Source code for mpas_tools.seaice.partition

from netCDF4 import Dataset
import os
import math
import errno
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import argparse
import shutil
import glob

from .regrid import regrid_to_other_mesh
from .mask import extend_seaice_mask
from .regions import make_regions_file

[docs]def gen_seaice_mesh_partition(meshFilename, regionFilename, nProcsArray, mpasCullerLocation, outputPrefix, plotting, metis, cullEquatorialRegion): """ Generate graph partition(s) for the given MPAS-Seaice mesh and the given number(s) of processors and a file defining regions that each processor should own part of (typically a polar region and an equatorial region) Parameters ---------- meshFilename : str The name of a file containing the MPAS-Seaice mesh regionFilename : str The name of a file containing a ``region`` field defining different regions that each processor should own part of nProcsArray : list or int The number(s) of processors to create graph partitions for mpasCullerLocation : str or None The directory for the ``MpasCellCuller.x`` tool or ``None`` to look in the user's path outputPrefix : str The prefix to prepend to each graph partition file plotting : bool Whether to create a NetCDF file ```` to use for plotting the partitions metis : str The exectable to use for partitioning in each region cullEquatorialRegion : bool Whether to remove the equatorial region from the paritions """ # arguments meshToolsDir = mpasCullerLocation if meshToolsDir is None: culler = shutil.which("MpasCellCuller.x") if culler is not None: meshToolsDir = os.path.dirname(culler) else: # no directory was provided and none this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) meshToolsDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( this_dir, "..", "..", "..", "mesh_tools", "mesh_conversion_tools")) culler = os.path.join(meshToolsDir, "MpasCellCuller.x") if not os.path.exists(culler): raise FileNotFoundError( "MpasCellCuller.x does not exist at the requested location.") plotFilename = "" # get regions regionFile = Dataset(regionFilename, "r") nRegions = regionFile.nRegions region = regionFile.variables["region"][:] regionFile.close() # diagnostics if plotting: shutil.copyfile(meshFilename, plotFilename) # load mesh file mesh = Dataset(meshFilename, "r") nCells = len(mesh.dimensions["nCells"]) mesh.close() cellidsInRegion = [] for iRegion in range(0, nRegions): # tmp file basename tmp = "%s_%2.2i_tmp" % (meshFilename, iRegion) # create precull file tmpFilenamesPrecull = tmp + "" shutil.copyfile(meshFilename, tmpFilenamesPrecull) # make cullCell variable cullCell = np.ones(nCells) for iCell in range(0, nCells): if region[iCell] == iRegion: cullCell[iCell] = 0 # cull the mesh tmpFilenamesPostcull = tmp + "" _cull_mesh(meshToolsDir, tmpFilenamesPrecull, tmpFilenamesPostcull, cullCell) # get the cell IDs for this partition cellid = _get_cell_ids(tmpFilenamesPostcull, meshFilename) cellidsInRegion.append(cellid) # preserve the initial graph file os.rename("", f"culled_graph_{iRegion}") if not isinstance(nProcsArray, (list, tuple, set)): # presumably, it's a single integer nProcsArray = [nProcsArray] for nProcs in nProcsArray: if cullEquatorialRegion: nBlocks = nRegions * nProcs else: nBlocks = nProcs combinedGraph = np.zeros(nCells) for iRegion in range(0, nRegions): # partition the culled grid try: graphFilename = "" % iRegion[metis, graphFilename, str(nProcs)]) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise FileNotFoundError( "metis program %s not found" % metis) else: print("metis error") raise cellid = cellidsInRegion[iRegion] # load this partition graph = _load_partition( "" % (iRegion, nProcs)) # add this partition to the combined partition for iCellPartition in range(0, len(graph)): if cullEquatorialRegion: combinedGraph[cellid[iCellPartition]] = \ graph[iCellPartition] + nProcs * iRegion else: combinedGraph[cellid[iCellPartition]] = \ graph[iCellPartition] # output the cell partition file cellPartitionFile = open("%s.part.%i" % (outputPrefix, nBlocks), "w") for iCell in range(0, nCells): cellPartitionFile.write("%i\n" % (combinedGraph[iCell])) cellPartitionFile.close() # output block partition file if cullEquatorialRegion: blockPartitionFile = open( "%s.part.%i" % (outputPrefix, nProcs), "w") for iRegion in range(0, nRegions): for iProc in range(0, nProcs): blockPartitionFile.write("%i\n" % iProc) blockPartitionFile.close() # diagnostics if plotting: plottingFile = Dataset(plotFilename, "a") partitionVariable = plottingFile.createVariable( "partition_%i" % nProcs, "i4", ("nCells",)) partitionVariable[:] = combinedGraph plottingFile.close()"rm *tmp*", shell=True)
