.. _transects: ********* Transects ********* The :py:mod:`mpas_tools.transects` module contains functions used to define transects through MPAS meshes. These transects can be used to create masks of the cells, edges or dual-mesh cells (in some sense "vertices") that intersect the transect. They can also be used for visualization such as plotting vertical cross-sections of MPAS data along the transect. .. _subdividing_transects: Subdividing transects ===================== For both visualization and intersection detection, it is often useful to subdivide a transect into smaller segments. This is performed with the function :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.subdivide_great_circle()` for spherical meshes and with :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.subdivide_planar()` for planar meshes. For spherical meshes, subdivision is performed in Cartesian coordinates. Since transects are typically provided as a sequence of longitude/latitude points, it is typically necessary to convert to Cartesian coordinates using :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.lon_lat_to_cartesian()` and then back to longitude/latitude coordinates using :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.cartesian_to_lon_lat()`. Low-level functions =================== The module also shares some lower-level functions used elsewhere in the package. The arc length (in radians) along a transect can be found with :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.angular_distance()`. The function :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.intersects()` can be used to determine if 2 arcs on the sphere intersect one another and :py:func:`mpas_tools.transects.intersection()` can be used to find the intersection point of 2 intersecting arcs.