_variables : Keep only a subset of variables in a dataset
preprocess : preprocess a single file of an xarray dataset
remove_repeated_time_index : remove redundant indices in the 'Time' coordinate
# Authors
# -------
# Phillip J. Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

[docs]def open_multifile_dataset(fileNames, calendar, simulationStartTime=None, timeVariableName='xtime', variableList=None, selValues=None, iselValues=None): # {{{ """ Opens and returns an xarray data set given file name(s) and the MPAS calendar name. Parameters ---------- fileNames : list of strings A lsit of file paths to read calendar : {``'gregorian'``, ``'gregorian_noleap'``}, optional The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores simulationStartTime : string, optional The start date of the simulation, used to convert from time variables expressed as days since the start of the simulation to days since the reference date. ``simulationStartTime`` takes one of the following forms:: 0001-01-01 0001-01-01 00:00:00 ``simulationStartTime`` is only required if the MPAS time variable (identified by ``timeVariableName``) is a number of days since the start of the simulation. timeVariableName : string, optional The name of the time variable (typically ``'xtime'`` or ``'Time'``). variableList : list of strings, optional If present, a list of variables to be included in the data set selectCorrdValues : dict, optional A dictionary of coordinate names (keys) and values or arrays of values used to slice the variales in the data set. See ``xarray.dataset.sel()`` for details on how this dictonary is used. An example:: selectCorrdValues = {'cellLon': 180.0} iselValues : dict, optional A dictionary of coordinate names (keys) and indices, slices or arrays of indices used to slice the variales in the data set. See ``xarray.dataset.isel()`` for details on how this dictonary is used. An example:: iselValues = {'nVertLevels': slice(0, 3), 'nCells': cellIDs} Returns ------- ds : ``xarray.Dataset`` Raises ------ TypeError If the time variable has an unsupported type (not a date string or a floating-pont number of days since the start of the simulation). ValueError If the time variable is not found in the data set or if the time variable is a number of days since the start of the simulation but simulationStartTime is None. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis preprocess_partial = partial(preprocess, calendar=calendar, simulationStartTime=simulationStartTime, timeVariableName=timeVariableName, variableList=variableList, selValues=selValues, iselValues=iselValues) ds = xarray.open_mfdataset(fileNames, preprocess=preprocess_partial, combine='nested', concat_dim='Time', decode_times=False) ds = remove_repeated_time_index(ds) return ds # }}}
[docs]def subset_variables(ds, variableList): # {{{ """ Given a data set and a list of variable names, returns a new data set that contains only variables with those names. Parameters ---------- ds : ``xarray.DataSet`` object The data set from which a subset of variables is to be extracted. variableList : string or list of strings The names of the variables to be extracted. Returns ------- ds : ``xarray.DataSet`` object A copy of the original data set with only the variables in variableList. Raises ------ ValueError If the resulting data set is empty. """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis allvars = ds.data_vars.keys() # get set of variables to drop (all ds variables not in vlist) dropvars = set(allvars) - set(variableList) # drop variables not requested and coordinates that are no longer needed ds = ds.drop_vars(dropvars) if len(ds.data_vars.keys()) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Empty dataset is returned.\n' 'Variables {}\n' 'are not found within the dataset ' 'variables: {}.'.format(variableList, allvars)) return ds # }}}
[docs]def preprocess(ds, calendar, simulationStartTime, timeVariableName, variableList, selValues, iselValues): # {{{ """ Builds correct time specification for MPAS, allowing a date offset because the time must be between 1678 and 2262 based on the xarray library. Also, if slicing information (`selValues` and/or `iselValues`) was provided in `openMultifileDataSet`, this function performs the appropriate slicing on the data set. Parameters ---------- ds : ``xarray.DataSet`` object The data set containing an MPAS time variable to be used to build an xarray time coordinate. calendar : {``'gregorian'``, ``'gregorian_noleap'``} The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores simulationStartTime : string, optinal The start date of the simulation, used to convert from time variables expressed as days since the start of the simulation to days since the reference date. ``simulationStartTime`` takes one of the following forms:: 0001-01-01 0001-01-01 00:00:00 ``simulationStartTime`` is only required if the MPAS time variable (identified by ``timeVariableName``) is