WOA18 Temperature and Salinity Climatology


The World Ocean Atlas 2018 (WOA18) release July 2019 updates previous versions of the World Ocean Atlas to include approximately 3 million new oceanographic casts added to the World Ocean Database (WOD) since the previous release as well as renewed and updated quality control. Animal mounted pinniped temperature profiles have been added as a data source improving coverage in some high latitude areas. WOA18 includes analysis for temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved inorganic nutrients (only temperature and salinity are used in MPAS-Analysis as of Aug 2019). The atlas includes annual, seasonal, and monthly climatologies and related statistical fields. Annual fields are available for the full depth (0-5500 m), while monthly and seasonal fields are available for the upper 1500 m only. Climatologies are available on a 1deg regular grid and on a 0.25deg grid.

Release Policy

Acknowledgment: Locarnini and co-authors, 2019: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature. A. Mishonov Technical Editor, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 81. Zweng and co-authors, 2019: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 2: Salinity. A. Mishonov Technical Editor, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 82.

MPAS-Analysis Tasks