Source code for mpas_tools.mesh.cull

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from import write_netcdf

[docs] def write_map_culled_to_base(base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename, out_filename, workers=-1): """ Write out a file with maps from cells, edges and vertices on a culled mesh to the same elements on a base mesh. All elements in the culled mesh must be in the base mesh. Parameters ---------- base_mesh_filename : str A file with the horizontal MPAS mesh before culling culled_mesh_filename : str A file with the culled horizonal MPAS mesh out_filename : str A file to which the maps should be written. The dataset will include ``mapCulledToBaseCell``, ``mapCulledToBaseEdge`` and ``mapCulledToBaseVertex``, each of which contains the base mesh index corresponding to the same element from the culled mesh. workers : int, optional The number of threads to use to query base mesh elements. The default is all available threads (``workers=-1``) """ ds_base = xr.open_dataset(base_mesh_filename) ds_culled = xr.open_dataset(culled_mesh_filename) ds_map_culled_to_base = map_culled_to_base(ds_base, ds_culled, workers=workers) write_netcdf(ds_map_culled_to_base, out_filename)
[docs] def map_culled_to_base(ds_base, ds_culled, workers=-1): """ Create maps from cells, edges and vertices on a culled mesh to the same elements on a base mesh. All elements in the culled mesh must be in the base mesh. Parameters ---------- ds_base : xarray.Dataset The horizontal MPAS mesh before culling ds_culled : xarray.Dataset The culled horizonal MPAS mesh workers : int, optional The number of threads to use to query base mesh elements. The default is all available threads (``workers=-1``) Returns ------- ds_map_culled_to_base : xarray.Dataset A dataset with ``mapCulledToBaseCell``, ``mapCulledToBaseEdge`` and ``mapCulledToBaseVertex``, each of which contains the base mesh index corresponding to the same element from the culled mesh. """ ds_map_culled_to_base = xr.Dataset() for dim, suffix in [('nCells', 'Cell'), ('nEdges', 'Edge'), ('nVertices', 'Vertex')]: _map_culled_to_base_grid_type(ds_base, ds_culled, ds_map_culled_to_base, dim, suffix, workers) return ds_map_culled_to_base
[docs] def write_culled_dataset(in_filename, out_filename, base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename=None, workers=-1, logger=None): """ Create a new dataset in which all fields from ``ds`` have been culled from the base mesh to the culled mesh. Fields present in ``ds_culled_mesh`` are copied over rather than culled from ``ds``. Parameters ---------- in_filename : str A file containing an MPAS dataset to cull output_filename : str A file to write the culled MPAS dataset to base_mesh_filename : str A file with the horizontal MPAS mesh before culling culled_mesh_filename : str A file with the culled horizonal MPAS mesh map_culled_to_base_filename : str, optional A file with an existing map from the base to the culled mesh created with ``write_map_culled_to_base()`` or ``map_culled_to_base()``. The dataset will be created (but not returned or saved to disk) if it is not passed as an argument. workers : int, optional The number of threads to use to query base mesh elements. The default is all available threads (``workers=-1``) logger : logging.Logger, optional A logger for the output """ ds = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) ds_base_mesh = xr.open_dataset(base_mesh_filename) ds_culled_mesh = xr.open_dataset(culled_mesh_filename) if map_culled_to_base_filename is None: ds_map_culled_to_base = None else: ds_map_culled_to_base = xr.open_dataset(map_culled_to_base_filename) ds_culled = cull_dataset( ds=ds, ds_base_mesh=ds_base_mesh, ds_culled_mesh=ds_culled_mesh, ds_map_culled_to_base=ds_map_culled_to_base, workers=workers, logger=logger) write_netcdf(ds_culled, out_filename)
[docs] def cull_dataset(ds, ds_base_mesh, ds_culled_mesh, ds_map_culled_to_base=None, workers=-1, logger=None): """ Create a new dataset in which all fields from ``ds`` have been culled from the base mesh to the culled mesh. Fields present in ``ds_culled_mesh`` are copied over rather than culled from ``ds``. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset An MPAS dataset to cull ds_base_mesh : xarray.Dataset The horizontal MPAS mesh before culling ds_culled_mesh : xarray.Dataset The culled horizonal MPAS mesh ds_map_culled_to_base : xarray.Dataset, optional An existing map from the base to the culled mesh created with ``write_map_culled_to_base()`` or ``map_culled_to_base()``. The dataset will be created (but not returned or saved to disk) if it is not passed as an argument. workers : int, optional The number of threads to use to query base mesh elements. The default is all available threads (``workers=-1``) logger : logging.Logger, optional A logger for the output Returns ------- ds_culled : xarray.Dataset An culled MPAS dataset """ if ds_map_culled_to_base is None: if logger is not None:'Creating culled-to-base mapping') ds_map_culled_to_base = map_culled_to_base( ds_base=ds_base_mesh, ds_culled=ds_culled_mesh, workers=workers) if logger is not None:'Culling dataset') ds_culled = ds if 'nCells' in ds_culled.dims: ds_culled = ds_culled.isel( nCells=ds_map_culled_to_base['mapCulledToBaseCell'].values) if 'nEdges' in ds_culled.dims: ds_culled = ds_culled.isel( nEdges=ds_map_culled_to_base['mapCulledToBaseEdge'].values) if 'nVertices' in ds_culled.dims: ds_culled = ds_culled.isel( nVertices=ds_map_culled_to_base['mapCulledToBaseVertex'].values) if logger is not None:'Replacing variables from culled mesh') for var in ds.data_vars: if var in ds_culled_mesh: if logger is not None:' replacing: {var}') # replace this field with the version from the culled mesh ds_culled[var] = ds_culled_mesh[var] else: if logger is not None:' keeping: {var}') return ds_culled
def _map_culled_to_base_grid_type(ds_base, ds_culled, ds_map_culled_to_base, dim, suffix, workers): x_base = ds_base[f'x{suffix}'].values y_base = ds_base[f'y{suffix}'].values z_base = ds_base[f'z{suffix}'].values x_culled = ds_culled[f'x{suffix}'].values y_culled = ds_culled[f'y{suffix}'].values z_culled = ds_culled[f'z{suffix}'].values # create a map from lat-lon pairs to base-mesh cell indices points = np.vstack((x_base, y_base, z_base)).T tree = KDTree(points) points = np.vstack((x_culled, y_culled, z_culled)).T _, culled_to_base_map = tree.query(points, workers=workers) ds_map_culled_to_base[f'mapCulledToBase{suffix}'] = \ ((dim,), culled_to_base_map)