.. figure:: images/org_in_package.png :width: 311 px :align: right :figwidth: 50 % Figure 1: The organization of MPAS cores (green), test groups (blue), test cases (orange) and steps (red) in the ``compass`` package. .. _dev_organization: Organization of Tests ===================== Here, we describe how tests in ``compass`` are organized, both in the package itself and in the work directories where they get set up and run. At the base level are MPAS Cores (:ref:`dev_landice` or :ref:`dev_ocean`). Each MPAS core has collection of test groups, which has a collection of test cases, each of which contains a sequence of steps. Directory structure ------------------- In the ``compass`` package within a local clone of the compass repository, MPAS cores, test groups, test cases and steps are laid out like shown in Fig 1. Each MPAS core has its directory with the ``compass`` package directory. Among other contents of the MPAS core's directory is a ``tests`` directory that contains all of the test groups. Each test group contains directories for the test cases and typically also python modules that define the shared steps. Any steps that are specific to a test case would have a module within that test case's directory. More details on each of these organizational concepts -- :ref:`dev_cores`, :ref:`dev_test_groups`, :ref:`dev_test_cases`, and :ref:`dev_steps` -- are provided below. The organization of the work directory similar but not quite the same as in the ``compass`` package, as shown in Fig. 2. .. figure:: images/org_in_work_dir.png :width: 283 px :align: right :figwidth: 50 % Figure 2: The organization of MPAS cores (green), test groups (blue), test cases (orange) and steps (red) in an example work directory. At the top level are directories for the MPAS cores. There is no ``tests`` subdirectory in this case -- the test groups are directly within the MPAS core's directory. The organization of test cases within a test group can include many additional subdirectories that help sort different versions of the test cases. In the examples shown above, each test case is in a subdirectory indicating the resolution of the mesh used in the test case. Finally, steps are in subdirectories of each test case. In some cases, additional subdirectories are used to sort steps within a test case (e.g. if the same step will be run at different mesh resolutions in a convergence test). .. _dev_cores: MPAS Cores ---------- Currently, there are two MPAS cores, ``landice``, which has test cases for MALI, and ``ocean``, which encompasses all the test cases for MPAS-Ocean. From a developer's perspective, an MPAS core is a package within ``compass`` that has four major pieces: 1. A class that descends from the :py:class:`compass.MpasCore` base class. The class is defined in ``__init__.py`` and its ``__init__()`` method calls the :py:meth:`compass.MpasCore.add_test_group()` method to add each test group to the MPAS core. 2. A ``tests`` package, which contains packages for each test group, each of which contains various packages and modules for test cases and their steps. 3. An ``.cfg`` config file containing any default config options that are universal to all test groups of the MPAS core. 4. Additional "framework" packages and modules shared between test groups. The core's framework is a mix of shared code and other files (config files, namelists, streams files, etc.) that is expected to be used only by modules and packages within the core, not by other cores or the main compass :ref:`dev_framework`. The constructor (``__init__()`` method) for a child class of :py:class:`compass.MpasCore` simply calls the parent class' version of the constructor with ``super().__init__()``, passing the name of the MPAS core. Then, it creates objects for each test group and adds them to itself, as in this example from :py:class:`compass.ocean.Ocean`: .. code-block:: python from compass.mpas_core import MpasCore from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel import BaroclinicChannel from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean import GlobalOcean from compass.ocean.tests.ice_shelf_2d import IceShelf2d from compass.ocean.tests.ziso import Ziso class Ocean(MpasCore): """ The collection of all test case for the MPAS-Ocean core """ def __init__(self): """ Construct the collection of MPAS-Ocean test cases """ super().__init__(name='ocean') self.add_test_group(BaroclinicChannel(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(GlobalOcean(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(IceShelf2d(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(Ziso(mpas_core=self)) The object ``self`` is always passed to the constructor for each test group so test groups are aware of which MPAS core they belong to. This is necessary, for example, in order to create the path for each test group, test case and step in the work directory. The config file for the MPAS core should, at the very least, define the default value for the ``mpas_model`` path in the ``[paths]`` section. This path should point to the path within the appropriate E3SM submodule where the standalone component can be built. This is the path to the directory where the MPAS component's executable will be built, not to the executable itself. Typically, the config file will also define the paths to the model executable and the default namelist and streams files for "forward mode" (and, for the ocean core, "init mode"). The config file also contains the name of a subdirectory on the `LCRC server `_ for the dynamical core in the ``core_path`` option in the ``downloads`` section: .. code-block:: cfg # This config file has default config options for the landice core # The paths section points compass to external paths [paths] # the relative or absolute path to the root of a branch where MALI has been # built mpas_model = MALI-Dev/components/mpas-albany-landice # The namelists section defines paths to example_compact namelists that will be used # to generate specific namelists. By default, these point to the forward and # init namelists in the default_inputs directory after a successful build of # the landice model. Change these in a custom config file if you need a different # example_compact. [namelists] forward = ${paths:mpas_model}/default_inputs/namelist.landice # The streams section defines paths to example_compact streams files that will be used # to generate specific streams files. By default, these point to the forward and # init streams files in the default_inputs directory after a successful build of # the landice model. Change these in a custom config file if you need a different # example_compact. [streams] forward = ${paths:mpas_model}/default_inputs/streams.landice # The executables section defines paths to required executables. These # executables are provided for use by specific test cases. Most tools that # compass needs should be in the conda environment, so this is only the path # to the MALI executable by default. [executables] model = ${paths:mpas_model}/landice_model # Options related to downloading files [download] # the path on the server for MALI core_path = mpas-albany-landice .. _dev_test_groups: Test Groups ----------- Test groups are the next level of test-case organization below :ref:`dev_cores`. Typically, the test cases within a test group are in some way conceptually linked, serving a similar purpose or being variants on one another. Often, they have a common topography and initial condition, perhaps with different mesh resolutions, parameters, or both. It is common for a test group to include "framework" modules that are shared between its test cases and steps (but not with other test groups). Each MPAS core will typically include a mix of "idealized" test groups (e.g. :ref:`dev_ocean_baroclinic_channel` or :ref:`dev_landice_dome`) and "realistic" domains (e.g. :ref:`dev_landice_greenland` and :ref:`dev_ocean_global_ocean`). Each test group is a python package within the core's ``tests`` package. While it is not required, a test group will typically include a config file, named ``.cfg``, with a set of default config options that are the starting point for all its test cases. As an example, here is the config file for the ``dome`` test group in the ``landice`` core: .. code-block:: cfg # config options for dome test cases [dome] # sizes (in cells) for the 2000m uniform mesh nx = 30 ny = 34 # resolution (in m) for the 2000m uniform mesh dc = 2000.0 # number of levels in the mesh levels = 10 # the dome type ('halfar' or 'cism') dome_type = halfar # Whether to center the dome in the center of the cell that is closest to the # center of the domain put_origin_on_a_cell = True # whether to add a small shelf to the