[docs]def prepare_partitions(): """ An entry point for performing preparatory work for making seaice partitions """ # parsing input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Perform preparatory work for making seaice partitions.") parser.add_argument("-i", "--inputmesh", dest="meshFilenameSrc", required=True, help="MPAS mesh file for source regridding mesh.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--presence", dest="filenameData", required=True, help="Input ice presence file for source mesh.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--outputmesh", dest="meshFilenameDst", required=True, help="MPAS mesh file for destination regridding mesh.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outputDir", dest="outputDir", required=True, help="Output directory for temporary files and " "partition files.") parser.add_argument("-w", "--weightsFilename", dest="weightsFilename", required=False, help="A mapping file between the input and output " "MPAS meshes. One will be generated if it is " "not supplied.") args = parser.parse_args() # Check if output directory exists if not os.path.isdir(args.outputDir): raise FileNotFoundError("ERROR: Output directory does not exist.") # 1) Regrid the ice presence from the input data mesh to the grid of choice print("Regrid to desired mesh...") filenameOut = args.outputDir + "/" regrid_to_other_mesh( meshFilenameSrc=args.meshFilenameSrc, filenameData=args.filenameData, meshFilenameDst=args.meshFilenameDst, filenameOut=filenameOut, generateWeights=(args.weightsFilename is None), weightsFilename=args.weightsFilename) # 2) create icePresence variable print("fix_regrid_output...") # check executable exists if shutil.which("fix_regrid_output.exe") is not None: # it's in the system path executable = "fix_regrid_output.exe" elif os.path.exists("./fix_regrid_output.exe"): # found in local path executable = "./fix_regrid_output.exe" else: raise FileNotFoundError("fix_regrid_output.exe could not be found.") inputFile = args.outputDir + "/" outputFile = args.outputDir + "/"[executable, inputFile, args.meshFilenameDst, outputFile]) # 3) create variable icePresenceExtended print("extend_seaice_mask...") filenamePresence = args.outputDir + "/" extend_seaice_mask(args.meshFilenameDst, filenamePresence, 0.0, False) # 4) Make the regions file from the icePresenceExtended variable print("make_regions_file...") filenameIcePresent = args.outputDir + "/" filenameOut = args.outputDir + "/" make_regions_file(filenameIcePresent=filenameIcePresent, filenameMesh=args.meshFilenameDst, regionType="two_region_eq", varname="icePresenceExtended", limit=0.5, filenameOut=filenameOut)
[docs]def create_partitions(): """ An entry point for creating sea-ice partitions """ # parsing input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create sea-ice partitions.') parser.add_argument( '-m', '--outputmesh', dest="meshFilename", required=True, help='MPAS mesh file for destination regridding mesh.') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--outputDir', dest="outputDir", required=True, help='Output directory for temporary files and partition files.') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--cullerDir', dest="mpasCullerLocation", required=False, help='Location of MPAS MpasCellCuller.x executable.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--prefix', dest="outputPrefix", required=False, help='prefix for output partition filenames.', default="") parser.add_argument( '-x', '--plotting', dest="plotting", required=False, help='create diagnostic plotting file of partitions', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '-g', '--metis', dest="metis", required=False, help='name of metis utility', default="gpmetis") parser.add_argument( '-n', '--nProcs', dest="nProcsArray", nargs='*', required=False, help='list of the number of processors to create partition for.', type=int) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--nProcsFile', dest="nProcsFile", required=False, help='number of processors to create partition for.') args = parser.parse_args() # number of processors if args.nProcsArray is None and args.nProcsFile is None: raise ValueError("Must specify nProcs or nProcsFile") if args.nProcsArray is not None and args.nProcsFile is not None: raise ValueError("Can't specify both nProcs or nProcsFile") if args.nProcsFile is not None: with open(args.nProcsFile, "r") as fileNProcs: nProcsLines = fileNProcs.readlines() nProcsArray = [int(line) for line in nProcsLines if line.split() != ''] else: nProcsArray = args.nProcsArray # create partitions regionFilename = args.outputDir + "/" outputPrefix = args.outputDir + "/" + args.outputPrefix gen_seaice_mesh_partition(args.meshFilename, regionFilename, nProcsArray, args.mpasCullerLocation, outputPrefix, args.plotting, args.metis, cullEquatorialRegion=False)
