.. _argo_mld:

Argo Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) climatology

A mixed layer climatology and database (described in Holte et al. 2017)
using Argo profiles and a hybrid method (Holte and Talley 2009) for
finding the mixed layer depth (MLD). The climatology incorporates over
1,385,000 Argo profiles (through February 2017). The new hybrid algorithm
models the general shape of each profile, searches for physical features
in the profile, and calculates threshold and gradient MLDs to assemble a
suite of possible MLD values. It then analyzes the patterns in the suite
to select a final MLD estimate. Results are also presented for MLDs
calculated using de Boyer Montegut et al.'s (2004) threshold values.

`UCSD Mixed Layer Website`_

Release Policy
`Acknowledgment:`_ If you use this data,
please cite it as: Holte, J., L. D. Talley, J. Gilson, and D. Roemmich
(2017), An Argo mixed layer climatology and database, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 44, 5618-5626, doi:10.1002/2017GL073426.

- `Holte et al. (2017)`_
- `Holte and Talley (2009)`_
- `de Boyer Montegut et al. (2004)`_

`bibtex file`_

MPAS-Analysis Tasks
- :ref:`task_climatologyMapMLD`

.. _`UCSD Mixed Layer Website`: http://mixedlayer.ucsd.edu/
.. _`Acknowledgment:`: http://mixedlayer.ucsd.edu/
.. _`Holte et al. (2017)`: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2017GL073426/full
.. _`Holte and Talley (2009)`: http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2009JTECHO543.1
.. _`de Boyer Montegut et al. (2004)`: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2004JC002378
.. _`bibtex file`: https://web.lcrc.anl.gov/public/e3sm/diagnostics/observations/Ocean/MLD/obs.bib