import os
import re
import sys
import time
from shutil import copyfile
import jigsawpy
import numpy as np
import xarray
from geometric_features import FeatureCollection, GeometricFeatures
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call
from mpas_tools.mesh.conversion import convert, cull
from mpas_tools.mesh.creation import build_planar_mesh
from mpas_tools.mesh.creation.sort_mesh import sort_mesh
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator, interpn
def mpas_flood_fill(seed_mask, grow_mask, cellsOnCell, nEdgesOnCell,
Flood-fill for mpas meshes using mpas cells.
seed_mask : numpy.ndarray
Integer array of locations from which to flood fill
0 = invalid, 1 = valid
grow_mask : numpy.ndarray
Integer array of locations valid for growing into
0 = invalid, 1 = valid
cellsOnCell : numpy.ndarray
cellsOnCell array from the mpas mesh
nEdgesOnCell : numpy.ndarray
nEdgesOnCell array from the mpas mesh
grow_iters : integer
optional argument limiting the number of iterations
over which to extend the mask
keep_mask : numpy.ndarray
mask calculated by the flood fill routine,
where cells connected to seed_mask
are 1 and everything else is 0.
iter = 0
keep_mask = seed_mask.copy()
n_mask_cells = keep_mask.sum()
for iter in range(grow_iters):
mask_ind = np.nonzero(keep_mask == 1)[0]
print(f'iter={iter}, keep_mask size={keep_mask.sum()}')
new_keep_mask = keep_mask.copy()
for iCell in mask_ind:
neighs = cellsOnCell[iCell, :nEdgesOnCell[iCell]] - 1
neighs = neighs[neighs >= 0] # drop garbage cell
for jCell in neighs:
if grow_mask[jCell] == 1:
new_keep_mask[jCell] = 1
keep_mask = new_keep_mask.copy()
n_mask_cells_new = keep_mask.sum()
if n_mask_cells_new == n_mask_cells:
n_mask_cells = n_mask_cells_new
iter += 1
return keep_mask
def gridded_flood_fill(field, iStart=None, jStart=None):
Generic flood-fill routine to create mask of connected elements
in the desired input array (field) from a gridded dataset. This
is generally used to remove glaciers and ice-fields that are not
connected to the ice sheet. Note that there may be more efficient
field : numpy.ndarray
Array from gridded dataset to use for flood-fill.
Usually ice thickness.
iStart : int
x index from which to start flood fill for field.
Defaults to the center x coordinate.
jStart : int
y index from which to start flood fill.
Defaults to the center y coordinate.
flood_mask : numpy.ndarray
mask calculated by the flood fill routine,
where cells connected to the ice sheet (or main feature)
are 1 and everything else is 0.
sz = field.shape
searched_mask = np.zeros(sz)
flood_mask = np.zeros(sz)
if iStart is None and jStart is None:
iStart = sz[0] // 2
jStart = sz[1] // 2
flood_mask[iStart, jStart] = 1
neighbors = np.array([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]])
lastSearchList = np.ravel_multi_index([[iStart], [jStart]],
sz, order='F')
cnt = 0
while len(lastSearchList) > 0:
cnt += 1
newSearchList = np.array([], dtype='i')
for iii in range(len(lastSearchList)):
[i, j] = np.unravel_index(lastSearchList[iii], sz, order='F')
# search neighbors
for n in neighbors:
ii = min(i + n[0], sz[0] - 1) # don't go out of bounds
jj = min(j + n[1], sz[1] - 1) # subscripts to neighbor
# only consider unsearched neighbors
if searched_mask[ii, jj] == 0:
searched_mask[ii, jj] = 1 # mark as searched
if field[ii, jj] > 0.0:
flood_mask[ii, jj] = 1 # mark as ice
# add to list of newly found cells
newSearchList = np.append(newSearchList,
[[ii], [jj]], sz,
lastSearchList = newSearchList
return flood_mask
def set_rectangular_geom_points_and_edges(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
Set node and edge coordinates to pass to
xmin : int or float
Left-most x-coordinate in region to mesh
xmax : int or float
Right-most x-coordinate in region to mesh
ymin : int or float
Bottom-most y-coordinate in region to mesh
ymax : int or float
Top-most y-coordinate in region to mesh
geom_points : jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.VERT2_t
xy node coordinates to pass to ``build_planar_mesh()``
geom_edges : jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.EDGE2_t
xy edge coordinates between nodes to pass to ``build_planar_mesh()``
geom_points = np.array([ # list of xy "node" coordinates
((xmin, ymin), 0),
((xmax, ymin), 0),
((xmax, ymax), 0),
((xmin, ymax), 0)],
geom_edges = np.array([ # list of "edges" between nodes
((0, 1), 0),
((1, 2), 0),
((2, 3), 0),
((3, 0), 0)],
return geom_points, geom_edges
def set_cell_width(self, section_name, thk, bed=None, vx=None, vy=None,
dist_to_edge=None, dist_to_grounding_line=None,
flood_fill_iStart=None, flood_fill_jStart=None):
Set cell widths based on settings in config file to pass to
section_name : str
Section of the config file from which to read parameters. The
following options to be set in the given config section:
``levels``, ``x_min``, ``x_max``, ``y_min``, ``y_max``,
``min_spac``, ``max_spac``, ``high_log_speed``, ``low_log_speed``,
``high_dist``, ``low_dist``, ``high_dist_bed``, ``low_dist_bed``,
``high_bed``, ``low_bed``, ``cull_distance``, ``use_speed``,
``use_dist_to_edge``, ``use_dist_to_grounding_line``, and ``use_bed``.
