.. _aquarius_sss:

SSS from NASA Aquarius satellite

Level 3 Aquarius sea surface salinity (SSS) data products have a temporal
resolutions of daily, 8 day, monthly, 3 months, and annual.  Monthly and
seasonal climatology products from Aquarius are also available. The Aquarius
instrument provides global coverage every 7 days. L3 products are gridded
at 1 degree spatial resolution.

`NASA Aquarius Website`_

Release Policy
NASA data are not copyrighted; however, when you publish our data or
results derived therefrom, we request that you include an acknowledgment
within the text of the publication and reference list.
`Data Citation and Acknowledgements`_

`Lagerloef et al. (2015)`_

MPAS-Analysis Tasks
- :ref:`task_climatologyMapSSS`

.. _`NASA Aquarius Website`: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/AQUARIUS_L4_OISSS_IPRC_7DAY_V4
.. _`Data Citation and Acknowledgements`: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/CitingPODAAC
.. _`Lagerloef et al. (2015)`: ftp://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/SalinityDensity/aquarius/docs/v4/AQ-014-PS-0016_AquariusSalinityDataValidationAnalysis_DatasetVersion4.0and3.0.pdf