Source code for compass.ocean.particles

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from pyamg.classical import interpolate as amginterp
from pyamg.classical import split
from scipy import sparse, spatial

VERTICAL_TREATMENTS = {"indexLevel": 1,
                       "fixedZLevel": 2,
                       "passiveFloat": 3,
                       "buoyancySurface": 4,
                       "argoFloat": 5}
DEFAULTS = {"dt": 300, "resettime": 1.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0}
TYPELIST = ["buoyancy", "passive", "surface", "all"]
VERTSEEDTYPE = ["linear", "denseCenter", "log"]
SPATIAL_FILTER = ["SouthernOceanPlanar", "SouthernOceanXYZ"]

[docs]def write(init_filename, graph_filename, particle_filename, types='all', n_vert_levels=10, vert_seed_type='linear', n_buoy_surf=11, pot_dens_min=1028.5, pot_dens_max=1030.0, spatial_filter=None, downsample=0, seed_center=True, seed_vertex=False, add_noise=False, cfl_min=0.005): """ Write an initial condition for particles partitioned across cores Parameters ---------- init_filename : str path of netCDF init/mesh file graph_filename : str path of graph partition file of form */*.info.part particle_filename : str path of output netCDF particle file types : {"buoyancy", "passive", "surface", "all"}, optional types of particles", n_vert_levels : int, optional number of vertical levels for passive, 3D floats vert_seed_type : {"linear", "denseCenter", "log"}, optional method for seeding in the vertical n_buoy_surf : int, optional number of buoyancy surfaces for isopycnally-constrained particles pot_dens_min : float, optional minimum value of potential density surface for isopycnally-constrained particles pot_dens_max : float, optional maximum value of potential density surface for isopycnally-constrained particles spatial_filter : {"SouthernOceanPlanar", "SouthernOceanXYZ"}, optional apply a certain type of spatial filter downsample : int, optional downsample particle positions using AMG a number of times seed_center : bool, optional seed particles on cell centers seed_vertex : bool, optional seed three particles by a fixed epsilon off each cell vertex add_noise : bool, optional add gaussian noise to generate three particles around the cell center cfl_min : float, optional minimum assumed CFL, which is used in perturbing particles if ``seed_vertex=True`` or ``add_noise=True`` """ buoy_surf = np.linspace(pot_dens_min, pot_dens_max, n_buoy_surf) cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell = _particle_coords( init_filename, downsample, seed_center, seed_vertex, add_noise, cfl_min) # build particles particlelist = [] if "buoyancy" in types or "all" in types: particlelist.append(_build_isopycnal_particles( cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, buoy_surf, spatial_filter)) if "passive" in types or "all" in types: particlelist.append(_build_passive_floats( cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, init_filename, n_vert_levels, spatial_filter, vert_seed_type)) # apply surface particles everywhere to ensure that LIGHT works # (allow for some load-imbalance for filters) if "surface" in types or "all" in types: particlelist.append(_build_surface_floats( cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, spatial_filter)) # write particles to disk ParticleList(particlelist).write(particle_filename, graph_filename)
[docs]def remap_particles(init_filename, particle_filename, graph_filename): """ Remap particles onto a new grid decomposition. Load in particle positions, locations of grid cell centers, and decomposition corresponding to ``init_filename``. The goal is to update particle field ``currentBlock`` to comply with the new grid as defined by ``init_filename`` and ``particle_filename``. NOTE: ``init_filename`` and ``graph_filename`` must be compatible! We assume that all particles will be within the domain such that a nearest neighbor search is sufficient to make the remap. Parameters ---------- init_filename : str