Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell

import configparser

from compass.config import add_config
from compass.testcase import TestCase

from compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.mesh import Mesh
from compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.init import Init
from compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.forward import Forward
from compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.analysis import \

[docs]class CosineBell(TestCase): """ A test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh Attributes ---------- resolutions : list of int """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group): """ Create test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.cosine_bell.GlobalOcean The global ocean test group that this test case belongs to """ super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name='cosine_bell') self.resolutions = None # add the steps with default resolutions so they can be listed config = configparser.ConfigParser( interpolation=configparser.ExtendedInterpolation()) add_config(config, self.__module__, '{}.cfg'.format( self._setup_steps(config)
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set config options for the test case """ config = self.config # set up the steps again in case a user has provided new resolutions self._setup_steps(config) init_options = dict() for option in ['temperature', 'salinity', 'lat_center', 'lon_center', 'radius', 'psi0', 'vel_pd']: init_options['config_cosine_bell_{}'.format(option)] = \ config.get('cosine_bell', option) for step in self.steps.values(): if 'init' in step.add_namelist_options(options=init_options, mode='init') self.update_cores()
[docs] def run(self): """ Run each step of the testcase """ config = self.config for resolution in self.resolutions: cores = config.getint('cosine_bell', 'QU{}_cores'.format(resolution)) min_cores = config.getint('cosine_bell', 'QU{}_min_cores'.format(resolution)) step = self.steps['QU{}_forward'.format(resolution)] step.cores = cores step.min_cores = min_cores # run the step super().run()
def update_cores(self): """ Update the number of cores and min_cores for each forward step """ config = self.config goal_cells_per_core = config.getfloat('cosine_bell', 'goal_cells_per_core') max_cells_per_core = config.getfloat('cosine_bell', 'max_cells_per_core') for resolution in self.resolutions: # a heuristic based on QU30 (65275 cells) and QU240 (10383 cells) approx_cells = 6e8 / resolution**2 # ideally, about 300 cells per core # (make it a multiple of 4 looks better?) cores = max(1, 4*round(approx_cells / (4 * goal_cells_per_core))) # In a pinch, about 3000 cells per core min_cores = max(1, round(approx_cells / max_cells_per_core)) step = self.steps['QU{}_forward'.format(resolution)] step.cores = cores step.min_cores = min_cores config.set('cosine_bell', 'QU{}_cores'.format(resolution), str(cores)) config.set('cosine_bell', 'QU{}_min_cores'.format(resolution), str(min_cores)) def _setup_steps(self, config): """ setup steps given resolutions """ resolutions = config.get('cosine_bell', 'resolutions') resolutions = [int(resolution) for resolution in resolutions.replace(',', ' ').split()] if self.resolutions is not None and self.resolutions == resolutions: return # start fresh with no steps self.steps = dict() self.steps_to_run = list() self.resolutions = resolutions for resolution in resolutions: self.add_step(Mesh(test_case=self, resolution=resolution)) self.add_step(Init(test_case=self, resolution=resolution)) self.add_step(Forward(test_case=self, resolution=resolution)) self.add_step(Analysis(test_case=self, resolutions=resolutions))