Source code for mpas_analysis.ocean.index_nino34

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
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import datetime
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal, stats
from import tukey
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology import climatology
from mpas_analysis.shared.constants import constants
from import build_config_full_path, \

from mpas_analysis.shared.timekeeping.utility import datetime_to_days, \
    string_to_days_since_date, string_to_datetime

from mpas_analysis.shared.timekeeping.MpasRelativeDelta import \

from import open_mpas_dataset

from mpas_analysis.shared.plot.ticks import plot_xtick_format
from import savefig

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask
from mpas_analysis.shared.html import write_image_xml

[docs] class IndexNino34(AnalysisTask): """ A task for computing and plotting time series and spectra of the El Nino 3.4 climate index Attributes ---------- mpasTimeSeriesTask : ``MpasTimeSeriesTask`` The task that extracts the time series from MPAS monthly output controlconfig : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser Configuration options for a control run (if any) """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, config, mpasTimeSeriesTask, controlConfig=None): """ Construct the analysis task. Parameters ---------- config : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser Configuration options mpasTimeSeriesTask : ``MpasTimeSeriesTask`` The task that extracts the time series from MPAS monthly output controlconfig : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser, optional Configuration options for a control run (if any) """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(IndexNino34, self).__init__( config=config, taskName='indexNino34', componentName='ocean', tags=['timeSeries', 'index', 'nino', 'publicObs']) self.mpasTimeSeriesTask = mpasTimeSeriesTask self.controlConfig = controlConfig self.run_after(mpasTimeSeriesTask)
def setup_and_check(self): """ Perform steps to set up the analysis and check for errors in the setup. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call setup_and_check from the base class (AnalysisTask), # which will perform some common setup, including storing: # self.runDirectory , self.historyDirectory, self.plotsDirectory, # self.namelist, self.runStreams, self.historyStreams, # self.calendar super(IndexNino34, self).setup_and_check() startDate = self.config.get('index', 'startDate') endDate = self.config.get('index', 'endDate') delta = MpasRelativeDelta(string_to_datetime(endDate), string_to_datetime(startDate), calendar=self.calendar) months = delta.months + 12*delta.years if months <= 12: raise ValueError('Cannot meaninfully analyze El Nino climate ' 'index because the time series is too short.') self.variableList = \ ['timeMonthly_avg_avgValueWithinOceanRegion_avgSurfaceTemperature'] self.mpasTimeSeriesTask.add_variables(variableList=self.variableList) self.inputFile = self.mpasTimeSeriesTask.outputFile mainRunName = self.config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') config = self.config regionToPlot = config.get('indexNino34', 'region') if regionToPlot not in ['nino3.4', 'nino3', 'nino4']: raise ValueError('Unexpectes El Nino Index region {}'.format( regionToPlot)) ninoIndexNumber = regionToPlot[4:] self.xmlFileNames = [] for filePrefix in ['nino{}_{}'.format(ninoIndexNumber, mainRunName), 'nino{}_spectra_{}'.format(ninoIndexNumber, mainRunName)]: self.xmlFileNames.append('{}/{}.xml'.format(self.plotsDirectory, filePrefix)) def run_task(self): """ Computes NINO34 index and plots the time series and power spectrum with 95 and 99% confidence bounds """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis config = self.config calendar = self.calendar regionToPlot = config.get('indexNino34', 'region') ninoIndexNumber = regionToPlot[4:]"\nPlotting El Nino {} Index time series and power " "spectrum....".format(ninoIndexNumber))' Load SST data...') fieldName = 'nino' startDate = self.config.get('index', 'startDate') endDate = self.config.get('index', 'endDate') startYear = self.config.getint('index', 'startYear') endYear = self.config.getint('index', 'endYear') dataSource = config.get('indexNino34', 'observationData') observationsDirectory = build_obs_path( config, 'ocean', '{}Subdirectory'.format(fieldName)) # specify obsTitle based on data path # These are the only data sets supported if dataSource == 'HADIsst': dataPath = "{}/".format( observationsDirectory) obsTitle = 'HADSST' refDate = '1870-01-01' elif dataSource == 'ERS_SSTv4': dataPath = "{}/".format( observationsDirectory) obsTitle = 'ERS SSTv4' refDate = '1800-01-01' else: raise ValueError('Bad value for config option observationData {} ' 'in [indexNino34] section.'.format(dataSource)) mainRunName = config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') # regionIndex should correspond to NINO34 in surface weighted Average # AM regions = config.getexpression('regions', 'regions') regionToPlot = config.get('indexNino34', 'region') regionIndex = regions.index(regionToPlot) # Load data: ds = open_mpas_dataset(fileName=self.inputFile, calendar=calendar, variableList=self.variableList, startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate) # Observations have been processed to the nino34Index prior to reading dsObs = xr.open_dataset(dataPath, decode_cf=False, decode_times=False) # add the days between 0001-01-01 and the refDate so we have a new # reference date of 0001-01-01 (like for the model Time) dsObs["Time"] = dsObs.Time + \ string_to_days_since_date(dateString=refDate, calendar=calendar) nino34Obs = dsObs.sst' Compute El Nino {} Index...'.format( ninoIndexNumber)) varName = self.variableList[0] regionSST = ds[varName].isel(nOceanRegions=regionIndex) nino34Main = self._compute_nino34_index(regionSST, calendar) # Compute the observational index over the entire time range # nino34Obs = compute_nino34_index(dsObs.sst, calendar)' Computing El Nino {} power spectra...'.format( ninoIndexNumber)) spectraMain = self._compute_nino34_spectra(nino34Main) # Compute the observational spectra over the whole record spectraObs = self._compute_nino34_spectra(nino34Obs) # Compute the observational spectra over the last 30 years for # comparison. Only saving the spectra subsetEndYear = 2016 if self.controlConfig is None: subsetStartYear = 1976 else: # make the subset the same length as the input data set subsetStartYear = subsetEndYear - (endYear - startYear) time_start = datetime_to_days(datetime.datetime(subsetStartYear, 1, 1), calendar=calendar) time_end = datetime_to_days(datetime.datetime(subsetEndYear, 12, 31), calendar=calendar) nino34Subset = nino34Obs.sel(Time=slice(time_start, time_end)) spectraSubset = self._compute_nino34_spectra(nino34Subset) if self.controlConfig is None: nino34s = [nino34Obs[2:-3], nino34Subset, nino34Main[2:-3]] titles = ['{} (Full Record)'.format(obsTitle), '{} ({} - {})'.format(obsTitle, subsetStartYear, subsetEndYear), mainRunName] spectra = [spectraObs, spectraSubset, spectraMain] else: baseDirectory = build_config_full_path( self.controlConfig, 'output', 'timeSeriesSubdirectory') refFileName = '{}/{}.nc'.format( baseDirectory, self.mpasTimeSeriesTask.fullTaskName) dsRef = open_mpas_dataset( fileName=refFileName, calendar=calendar, variableList=self.variableList) regionSSTRef = dsRef[varName].isel(nOceanRegions=regionIndex) nino34Ref = self._compute_nino34_index(regionSSTRef, calendar) nino34s = [nino34Subset, nino34Main[2:-3], nino34Ref[2:-3]] controlRunName = self.controlConfig.get('runs', 'mainRunName') spectraRef = self._compute_nino34_spectra(nino34Ref) titles = ['{} ({} - {})'.format(obsTitle, subsetStartYear, subsetEndYear), mainRunName, 'Control: {}'.format(controlRunName)] spectra = [spectraSubset, spectraMain, spectraRef] # Convert frequencies to period in years for s in spectra: s['period'] = \ 1.0 / (constants.eps + s['f'] * constants.sec_per_year)' Plot El Nino {} index and spectra...'