path of netCDF init/mesh file graph_filename : str path of graph partition file of form */*.info.part particle_filename : str path of input/output netCDF particle file """ # load the files with netCDF4.Dataset(init_filename, "r") as f_in, \ netCDF4.Dataset(particle_filename, "r+") as f_part: # get the particle data xpart = f_part.variables["xParticle"] ypart = f_part.variables["yParticle"] zpart = f_part.variables["zParticle"] currentBlock = f_part.variables["currentBlock"] try: currentCell = f_part.variables["currentCell"] currentCellGlobalID = f_part.variables["currentCellGlobalID"] except KeyError: currentCell = f_part.createVariable("currentCell", "i", ("nParticles",)) currentCellGlobalID = f_part.createVariable( "currentCellGlobalID", "i", ("nParticles",)) # get the cell positions xcell = f_in.variables["xCell"] ycell = f_in.variables["yCell"] zcell = f_in.variables["zCell"] # build the spatial tree tree = spatial.cKDTree(np.vstack((xcell, ycell, zcell)).T) # get nearest cell for each particle dvEdge = f_in.variables["dvEdge"] maxdist = 2.0 * max(dvEdge[:]) _, cellIndices = tree.query( np.vstack((xpart, ypart, zpart)).T, distance_upper_bound=maxdist, k=1) # load the decomposition (apply to latest time step) decomp = np.genfromtxt(graph_filename) currentBlock[-1, :] = decomp[cellIndices] currentCell[-1, :] = -1 currentCellGlobalID[-1, :] = cellIndices + 1
def build_particle_simple(f_grid, f_name, f_decomp, buoySurf, vertexReconst=1, horizTreatment=1, timeInt=2, verticalTreatment=4): """ Parameters ---------- f_grid f_name f_decomp buoySurf vertexReconst horizTreatment timeInt verticalTreatment """ nBuoySurf = buoySurf.shape[0] f_grid = netCDF4.Dataset(f_grid, 'r') nparticles = len(f_grid.dimensions['nCells']) f_out = netCDF4.Dataset(f_name, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC') f_out.createDimension('nParticles', nparticles*nBuoySurf) f_out.createDimension('nBuoyancySurfaces', nBuoySurf) f_out.createDimension('Time') f_out.createVariable('xParticle', 'f8', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('yParticle', 'f8', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('zParticle', 'f8', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('dtParticle', 'f8', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('buoyancyParticle', 'f8', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('currentBlock', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('currentCell', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('indexToParticleID', 'i', ('nParticles',)) f_out.createVariable('vertexReconstMethod', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('timeIntegration', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('horizontalTreatment', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('verticalTreatment', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('indexLevel', 'i', ('Time', 'nParticles')) f_out.createVariable('buoyancySurfaceValues', 'f8', ('nBuoyancySurfaces',)) # reset variables f_out.createVariable('resetTime', 'i', ('nParticles',)) f_out.createVariable('currentBlockReset', 'i', ('nParticles',)) f_out.createVariable('currentCellReset', 'i', ('nParticles',)) f_out.createVariable('xParticleReset', 'f8', ('nParticles',)) f_out.createVariable('yParticleReset', 'f8', ('nParticles',)) f_out.createVariable('zParticleReset', 'f8', ('nParticles',)) f_out.variables['xParticle'][0, :] = \ np.tile(f_grid.variables['xCell'][:], nBuoySurf) f_out.variables['yParticle'][0, :] = \ np.tile(f_grid.variables['yCell'][:], nBuoySurf) f_out.variables['zParticle'][0, :] = \ np.tile(f_grid.variables['zCell'][:], nBuoySurf) f_out.variables['buoyancyParticle'][0, :] = \ (np.tile(buoySurf, (nparticles, 1))).reshape( nparticles*nBuoySurf, order='F').copy() f_out.variables['buoyancySurfaceValues'][:] = buoySurf f_out.variables['dtParticle'][0, :] = 300.0 # 5 min # assume single-processor mode for now f_out.variables['currentBlock'][:] = 0 f_out.variables['resetTime'][:] = 1.0*24.0*60.0*60.0 # reset each day f_out.variables['vertexReconstMethod'][:] = vertexReconst f_out.variables['timeIntegration'][:] = timeInt f_out.variables['horizontalTreatment'][:] = horizTreatment f_out.variables['verticalTreatment'][:] = verticalTreatment f_out.variables['indexLevel'][:] = 1 f_out.variables['indexToParticleID'][:] = np.arange(nparticles*nBuoySurf) # resets cellIndices = np.tile(np.arange(nparticles), (nBuoySurf,)) decomp = np.genfromtxt(f_decomp) f_out.variables['currentBlock'][0, :] = decomp[cellIndices] f_out.variables['currentBlockReset'][:] = decomp[cellIndices] f_out.variables['currentCell'][0, :] = -1 f_out.variables['currentCellReset'][:] = -1 f_out.variables['xParticleReset'][:] = f_out.variables['xParticle'][0, :] f_out.variables['yParticleReset'][:] = f_out.variables['yParticle'][0, :] f_out.variables['zParticleReset'][:] = f_out.variables['zParticle'][0, :] f_out.close() def _use_defaults(name, val): if (val is not None) or (val is not np.nan): return val else: return DEFAULTS[name] def _ensure_shape(start, new): if isinstance(new, (int, float)): new *= np.ones_like(start) return new def _southern_ocean_only_xyz(x, y, z, maxNorth=-45.0): sq = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) lat = np.arcsin(z / sq) ok = np.pi / 180.0 * maxNorth ids = lat < ok return ids def _southern_ocean_only_planar(x, y, z, maxy=1000.0 * 1e3): ids = y < maxy return ids def _downsample_points(x, y, z, tri, nsplit): """ Downsample points using algebraic multigrid splitting. Note, currently assumes that all points on grid are equidistant, which does a numeric (not area-weighted) downsampling. Phillip Wolfram LANL Origin: 03/09/2015, Updated: 01/14/2019 """ # reference on cleanest way to do this calculation: # # 369143-how-to-do-delaunay-triangulation-and-return-an-adjacency-matrix # allocate the memory Np = x.shape[0] A = sparse.lil_matrix((Np, Np)) # cleanup impartial cells (don't include the triangles on boundary) tri = tri[np.logical_not(np.any(tri == -1, axis=1)), :] # handle one direction for triangles A[tri[:, 0], tri[:, 1]] = 1 A[tri[:, 1], tri[:, 2]] = 1 A[tri[:, 2], tri[:, 0]] = 1 # handle other direction (bi-directional graph) A[tri[:, 1], tri[:, 0]] = 1 A[tri[:, 2], tri[:, 1]] = 1 A[tri[:, 0], tri[:, 2]] = 1 A = A.tocsr() Cpts = np.arange(Np) # Grab root-nodes (i.e., Coarse / Fine splitting) for ii in np.arange(nsplit): splitting = split.PMIS(A) # convert to index for subsetting particles Cpts = Cpts[np.asarray(splitting, dtype=bool)] if ii < nsplit - 1: P = amginterp.direct_interpolation(A, A, splitting) R = P.T.tocsr() A = R * A * P return Cpts, x[Cpts], y[Cpts], z[Cpts] class Particles: def __init__( self, x, y, z, cellindices, verticaltreatment, dt=np.nan, zlevel=np.nan, indexlevel=np.nan, buoypart=np.nan, buoysurf=None, spatialfilter=None, resettime=np.nan, xreset=np.nan, yreset=np.nan, zreset=np.nan, zlevelreset=np.nan, ): # start with all the indices and restrict ids = np.ones((len(x)), dtype=bool) if type(spatialfilter) is str: spatialfilter = [spatialfilter] if spatialfilter: if np.max(["SouthernOceanXYZ" == afilter for afilter in spatialfilter]): ids = np.logical_and(ids, _southern_ocean_only_xyz(x, y, z)) if np.max(["SouthernOceanPlanar" == afilter for afilter in spatialfilter]): ids = np.logical_and(ids, _southern_ocean_only_planar(x, y, z)) self.x = x[ids] self.y = y[ids] self.z = z[ids] self.verticaltreatment = _ensure_shape( self.x, VERTICAL_TREATMENTS[verticaltreatment]) self.nparticles = len(self.x) self.dt = dt # 3D passive floats self.zlevel = _ensure_shape(x, zlevel)[ids] # isopycnal floats if buoysurf is not None: self.buoysurf = buoysurf self.buoypart = _ensure_shape(x, buoypart)[ids] self.cellindices = cellindices[ids] self.cellGlobalID = cellindices[ids] # index level following floats self.indexlevel = _ensure_shape(x, indexlevel)[ids] # reset features self.resettime = _ensure_shape(x, resettime)[ids] self.xreset = _ensure_shape(x, xreset)[ids] self.yreset = _ensure_shape(x, yreset)[ids] self.zreset = _ensure_shape(x, zreset)[ids] self.zlevelreset = _ensure_shape(x, zlevelreset)[ids] def compute_lat_lon(self): """ Ripped out whole-sale from PJW 01/15/2019 """ x = self.x y = self.y z = self.z self.latParticle = np.arcsin(z / np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)) self.lonParticle = np.arctan2(y, x) class ParticleList: def __init__(self, particlelist): self.particlelist = particlelist def aggregate(self): self.len() # buoyancysurf buoysurf = np.array([]) for alist in self.particlelist: if "buoysurf" in dir(alist): buoysurf = np.unique( np.setdiff1d(np.append(buoysurf, alist.buoysurf), None) ) if len(buoysurf) > 0: self.buoysurf = np.asarray(buoysurf, dtype="f8") else: self.buoysurf = None def __getattr__(self, name): # __getattr__ ensures self.x is concatenated properly return self.concatenate(name) def concatenate(self, varname): var = getattr(self.particlelist[0], varname) for alist in self.particlelist[1:]: var = np.append(var, getattr(alist, varname)) return var def append(self, particlelist): self.particlelist.append(particlelist[:]) def len(self): self.nparticles = 0 for alist in self.particlelist: self.nparticles += alist.nparticles return self.nparticles # probably a cleaner way to have this "fall through" to the particle # instances themselves, but didn't have time to sort this all out so this # isn't general for now def compute_lat_lon(self): for alist in self.particlelist: alist.compute_lat_lon() def write(self, f_name, f_decomp): decomp = np.genfromtxt(f_decomp) self.aggregate() assert ( max(decomp) < self.nparticles ), "Number of particles must be larger than decomposition!" f_out = netCDF4.Dataset(f_name, "w", format="NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET") f_out.createDimension("Time") f_out.createDimension("nParticles", self.nparticles) f_out.createVariable("xParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("yParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("zParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("lonParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("latParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("zLevelParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("dtParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("buoyancyParticle", "f8", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("currentBlock", "i", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("currentCell", "i", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("currentCellGlobalID", "i", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("indexToParticleID", "i", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("verticalTreatment", "i", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("indexLevel", "i", ("Time", "nParticles")) f_out.createVariable("resetTime", "i", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("currentBlockReset", "i", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("currentCellReset", "i", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("xParticleReset", "f8", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("yParticleReset", "f8", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("zParticleReset", "f8", ("nParticles",)) f_out.createVariable("zLevelParticleReset", "f8", ("nParticles",)) f_out.variables["xParticle"][0, :] = self.x f_out.variables["yParticle"][0, :] = self.y f_out.variables["zParticle"][0, :] = self.z self.compute_lat_lon() f_out.variables["lonParticle"][0, :] = self.lonParticle f_out.variables["latParticle"][0, :] = self.latParticle f_out.variables["verticalTreatment"][0, :] = self.verticaltreatment f_out.variables["zLevelParticle"][0, :] = self.zlevel if self.buoysurf is not None and len(self.buoysurf) > 0: f_out.createDimension("nBuoyancySurfaces", len(self.buoysurf)) f_out.createVariable("buoyancySurfaceValues", "f8", ("nBuoyancySurfaces")) f_out.variables["buoyancyParticle"][0, :] = self.buoypart f_out.variables["buoyancySurfaceValues"][:] = self.buoysurf