.. _config_seasons: Seasons ======= Nearly all analysis tasks that produce climatology plots include a configuration option for specifying a list of seasons to plot:: # Months or seasons to plot (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, # Oct, Nov, Dec, JFM, AMJ, JAS, OND, ANN) seasons = ['JFM', 'JAS', 'ANN'] Valid seasons include the three-letter abbreviations of each month (e.g. ``Jan``), several 2- and 3-month seasons specified by consecutive first letters of each month name (``JFM``, ``AMJ``, ``JAS``, ``OND``, ``ON``, ``FM``, ``DJF`` and ``JJA``), and ``ANN`` for all 12 months. If seasons other than these are needed, please post an issue on `GitHub`_ or contact the developers. .. _`GitHub`: https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Analysis/issues