Source code for compass.ocean.tests.ice_shelf_2d.viz

import xarray
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from compass.step import Step

[docs]class Viz(Step): """ A step for visualizing a cross-section through the 2D ice-shelf domain """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='viz') self.add_input_file(filename='', target='../initial_state/') self.add_output_file('vert_grid.png')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ ds = xarray.open_dataset('') if 'Time' in ds.dims: ds = ds.isel(Time=0) ds = ds.groupby('yCell').mean(dim='nCells') nCells = ds.sizes['yCell'] nVertLevels = ds.sizes['nVertLevels'] zIndex = xarray.DataArray(data=numpy.arange(nVertLevels), dims='nVertLevels') minLevelCell = ds.minLevelCell - 1 maxLevelCell = ds.maxLevelCell - 1 cellMask = numpy.logical_and(zIndex >= minLevelCell, zIndex <= maxLevelCell) zIndex = xarray.DataArray(data=numpy.arange(nVertLevels + 1), dims='nVertLevelsP1') interfaceMask = numpy.logical_and(zIndex >= minLevelCell, zIndex <= maxLevelCell + 1) zMid = ds.zMid.where(cellMask) zInterface = numpy.zeros((nCells, nVertLevels + 1)) zInterface[:, 0] = ds.ssh.values for zIndex in range(nVertLevels): thickness = ds.layerThickness.isel(nVertLevels=zIndex) thickness = thickness.fillna(0.) zInterface[:, zIndex + 1] = \ zInterface[:, zIndex] - thickness.values zInterface = xarray.DataArray(data=zInterface, dims=('yCell', 'nVertLevelsP1')) zInterface = zInterface.where(interfaceMask) plt.figure(figsize=[24, 12], dpi=100) plt.plot(ds.yCell.values, zMid.values, 'b') plt.plot(ds.yCell.values, zInterface.values, 'k') plt.plot(ds.yCell.values, ds.ssh.values, 'g') plt.plot(ds.yCell.values, -ds.bottomDepth.values, 'g') plt.savefig('vert_grid.png', dpi=200) plt.close()