def simple_partitions(): """ An entry point for creating sea-ice partitions on LCRC (Anvil and Chrysalis) """ data_dir = '/lcrc/group/e3sm/public_html/mpas_standalonedata/' \ 'mpas-seaice/partition' # parsing input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create sea-ice partitions on LCRC.') parser.add_argument( '-m', '--mesh', dest="meshFilename", required=True, help='MPAS-Seaice mesh file.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--prefix', dest="outputPrefix", required=True, help='prefix for output partition filenames.') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--nprocs', dest="nProcsArray", nargs='*', required=True, help='list of the number of processors to create partition for.', type=int) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--datadir', dest="dataDir", required=False, default=data_dir, help='Directory with and ' '') args = parser.parse_args() meshFilenameDst = os.path.abspath(args.meshFilename) tmpdir = 'tmp_seaice_part_dir' try: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) except FileNotFoundError: pass os.makedirs(tmpdir) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) # make a local link to the mesh file basename = os.path.basename(meshFilenameDst) command = ['ln', '-s', meshFilenameDst, basename], check=True) meshFilenameDst = basename # 1) Regrid the ice presence from the input data mesh to the grid of choice print("Regrid to desired mesh...") filenameOut = "" meshFilenameSrc = os.path.join(data_dir, '') filenameData = os.path.join(data_dir, '') regrid_to_other_mesh( meshFilenameSrc=meshFilenameSrc, filenameData=filenameData, meshFilenameDst=meshFilenameDst, filenameOut=filenameOut, generateWeights=True, weightsFilename=None) # 2) create icePresence variable print("fix_regrid_output...") inputFile = "" outputFile = ""["fix_regrid_output.exe", inputFile, meshFilenameDst, outputFile]) # 3) create variable icePresenceExtended print("extend_seaice_mask...") filenamePresence = "" extend_seaice_mask(meshFilenameDst, filenamePresence, 0.0, False) # 4) Make the regions file from the icePresenceExtended variable print("make_regions_file...") filenameIcePresent = "" filenameOut = "" make_regions_file(filenameIcePresent=filenameIcePresent, filenameMesh=meshFilenameDst, regionType="two_region_eq", varname="icePresenceExtended", limit=0.5, filenameOut=filenameOut) nProcsArray = args.nProcsArray # create partitions regionFilename = "" outputPrefix = os.path.join(cwd, args.outputPrefix) gen_seaice_mesh_partition(meshFilename=meshFilenameDst, regionFilename=regionFilename, nProcsArray=nProcsArray, mpasCullerLocation=None, outputPrefix=outputPrefix, plotting=False, metis="gpmetis", cullEquatorialRegion=False) for file in glob.glob(f'{outputPrefix}*'): command = ['chmod', 'ug+rw', file], check=True) command = ['chmod', 'o+r', file], check=True) os.chdir(cwd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _degree_to_radian(degree): return (degree * math.pi) / 180.0 def _add_cell_cull_array(filename, cullCell): mesh = Dataset(filename, "a") cullCellVariable = mesh.createVariable("cullCell", "i4", ("nCells",)) cullCellVariable[:] = cullCell mesh.close() def _cull_mesh(meshToolsDir, filenameIn, filenameOut, cullCell): _add_cell_cull_array(filenameIn, cullCell) executable = "MpasCellCuller.x" if meshToolsDir is not None: executable = os.path.join(meshToolsDir, executable)[executable, filenameIn, filenameOut, "-c"], check=True) def _load_partition(graphFilename): graphFile = open(graphFilename, "r") lines = graphFile.readlines() graphFile.close() partition = [] for line in lines: partition.append(int(line)) return partition def _get_cell_ids(culledFilename, originalFilename): culledFile = Dataset(culledFilename, "r") nCellsCulled = len(culledFile.dimensions["nCells"]) originalFile = Dataset(originalFilename, "r") nCellsOriginal = len(originalFile.dimensions["nCells"]) cellid = np.zeros(nCellsCulled, dtype=int) cellMapFile = open("cellMapForward.txt", "r") cellMapLines = cellMapFile.readlines() cellMapFile.close() iCellOriginal = 0 for cellMapLine in cellMapLines: if iCellOriginal % 1000 == 0: print(iCellOriginal, " of ", nCellsOriginal) try: cellMap = int(cellMapLine) except ValueError: # There are blank lines to skip continue if cellMap != -1: cellid[cellMap] = iCellOriginal iCellOriginal = iCellOriginal + 1 return cellid def _get_cell_ids_orig(culledFilename, originalFilename): culledFile = Dataset(culledFilename, "r") latCellCulled = culledFile.variables["latCell"][:] lonCellCulled = culledFile.variables["lonCell"][:] nCellsCulled = len(culledFile.dimensions["nCells"]) originalFile = Dataset(originalFilename, "r") latCellOriginal = originalFile.variables["latCell"][:] lonCellOriginal = originalFile.variables["lonCell"][:] nCellsOriginal = len(originalFile.dimensions["nCells"]) cellid = np.zeros(nCellsCulled, dtype=int) for iCellCulled in range(0, nCellsCulled): if iCellCulled % 1000 == 0: print("iCellCulled: ", iCellCulled, "of ", nCellsCulled) for iCellOriginal in range(0, nCellsOriginal): if (latCellCulled[iCellCulled] == latCellOriginal[iCellOriginal] and lonCellCulled[iCellCulled] == lonCellOriginal[iCellOriginal]): cellid[iCellCulled] = iCellOriginal break return cellid