test shelf = False # whether to add hydrology to the initial condition hydro = False # config options related to visualization for dome test cases [dome_viz] # which time index to visualize time_slice = 0 # whether to save image files save_images = True # whether to hide figures (typically when save_images = True) hide_figs = True Some test group options will provide defaults for config options that are shared across the core (as is the case for the ``[vertical_grid]`` config section in the ocean core). But most config options for a test group will typically go into a section with the same name as the test group, as in the example above. Config options that are specific to a particular step might go into a section with another name, like the ``[dome_viz]`` section above. The ``__init__.py`` file for the test group must define a class for the test group that descends from :py:class:`compass.TestGroup`. The constructor of that class (``__init__()``) first calls the base class' constructor with the parent :py:class:`compass.MpasCore` object and the name of the test group. Then, it constructs objects for each test case in the group and adds them to itself by calling :py:meth:`compass.TestGroup.add_test_case()`. Each test case gets passed the ``self`` object as its test group, allowing the test case to determine both with MPAS core and which test group it belongs to. As an example, the :py:class:`compass.landice.tests.dome.Dome` class looks like this: .. code-block:: python from compass.testgroup import TestGroup from compass.landice.tests.dome.smoke_test import SmokeTest from compass.landice.tests.dome.decomposition_test import DecompositionTest from compass.landice.tests.dome.restart_test import RestartTest class Dome(TestGroup): """ A test group for dome test cases """ def __init__(self, mpas_core): """ mpas_core : compass.landice.Landice the MPAS core that this test group belongs to """ super().__init__(mpas_core=mpas_core, name='dome') for mesh_type in ['2000m', 'variable_resolution']: self.add_test_case( SmokeTest(test_group=self, mesh_type=mesh_type)) self.add_test_case( DecompositionTest(test_group=self, mesh_type=mesh_type)) self.add_test_case( RestartTest(test_group=self, mesh_type=mesh_type)) As in this example, it may be useful for a test group to make several versions of a test case by passing different parameters. In the example, we create versions of ``SmokeTest``, ``DecompositionTest`` and ``RestartTest`` with each of two mesh types (``2000m`` and ``variable_resolution``). We will explore this further when we talk about :ref:`dev_test_cases` and :ref:`dev_steps` below. It is also common for a test group to define takes care of setting any additional config options that apply across all test cases but are too complicated to simply add to the ```` file. An example of a shared ``configure()`` function is :py:func:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.configure()`: .. code-block:: python def configure(resolution, config): """ Modify the configuration options for one of the baroclinic test cases Parameters ---------- resolution : str The resolution of the test case config : configparser.ConfigParser Configuration options for this test case """ res_params = {'10km': {'nx': 16, 'ny': 50, 'dc': 10e3}, '4km': {'nx': 40, 'ny': 126, 'dc': 4e3}, '1km': {'nx': 160, 'ny': 500, 'dc': 1e3}} if resolution not in res_params: raise ValueError('Unsupported resolution {}. Supported values are: ' '{}'.format(resolution, list(res_params))) res_params = res_params[resolution] for param in res_params: config.set('baroclinic_channel', param, '{}'.format(res_params[param])) In the ``baroclinic_channel`` test group, 3 resolutions are supported: ``1km``, ``4km`` and ``10km``. Here, we use a dictionary to define parameters (the size of the mesh) associated with each resolution and then to set config options with those parameters. This approach is appropriate if we want a user to be able to modify these config options before running the test case (in this case, if they would like to run on a mesh of a different size or resolution). If these parameters should be held fixed, they should not be added to the ``config`` object but rather as attributes to the test case's and/or step's class, as we will discuss below. As with MPAS cores and the main ``compass`` package, test groups can also have a shared "framework" of packages, modules, config files, namelists, and streams files that is shared among test cases and steps. .. _dev_test_cases: Test cases ---------- In many ways, test cases are compass's fundamental building blocks, since a user can't set up an individual step of test case (though they can run the steps one at a time). A test case can be a module but is usually a python package so it can incorporate modules for its steps and/or config files, namelists, and streams files. The test case must include a class that descends from :py:class:`compass.TestCase`. In addition to a constructor (``__init__()``), the class will often override the ``configure()``, ``run()`` and ``validate()`` methods of the base class, as described below. .. _dev_test_case_class: TestCase attributes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The base class :py:class:`compass.TestCase` has a large number of attributes that are useful at different stages (init, configuration and run) of the test case. Some attributes are available after calling the base class' constructor ``super().__init__()``. These include: ``self.name`` the name of the test case ``self.test_group`` The test group the test case belongs to ``self.mpas_core`` The MPAS core the test group belongs to ``self.subdir`` the subdirectory for the test case ``self.path`` the path within the base work directory of the test case, made up of ``mpas_core``, ``test_group``, and the test case's ``subdir`` Other attributes become useful only after steps have been added to the test case: ``self.steps`` A dictionary of steps in the test case with step names as keys ``self.steps_to_run`` A list of the steps to run when ``run()`` gets called. This list includes all steps by default but can be replaced with a list of only those tests that should run by default if some steps are optional and should be run manually by the user. Another set of attributes is not useful until ``configure()`` is called by the ``compass`` framework: ``self.config`` Configuration options for this test case, a combination of the defaults for the machine, core and configuration ``self.config_filename`` The local name of the config file that ``config`` has been written to during setup and read from during run ``self.work_dir`` The test case's work directory, defined during setup as the combination of ``base_work_dir`` and ``path`` ``self.base_work_dir`` The base work directory These can be used to make further alterations to the config options or to add symlinks files in the test case's work directory. Finally, one attribute is available only when the ``run()`` method gets called by the framework: ``self.logger`` A logger for output from the test case. This gets passed on to other methods and functions that use the logger to write their output to the log file. You can add other attributes to the child class that keeps track of information that the test case or its steps will need. As an example, :py:class:`compass.landice.tests.dome.smoke_test.SmokeTest` keeps track of the mesh type as an attribute: .. code-block:: python class SmokeTest(TestCase): """ The default test case for the dome test group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run on 4 cores. Attributes ---------- mesh_type : str The resolution or type of mesh of the test case """ def __init__(self, test_group, mesh_type): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.landice.tests.dome.Dome The test group that this test case belongs to mesh_type : str The resolution or type of mesh of the test case """ name = 'smoke_test' self.mesh_type = mesh_type subdir = '{}/{}'.format(mesh_type, name) super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name, subdir=subdir) self.add_step( SetupMesh(test_case=self, mesh_type=mesh_type)) self.add_step( RunModel(test_case=self, cores=4, threads=1, mesh_type=mesh_type)) step = Visualize(test_case=self, mesh_type=mesh_type) self.add_step(step, run_by_default=False) .. _dev_test_case_init: constructor ^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``__init__()`` method must first call the base constructor ``super().