a number of days since the start of the simulation. timeVariableName : string, optional The name of the time variable (typically ``'xtime'`` or ``'Time'``). variableList : list of strings If present, a list of variables to be included in the data set selectCorrdValues : dict A dictionary of coordinate names (keys) and values or arrays of values used to slice the variales in the data set. See ``xarray.DataSet.sel()`` for details on how this dictonary is used. An example:: selectCorrdValues = {'cellLon': 180.0} iselValues : dict A dictionary of coordinate names (keys) and indices, slices or arrays of indices used to slice the variales in the data set. See ``xarray.DataSet.isel()`` for details on how this dictonary is used. An example:: iselValues = {'nVertLevels': slice(0, 3), 'nCells': cellIDs} Returns ------- ds : ``xarray.DataSet`` object A copy of the data set with the time coordinate set and which has been sliced. """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram, Milena Veneziani, Luke van Roekel # and Xylar Asay-Davis # following a suggestion by @rabernat # concat_dim = 'Time' coord_vars = [v for v in ds.data_vars if concat_dim not in ds[v].dims] ds = ds.set_coords(coord_vars) ds = _parse_dataset_time(ds=ds, inTimeVariableName=timeVariableName, calendar=calendar, simulationStartTime=simulationStartTime, outTimeVariableName='Time', referenceDate='0001-01-01') if variableList is not None: ds = subset_variables(ds, _ensure_list(variableList)) _assert_valid_selections(ds, selValues, iselValues) if selValues is not None: ds = ds.sel(**selValues) if iselValues is not None: ds = ds.isel(**iselValues) return ds # }}}
[docs]def remove_repeated_time_index(ds): # {{{ """ Remove repeated times from xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : ``xarray.DataSet`` object The data set potentially containing repeated time indices. Returns ------- ds : ``xarray.DataSet`` object A copy of the original data set with any repeated time indices removed. """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis # get repeated indices times = ds.Time.values indices = list(range(len(times))) uniqueTimes = set() remove = [] for timeIndex, time in enumerate(times): if time not in uniqueTimes: uniqueTimes.add(time) else: remove.append(timeIndex) # remove repeaded indices, working backwards from the last remove.reverse() for timeIndex in remove: indices.pop(timeIndex) # remove repeated indices ds = ds.isel(Time=indices) return ds # }}}
def _assert_valid_selections(ds, selvals, iselvals): # {{{ """ Ensure that dataset selections are compatable. It is possible selVals and iselVals may conflict, e.g., selVals restricts the dataset to a point where iselvals is unable to be satisfied, hence a check is needed to make sure that keys in selvals and iselvals are unique. Additionally, keys for selvals and iselvals are tested to make sure they are dataset dimensions that can be used for selection. """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis def test_vals_in_ds(vals, dims): if vals is not None: for val in vals.keys(): assert val in dims, \ '{} is not a dimension in the dataset ' \ 'that can be used for selection.'.format(val) if (selvals is not None) and (iselvals is not None): duplicatedkeys = len(np.intersect1d(selvals.keys(), iselvals.keys())) assert len(duplicatedkeys) == 0, \ 'Duplicated selection of variables {} was found! ' \ 'Selection is ambiguous.'.format(duplicatedkeys) test_vals_in_ds(selvals, ds.dims) test_vals_in_ds(iselvals, ds.dims) return # }}} def _ensure_list(alist): # {{{ """ Ensure that variables used as a list are actually lists. """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis if isinstance(alist, six.string_types): # print 'Warning, converting %s to a list'%(alist) alist = [alist] return alist # }}} def _parse_dataset_time(ds, inTimeVariableName, calendar, simulationStartTime, outTimeVariableName, referenceDate): # {{{ """ A helper function for computing a time coordinate from an MPAS time variable. Given a data set and a time variable name (or tuple of 2 time names), returns a new data set with time coordinate `outTimeVariableName` filled with days since `referenceDate` Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.DataSet object The data set containing an MPAS time variable to be used to build an xarray time coordinate. inTimeVariableName : string or tuple or list of strings The name of the time variable in the MPAS data set that will be used to build the 'Time' coordinate. The array(s) named by inTimeVariableName should contain date strings or the number of days since the start of the simulation. Typically, inTimeVariableName is one of {'daysSinceStartOfSim','xtime'}. If a list of two variable names is provided, times from the two are averaged together to determine the value of the time coordinate. In such cases, inTimeVariableName is typically {['xtime_start', 'xtime_end']}. calendar : {'gregorian', 'gregorian_noleap'} The name of one of the calendars supported by MPAS cores simulationStartTime : string The start date of the simulation, used to convert from time variables expressed as days since the start of the simulation to days since the reference date. `simulationStartTime` takes one of the following forms:: 0001-01-01 0001-01-01 00:00:00 simulationStartTime is only required if the MPAS time variable (identified by timeVariableName) is a number of days since the start of the simulation. outTimeVariableName : string The name of the coordinate to assign times to, typically 'Time'. referenceDate : string The reference date for the time variable, typically '0001-01-01', taking one of the following forms:: 0001-01-01 0001-01-01 00:00:00 Returns ------- dataset : xarray.dataset object A copy of the input data set with the `outTimeVariableName` coordinate containing the time coordinate parsed from `inTimeVariableName`. Raises ------ TypeError If the time variable has an unsupported type (not a date string or a floating-pont number of days since the start of the simulatio). ValueError If the time variable is a number of days since the start of the simulation but simulationStartTime is None. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if isinstance(inTimeVariableName, (tuple, list)): # we want to average the two assert(len(inTimeVariableName) == 2) dsStart = _parse_dataset_time( ds=ds, inTimeVariableName=inTimeVariableName[0], calendar=calendar, simulationStartTime=simulationStartTime, outTimeVariableName=outTimeVariableName, referenceDate=referenceDate) dsEnd = _parse_dataset_time( ds=ds, inTimeVariableName=inTimeVariableName[1], calendar=calendar, simulationStartTime=simulationStartTime, outTimeVariableName=outTimeVariableName, referenceDate=referenceDate) starts = dsStart[outTimeVariableName].values ends = dsEnd[outTimeVariableName].values # replace the time in starts with the mean of starts and ends dsOut = dsStart.copy() dsOut.coords['startTime'] = (outTimeVariableName, starts) dsOut.coords['endTime'] = (outTimeVariableName, ends) dsOut.coords[outTimeVariableName] = (outTimeVariableName, [starts[i] + (ends[i] - starts[i]) / 2 for i in range(len(starts))]) else: # there is just one time variable (either because we're recursively # calling the function or because we're not averaging). # The contents of the time variable is expected to be either a string # (|S64) or a float (meaning days since start of the simulation). timeVar = ds[inTimeVariableName] if timeVar.dtype == '|S64': # this is an array of date strings like 'xtime' # convert to string timeStrings = [''.join(str(xtime.astype('U'))).strip() for xtime in timeVar.values] days = string_to_days_since_date(dateString=timeStrings, referenceDate=referenceDate, calendar=calendar) elif timeVar.dtype == 'float64': # this array contains floating-point days like # 'daysSinceStartOfSim' if simulationStartTime is None: raise ValueError('MPAS time variable {} appears to be a ' 'number of days since start \n' 'of sim but simulationStartTime was not' ' supplied.'.format(inTimeVariableName)) if (string_to_datetime(referenceDate) == string_to_datetime(simulationStartTime)): days = timeVar.values else: # a conversion may be required dates = days_to_datetime(days=timeVar.values, referenceDate=simulationStartTime, calendar=calendar) days = datetime_to_days(dates=dates, referenceDate=referenceDate, calendar=calendar) elif timeVar.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]': raise TypeError('timeVar of unsupported type {}. This is likely ' 'because xarray.open_dataset \n' 'was called with decode_times=True, which can ' 'mangle MPAS times.'.format(timeVar.dtype)) else: raise TypeError("timeVar of unsupported type {}".format( timeVar.dtype)) dsOut = ds.copy() dsOut.coords[outTimeVariableName] = (outTimeVariableName, days) return dsOut # }}} def process_chunking(ds, chunking): # {{{ """ Computes chunking for a dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : ``xarray.Dataset`` Input dataset to be chunked. chunking : None, int, dict If chunking is an integer it specifies the maximum chunking rule, otherwise if None do not perform chunking. If a chunking is a dict use dictionary values for chunking. Returns ------- ds : ``xarray.Dataset`` Raises ------ ValueError If chunking value used is not an acceptable value. """ # Authors # ------- # Phillip J. Wolfram if isinstance(chunking, int): chunks = {} for name in ds.chunks.keys(): chunklim = np.asarray(ds.chunks[name]).max() chunks[name] = np.minimum(chunking, chunklim) ds = ds.chunk(chunks) elif isinstance(chunking, dict): ds = ds.chunk(chunking) # if chunking is None don't do any chunking elif chunking is None: pass else: raise ValueError( 'Chunking parameter choice is not understood ' 'for {} of type {}\n'.format(chunking, type(chunking))) return ds # }}} # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python