Generalize Calendar supported by Analysis ========================================= .. raw:: html

Xylar Asay-Davis
date: 2017/02/09


Currently, the time variable in `xarray` data sets within MPAS-Analysis has two major shortcomings, inherited from `xarray` (through `pandas` and `numpy.datetime64`). First, only the Gregorian calendar is supported. Second, there is not support for dates outside the years 1678 to 2262. The analysis needs to support both the Gregorian ('gregorian') and the 365-day ('gregorian_noleap') calendars. It also needs to support, at a minimum, years between 0001 and 9999, and preferably arbitrary years both positive and negative. A major challenge is that it seems that xarray cannot easily be forced to use an alternative representation of dates to the troublesome `numpy.datetime64` type (see, for example, [pydata/xarray#1084]( The most obvious alternative, `datetime.datetime`, seemingly cannot be used directly in `xarray` because objects of this type are converted to `numpy.datetime64` objects at various stages when using features from pandas, raising errors when dates are out of range. While an alternative date class (e.g. `netcdftime.DatetimNoLeap`) might be used to represent dates on the 'gregorian_noleap' calendar, there is no such preexisting alternative for the 'gregorian' calendar. The solution proposed herein is to store time as floating-point days since the reference date 0001-01-01 and to convert dates in this format to `datetime.datetime` and `MpasRelativeDelta` objects whenever mathematical manipulation of dates is required. A successful implementation would produce essentially identical analysis to what is currently produced, but making use of the dates from the MPAS calendar (whether Gregorian or 365-day) without the need for artifical offsets (e.g. `yearOffset` used in the current code. Plots of horizontal fields would remain unchanged while plots of time series would have a time axis with the simulation date instead of the offset date.


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Requirement: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must be consistent with the MPAS calendar
Date last modified: 2017/02/09
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

For all data sets used in the analysis, the 'Time' coordinate must represent dates on the appropriate MPAS calendar, either 'gregorian' or 'gregorian_noleap', depending on the namelist option 'config_calendar_type'. There must be ways of mathematically manipulating times (e.g. adding/subtracting offsets and figuring out the amount of time between two dates) and of making plots that are consistent with these calendars. .. raw:: html

Requirement: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must support at least years 0001 and 9999, and preferably any conceivable value
Date last modified: 2017/02/16
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

For all data sets used in the analysis, the 'Time' coordinate must, at a minimum, support years between 0001 and 9999 (the range of ``datetime.datetime``\ ) and preferably a broader range. .. raw:: html

Algorithmic Formulations (optional)

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Design solution: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must be consistent with the MPAS calendar
Date last modified: 2017/02/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Phillip J. Wolfram

The proposed solution represents time in ``xarray.DataSet`` objects as the number of days since the reference date 0001-01-01. This is reasonable because the smallest unit of time output in MPAS components is seconds (and unlikely to ever be shorter than ms). We note that a date specified as a 64-bit float has a precision high enough to represent seconds for dates up to +/- 100 million years: .. code-block:: python >>> import sys >>> 1./(sys.float_info.epsilon*365*24*60*60) 142808207.36207813 We should have no trouble representing any number we might want (including paleo timescales) with this system. For purposes of performing mathematical operations and plotting dates, these values will be converted to ``datetime.datetime`` objects (via the proposed ``days_to_datetime`` utility function) and back (via the proposed ``datetime_to_days``\ ). The conversion operations within ``datetime_to_days`` and ``days_to_datetime`` will be performed with the calendar-aware functions ``netCDF4.date2num`` and ``netCDF4.num2date``\ , respectively. Both functions will support lists/arrays of dates (for efficiency and simplicity of calling code) in addition to single values. Curve ploting can be supported with ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot_date``\ , which takes a date of exactly the format used here (days since 0001-01-01). The compatibility with ``plot_date`` was part of the reason for choosing this format for the date. .. raw:: html

Design solution: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must support at least years 0001 and 9999, and preferably any conceivable value
Date last modified: 2017/02/09
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Same as above. In theory, the use of days since 0001-01-01 would allow any year to be supported, not just the range from 0001 to 9999. However, the conversions to ``datetime.datetime`` objects for mathematical manipulation will constrain the dates to be between ``datetime.min`` (0001-01-01) and ``datetime.max`` (9999-12-31). .. raw:: html