.format( ninoIndexNumber)) outFileName = '{}/nino{}_{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, ninoIndexNumber, mainRunName) self._nino34_timeseries_plot( nino34s=nino34s, title=u'El Niño {} Index'.format(ninoIndexNumber), panelTitles=titles, outFileName=outFileName) self._write_xml(filePrefix='nino{}_{}'.format(ninoIndexNumber, mainRunName), plotType='Time Series', ninoIndexNumber=ninoIndexNumber) outFileName = '{}/nino{}_spectra_{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, ninoIndexNumber, mainRunName) self._nino34_spectra_plot( spectra=spectra, title=u'El Niño {} power spectrum'.format(ninoIndexNumber), panelTitles=titles, outFileName=outFileName) self._write_xml(filePrefix='nino{}_spectra_{}'.format(ninoIndexNumber, mainRunName), plotType='Spectra', ninoIndexNumber=ninoIndexNumber) def _compute_nino34_index(self, regionSST, calendar): """ Computes nino34 index time series. It follow the standard nino34 algorithm, i.e., 1. Compute monthly average SST in the region 2. Computes anomalous SST 3. Performs a 5 month running mean over the anomalies This routine requires regionSST to be the SSTs in the nino3.4 region ONLY. It is defined as lat > -5S and lat < 5N and lon > 190E and lon < 240E. Parameters ---------- regionSST : xarray.DataArray object values of SST in the nino region calendar: {'gregorian', 'noleap'} The name of the calendars used in the MPAS run Returns ------- xarray.DataArray object containing the nino34index """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis if not isinstance(regionSST, xr.core.dataarray.DataArray): raise ValueError('regionSST should be an xarray DataArray') # add 'month' data array so we can group by month below. regionSST = climatology.add_years_months_days_in_month(regionSST, calendar) # Compute monthly average and anomaly of climatology of SST monthlyClimatology = \ climatology.compute_monthly_climatology(regionSST, maskVaries=False) anomaly = regionSST.groupby('month') - monthlyClimatology # Remove the long term trend from the anomalies detrendedAnomal = signal.detrend(anomaly.values) anomaly.values = detrendedAnomal # Compute 5 month running mean wgts = np.ones(5) / 5. return self._running_mean(anomaly, wgts) def _compute_nino34_spectra(self, nino34Index): """ Computes power spectra of Nino34 index. nino34Index is the NINO index computed by compute_nino34_index The algorithm follows the NCL cvdp package see Parameters ---------- nino34Index : xarray.DataArray object nino34Index for analysis Returns ------- pxxSmooth : xarray.DataArray object nino34Index power spectra that has been smoothed with a modified Daniell window ( f : numpy.array array of frequencies corresponding to the center of the spectral bins resulting from the analysis mkov*scale : numpy.array Red noise fit to pxxSmooth mkov*scale*xLow : numpy.array 95% confidence threshold from chi-squared test mkov*scale*xHigh : numpy.array 99% confidence threshold from chi-squared test """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis # Move nino34Index to numpy to allow functionality with scipy routines ninoIndex = nino34Index.values window = tukey(len(ninoIndex), alpha=0.1) f, Pxx = signal.periodogram(window * ninoIndex, 1.0 / constants.sec_per_month) # computes power spectra, smoothed with a weighted running mean nwts = max(1, int(7 * len(ninoIndex) / 1200)) # verify window length is odd, if not, add 1 if nwts % 2 == 0: nwts += 1 # Calculate the weights for the running mean # Weights are from the modified Daniell Window wgts = np.ones(nwts) wgts[0] = 0.5 wgts[-1] = 0.5 wgts /= sum(wgts) pxxSmooth = (self._running_mean(pd.Series(Pxx), wgts) / constants.sec_per_month) # compute 99 and 95% confidence intervals and red-noise process # Uses Chi squared test r = self._autocorr(ninoIndex)[0, 1] r2 = 2. * r rsq = r**2 # In the temp2 variable, f is converted to give wavenumber, i.e. # 0,1,2,...,N/2 temp2 = r2 * np.cos(2. * np.pi * f * constants.sec_per_month) mkov = 1. / (1. + rsq - temp2) sum1 = np.sum(mkov) sum2 = np.sum(pxxSmooth.values) scale = sum2 / sum1 df = 2. / (constants.tapcoef * sum(wgts**2)) xLow = stats.chi2.interval(0.95, df)[1] / df xHigh = stats.chi2.interval(0.99, df)[1] / df # return Spectra, 99% confidence level, 95% confidence level, # and Red-noise fit spectra = {'f': f, 'spectrum': pxxSmooth, 'conf99': mkov * scale * xHigh, 'conf95': mkov * scale * xLow, 'redNoise': mkov * scale} return spectra def _autocorr(self, x, t=1): """ Computes lag one auto-correlation for the NINO34 spectra calculation Parameters ---------- x : numpy 1-D array time series array Returns ------- Single value giving the lag one auto-correlation If t != 1, this is no longer a lag one auto-correlation """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel return np.corrcoef(np.array([x[0:len(x) - t], x[t:len(x)]])) def _running_mean(self, inputData, wgts): """ Calculates a generic weighted running mean Parameters ---------- inputData : xr.DataArray Data to be smoothed wgts : numpy.array array of weights that give the smoothing type for the nino index this is a 5-point boxcar window for the nino power spectra this is a modified Daniell window (see """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis nt = len(inputData) sp = (len(wgts) - 1) // 2 runningMean = inputData.copy() for k in range(sp, nt - (sp + 1)): runningMean[k] = sum(wgts * inputData[k - sp:k + sp + 1].values) return runningMean def _nino34_spectra_plot(self, spectra, title, panelTitles, outFileName, lineWidth=2, xlabel='Period (years)', ylabel=r'Power ($^o$C / cycles mo$^{-1}$)', titleFontSize=None, figsize=(9, 21), dpi=None, periodMin=1., periodMax=10.): """ Plots the nino34 time series and power spectra in an image file Parameters ---------- spectra : list of dict a dictionary for each panel returned from ``self._compute_nino34_spectra`` including entries ``period`` (periods to plot on x-axis), ``spectrum`` (nino34 power spectra), ``conf95`` (95% confidence level based on chi squared test), ``conf99`` (99% confidence level based on chi squared test) and ``redNoise`` (red noise fit to ``spectrum``) title : str the title of the plot panelTitles : list of str title of each panel of the plot outFileName : str the file name to be written lineWidth : int, optional control line width xLabel, yLabel : str, optional axis labels titleFontSize : int, optional the size of the title font figsize : tuple of float, optional the size of the figure in inches dpi : int, optional the number of dots per inch of the figure, taken from section ``plot`` option ``dpi`` in the config file by default periodMin, periodMax : float, optional the maximum and minimum periods (in years) to be plotted """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis config = self.config if dpi is None: dpi = config.getint('plot', 'dpi') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) if titleFontSize is None: titleFontSize = config.get('plot', 'titleFontSize') axis_font = {'size': config.get('plot', 'axisFontSize')} title_font = {'size': titleFontSize, 'color': config.get('plot', 'titleFontColor'), 'weight': config.get('plot', 'titleFontWeight')} if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, y=0.92, **title_font) spectrumNames = ['spectrum', 'redNoise', 'conf95', 'conf99'] colors = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b'] legends = ['Nino34 spectrum', 'Red noise fit', '95% confidence threshold', '99% confidence threshold'] maxYval = -1e20 for plotIndex in range(3): x = spectra[plotIndex]['period'] ys = [spectra[plotIndex][spectrumNames[curveIndex]] for curveIndex in range(4)] maxYval = max(maxYval, self._plot_size_y_axis(x=x, ys=ys, xmin=periodMin, xmax=periodMax)) for plotIndex in range(3): plt.subplot(3, 1, plotIndex + 1) period = spectra[plotIndex]['period'] for curveIndex in range(4): spectrum = spectra[plotIndex][spectrumNames[curveIndex]] plt.plot(period[2:-3], spectrum[2:-3], colors[curveIndex], linewidth=lineWidth, label=legends[curveIndex]) plt.xlim(10, 1) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylim(0, 0.9 * maxYval) if panelTitles[plotIndex] is not None: plt.title(panelTitles[plotIndex], **title_font) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel, **axis_font) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel, **axis_font) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.90]) if outFileName is not None: savefig(outFileName, config) plt.close() def _nino34_timeseries_plot(self, nino34s, title, panelTitles, outFileName, xlabel='Time (years)', ylabel=r'($\degree$C)', titleFontSize=None, figsize=(9, 21), dpi=None, maxXTicks=20, lineWidth=2): """ Plots the nino34 time series and power spectra in an image file Parameters ---------- nino34s : list of xarray.dataArray nino34 timeseries to plot in each panel title : str the title of the plot panelTitles : list of str title of each panel of the plot outFileName : str the file name to be written xLabel, yLabel : str axis labels titleFontSize : int, optional the size of the title font figsize : tuple of float, optional the size of the figure in inches dpi : int, optional the number of dots per inch of the figure, taken from section ``plot`` option ``dpi`` in the config file by default lineWidth : int, optional control line width """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis config = self.config calendar = self.calendar if dpi is None: dpi = config.getint('plot', 'dpi') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) if titleFontSize is None: titleFontSize = config.get('plot', 'titleFontSize') axis_font = {'size': config.get('plot', 'axisFontSize')} title_font = {'size': titleFontSize, 'color': config.get('plot', 'titleFontColor'), 'weight': config.get('plot', 'titleFontWeight')} if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, y=0.92, **title_font) for plotIndex in range(3): plt.subplot(3, 1, plotIndex + 1) index = nino34s[plotIndex].values time = nino34s[plotIndex].Time.values self._plot_nino_timeseries(index, time, xlabel, ylabel, panelTitles[plotIndex], title_font, axis_font, lineWidth) minDays = time.min() maxDays = time.max() plot_xtick_format(calendar, minDays, maxDays, maxXTicks) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.90]) if outFileName is not None: savefig(outFileName, config) plt.close() def _plot_nino_timeseries(self, ninoIndex, time, xlabel, ylabel, panelTitle, title_font, axis_font, lineWidth): """ Plot the nino time series on a subplot Parameters ---------- ninoIndex : numpy.array nino34 Index values (can be obs or model) time : numpy.array time values for the nino index xlabel : string string for x-axis label ylabel : string string for y-axis label panelTitle : string string to label the subplot with lineWidth : list of str control line width """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis plt.title(panelTitle, y=1.06, **title_font) y1 = ninoIndex nt = np.size(ninoIndex) y2 = np.zeros(nt) plt.plot(time, 0.4 * np.ones(nt), '--k', linewidth=lineWidth) plt.plot(time, -0.4 * np.ones(nt), '--k', linewidth=lineWidth) plt.fill_between(time, y1, y2, where=y1 > y2, facecolor='red', interpolate=True, linewidth=0) plt.fill_between(time, y1, y2, where=y1 < y2, facecolor='blue', interpolate=True, linewidth=0) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel, **axis_font) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel, **axis_font) def _write_xml(self, filePrefix, plotType, ninoIndexNumber): caption = u'{} of El Niño {} Climate Index'.format(plotType, ninoIndexNumber) write_image_xml( config=self.config, filePrefix=filePrefix, componentName='Ocean', componentSubdirectory='ocean', galleryGroup=u'El Niño {} Climate Index'.format(ninoIndexNumber), groupLink='nino', thumbnailDescription=plotType, imageDescription=caption, imageCaption=caption) def _plot_size_y_axis(self, x, ys, xmin, xmax): """ Get the maximum y value over the given range of x values Parameters ---------- x : numpy.array x values ys : list of numpy.array a list of curves (y values) xmin : float The minimum x value xmax : float, optional The maximum x values """ # Authors # ------- # Luke Van Roekel, Xylar Asay-Davis mask = np.logical_and(x >= xmin, x <= xmax) # find maximum value of three curves plotted maxY = -1E20 for y in ys: maxY = max(y[mask].max(), maxY) # check the function interpolated to the max/min as well # Note: flipping the axis so x is in increasing order maxY = max(np.interp(xmin, x[::-1], y[::-1]), maxY) maxY = max(np.interp(xmax, x[::-1], y[::-1]), maxY) return maxY
# }}}