.. _dev_ocean_ziso: ziso ==== The ``ziso`` test group (:py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.ziso.Ziso`) implements variants of the Zonally Idealized Southern Ocean (ZISO) test case (see :ref:`ocean_ziso` in the User's Guide) at 2.5, 5, 10 and 20-km resolutions. Here, we describe the shared framework for this test group and the 4 types of test cases currently supported: ``default``, ``long``, ``particles``, and ``with_frazil``. .. _dev_ocean_ziso_framework: framework --------- The shared config options for the ``ziso`` test group are described in :ref:`ocean_ziso` in the User's Guide. Additionally, the test group has several shared namelist and streams files, some for shared parameters and streams for forward runs (``namelist.forward`` and ``streams.forward``), some specific to the resolution of the run and with an eye toward including more resolutions in the future (``namelist..forward`` and ``streams..forward``), and some related to enabling analysis members in a run and outputting their results (``namelist.analysis`` and ``streams.analysis``). initial_state ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The class :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.ziso.initial_state.InitialState` defines a step for setting up the initial state for each test case. First, a mesh appropriate for the resolution is generated using :py:func:`mpas_tools.planar_hex.make_planar_hex_mesh()`. Then, the mesh is culled to remove periodicity in the y direction. A vertical grid is generated, with 100 non-uniform layers according to the ``100layerE3SMv1`` distribution, but squashed so the bottom of the deepest layer is at 2500 m depth. Finally, the initial temperature field is computed along with uniform salinity and zero initial velocity. The temperature profile is significantly different for test cases with frazil-ice production compared to those without. forward ~~~~~~~ The class :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.ziso.forward.Forward` defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from the initial condition produced in the ``initial_state`` step. Namelist and streams files are generated when the test case is set up (combining the ``*.forward`` and ``*.analysis`` files from the test group) and updated at runtime based on the config options in the ``[ziso]`` section of the config file. A dictionary ``res_params`` is used to set parameters like the number of cores and the time steps for each resolution: .. code-block:: python res_params = {'20km': {'cores': 20, 'min_cores': 2, 'cores_with_particles': 32, 'min_cores_with_particles': 12, 'dt': "'00:12:00'", 'btr_dt': "'00:00:36'", 'mom_del4': "5.0e10", 'run_duration': "'0000_00:36:00'"}, '10km': {'cores': 80, 'min_cores': 8, 'cores_with_particles': 130, 'min_cores_with_particles': 50, 'dt': "'00:06:00'", 'btr_dt': "'00:00:18'", 'mom_del4': "6.25e9", 'run_duration': "'0000_00:18:00'"}, '5km': {'cores': 300, 'min_cores': 30, 'cores_with_particles': 500, 'min_cores_with_particles': 200, 'dt': "'00:03:00'", 'btr_dt': "'00:00:09'", 'mom_del4': "7.8e8", 'run_duration': "'0000_00:09:00'"}, '2.5km': {'cores': 1200, 'min_cores': 120, 'cores_with_particles': 2100, 'min_cores_with_particles': 900, 'dt': "'00:01:30'", 'btr_dt': "'00:00:04'", 'mom_del4': "9.8e7", 'run_duration': "'0000_00:04:30'"}} If :ref:`dev_ocean_framework_particles` are includes (in the ``particles`` test cases), we first generate the required graph partition, then partition the particles, and finally run MPAS-Ocean (including updating PIO namelist options): .. code-block:: python if self.with_particles: cores = self.cores partition(cores, self.config, self.logger) particles.write(init_filename='init.nc', particle_filename='particles.nc', graph_filename='graph.info.part.{}'.format(cores), types='buoyancy') run_model(self, partition_graph=False) .. _dev_ocean_ziso_default: ziso_test_case -------------- The :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.ziso.ZisoTestCase` class defines most of the ZISO test cases. If a baseline is provided when calling :ref:`dev_compass_setup`, the test case ensures that the final values of ``temperature`` and ``layerThickness`` are identical to the baseline values. If particles are included, a number of particle-related variables and timers are also validated against the baseline. .. _dev_ocean_ziso_with_frazil: with_frazil ----------- The :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.ziso.with_frazil.WithFrazil` includes default config options: .. code-block:: cfg # namelist options for Zonally periodic Idealized Southern Ocean (ZISO) # testcases [ziso] # Initial temperature profile constant initial_temp_t1 = 0.0 # Initial temperature profile tanh coefficient initial_temp_t2 = -1.0 # Initial temperature profile tanh length scale initial_temp_h1 = 300.0 # Initial temperature profile linear coefficient initial_temp_mt = 0.0 This test performs a 90-second (3-time-step) run on 4 cores, including frazil-ice formation but without analysis. If a baseline is provided when calling :ref:`dev_compass_setup`, the test case ensures that the final values of ``temperature`` and ``layerThickness`` as well as a number of frazil-related variables are identical to the baseline values.