__init__()``, passing the name of the test case, the test group it will belong to, and the subdirectory (if different from the name of the test case). Then, it should create an object for each step and add them to itself using call :py:func:`compass.TestCase.add_step()`. It is important that ``__init__()`` doesn't perform any time-consuming calculations, download files, or otherwise use significant resources because objects get constructed (and all constructors get called) quite often for every single test case and step in ``compass``: when test cases are listed, set up, or cleaned up, and also when test suites are set up or cleaned up. However, it is fine to call the following methods on a step during init because these methods only keep track of a "recipe" for downloading files or constructing namelist and streams files, they don't actually do the work associated with these steps until the point where the step is being set up in * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_output_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` As an example, here is the constructor from :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.rpe_test.RpeTest`: .. code-block:: python from compass.testcase import TestCase from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.initial_state import InitialState from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.forward import Forward from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.rpe_test.analysis import Analysis class RpeTest(TestCase): """ The reference potential energy (RPE) test case for the baroclinic channel test group performs a 20-day integration of the model forward in time at 5 different values of the viscosity at the given resolution. Attributes ---------- resolution : str The resolution of the test case """ def __init__(self, test_group, resolution): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.BaroclinicChannel The test group that this test case belongs to resolution : str The resolution of the test case """ name = 'rpe_test' subdir = '{}/{}'.format(resolution, name) super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name, subdir=subdir) nus = [1, 5, 10, 20, 200] res_params = {'1km': {'cores': 144, 'min_cores': 36}, '4km': {'cores': 36, 'min_cores': 8}, '10km': {'cores': 8, 'min_cores': 4}} if resolution not in res_params: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported resolution {}. Supported values are: ' '{}'.format(resolution, list(res_params))) params = res_params[resolution] self.resolution = resolution self.add_step( InitialState(test_case=self, resolution=resolution)) for index, nu in enumerate(nus): name = 'rpe_test_{}_nu_{}'.format(index + 1, nu) step = Forward( test_case=self, name=name, subdir=name, cores=params['cores'], min_cores=params['min_cores'], resolution=resolution, nu=float(nu)) step.add_namelist_file( 'compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.rpe_test', 'namelist.forward') step.add_streams_file( 'compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.rpe_test', 'streams.forward') self.add_step(step) self.add_step( Analysis(test_case=self, resolution=resolution, nus=nus)) We have deliberately chosen a fairly complex example to demonstrate how to make full use of :ref:`dev_code_sharing` in a test case. The test case imports the classes for its steps -- :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.initial_state.InitialState`, :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.forward.Forward`, and :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.rpe_test.analysis.Analysis` -- so it can create objects for each and add them to itself with :py:func:`compass.TestCase.add_step()`. After this, the :py:class:`dict` of steps will be available in ``self.steps``. By default, the test case will go into a subdirectory with the same name as the test case (``rpe_test`` in this case). However, ``compass`` is flexible about the subdirectory structure and the names of the subdirectories. This flexibility was an important requirement in moving away from :ref:`legacy_compass`. Each test case and step must end up in a unique directory, so it may be important that the name and subdirectory of each test case or step depends in some way on the arguments passed the constructor. In the example above, the resolution is an argument to the constructor, which is then saved as an attribute (``self.resolution``) and also used to define a unique subdirectory each resolution: ``1km/rpe_test``, ``4km/rpe_test`` and ``10km/rpe_test``. The same ``Forward`` step is included in the test case 5 times with a different viscosity parameter ``nu`` for each. The value of ``nu`` is passed to the step's constructor, along with the unique ``name``, ``subdir``, and several other parameters: ``resolution``, ``cores``, and ``min_cores``. In this example, the steps are given rather clumsy names -- ``rpe_test_1_nu_1``, ``rpe_test_2_nu_5``, etc. -- but these could be any unique names. .. _dev_test_case_configure: configure() ^^^^^^^^^^^ The :py:meth:`compass.TestCase.configure()` method can be overridden by a child class to set config options or build them up from defaults stored in config files within the test case or its test group. The ``self.config`` attribute that is modified in this function will be written to a config file for the test case (see :ref:`config_files`). If you override this method in a test case, you should assume that the ``.cfg`` file in its package has already been added to the config options prior to calling ``configure()``. This happens automatically during test-case setup. Since many test groups need similar behavior in the ``configure()`` method for each test case, it is common to have a shared function (sometimes also called ``configure()``) in the test group, as we discussed in :ref:`dev_test_groups`. :py:meth:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.rpe_test.RpeTest.configure()` simply calls the shared function in its test group, :py:func:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.configure()`: .. code-block:: python from compass.ocean.tests import baroclinic_channel def configure(self): """ Modify the configuration options for this test case. """ baroclinic_channel.configure(self.resolution, self.config) :py:func:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.configure()` was already shown in :ref:`dev_test_groups` above. It sets parameters for the number of cells in the mesh in the x and y directions and the resolution of those cells. The ``configure()`` method can also be used to perform other operations at the test-case level when a test case is being set up. An example of this would be creating a symlink to a README file that is shared across the whole test case, as in :py:meth:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.FilesForE3SM.configure()`: .. code-block:: python from importlib.resources import path from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.configure import configure_global_ocean from compass.io import symlink def configure(self): """ Modify the configuration options for this test case """ configure_global_ocean(test_case=self, mesh=self.mesh, init=self.init) with path('compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm', 'README') as target: symlink(str(target), '{}/README'.format(self.work_dir)) The ``configure()`` method is not the right place for adding or modifying steps that belong to a test case. Steps should be added during init and altered only in their own ``setup()`` method or at the beginning of the test case's ``run()`` method before running the steps themselves. Test cases that don't need to change config options don't need to override ``configure()`` at all. .. _dev_test_case_run: run() ^^^^^ The base class's :py:meth:`compass.TestCase.run()` performs some framework-level operations like creating a log file and figuring out the number of cores for each step, then it calls each step's ``run()`` method. It is important that child classes remember to call the base class' version of the method with ``super().run()`` as part of overriding the ``run()`` method. Test case that just need to run their steps don't need to override the ``run()`` method at all. In some circumstances, it will be appropriate to update properties of the steps in the test case based on config options that the user may have changed. This should only be necessary for config options related to the resources used by the step: the target number of cores, the minimum number of cores, and the number of threads. Other config options can simply be read in from within the step's ``run()`` function as needed, but these performance-related config options affect how the step runs and must be set *before* the step can run. In :py:meth:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init.run()`, we see examples of updating the steps' attributes based on config options: .. code-block:: python def run(self): """ Run each step of the testcase """ config = self.config steps = self.steps_to_run work_dir = self.work_dir if 'initial_state' in steps: step = self.steps['initial_state'] # get the these properties from the config options step.