f_out.variables["dtParticle"][0, :] = DEFAULTS["dt"] # assume single-processor mode for now f_out.variables["currentBlock"][:] = 0 # reset each day f_out.variables["resetTime"][:] = DEFAULTS["resettime"] f_out.variables["indexLevel"][:] = 1 f_out.variables["indexToParticleID"][:] = np.arange(self.nparticles) # resets f_out.variables["currentBlock"][0, :] = decomp[self.cellindices] f_out.variables["currentBlockReset"][:] = decomp[self.cellindices] f_out.variables["currentCell"][0, :] = -1 f_out.variables["currentCellGlobalID"][0, :] = self.cellGlobalID + 1 f_out.variables["currentCellReset"][:] = -1 f_out.variables["xParticleReset"][:] = \ f_out.variables["xParticle"][0, :] f_out.variables["yParticleReset"][:] = \ f_out.variables["yParticle"][0, :] f_out.variables["zParticleReset"][:] = \ f_out.variables["zParticle"][0, :] f_out.variables["zLevelParticleReset"][:] = \ f_out.variables["zLevelParticle"][0, :] f_out.close() def _rescale_for_shell(f_init, x, y, z): rearth = f_init.sphere_radius r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) x *= rearth / r y *= rearth / r z *= rearth / r return x, y, z def _get_particle_coords(f_init, seed_center=True, seed_vertex=False, add_noise=False, CFLmin=None): xCell = f_init.variables["xCell"][:] yCell = f_init.variables["yCell"][:] zCell = f_init.variables["zCell"][:] # Case of only cell-center seeding a single particle. if seed_center and not add_noise: cells_center = (xCell, yCell, zCell) cpts_center = np.arange(len(xCell)) # Case of cell-center seeding with 3 particles distributed around the # center by noise. elif seed_center and add_noise: cellsOnCell = f_init.variables["cellsOnCell"][:, :] nCells = len(f_init.dimensions["nCells"]) perturbation = CFLmin * np.ones((nCells,)) allx = [] ally = [] allz = [] allcpts = [] # There are six potential cell neighbors to perturb the particles for. # This selects three random directions (without replacement) at every # cell. cellDirs = np.stack( [ np.random.choice(np.arange(6), size=3, replace=False) for _ in range(nCells) ] ) for ci in np.arange(3): epsilon = np.abs(np.random.normal(size=nCells)) epsilon /= epsilon.max() # Adds gaussian noise at each cell, creating range of # [CFLMin, 2*CFLMin] theta = perturbation * epsilon + perturbation x = (1.0 - theta) * xCell + theta * xCell[ cellsOnCell[range(nCells), cellDirs[:, ci]] - 1 ] y = (1.0 - theta) * yCell + theta * yCell[ cellsOnCell[range(nCells), cellDirs[:, ci]] - 1 ] z = (1.0 - theta) * zCell + theta * zCell[ cellsOnCell[range(nCells), cellDirs[:, ci]] - 1 ] x, y, z = _rescale_for_shell(f_init, x, y, z) allx.append(x) ally.append(y) allz.append(z) allcpts.append(cellsOnCell[:, ci] - 1) cells_center = ( np.concatenate(allx), np.concatenate(ally), np.concatenate(allz), ) cpts_center = np.concatenate(allcpts) # Case of seeding 3 particles by a small epsilon around the vertices. if seed_vertex: cellsOnVertex = f_init.variables["cellsOnVertex"][:, :] xVertex = f_init.variables["xVertex"][:] yVertex = f_init.variables["yVertex"][:] zVertex = f_init.variables["zVertex"][:] nVertices = len(f_init.dimensions["nVertices"]) perturbation = CFLmin * np.ones((nVertices,)) allx = [] ally = [] allz = [] allcpts = [] for vi in np.arange(3): ids = np.where(cellsOnVertex[:, vi] != 0)[0] theta = perturbation[ids] x = (1.0 - theta) * xVertex[ids] + \ theta * xCell[cellsOnVertex[ids, vi] - 1] y = (1.0 - theta) * yVertex[ids] + \ theta * yCell[cellsOnVertex[ids, vi] - 1] z = (1.0 - theta) * zVertex[ids] + \ theta * zCell[cellsOnVertex[ids, vi] - 1] x, y, z = _rescale_for_shell(f_init, x, y, z) allx.append(x) ally.append(y) allz.append(z) allcpts.append(cellsOnVertex[ids, vi] - 1) cells_vertex = ( np.concatenate(allx), np.concatenate(ally), np.concatenate(allz), ) cpts_vertex = np.concatenate(allcpts) # Allows for both cell-center and cell-vertex seeding. if seed_center and not seed_vertex: cells = cells_center cpts = cpts_center elif not seed_center and seed_vertex: cells = cells_vertex