Source code for compass.ocean.vertical.grid_1d

import numpy
from importlib import resources
import json
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

[docs]def generate_1d_grid(config): """ Generate a vertical grid for a test case, using the config options in the ``vertical_grid`` section Parameters ---------- config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser Configuration options with parameters used to construct the vertical grid Returns ------- interfaces : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of positive depths for layer interfaces in meters """ section = config['vertical_grid'] grid_type = section.get('grid_type') if grid_type == 'uniform': vert_levels = section.getint('vert_levels') interfaces = _generate_uniform(vert_levels) elif grid_type == 'tanh_dz': vert_levels = section.getint('vert_levels') min_layer_thickness = section.getfloat('min_layer_thickness') max_layer_thickness = section.getfloat('max_layer_thickness') bottom_depth = section.getfloat('bottom_depth') interfaces = _create_tanh_dz_grid(vert_levels, bottom_depth, min_layer_thickness, max_layer_thickness) elif grid_type in ['60layerPHC', '100layerE3SMv1']: interfaces = _read_json(grid_type) else: raise ValueError('Unexpected grid type: {}'.format(grid_type)) if config.has_option('vertical_grid', 'bottom_depth') and \ grid_type != 'tanh_dz': bottom_depth = section.getfloat('bottom_depth') # renormalize to the requested range interfaces = (bottom_depth/interfaces[-1]) * interfaces return interfaces
[docs]def write_1d_grid(interfaces, out_filename): """ write the vertical grid to a file Parameters ---------- interfaces : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of positive depths for layer interfaces in meters out_filename : str MPAS file name for output of vertical grid """ nz = len(interfaces) - 1 # open a new netCDF file for writing. ncfile = Dataset(out_filename, 'w') # create the depth_t dimension. ncfile.createDimension('nVertLevels', nz) refBottomDepth = ncfile.createVariable( 'refBottomDepth', np.dtype('float64').char, ('nVertLevels',)) refMidDepth = ncfile.createVariable( 'refMidDepth', np.dtype('float64').char, ('nVertLevels',)) refLayerThickness = ncfile.createVariable( 'refLayerThickness', np.dtype('float64').char, ('nVertLevels',)) botDepth = interfaces[1:] midDepth = 0.5 * (interfaces[0:-1] + interfaces[1:]) refBottomDepth[:] = botDepth refMidDepth[:] = midDepth refLayerThickness[:] = interfaces[1:] - interfaces[0:-1] ncfile.close()
def add_1d_grid(config, ds): """ Add a 1D vertical grid based on the config options in the ``vertical_grid`` section to a mesh data set The following variables are added to the mesh: * ``refTopDepth`` - the positive-down depth of the top of each ref. level * ``refZMid`` - the positive-down depth of the middle of each ref. level * ``refBottomDepth`` - the positive-down depth of the bottom of each ref. level * ``refInterfaces`` - the positive-down depth of the interfaces between ref. levels (with ``nVertLevels`` + 1 elements). There is considerable redundancy between these variables but each is sometimes convenient. Parameters ---------- config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser Configuration options with parameters used to construct the vertical grid ds : xarray.Dataset A data set to add the grid variables to """ interfaces = generate_1d_grid(config=config) ds['refTopDepth'] = ('nVertLevels', interfaces[0:-1]) ds['refZMid'] = ('nVertLevels', -0.5 * (interfaces[1:] + interfaces[0:-1])) ds['refBottomDepth'] = ('nVertLevels', interfaces[1:]) ds['refInterfaces'] = ('nVertLevelsP1', interfaces) def _generate_uniform(vert_levels): """ Generate uniform layer interfaces between 0 and 1 """ interfaces = numpy.linspace(0., 1., vert_levels+1) return interfaces def _read_json(grid_type): """ Read the grid interfaces from a json file """ filename = '{}.json'.format(grid_type) with resources.open_text("compass.ocean.vertical", filename) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) interfaces = numpy.array(data) return interfaces def _create_tanh_dz_grid(num_vert_levels, bottom_depth, min_layer_thickness, max_layer_thickness): """ Creates the vertical grid for MPAS-Ocean and writes it to a NetCDF file Parameters ---------- num_vert_levels : int Number of vertical levels for the grid bottom_depth : float bottom depth for the chosen vertical coordinate [m] min_layer_thickness : float Target thickness of the first layer [m] max_layer_thickness : float Target maximum thickness in column [m] Returns ------- interfaces : numpy.ndarray A 1D array of positive depths for layer interfaces in meters """ nz = num_vert_levels dz1 = min_layer_thickness dz2 = max_layer_thickness # the bracket here is large enough that it should hopefully encompass any # reasonable value of delta, the characteristic length scale over which # dz varies. The args are passed on to the match_bottom function below, # and the root finder will determine a value of delta (sol.root) such that # match_bottom is within a tolerance of zero, meaning the bottom of the # coordinate computed by cumsum_z hits bottom_depth almost exactly sol = root_scalar(_match_bottom, method='brentq', bracket=[dz1, 10 * bottom_depth], args=(nz, dz1, dz2, bottom_depth)) delta = sol.root layerThickness, z = _cumsum_z(delta, nz, dz1, dz2) interfaces = -z return interfaces def _match_bottom(delta, nz, dz1, dz2, bottom_depth): """ Compute the difference between the bottom depth computed with the given parameters and the target ``bottom_depth``, used in the root finding algorithm to determine which value of ``delta`` to use. Parameters ---------- delta : float The characteristic length scale over which dz varies (this parameter will be optimized to hit a target depth in a target number of layers) nz : int The number of layers dz1 : float The layer thickness at the top of the ocean (z = 0) dz2 : float The layer thickness at z --> -infinity bottom_depth: float depth of the bottom of the ocean that should match the bottom layer interface. Note: the bottom_depth is positive, whereas the layer interfaces are negative. Returns ------- diff : float The computed bottom depth minus the target ``bottom_depth``. ``diff`` should be zero when we have found the desired ``delta``. """ _, z = _cumsum_z(delta, nz, dz1, dz2) diff = -bottom_depth - z[-1] return diff def _cumsum_z(delta, nz, dz1, dz2): """ Compute layer interface depths and layer thicknesses over ``nz`` layers Parameters ---------- delta : float The characteristic length scale over which dz varies (this parameter will be optimized to hit a target depth in a target number of layers) nz : int The number of layers dz1 : float The layer thickness at the top of the ocean (z = 0) dz2 : float The layer thickness at z --> -infinity Returns ------- dz : numpy.ndarray The layer thicknesses for each layer z : numpy.ndarray The depth (positive up) of each layer interface (``nz + 1`` total elements) """ dz = np.zeros(nz) z = np.zeros(nz + 1) for zindex in range(nz): dz[zindex] = _dz_z(z[zindex], dz1, dz2, delta) z[zindex + 1] = z[zindex] - dz[zindex] return dz, z def _dz_z(z, dz1, dz2, delta): """ layer thickness as a function of depth Parameters ---------- z : float Depth coordinate (positive up) at which to find the layer thickness dz1 : float The layer thickness at the top of the ocean (z = 0) dz2 : float The layer thickness at z --> -infinity delta : float The characteristic length scale over which dz varies (this parameter will be optimized to hit a target depth in a target numer of layers) Returns ------- dz : float The layer thickness """ return (dz2 - dz1) * np.tanh(-z * np.pi / delta) + dz1