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'init_cores') step.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'init_min_cores') step.threads = config.getint('global_ocean', 'init_threads') if 'ssh_adjustment' in steps: step = self.steps['ssh_adjustment'] # get the these properties from the config options step.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_cores') step.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_min_cores') step.threads = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_threads') # run the steps super().run() As mentioned in :ref:`dev_test_case_class`, the ``self.steps_to_run`` attribute may either be the full list of steps that would typically be run to complete the test case (the value given to it at init) or it may be a single test case because the user is running the steps manually, one at a time. For this reason, it is always a good idea to check if a given step is being run before altering the entries any of its attributes based on config options, as shown in the example. .. _dev_test_case_validate: validate() ^^^^^^^^^^ The base class's :py:meth:`compass.TestCase.validate()` can be overridden to perform :ref:`dev_validation` of variables in output files from a step and/or timers from the MPAS model. In :py:meth:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init.validate()`, we see examples of validation of variables from output files: .. code-block:: python def validate(self): """ Test cases can override this method to perform validation of variables and timers """ steps = self.steps_to_run variables = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'layerThickness'] compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=variables, filename1='initial_state/initial_state.nc') if self.with_bgc: variables = [ 'temperature', 'salinity', 'layerThickness', 'PO4', 'NO3', 'SiO3', 'NH4', 'Fe', 'O2', 'DIC', 'DIC_ALT_CO2', 'ALK', 'DOC', 'DON', 'DOFe', 'DOP', 'DOPr', 'DONr', 'zooC', 'spChl', 'spC', 'spFe', 'spCaCO3', 'diatChl', 'diatC', 'diatFe', 'diatSi', 'diazChl', 'diazC', 'diazFe', 'phaeoChl', 'phaeoC', 'phaeoFe', 'DMS', 'DMSP', 'PROT', 'POLY', 'LIP'] compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=variables, filename1='initial_state/initial_state.nc') if self.mesh.with_ice_shelf_cavities: variables = ['ssh', 'landIcePressure'] compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=variables, filename1='ssh_adjustment/adjusted_init.nc') If you leave the default keyword argument ``skip_if_step_not_run=True``, comparison will be skipped (logging a message) if one or more of the steps involved in the comparison was not run. .. _dev_steps: Steps ----- Steps are the smallest units of work that can be executed on their own in ``compass``. All test cases are made up of 1 or more steps, and all steps are set up into subdirectories inside of the work directory for the test case. Typically, a user will run all steps in a test case but certain test cases may prefer to have steps that are not run by default (e.g. a long forward simulation or optional visualization) but which are available for a user to manually alter and then run on their own. A step is defined by a class that descends from :py:class:`compass.Step`. The child class must override the constructor and the :py:meth:`compass.Step.run()` method, and will sometimes also wish to override the :py:meth:`compass.Step.setup()` method, described below. .. _dev_step_attributes: Step attributes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As was the case for test cases, the base class :py:class:`compass.Step` has a large number of attributes that are useful at different stages (init, setup and run) of the step. Some attributes are available after calling the base class' constructor ``super().__init__()``. These include: ``self.name`` the name of the test case ``self.test_case`` The test case this step belongs to ``self.test_group`` The test group the test case belongs to ``self.mpas_core`` The MPAS core the test group belongs to ``self.subdir`` the subdirectory for the step ``self.path`` the path within the base work directory of the step, made up of ``mpas_core``, ``test_group``, the test case's ``subdir`` and the step's ``subdir`` ``self.cores`` the number of cores the step would ideally use. If fewer cores are available on the system, the step will run on all available cores as long as this is not below ``min_cores`` ``self.min_cores`` the number of cores the step requires. If the system has fewer than this number of cores, the step will fail ``self.threads`` the number of threads the step will use ``self.cached`` Whether to get all of the outputs for the step from the database of cached outputs for the MPAS core that this step belongs to Another set of attributes is not useful until ``setup()`` is called by the ``compass`` framework: ``self.config`` Configuration options for this test case, a combination of the defaults for the machine, core and configuration ``self.config_filename`` The local name of the config file that ``config`` has been written to during setup and read from during run ``self.work_dir`` The step's work directory, defined during setup as the combination of ``base_work_dir`` and ``path`` ``self.base_work_dir`` The base work directory These can be used to add additional input, output, namelist or streams files based on config options that were not available during init, or which rely on knowing the work directory. Finally, a few attributes are available only when ``run()`` gets called by the framework: ``self.inputs`` a list of absolute paths of input files produced as part of setting up the step. These input files must all exist at run time or the step will raise an exception ``self.outputs`` a list of absolute paths of output files produced by this step and available as inputs to other test cases and steps. These files must exist after the test has run or an exception will be raised ``self.logger`` A logger for output from the step. This gets passed on to other methods and functions that use the logger to write their output to the log file. ``self.log_filename`` The name of a log file where output/errors from the step are being logged, or ``None`` if output is to stdout/stderr The inputs and outputs should not be altered but they may be used to get file names to read or write. You can add other attributes to the child class that keeps track of information that the step will need. As an example, :py:class:`compass.landice.tests.dome.setup_mesh.SetupMesh` keeps track of the mesh type as an attribute: .. code-block:: python from compass.model import make_graph_file from compass.step import Step class SetupMesh(Step): """ A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for dome test cases Attributes ---------- mesh_type : str The resolution or mesh type of the test case """ def __init__(self, test_case, mesh_type): """ Update the dictionary of step properties Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to mesh_type : str The resolution or mesh type of the test case """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='setup_mesh') self.mesh_type = mesh_type if mesh_type == 'variable_resolution': # download and link the mesh # the empty database is a trick for downloading to the root of # the local MALI file cache self.add_input_file(filename='mpas_grid.nc', target='dome_varres_grid.nc', database='') self.add_output_file(filename='graph.info') self.add_output_file(filename='landice_grid.nc') .. _dev_step_init: constructor ^^^^^^^^^^^ The step's constructor (``__init__()`` method) should call the base case's constructor with ``super().