cpts = cpts_vertex else: cpts = np.concatenate((cpts_vertex, cpts_center)) cells = ( np.concatenate((cells_vertex[0], cells_center[0])), np.concatenate((cells_vertex[1], cells_center[1])), np.concatenate((cells_vertex[2], cells_center[2])), ) return cells, cpts def _expand_nlevels(x, n): return np.tile(x, (n)) def _particle_coords( f_init, downsample, seed_center, seed_vertex, add_noise, CFLmin ): f_init = netCDF4.Dataset(f_init, "r") cells, cpts = _get_particle_coords( f_init, seed_center, seed_vertex, add_noise, CFLmin ) xCell, yCell, zCell = cells if downsample: tri = f_init.variables["cellsOnVertex"][:, :] - 1 cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell = _downsample_points( xCell, yCell, zCell, tri, downsample ) f_init.close() return cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell def _build_isopycnal_particles(cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, buoysurf, afilter): nparticles = len(xCell) nbuoysurf = buoysurf.shape[0] x = _expand_nlevels(xCell, nbuoysurf) y = _expand_nlevels(yCell, nbuoysurf) z = _expand_nlevels(zCell, nbuoysurf) buoypart = ( (np.tile(buoysurf, (nparticles, 1))) .reshape(nparticles * nbuoysurf, order="F") .copy()) cellindices = np.tile(cpts, (nbuoysurf)) return Particles(x, y, z, cellindices, "buoyancySurface", buoypart=buoypart, buoysurf=buoysurf, spatialfilter=afilter) def _build_passive_floats(cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, f_init, nvertlevels, afilter, vertseedtype): x = _expand_nlevels(xCell, nvertlevels) y = _expand_nlevels(yCell, nvertlevels) z = _expand_nlevels(zCell, nvertlevels) f_init = netCDF4.Dataset(f_init, "r") if vertseedtype == "linear": wgts = np.linspace(0, 1, nvertlevels + 2)[1:-1] elif vertseedtype == "log": wgts = np.geomspace(1.0 / (nvertlevels - 1), 1, nvertlevels + 1)[0:-1] elif vertseedtype == "denseCenter": wgts = _dense_center_seeding(nvertlevels) else: raise ValueError( "Must designate `vertseedtype` as one of the following: " + f"{VERTSEEDTYPE}" ) zlevel = -np.kron(wgts, f_init.variables["bottomDepth"][cpts]) cellindices = np.tile(cpts, (nvertlevels)) f_init.close() return Particles( x, y, z, cellindices, "passiveFloat", zlevel=zlevel, spatialfilter=afilter) def _dense_center_seeding(nVert): """ Distributes passive floats with 50% of them occurring between 40% and 60% of the bottom depth. """ nMid = np.ceil((1 / 2) * nVert) nRem = nVert - nMid if nRem % 2 != 0: nMid += 1 nRem -= 1 upper = np.linspace(0, 0.4, (int(nRem) // 2) + 1) center = np.linspace(0.4, 0.6, int(nMid) + 2) lower = np.linspace(0.6, 1, (int(nRem) // 2) + 1) c_wgts = np.concatenate([upper[1:], center[1:-1], lower[0:-1]]) return c_wgts def _build_surface_floats(cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, afilter): x = _expand_nlevels(xCell, 1) y = _expand_nlevels(yCell, 1) z = _expand_nlevels(zCell, 1) cellindices = cpts return Particles(x, y, z, cellindices, "indexLevel", indexlevel=1, zlevel=0, spatialfilter=afilter) def _build_particle_file(f_init, f_name, f_decomp, types, spatialfilter, buoySurf, nVertLevels, downsample, vertseedtype, seed_center, seed_vertex, add_noise, CFLmin): cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell = _particle_coords( f_init, downsample, seed_center, seed_vertex, add_noise, CFLmin) # build particles particlelist = [] if "buoyancy" in types or "all" in types: particlelist.append( _build_isopycnal_particles( cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, buoySurf, spatialfilter)) if "passive" in types or "all" in types: particlelist.append( _build_passive_floats( cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, f_init, nVertLevels, spatialfilter, vertseedtype)) # apply surface particles everywhere to ensure that LIGHT works # (allow for some load-imbalance for filters) if "surface" in types or "all" in types: particlelist.append( _build_surface_floats(cpts, xCell, yCell, zCell, spatialfilter)) # write particles to disk ParticleList(particlelist).write(f_name, f_decomp)