Source code for mpas_tools.tests.test_cime_constants

from mpas_tools.cime.constants import constants
import requests

[docs]def test_cime_constants(e3sm_tag='master'): """ Parse relevant constants from CIME Parameters ---------- e3sm_tag : str, optional The E3SM tag to download constants from """ resp = requests.get( '{}/share/util/' 'shr_const_mod.F90'.format(e3sm_tag)) text = resp.text text = text.split('\n') found = {} for constant in constants: found[constant] = False for line in text: constant, value = _parse_value(line) if constant is None: continue print(line) print('parsed: {} = {}'.format(constant, value)) if constant in constants: print('verifying {}'.format(constant)) assert value == constants[constant] found[constant] = True allFound = True for constant in found: if not found[constant]: print('{} was not found!'.format(constant)) allFound = False assert allFound
def _parse_value(line): if '::' not in line or '=' not in line: return None, None start = line.find('::') + 2 end = line.find('=') key = line[start:end] line = line[end+1:] if '!' in line: line, _ = line.split('!', 1) if '_R8' in line: line, _ = line.split('_R8') if '_r8' in line: line, _ = line.split('_r8') try: value = float(line) except ValueError: value = line.strip() return key.strip(), value if __name__ == '__main__': test_cime_constants()