__init__()``, passing the name of the step, the test case it belongs to, and possibly several optional arguments: the subdirectory for the step (if not the same as the name), number of cores, the minimum number of core, the number of threads, and (currently as placeholders) the amount of memory and disk space the step is allowed to use. Then, the step can add :ref:`dev_step_inputs_outputs` as well as :ref:`dev_step_namelists_and_streams`, as described below. As with the test case's :ref:`dev_test_case_init`, it is important that the step's constructor doesn't perform any time-consuming calculations, download files, or otherwise use significant resources because this function is called quite often for every single test case and step: when test cases are listed, set up, or cleaned up, and also when test suites are set up or cleaned up. However, it is okay to add input, output, streams and namelist files to the step by calling any of the following methods: * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_output_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` Each of these functions just caches information about the the inputs, outputs, namelists or streams files to be read later if the test case in question gets set up, so each takes a negligible amount of time. The following is from :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.forward.Forward()`: .. code-block:: python from compass.step import Step class Forward(Step): """ A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of baroclinic channel test cases. Attributes ---------- resolution : str The resolution of the test case """ def __init__(self, test_case, resolution, name='forward', subdir=None, cores=1, min_cores=None, threads=1, nu=None): """ Create a new test case Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to resolution : str The resolution of the test case name : str the name of the test case subdir : str, optional the subdirectory for the step. The default is ``name`` cores : int, optional the number of cores the step would ideally use. If fewer cores are available on the system, the step will run on all available cores as long as this is not below ``min_cores`` min_cores : int, optional the number of cores the step requires. If the system has fewer than this number of cores, the step will fail threads : int, optional the number of threads the step will use nu : float, optional the viscosity (if different from the default for the test group) """ self.resolution = resolution if min_cores is None: min_cores = cores super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name=name, subdir=subdir, cores=cores, min_cores=min_cores, threads=threads) self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'namelist.forward') self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'namelist.{}.forward'.format(resolution)) if nu is not None: # update the viscosity to the requested value options = {'config_mom_del2': '{}'.format(nu)} self.add_namelist_options(options) self.add_streams_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'streams.forward') self.add_input_file(filename='init.nc', target='../initial_state/ocean.nc') self.add_input_file(filename='graph.info', target='../initial_state/culled_graph.info') self.add_output_file(filename='output.nc') Several parameters are passed into the constructor (with defaults if they are not included) and then passed on to the base class' constructor: ``name``, ``subdir``, ``cores``, ``min_cores``, and ``threads``. Then, two files with modifications to the namelist options are added (for later processing), and an additional config option is set manually via a python dictionary of namelist options. Then, a file with modifications to the default streams is also added (again, for later processing). Finally, two input and one output file are added. .. _dev_step_setup: setup() ^^^^^^^ The ``setup()`` method is called when a user is setting up the step either as part of a call to :ref:`dev_compass_setup` or :ref:`dev_compass_suite`. As in :ref:`dev_step_init`, you can add input, output, streams and namelist files to the step by calling any of the following methods: * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_output_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()` * :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` If you are running the MPAS model, you should call :py:func:`compass.Step.add_model_as_input()` to create a symlink to the MPAS model's executable. This can be done in the constructor or the ``setup()`` method. Set up should not do any major computations or any time-consuming operations other than downloading files. Time-consuming work should be saved for ``run()`` whenever possible. As an example, here is :py:func:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.mesh.MeshStep.setup()`: .. code-block:: python def setup(self): """ Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. """ # get the these properties from the config options config = self.config self.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'mesh_cores') self.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'mesh_min_cores') The model's executable is linked (and included among the ``inputs``). .. _dev_step_run: run() ^^^^^ Okay, we're ready to define how the step will run! The contents of ``run()`` can vary quite a lot between steps. In the ``baroclinic_channel`` test group, the ``run()`` function for the ``initial_state`` step, :py:func:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.initial_state.InitialState.run()`, is quite involved: .. code-block:: python import xarray import numpy from mpas_tools.planar_hex import make_planar_hex_mesh from mpas_tools.io import write_netcdf from mpas_tools.mesh.conversion import convert, cull from compass.ocean.vertical import generate_grid from compass.step import Step class InitialState(Step): ... def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ config = self.config logger = self.logger section = config['baroclinic_channel'] nx = section.getint('nx') ny = section.getint('ny') dc = section.getfloat('dc') dsMesh = make_planar_hex_mesh(nx=nx, ny=ny, dc=dc, nonperiodic_x=False, nonperiodic_y=True) write_netcdf(dsMesh, 'base_mesh.nc') dsMesh = cull(dsMesh, logger=logger) dsMesh = convert(dsMesh, graphInfoFileName='culled_graph.info', logger=logger) write_netcdf(dsMesh, 'culled_mesh.nc') section = config['baroclinic_channel'] use_distances = section.getboolean('use_distances') gradient_width_dist = section.getfloat('gradient_width_dist') gradient_width_frac = section.getfloat('gradient_width_frac') bottom_temperature = section.getfloat('bottom_temperature') surface_temperature = section.getfloat('surface_temperature') temperature_difference = section.getfloat('temperature_difference') salinity = section.getfloat('salinity') coriolis_parameter = section.getfloat('coriolis_parameter') ds = dsMesh.copy() interfaces = generate_grid(config=config) bottom_depth = interfaces[-1] vert_levels = len(interfaces) - 1 ds['refBottomDepth'] = ('nVertLevels', interfaces[1:]) ds['refZMid'] = ('nVertLevels', -0.5 * (interfaces[1:] + interfaces[0:-1])) ds['vertCoordMovementWeights'] = xarray.ones_like(ds.refBottomDepth) xCell = ds.xCell yCell = ds.yCell xMin = xCell.min().values xMax = xCell.max().values yMin = yCell.min().values yMax = yCell.max().values yMid = 0.5*(yMin + yMax) xPerturbMin = xMin + 4.0 * (xMax - xMin) / 6.0 xPerturbMax = xMin + 5.0 * (xMax - xMin) / 6.0 if use_distances: perturbationWidth = gradient_width_dist else: perturbationWidth = (yMax - yMin) * gradient_width_frac yOffset = perturbationWidth * numpy.sin( 6.0 * numpy.pi * (xCell - xMin) / (xMax - xMin)) temp_vert = (bottom_temperature + (surface_temperature - bottom_temperature) * ((ds.refZMid + bottom_depth) / bottom_depth)) frac = xarray.where(yCell < yMid - yOffset, 1., 0.) mask = numpy.logical_and(yCell >= yMid - yOffset, yCell < yMid - yOffset + perturbationWidth) frac = xarray.where(mask, 1. - (yCell - (yMid - yOffset)) / perturbationWidth, frac) temperature = temp_vert - temperature_difference * frac temperature = temperature.transpose('nCells', 'nVertLevels') # Determine yOffset for 3rd crest in sin wave yOffset = 0.5 * perturbationWidth * numpy.sin( numpy.pi * (xCell - xPerturbMin) / (xPerturbMax - xPerturbMin)) mask = numpy.logical_and( numpy.logical_and(yCell >= yMid - yOffset - 0.5 * perturbationWidth, yCell <= yMid - yOffset + 0.5 * perturbationWidth), numpy.logical_and(xCell >= xPerturbMin, xCell <= xPerturbMax)) temperature = (temperature + mask * 0.3 * (1. - ((yCell - (yMid - yOffset)) / (0.5 * perturbationWidth)))) temperature = temperature.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0) layerThickness = xarray.DataArray(data=interfaces[1:] - interfaces[0:-1], dims='nVertLevels') _, layerThickness = xarray.broadcast(xCell, layerThickness) layerThickness = layerThickness.transpose('nCells', 'nVertLevels') layerThickness = layerThickness.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0) normalVelocity = xarray.zeros_like(ds.xEdge) normalVelocity, _ = xarray.broadcast(normalVelocity, ds.refBottomDepth) normalVelocity = normalVelocity.transpose('nEdges', 'nVertLevels') normalVelocity = normalVelocity.