import xarray
import numpy
from compass.ocean.vertical.grid_1d import add_1d_grid
from compass.ocean.vertical.partial_cells import alter_bottom_depth, alter_ssh
[docs]def init_z_level_vertical_coord(config, ds):
Create a z-level vertical coordinate based on the config options in the
``vertical_grid`` section and the ``bottomDepth`` and ``ssh`` variables of
the mesh data set.
The following new variables will be added to the data set:
* ``minLevelCell`` - the index of the top valid layer
* ``maxLevelCell`` - the index of the bottom valid layer
* ``cellMask`` - a mask of where cells are valid
* ``layerThickness`` - the thickness of each layer
* ``restingThickness`` - the thickness of each layer stretched as if
``ssh = 0``
* ``zMid`` - the elevation of the midpoint of each layer
So far, all supported coordinates make use of a 1D reference vertical grid.
The following variables associated with that field are also added to the
* ``refTopDepth`` - the positive-down depth of the top of each ref. level
* ``refZMid`` - the positive-down depth of the middle of each ref. level
* ``refBottomDepth`` - the positive-down depth of the bottom of each ref.
* ``refInterfaces`` - the positive-down depth of the interfaces between
ref. levels (with ``nVertLevels`` + 1 elements).
* ``vertCoordMovementWeights`` - the weights (all ones) for coordinate
There is considerable redundancy between these variables but each is
sometimes convenient.
config : configparser.ConfigParser
Configuration options with parameters used to construct the vertical
ds : xarray.Dataset
A data set containing ``bottomDepth`` and ``ssh`` variables used to
construct the vertical coordinate
add_1d_grid(config, ds)
ds['vertCoordMovementWeights'] = xarray.ones_like(ds.refBottomDepth)
ds['minLevelCell'], ds['maxLevelCell'], ds['cellMask'] = \
compute_min_max_level_cell(ds.refTopDepth, ds.refBottomDepth, ds.ssh,
ds['bottomDepth'], ds['maxLevelCell'] = alter_bottom_depth(
config, ds.bottomDepth, ds.refBottomDepth, ds.maxLevelCell)
ds['ssh'], ds['minLevelCell'] = alter_ssh(
config, ds.ssh, ds.refBottomDepth, ds.minLevelCell)
ds['layerThickness'] = compute_z_level_layer_thickness(
ds.refTopDepth, ds.refBottomDepth, ds.ssh, ds.bottomDepth,
ds.minLevelCell, ds.maxLevelCell)
ds['restingThickness'] = compute_z_level_resting_thickness(
ds.layerThickness, ds.ssh, ds.bottomDepth, ds.minLevelCell,
[docs]def compute_min_max_level_cell(refTopDepth, refBottomDepth, ssh, bottomDepth):
Compute ``minLevelCell`` and ``maxLevelCell`` indices as well as a cell
mask for the given reference grid and top and bottom topography.
refTopDepth : xarray.DataArray
A 1D array of positive-down depths of the top of each z level
refBottomDepth : xarray.DataArray
A 1D array of positive-down depths of the bottom of each z level
ssh : xarray.DataArray
The sea surface height
bottomDepth : xarray.DataArray
The positive-down depth of the seafloor
minLevelCell : xarray.DataArray
The zero-based index of the top valid level
maxLevelCell : xarray.DataArray
The zero-based index of the bottom valid level
cellMask : xarray.DataArray
A boolean mask of where there are valid cells
valid = bottomDepth > -ssh
aboveTopMask = (refBottomDepth <= -ssh).transpose('nCells', 'nVertLevels')
aboveBottomMask = (refTopDepth < bottomDepth).transpose(
'nCells', 'nVertLevels')
aboveBottomMask = numpy.logical_and(aboveBottomMask, valid)
minLevelCell = (aboveTopMask.sum(dim='nVertLevels')).where(valid, 0)
maxLevelCell = (aboveBottomMask.sum(dim='nVertLevels') - 1).where(valid, 0)
cellMask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_not(aboveTopMask),
cellMask = numpy.logical_and(cellMask, valid)
return minLevelCell, maxLevelCell, cellMask
[docs]def compute_z_level_layer_thickness(refTopDepth, refBottomDepth, ssh,
bottomDepth, minLevelCell, maxLevelCell):
Compute z-level layer thickness from ssh and bottomDepth
refTopDepth : xarray.DataArray
A 1D array of positive-down depths of the top of each z level
refBottomDepth : xarray.DataArray
A 1D array of positive-down depths of the bottom of each z level
ssh : xarray.DataArray
The sea surface height
bottomDepth : xarray.DataArray
The positive-down depth of the seafloor
minLevelCell : xarray.DataArray
The zero-based index of the top valid level
maxLevelCell : xarray.DataArray
The zero-based index of the bottom valid level
layerThickness : xarray.DataArray
The thickness of each layer (level)
nVertLevels = refBottomDepth.sizes['nVertLevels']
layerThickness = []
for zIndex in range(nVertLevels):
mask = numpy.logical_and(zIndex >= minLevelCell,
zIndex <= maxLevelCell)
zTop = numpy.minimum(ssh, -refTopDepth[zIndex])
zBot = numpy.maximum(-bottomDepth, -refBottomDepth[zIndex])
thickness = (zTop - zBot).where(mask, 0.)
layerThickness = xarray.concat(layerThickness, dim='nVertLevels')
layerThickness = layerThickness.transpose('nCells', 'nVertLevels')
return layerThickness
[docs]def compute_z_level_resting_thickness(layerThickness, ssh, bottomDepth,
minLevelCell, maxLevelCell):
Compute z-level resting thickness by "unstretching" layerThickness
based on ssh and bottomDepth
layerThickness : xarray.DataArray
The thickness of each layer (level)
ssh : xarray.DataArray
The sea surface height
bottomDepth : xarray.DataArray
The positive-down depth of the seafloor
minLevelCell : xarray.DataArray
The zero-based index of the top valid level
maxLevelCell : xarray.DataArray
The zero-based index of the bottom valid level
restingThickness : xarray.DataArray
The thickness of z-star layers when ssh = 0
nVertLevels = layerThickness.sizes['nVertLevels']
restingThickness = []
layerStretch = bottomDepth / (ssh + bottomDepth)
for zIndex in range(nVertLevels):
mask = numpy.logical_and(zIndex >= minLevelCell,
zIndex <= maxLevelCell)
thickness = layerStretch * layerThickness.isel(
thickness = thickness.where(mask, 0.)
restingThickness = xarray.concat(restingThickness, dim='nVertLevels')
restingThickness = restingThickness.transpose('nCells', 'nVertLevels')
return restingThickness