.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html Prerequisite Tasks and Subtasks =============================== .. raw:: html

Xylar Asay-Davis
date: 2017/06/12

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Currently, no tasks depend on other tasks to run. However, in order to allow multiple plots to be generated simulataneously, it is desirable to break tasks into multiple subtasks, and some of these subtasks will need rely on data from other subtasks. It is also conceivable that multiple tasks could rely on the same data (e.g. a common climatology dataset). The proposed solution to this problem is to allow "prerequisite tasks" to a given analysis task. The task will only run after the prerequisite task(s) have completed. Prerequisite tasks could be used to build up a sequence of analysis tasks in several steps. Some of these steps could be shared between analysis tasks (e.g. computing single data set and then plotting it in various ways). Implementation of this design will be considered a success if dependent tasks only run once their prerequisite tasks have completed successfully. .. raw:: html


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Requirement: Define prerequisite tasks
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

A simple mechanism (such as a list of task names) exists to define prerequisite tasks of each analysis task. .. raw:: html

Requirement: Add prerequisites to task list
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Given a task that we want to run, a mechanism must exist for adding its prerequisites (if any) to the list of tasks to be run. .. raw:: html

Requirement: Holding dependent tasks
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Dependent tasks (those with prerequisites) must be prevented from running until their prerequisites have successfully finished. .. raw:: html

Requirement: Cancel dependents of failed prerequisites
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

If a prerequisite of a dependent tasks has failed, the dependent task should not be run. .. raw:: html

Algorithmic Formulations

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Design solution: Define prerequisite tasks
Date last modified: 2017/09/19
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Each task will be constructed with a list of the names of prerequisite tasks. If a task has no prerequisites (the default), the list is empty. .. raw:: html

Design solution: Add prerequisites to task list
Date last modified: 2017/10/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

A recursive function will be used to add a given task (assuming its ``check_generate`` method returns ``True``\ , meaning that task should be generated) and its dependencies to a list of analyses to run. The code (with a few error messages removed for brevity) is as follows: .. code-block:: python analysesToGenerate = [] # check which analysis we actually want to generate and only keep those for analysisTask in analyses: # update the dictionary with this task and perhaps its subtasks add_task_and_subtasks(analysisTask, analysesToGenerate) def add_task_and_subtasks(analysisTask, analysesToGenerate, callCheckGenerate=True): if analysisTask in analysesToGenerate: return if callCheckGenerate and not analysisTask.check_generate(): # we don't need to add this task -- it wasn't requested return # first, we should try to add the prerequisites of this task and its # subtasks (if they aren't also subtasks for this task) prereqs = analysisTask.runAfterTasks for subtask in analysisTask.subtasks: for prereq in subtask.runAfterTasks: if prereq not in analysisTask.subtasks: prereqs.extend(subtask.runAfterTasks) for prereq in prereqs: add_task_and_subtasks(prereq, analysesToGenerate, callCheckGenerate=False) if prereq._setupStatus != 'success': # this task should also not run analysisTask._setupStatus = 'fail' return # make sure all prereqs have been set up successfully before trying to # set up this task -- this task's setup may depend on setup in the prereqs try: analysisTask.setup_and_check() except (Exception, BaseException): analysisTask._setupStatus = 'fail' return # next, we should try to add the subtasks. This is done after the current # analysis task has been set up in case subtasks depend on information # from the parent task for subtask in analysisTask.subtasks: add_task_and_subtasks(subtask, analysesToGenerate, callCheckGenerate=False) if subtask._setupStatus != 'success': analysisTask._setupStatus = 'fail' return analysesToGenerate.append(analysisTask) analysisTask._setupStatus = 'success' .. raw:: html

Design solution: Holding dependent tasks
Date last modified: 2017/10/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Each task is given a ``_runStatus`` attribute, which is a ``multiprocessing.Value`` object that can be shared and changed across processes. A set of constant possible values for this attribute, ``READY``\ , ``BLOCKED``\ , ``RUNNING``\ , ``SUCCES`` and ``FAIL`` are defined in\ ``AnalysisTask``. If a task has no prerequisites, initially ``_runStatus = READY``\ ; otherwise ``_runStatus = BLOCKED``. Any ``READY`` task can be run (\ ``_runStatus = 'running'``\ ). Any task that finishes is given ``_runStatus = SUCCESS`` or ``_runStatus = FAIL`` (I know, not grammatically consistent but compact...). When a new parallel slot becomes available, all ``BLOCKED`` tasks are checked to see if any prerequisites have failed (in which case the task also fails) or if all prerequisites have succeeded, in which case the task is now ``READY``. After that, the next ``READY`` task is run. .. raw:: html

Design solution: Cancel dependents of failed prerequisites
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Same as above: When a new parallel slot becomes available, all ``BLOCKED`` tasks are checked to see if any prerequisites have failed (in which case the task also fails). .. raw:: html

Design and Implementation

The design has been implemented in the branch `xylar/add_mpas_climatology_task `_ .. raw:: html

Implementation: Define prerequisite tasks
Date last modified: 2017/10/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

``AnalysisTask`` now has an attribute ``runAfterTasks``\ , which default to empty. Prerequisite tasks can be added by calling ``run_after(self, task)`` with the task that this task should follow. .. raw:: html

Implementation: Add prerequisites to task list
Date last modified: 2017/10/11
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

``build_analysis_list`` in ``run_mpas_analysis`` has been modified to call a recursive function ``add_task_and_subtasks`` that adds a task, its prerequisites (if they have not already been added) and its subtasks to the list of tasks to run. .. raw:: html

Implementation: Holding dependent tasks
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The ``run_analysis`` function in ``run_mpas_analysis`` has been updated to be aware of the status of each task, as described in the algorithms section. .. raw:: html

Implementation: Cancel dependents of failed prerequisites
Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Again, the ``run_analysis`` function in ``run_mpas_analysis`` has been updated to be aware of the status of each task, as described in the algorithms section. :raw-html-m2r:`

Testing and Validation

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Date last modified: 2017/06/12
Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

` All plots will be tested to ensure they are bit-for-bit identical to those produced by ``develop`` for all tests defined in the ``configs/edison`` and ``configs/lanl`` directories. Task will be run in parallel and I will verify that no dependent tasks run before prerequisite tasks have completed.