
An analysis task for plotting depth profiles vs. time of temperature, salinity, potential density, etc. averaged over regions.

Component and Tags:

component: ocean
tags: profiles, climatology, hovmoller

Configuration Options

The following configuration options are available for this task:

## options related to plotting Hovmoller diagrams (depth vs. time plots) of
## regional means of 3D MPAS fields

# the names of region groups to plot, each with its own section below
regionGroups = ['Ocean Basins']

## options related to plotting Hovmoller diagrams of ocean basins

# a list of dictionaries for each field to plot.  The dictionary includes
# prefix (used for file names, task names and sections) as well as the MPAS
# name of the field, units for colorbars and a the name as it should appear
# in figure titles and captions.
fields =
    [{'prefix': 'potentialTemperature',
      'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_temperature',
      'units': r'$\degree$C',
      'titleName': 'Potential Temperature'},
     {'prefix': 'salinity',
      'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_salinity',
      'units': r'PSU',
      'titleName': 'Salinity'},
     {'prefix': 'potentialDensity',
      'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_potentialDensity',
      'units': r'kg m$^{-3}$',
      'titleName': 'Potential Density'}]

# a list of region names from the region masks file to plot
regionNames = ["Atlantic_Basin", "Pacific_Basin", "Indian_Basin",
               "Arctic_Basin", "Southern_Ocean_Basin", "Mediterranean_Basin",
               "Global Ocean", "Global Ocean 65N to 65S",
               "Global Ocean 15S to 15N"]

# whether to compute an anomaly with respect to the start of the time series
computeAnomaly = False

# Number of points over which to compute moving average(e.g., for monthly
# output, movingAverageMonths=12 corresponds to a 12-month moving average
# window)
movingAverageMonths = 12

## options related to plotting time series of temperature vs. depth in ocean
## regions

# colormap
colormapNameResult = RdYlBu_r
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeResult = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeResult = linear
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsResult = {'vmin': -2., 'vmax': 30.}

# colormap for differences
colormapNameDifference = balance
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeDifference = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeDifference = linear
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsDifference = {'vmin': -5., 'vmax': 5.}

# contour line levels (use [] for automatic contour selection, 'none' for no
# contour lines)
contourLevels = 'none'

# An optional first year for the tick marks on the x axis. Leave commented out
# to start at the beginning of the time series.

# firstYearXTicks = 1

# An optional number of years between tick marks on the x axis.  Leave
# commented out to determine the distance between ticks automatically.

# yearStrideXTicks = 1

# limits on depth, the full range by default
# yLim = [-6000., 0.]

## options related to plotting time series of salinity vs. depth in ocean
## regions

# colormap
colormapNameResult = haline
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeResult = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeResult = linear
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsResult = {'vmin': 30, 'vmax': 39.0}

# colormap for differences
colormapNameDifference = balance
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeDifference = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeDifference = linear
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsDifference = {'vmin': -0.5, 'vmax': 0.5}

# contour line levels (use [] for automatic contour selection, 'none' for no
# contour lines)
contourLevels = 'none'

# An optional first year for the tick marks on the x axis. Leave commented out
# to start at the beginning of the time series.

# firstYearXTicks = 1

# An optional number of years between tick marks on the x axis.  Leave
# commented out to determine the distance between ticks automatically.

# yearStrideXTicks = 1

# limits on depth, the full range by default
# yLim = [-6000., 0.]

## options related to plotting time series of potential density vs. depth in
## ocean regions

# colormap
colormapNameResult = Spectral_r
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeResult = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeResult = linear
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsResult = {'vmin': 1026.5, 'vmax': 1028.}

# colormap for differences
colormapNameDifference = balance
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeDifference = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeDifference = linear
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsDifference = {'vmin': -0.3, 'vmax': 0.3}

# contour line levels (use [] for automatic contour selection, 'none' for no
# contour lines)
contourLevels = 'none'

# An optional first year for the tick marks on the x axis. Leave commented out
# to start at the beginning of the time series.

# firstYearXTicks = 1

# An optional number of years between tick marks on the x axis.  Leave
# commented out to determine the distance between ticks automatically.

# yearStrideXTicks = 1

# limits on depth, the full range by default
# yLim = [-6000., 0.]

The [hovmollerOceanRegions] section contains a list of regionGroups, one or more of the Region Groups defined in mpas_analysis.shared.regions.compute_region_masks_subtask.get_region_info().

For each region group, there is a corresponding section [hovmoller<RegionGroup>], where <RegionGroup> is the name of the region group with spaces removed. In this section, the fields dictionary is used to specify a list of 3D MPAS fields to average and plot. The key prefix is a convenient name appended to tasks and file names to describe the field. mpas is the name of the field in MPAS timeSeriesStatsMonthly output files. The units are the SI units of the field to include on the plot’s color bar and titleName is the name of the field to use in its gallery name and on the title of the plot.

regionNames is a list of regions from the full the region group or regionNames = ['all'] to indicate that all regions should be used. For the available regions, see Aggregate Existing Features.

If computeAnomaly = True, the plots will be the anomaly with respect to the beginning of the time series (averaged over movingAverageMonths months).

Each field has a [hovmollerOceanRegions<FieldName>] section, where <FieldName> is the associated prefix but starting with a capital letter. Each of these sections has a yLim option that can specify the desired depth range. The default is the full range.

For more details on the remaining config options, see

Example Result