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0) ds['temperature'] = temperature ds['salinity'] = salinity * xarray.ones_like(temperature) ds['normalVelocity'] = normalVelocity ds['layerThickness'] = layerThickness ds['restingThickness'] = layerThickness ds['bottomDepth'] = bottom_depth * xarray.ones_like(xCell) ds['maxLevelCell'] = vert_levels * xarray.ones_like(xCell, dtype=int) ds['fCell'] = coriolis_parameter * xarray.ones_like(xCell) ds['fEdge'] = coriolis_parameter * xarray.ones_like(ds.xEdge) ds['fVertex'] = coriolis_parameter * xarray.ones_like(ds.xVertex) write_netcdf(ds, 'ocean.nc') Without going into all the details of this method, it creates a mesh that is periodic in x (but not y), then adds a vertical grid and an initial condition to an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`, which is then written out to the file ``ocean.nc``. In the example step we've been using, :py:func:`compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.forward.Forward.run()` looks like this: .. code-block:: python from compass.model import run_model def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ run_model(self) the :py:func:`compass.model.run_model()` function takes care of updating the namelist options for the test case to make sure the PIO tasks and stride are consistent with the requested number of cores, creates a graph partition for the requested number of cores, and runs the model. To get a feel for different types of ``run()`` methods, it may be best to explore different steps. .. _dev_step_inputs_outputs: inputs and outputs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Currently, steps run in sequence in the order they are added to the test case (or in the order they appear in the test case's ``steps_to_run`` attribute. There are plans to allow test cases and their steps to run in parallel in the future. For this reason, we require that each step defines a list of the absolute paths to all input files that could come from other steps (possibly in other test cases) and all outputs from the step that might be used by other steps (again, possibly in other test cases). There is no harm in including inputs to the step that do not come from other steps (e.g. files that will be downloaded when the test case gets set up) as long as they are sure to exist before the step runs. Likewise, there is no harm in including outputs from the step that aren't used by any other steps in any test cases as long as the step will be sure to generate them. The inputs and outputs need to be defined during init of either the step or the test case, or in the step's ``setup()`` method because they are needed before :ref:`dev_step_run` is called (to determine which steps depend on which other steps). Inputs are added with :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` and outputs with :py:func:`compass.Step.add_output_file()`. Inputs may be symbolic links to files in ``compass``, from the various databases on the `LCRC server `_, downloaded from another source, or from another step. Because the inputs and outputs need to be defined before the step runs, there can be some cases to avoid. The name of an output file should not depend on a config option. Otherwise, if the user changes the config option, the file actually created may have a different name than expected, in which case the step will fail. This would be true even if a subsequent step would have been able to read in the same config option and modify the name of the expected input file. Along the same lines, an input or output file name should not depend on data from an input file that does not exist during :ref:`dev_step_setup`. Since the file does not exist, there is no way to read the file with the dependency within :ref:`dev_step_setup` and determine the resulting input or output file name. Both of these issues have arisen for the :ref:`dev_ocean_global_ocean_files_for_e3sm` from the :ref:`dev_ocean_global_ocean` test group. Output files are named using the "short name" of the mesh in E3SM, which depends both on config options and on the number of vertical levels, which is read in from a mesh file created in a previous step. For now, the outputs of this step are not used by any other steps so it is safe to simply omit them, but this could become problematic in the future if new steps are added that depend on :ref:`dev_ocean_global_ocean_files_for_e3sm`. :py:class:`compass.Step` includes several methods for adding input, output, namelist and streams files: .. _dev_step_input: Input files ~~~~~~~~~~~ Typically, a step will add input files with :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` during init or in its ``setup()`` method. It is also possible to add inputs in the test case's :ref:`dev_test_case_init`. It is possible to simply supply the path to an input file as ``filename`` without any other arguments to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()`. In this case, the file name is either an absolute path or a relative path with respect to the step's work directory: .. code-block:: python def __init__(self, test_case): ... self.add_input_file(filename='../setup_mesh/landice_grid.nc') This is not typically how ``add_input_file()`` is used because input files are usually not directly in the step's work directory. .. _dev_step_input_symlinks: Symlinks to input files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most common type of input file is the output from another step. Rather than just giving the file name directly, as in the example above, the preference is to place a symbolic link in the work directory. This makes it much easier to see if the file is missing (because symlink will show up as broken) and allows you to refer to a short, local name for the file rather than its full path: .. code-block:: python import xarray def __init__(self, test_case): ... self.add_input_file(filename='landice_grid.nc', target='../setup_mesh/landice_grid.nc') ... def run(step, test_suite, config, logger): ... with xarray.open_dataset('landice_grid.nc') as ds: ... A symlink is not actually created when :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` is called. This will not happen until the step gets set up, after calling its :ref:`dev_step_setup` method. Sometimes you want to create a symlink to an input file in the work directory, but the relative path between the target and the step's work directory isn't very convenient to determine. This may be because the name of the subdirectory for this step or the target's step (or both) depends on parameters. For such cases, there is a ``work_dir_target`` argument that allows you to give the path with respect to the base work directory (which is not yet known at init). Here is an example taken from :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.forward.ForwardStep`: .. code-block:: python def __init__(self, test_case, mesh, init, ...): mesh_path = mesh.mesh_step.path if mesh.with_ice_shelf_cavities: initial_state_target = '{}/ssh_adjustment/adjusted_init.nc'.format( init.path) else: initial_state_target = '{}/initial_state/initial_state.nc'.format( init.path) self.add_input_file(filename='init.nc', work_dir_target=initial_state_target) self.add_input_file( filename='forcing_data.nc', work_dir_target='{}/initial_state/init_mode_forcing_data.nc' ''.format(init.path)) self.add_input_file( filename='graph.info', work_dir_target='{}/culled_graph.info'.format(mesh_path)) .. _dev_step_input_compass: Symlink to input files from compass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another common need is to symlink a data file from within the test group or test case: .. code-block:: python from compass.io import add_input_file def __init__(self, test_case): ... self.add_input_file( filename='enthA_analy_result.mat', package='compass.landice.tests.enthalpy_benchmark.A') Here, we supply the name of the package that the file is in. The ``compass`` framework will take care of figuring out where the package is located. .. _dev_step_input_download: Downloading and symlinking input files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another type of input file is one that is downloaded and stored locally. Typically, to save ourselves the time of downloading large files and to reduce potential problems on systems with firewalls, we cache the downloaded files in a location where they can be shared between users and reused over time. These "databases" are subdirectories of the core's database root on the `LCRC server `_. To add an input file from a database, call :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_input_file()` with the ``database`` argument: .. code-block:: python self.add_input_file( filename='topography.nc', target='BedMachineAntarctica_and_GEBCO_2019_0.05_degree.200128.nc', database='bathymetry_database') In this example from :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.initial_state.InitialState()`, the file ``BedMachineAntarctica_and_GEBCO_2019_0.05_degree.200128.nc`` is slated for later downloaded from `MPAS-Ocean's bathymetry database `_. The file will