Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.seaice_initial_condition

import os
import xarray

from import write_netcdf

from import symlink
from compass.step import Step

[docs]class SeaiceInitialCondition(Step): """ A step for creating an E3SM sea-ice initial condition from variables from an MPAS-Ocean restart file with_ice_shelf_cavities : bool Whether the mesh includes ice-shelf cavities """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, restart_filename, with_ice_shelf_cavities): """ Create a new step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.FilesForE3SM The test case this step belongs to restart_filename : str A restart file from the end of the dynamic adjustment test case to use as the basis for an E3SM initial condition with_ice_shelf_cavities : bool Whether the mesh includes ice-shelf cavities """ super().__init__(test_case, name='seaice_initial_condition', cores=1, min_cores=1, threads=1) self.add_input_file(filename='README', target='../README') self.add_input_file(filename='', target=f'../{restart_filename}') self.with_ice_shelf_cavities = with_ice_shelf_cavities
# for now, we won't define any outputs because they include the mesh # short name, which is not known at setup time. Currently, this is # safe because no other steps depend on the outputs of this one.
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the testcase """ with_ice_shelf_cavities = self.with_ice_shelf_cavities with xarray.open_dataset('') as ds: mesh_short_name = ds.attrs['MPAS_Mesh_Short_Name'] mesh_prefix = ds.attrs['MPAS_Mesh_Prefix'] prefix = f'MPAS_Mesh_{mesh_prefix}' creation_date = ds.attrs[f'{prefix}_Version_Creation_Date'] assembled_dir = f'../assembled_files/inputdata/ice/mpas-seaice/' \ f'{mesh_short_name}' try: os.makedirs(assembled_dir) except OSError: pass dest_filename = f'mpassi.{mesh_short_name}.{creation_date}.nc' keep_vars = [ 'areaCell', 'cellsOnCell', 'edgesOnCell', 'fCell', 'indexToCellID', 'latCell', 'lonCell', 'meshDensity', 'nEdgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'xCell', 'yCell', 'zCell', 'angleEdge', 'cellsOnEdge', 'dcEdge', 'dvEdge', 'edgesOnEdge', 'fEdge', 'indexToEdgeID', 'latEdge', 'lonEdge', 'nEdgesOnCell', 'nEdgesOnEdge', 'verticesOnEdge', 'weightsOnEdge', 'xEdge', 'yEdge', 'zEdge', 'areaTriangle', 'cellsOnVertex', 'edgesOnVertex', 'fVertex', 'indexToVertexID', 'kiteAreasOnVertex', 'latVertex', 'lonVertex', 'xVertex', 'yVertex', 'zVertex'] if with_ice_shelf_cavities: keep_vars.append('landIceMask') with xarray.open_dataset('') as ds: ds.load() ds = ds[keep_vars] write_netcdf(ds, dest_filename) symlink(f'../../../../../seaice_initial_condition/{dest_filename}', f'{assembled_dir}/{dest_filename}')