.. _dev_machine_badger: Badger ====== .. note:: It is important that you not point to custom module files for the compiler, MPI, and netcdf modules on Grizzly to work properly. If you have: .. code-block:: bash module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all or similar commands in your ``.bashrc``, please either comment them out or make sure to run .. code-block:: bash module unuse /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all intel ----- This is the default ``compass`` compiler on Badger. If the environment has been set up properly (see :ref:`dev_conda_env`), you should be able to source: .. code-block:: bash source load_dev_compass_1.0.0_badger_intel_impi.sh Then, you can build the MPAS model with .. code-block:: bash make intel-mpi gnu --- If you've set things up for this compiler, you should be able to: .. code-block:: bash source load_dev_compass_1.0.0_badger_gnu_mvapich.sh Then, you can build the MPAS model with .. code-block:: bash make gfortran