be stored in the subdirectory ``bathymetry_database`` of the path in the ``ocean_database_root`` config option in the ``paths`` section of the config file. The ``ocean_database_root`` option (or the equivalent for other cores) is set either by selecting one of the :ref:`supported_machines` or in the user's config file. It is also possible to download files directly from a URL and store them in the step's working directory: .. code-block:: python step.add_input_file( filename='dome_varres_grid.nc', url='https://web.lcrc.anl.gov/public/e3sm/mpas_standalonedata/' 'mpas-albany-landice/dome_varres_grid.nc') We recommend against this practice except for very small files. .. _dev_step_input_copy: Copying input files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In nearly all the cases discussed above, a symlink is created to the input file, usually either from the ``compass`` package or from one of the databases. If you wish to copy the file instead of symlinking it (e.g. so a user can make local modifications), simply add the keyword argument ``copy=True`` to any call to ``self.add_input_file()``: .. code-block:: python def __init__(self, test_case): ... self.add_input_file(filename='landice_grid.nc', target='../setup_mesh/landice_grid.nc', copy=True) In this case, a copy of ``landice_grid.nc`` will be made in the step's work directory. .. _dev_step_output: Output files ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We require that all steps provide a list of any output files that other steps are allowed to use as inputs. This helps us keep track of dependencies and will be used in the future to enable steps to run in parallel as long as they don't depend on each other. Adding an output file is pretty straightforward: .. code-block:: python self.add_output_file(filename='output_file.nc') :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_output_file()` can be called in a step's :ref:`dev_step_init`: or :ref:`dev_step_setup` method or (less commonly) in the test case's :ref:`dev_test_case_init`. The relative path in ``filename`` is with respect to the step's work directory, and is converted to an absolute path internally before the step is run. .. _dev_step_cached_output: Cached output files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many ``compass`` test cases and steps are expensive enough that it can become time consuming to run full workflows to produce meshes and initial conditions in order to test simulations. Therefore, ``compass`` provides a mechanism for caching the outputs of each step in a database so that they can be downloaded and symlinked rather than being computed each time. Cached output files are be stored in the ``compass_cache`` database within each MPAS core's space on that LCRC server (see :ref:`dev_step_input_download`). If the "cached" version of a step is selected, as we will describe below, each of the test case's outputs will have a corresponding "input" file added with the ``target`` being a cache file on the LCRC server and the ``filename`` being the output file. ``compass`` uses the ``cached_files.json`` database to know which cache files correspond to which step outputs. A developer can indicate that ``compass`` test suite includes steps with cached outputs in two ways. First, if all steps in a test case should have cached output, the following notation should be used: .. code-block:: none ocean/global_ocean/QU240/mesh cached ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/init cached That is, the word ``cached`` should appear after the test case on its own line. The indentation is for visual clarity and is not required. Second, ff only some steps in a test case should have cached output, they need to be listed explicitly, as follows: .. code-block:: none ocean/global_ocean/QUwISC240/mesh cached: mesh ocean/global_ocean/QUwISC240/PHC/init cached: initial_state ssh_adjustment The line can be indented for visual clarity, but must begin with ``cached:``, followed by a list of steps separated by a single space. Similarly, a user setting up test cases has two mechanisms for specifying which test cases and steps should have cached outputs. If all steps in a test case should have cached outputs, the suffix ``c`` can be added to the test number: .. code-block:: none compass setup -n 90c 91c 92 ... In this example, test cases 90 and 91 (``mesh`` and ``init`` test cases from the ``SOwISC12to60`` global ocean mesh, in this case) are set up with cached outputs in all steps and 92 (``performance_test``) is not. This approach is efficient but does not provide any control of which steps use cached outputs and which do not. A much more verbose approach is required if some steps use cached outputs and others do not within a given test case. Each test case must be set up on its own with the ``-t`` and ``--cached`` flags as follows: .. code-block:: none compass setup -t ocean/global_ocean/QU240/mesh --cached mesh ... compass setup -t ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/init --cached initial_state ... ... Cache files should be generated by first running the test case as normal, then running the :ref:`dev_compass_cache` command-line tool at the base of the work directory, providing the names of the steps whose outputs should be added to the cache. The resulting ``_cached_files.json`` should be copied to ``compass//cached_files.json`` in a ``compass`` branch. Calls to ``compass cache`` must be made on Chrysalis or Anvil. If outputs were produced on another machine, they must be transferred to one of these two machines before calling ``compass cache``. File can be added manually to the LCRC server and the ``cached_files.json`` databases but this is not recommended. More details on cached outputs are available in the design document :ref:`design_doc_cached_outputs`. .. _dev_step_namelists_and_streams: Adding namelist and streams files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MPAS cores, test groups, and test cases can provide namelist and streams files that are used to replace default namelist options and streams definitions before MPAS gets run. Namelist and streams files within the ``compass`` package must start with the prefix ``namelist.`` and ``streams.``, respectively, to ensure that they are included when we build the package. You can make calls to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()`, :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()` and :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()` as described below to indicate how name list and streams file should be built up by modifying the defaults for the MPAS model. The namelists and streams files themselves are generated automatically as part of setting up the test case. .. _dev_step_add_namelists_file: Adding a namelist file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Typically, a step that runs the MPAS model will include one or more calls to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()` within the :ref:`dev_step_init` or :ref:`dev_step_setup` method. Calling this method simply adds the file to a list that will be parsed if and when the step gets set up. (This way, it is safe to add namelist files to a step in init even if that test case will never get set up or run.) The format of the namelist file is simply a list of namelist options and the replacement values: .. code-block:: none config_write_output_on_startup = .false. config_run_duration = '0000_00:15:00' config_use_mom_del2 = .true. config_implicit_bottom_drag_coeff = 1.0e-2 config_use_cvmix_background = .true. config_cvmix_background_diffusion = 0.0 config_cvmix_background_viscosity = 1.0e-4 Since all MPAS namelist options must have unique names, we do not worry about which specific namelist within the file each belongs to. A typical namelist file is added by passing a package where the namelist file is located and the name of the input namelist file within that package as arguments to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_file()`: .. code-block:: python self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'namelist.forward') If the namelist should have a different name than the default (``namelist.