Design and Implementation

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Implementation: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must be consistent with the MPAS calendar
Date last modified: 2017/02/16
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The proposed implementation is on the branch `xylar/generalize_calendar `_ A helper funciton, ``mpas_xarray._parse_dataset_time``\ , computes times as days since 0001-01-01, and serves as a replacement for ``mpas_xarray._get_datetimes``. **Note: the current implementation breaks the convention that ``mpas_xarray`` remains separate from the rest of MPAS-Analyis by using 3 functions from ``timekeeping.utility`` in ``mpas_xarray``\ :** .. code-block:: python from ..timekeeping.utility import string_to_days_since_date, \ days_to_datetime, datetime_to_days **This violates the first requirement in the `Design Document: Moving variable mapping out of mpas_xarray `_. I am open to alternative solutions for keeping ``mpas_xarray`` separate from the rest of analysis but these 3 functions do not conceptually belong in ``mpas_xarray``. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there are analysis-specific functions in ``timekeeping``\ , meaning that this cannot easily be made a submodule of ``mpas_xarray`` (nor would this make very much logical sense). Having 2 ``timekeeping`` modules, one for ``mpas_xarray`` and one for MPAS-Analysis, seems unnecessarily confunsing.** The functions ``generalized_reader.open_multifile_dataset`` and ``mpas_xarray.open_multifile_dataset`` have been updated to use this method for parsing times. This involves removing the ``year_offset`` argument and adding an optional ``simulation_start_time`` argument for supplying a date to use to convert variables like ``daysSinceStartOfSim`` to days since 0001-01-01. An example of opening a data set and manipulating times withe the new approach in the OHC script is: .. code-block:: python from ..shared.timekeeping.utility import get_simulation_start_time, \ date_to_days, days_to_datetime, string_to_datetime ... def ohc_timeseries(config, streamMap=None, variableMap=None): ... simulationStartTime = get_simulation_start_time(streams) ... ds = open_multifile_dataset(file_names=file_names, calendar=calendar, simulation_start_time=simulation_start_time, time_variable_name='Time', variable_list=variable_list, variable_map=variableMap, start_date=startDate, end_date=endDate) timeStart = string_to_datetime(startDate) timeEnd = string_to_datetime(endDate) # Select year-1 data and average it (for later computing anomalies) timeStartFirstYear = string_to_datetime(simulation_start_time) if timeStartFirstYear < timeStart: startDateFirstYear = simulation_start_time firstYear = int(startDateFirstYear[0:4]) endDateFirstYear = '{:04d}-12-31_23:59:59'.format(firstYear) filesFirstYear = streams.readpath(streamName, startDate=startDateFirstYear, endDate=endDateFirstYear, calendar=calendar) dsFirstYear = open_multifile_dataset( file_names=filesFirstYear, calendar=calendar, simulation_start_time=simulation_start_time, time_variable_name='Time', variable_list=variable_list, variable_map=variableMap, start_date=startDateFirstYear, end_date=endDateFirstYear) else: dsFirstYear = ds firstYear = timeStart.year timeStartFirstYear = date_to_days(year=firstYear, month=1, day=1, calendar=calendar) timeEndFirstYear = date_to_days(year=firstYear, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59, calendar=calendar) dsFirstYear = dsFirstYear.sel(Time=slice(timeStartFirstYear, timeEndFirstYear)) meanFirstYear = dsFirstYear.mean('Time') ... yearStart = days_to_datetime(ds.Time.min()).year yearEnd = days_to_datetime(ds.Time.max()).year timeStart = date_to_days(year=yearStart, month=1, day=1, calendar=calendar) timeEnd = date_to_days(year=yearEnd, month=12, day=31, calendar=calendar) if preprocessedReferenceRunName != 'None': print ' Load in OHC from preprocessed reference run...' inFilesPreprocessed = '{}/OHC.{}.year*.nc'.format( preprocessedInputDirectory, preprocessedReferenceRunName) dsPreprocessed = open_multifile_dataset( file_names=inFilesPreprocessed, calendar=calendar, simulation_start_time=simulation_start_time, time_variable_name='xtime') yearEndPreprocessed = days_to_datetime(dsPreprocessed.Time.max()).year ... The ``replicate_cycles`` function in ``sea_ice.timeseries`` has been a particular challenge with the existing calendar. Here is that function with the new 'Time' coordinate: .. code-block:: python def replicate_cycle(ds, dsToReplicate, calendar): dsStartTime = days_to_datetime(ds.Time.min(), calendar=calendar) dsEndTime = days_to_datetime(ds.Time.max(), calendar=calendar) repStartTime = days_to_datetime(dsToReplicate.Time.min(), calendar=calendar) repEndTime = days_to_datetime(dsToReplicate.Time.max(), calendar=calendar) repSecondTime = days_to_datetime(dsToReplicate.Time.isel(Time=1), calendar=calendar) period = (MpasRelativeDelta(repEndTime, repStartTime) + MpasRelativeDelta(repSecondTime, repStartTime)) startIndex = 0 while(dsStartTime > repStartTime + (startIndex+1)*period): startIndex += 1 endIndex = 0 while(dsEndTime > repEndTime + (endIndex+1)*period): endIndex += 1 dsShift = dsToReplicate.copy() times = days_to_datetime(dsShift.Time, calendar=calendar) dsShift.coords['Time'] = ('Time', datetime_to_days(times + startIndex*period, calendar=calendar)) # replicate cycle: for cycleIndex in range(startIndex, endIndex): dsNew = dsToReplicate.copy() dsNew.coords['Time'] = ('Time', datetime_to_days(times + (cycleIndex+1)*period, calendar=calendar)) dsShift = xr.concat([dsShift, dsNew], dim='Time') return dsShift .. raw:: html

Implementation: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must support at least years 0001 and 9999, and preferably any conceivable value
Date last modified: 2017/02/09
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Same as above. .. raw:: html


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Testing and Validation: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must be consistent with the MPAS calendar
Date last modified: 2017/02/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

In [xylar/generalize_calendar](, unit testing has been added for `timekeeping` and `mpas_xarray` that checks both the `gregorian` and `gregorian_noleap` calendars under simple test conditions. However, we have no data sets that test `gregorian`, so we have a somewhat limited ability to test this calendar option. Fortunately, there are also no immediate plans to run with `gregorian`. I will make sure all tests with config files in the `configs/lanl` and `configs/edison` directories produce bit-for-bit results with the current `develop`.

Testing and Validation: The 'Time' coordinate of xarray data sets must support at least years 0001 and 9999, and preferably any conceivable value
Date last modified: 2017/02/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Unit tests have been added to ensure that dates both close to 0001-01-01 and typical calendar dates (e.g. 2017-01-01) function as expected. @akturner's MPAS-SeaIce run with real dates (mentioned in `#81 `_\ ) has been successfully run with the proposed approach. This run started in 1958, and had presented a problem for MPAS-Analysis with the previous calendar.