``), the name can be given via the ``out_name`` keyword argument. If ``init`` mode is desired, rather than the default, ``forward`` mode, this can also be specified. Namelist values are replaced by the files (or options, see below) in the sequence they are given. This way, you can add the namelist substitutions for the test group first, and then override those with the replacements for the test case or step. .. _dev_step_add_namelist_options: Adding namelist options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes, it is easier to replace namelist options using a dictionary within the code, rather than a namelist file. This is appropriate when there are only 1 or 2 options to replace (so creating a file seems like overkill) or when the namelist options rely on values that are determined by the code (e.g. different values for different resolutions). Simply create a dictionary of replacements and call :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()` either at init or in the ``setup()`` method of the step. These replacements are parsed, along with replacements from files, in the order they are added. Thus, you could add replacements from a namelist file for the test group, test case, or step, then override them with namelist options in a dictionary for the test case or step, as in this example: .. code-block:: python self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'namelist.forward') self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'namelist.{}.forward'.format(step['resolution'])) if self.nu is not None: # update the viscosity to the requested value options = {'config_mom_del2': '{}'.format(step['nu'])} self.add_namelist_options(options) Here, we get default options for "forward" steps, then for the resolution of the test case from namelist files, then update the viscosity ``nu``, which is an option passed in when creating this step. .. note:: Namelist values must be of type ``str``, so use ``'{}'.format(value)`` to convert a numerical value to a string. .. _dev_step_update_namelist_options: Updating namelist options at runtime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is sometimes useful to update namelist options after a namelist has already been generated as part of setting up. This typically happens within a step's ``run()`` method for options that cannot be known beforehand, particularly options related to the number of cores and threads. In such cases, call :py:meth:`compass.Step.update_namelist_at_runtime()`: .. code-block:: python ... replacements = {'config_pio_num_iotasks': '{}'.format(pio_num_iotasks), 'config_pio_stride': '{}'.format(pio_stride)} self.update_namelist_at_runtime(options=replacements, out_name=namelist) .. _dev_step_add_streams_file: Adding a streams file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streams files are a bit more complicated than namelist files because streams files are XML documents, requiring some slightly more sophisticated parsing. Typically, a step that runs MPAS will include one or more calls to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` within the :ref:`dev_step_init` or :ref:`dev_step_setup` method. Calling this function simply adds the file to a list within the ``step`` dictionary that will be parsed if an when the step gets set up. (This way, it is safe to add streams files to a step at init even if that test case will never get set up or run.) The format of the streams file is essentially the same as the default and generated streams file, e.g.: .. code-block:: xml These are all streams that are already defined in the default forward streams for MPAS-Ocean, so the defaults will be updated. If only the attributes of a stream are given, the contents of the stream (the ``var``, ``var_struct`` and ``var_array`` tags within the stream) are taken from the defaults. If any contents are given, as for the ``output`` stream in the example above, they replace the default contents. ``compass`` does not include a way to add or remove contents from the defaults, just keep the default contents or replace them all. (Legacy COMPASS had such an option but it was found to be mostly confusing and difficult to keep synchronized with the MPAS code.) A typical streams file is added by calling :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` with a package where the streams file is located and the name of the input streams file within that package: .. code-block:: python self.add_streams_file('compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel', 'streams.forward') If the streams file should have a different name than the default (``streams.``), the name can be given via the ``out_name`` keyword argument. If ``init`` mode is desired, rather than the default, ``forward`` mode, this can also be specified. .. _dev_step_add_streams_file_template: Adding a template streams file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main difference between namelists and streams files is that there is no direct equivalent for streams of :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()`. It is simply too confusing to try to define streams within the code. Instead, :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` includes a keyword argument ``template_replacements``. If you provide a dictionary of replacements to this argument, the input streams file will be treated as a `Jinja2 template `_ that is rendered using the provided replacements. Here is an example of such a template streams file: .. code-block:: xml And here is how it would be added, along with replacements: .. code-block:: python stream_replacements = { 'output_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00', 'restart_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00'} add_streams_file(step, module, 'streams.template', template_replacements=stream_replacements) ... stream_replacements = { 'output_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00', 'restart_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00'} add_streams_file(step, module, 'streams.template', template_replacements=stream_replacements) In this example, taken from :py:class:`compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.qu240.dynamic_adjustement.QU240DynamicAdjustment`, we are creating a series of steps that will be used to perform dynamic adjustment of the ocean model, each of which might have different durations and restart intervals. Rather than creating a streams file for each step of the spin up, we reuse the same template with just a few appropriate replacements. Thus, calls to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_streams_file()` with ``template_replacements`` are qualitatively similar to namelist calls to :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()`. .. _dev_step_update_streams: Updating a streams file at runtime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just as with namelist options, it is sometimes useful to update streams files after it has already been generated as part of setting up. This typically happens within a step's ``run()`` method for properties of the stream that may be affected by config options that a user may have changed. In such cases, call :py:meth:`compass.Step.update_streams_at_runtime()`. In this fairly complicated example, the duration of the run in hours is a config option that we turn into a string. A dictionary of replacements together with a template streams file, as described above, are used to update the streams file with the new run duration: .. code-block:: python import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta ... config = self.config # the duration (hours) of the run duration = int(3600 * config.getfloat('planar_convergence', 'duration')) delta = timedelta(seconds=duration) hours = delta.seconds//3600 minutes = delta.seconds//60 % 60 seconds = delta.seconds % 60 duration = f'{delta.days:03d}_{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}' stream_replacements = {'output_interval': duration} self.update_streams_at_runtime( 'compass.ocean.tests.planar_convergence', 'streams.template', template_replacements=stream_replacements, out_name='streams.ocean') Adding MPAS model as an input ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If a step involves running MPAS, the model executable can be linked and added as an input to the step by calling :py:func:`compass.model.add_model_as_input()` in ``__init__()`` or the ``setup()`` method. This way, if the user has forgotten to compile the model, this will be obvious by the broken symlink and the step will immediately fail because of the missing input. The path to the executable is automatically detected based on the work directory for the step and the config options. .. _dev_suites: Test Suites ----------- As described in the :ref:`test_suites` section of the User's Guide, COMPASS test cases can be organized into test suites. Each core has separate regression suites, and a core can have multiple independent regression suites. A developer defines a test suite by creating a `.txt` file within the `compass/CORE/suites` directory. The format of the `.txt` file is a list of the work directories to the tests desired to be part of the suite. A line starting with `#` will be treated as a comment line.