See the Land-Ice Framework section of the Users or Developers guide
for more information about these options and their uses.
thk : numpy.ndarray
Ice thickness field from gridded dataset,
usually after trimming to flood fill mask
bed : numpy.ndarray
Bed topography from gridded dataset
vx : numpy.ndarray, optional
x-component of ice velocity from gridded dataset,
usually after trimming to flood fill mask. Can be set to ``None``
if ``use_speed == False`` in config file.
vy : numpy.ndarray, optional
y-component of ice velocity from gridded dataset,
usually after trimming to flood fill mask. Can be set to ``None``
if ``use_speed == False`` in config file.
dist_to_edge : numpy.ndarray, optional
Distance from each cell to ice edge, calculated in separate function.
Can be set to ``None`` if ``use_dist_to_edge == False`` in config file
and you do not want to set large ``cell_width`` where cells will be
culled anyway, but this is not recommended.
dist_to_grounding_line : numpy.ndarray, optional
Distance from each cell to grounding line, calculated in separate
function. Can be set to ``None`` if
``use_dist_to_grounding_line == False`` in config file.
flood_fill_iStart : int, optional
x-index location to start flood-fill when using bed topography
flood_fill_jStart : int, optional
y-index location to start flood-fill when using bed topography
cell_width : numpy.ndarray
Desired width of MPAS cells based on mesh desnity functions to pass to
logger = self.logger
section = self.config[section_name]
# Get config inputs for cell spacing functions
min_spac = section.getfloat('min_spac')
max_spac = section.getfloat('max_spac')
high_log_speed = section.getfloat('high_log_speed')
low_log_speed = section.getfloat('low_log_speed')
high_dist = section.getfloat('high_dist')
low_dist = section.getfloat('low_dist')
high_dist_bed = section.getfloat('high_dist_bed')
low_dist_bed = section.getfloat('low_dist_bed')
low_bed = section.getfloat('low_bed')
high_bed = section.getfloat('high_bed')
# convert km to m
cull_distance = section.getfloat('cull_distance') * 1.e3
# Cell spacing function based on union of masks
if section.get('use_bed') == 'True':'Using bed elevation for spacing.')
if flood_fill_iStart is not None and flood_fill_jStart is not None:'calling gridded_flood_fill to find \
bedTopography <= low_bed connected to the ocean.')
tic = time.time()
# initialize mask to low bed topography
in_mask = (bed <= low_bed)
# Do not let flood fill reach further than high_dist_bed into
# the ice sheet interior.
thk > 0, dist_to_grounding_line >= high_dist_bed)] = 0
low_bed_mask = gridded_flood_fill(in_mask,
toc = time.time()'Flood fill finished in {toc - tic} seconds.')
# Use a logistics curve for bed topography spacing.
k = 0.05 # This works well, but could try other values
spacing_bed = min_spac + (max_spac - min_spac) / (1.0 + np.exp(
-k * (bed - np.mean([high_bed, low_bed]))))
# We only want bed topography to influence spacing within high_dist_bed
# from the ice margin. In the region between high_dist_bed and
# low_dist_bed, use a linear ramp to damp influence of bed topo.
spacing_bed[dist_to_grounding_line >= low_dist_bed] = (
(1.0 - (dist_to_grounding_line[
dist_to_grounding_line >= low_dist_bed] -
low_dist_bed) / (high_dist_bed - low_dist_bed)) *
spacing_bed[dist_to_grounding_line >= low_dist_bed] +
(dist_to_grounding_line[dist_to_grounding_line >=
low_dist_bed] - low_dist_bed) /
(high_dist_bed - low_dist_bed) * max_spac)
spacing_bed[dist_to_grounding_line >= high_dist_bed] = max_spac
if flood_fill_iStart is not None and flood_fill_jStart is not None:
spacing_bed[low_bed_mask == 0] = max_spac
# Do one more flood fill to eliminate isolated pockets
# of high resolution that were separated when we set
# spacing_bed[dist_to_grounding_line >= high_dist_bed] = max_spac
in_mask2 = (bed <= low_bed)
thk > 0, spacing_bed > (2. * min_spac))] = 0
low_bed_mask2 = gridded_flood_fill(in_mask2,
spacing_bed[low_bed_mask2 == 0] = max_spac
spacing_bed = max_spac * np.ones_like(thk)
# Make cell spacing function mapping from log speed to cell spacing
if section.get('use_speed') == 'True':'Using speed for cell spacing')
speed = (vx ** 2 + vy ** 2) ** 0.5
lspd = np.log10(speed)
spacing_speed = np.interp(lspd, [low_log_speed, high_log_speed],
[max_spac, min_spac], left=max_spac,
# Clean up where we have missing velocities. These are usually nans
# or the default netCDF _FillValue of ~10.e36
missing_data_mask = np.logical_or(
np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy)),
np.logical_or(np.abs(vx) > 1.e5,
np.abs(vy) > 1.e5))
spacing_speed[missing_data_mask] = max_spac'Found {np.sum(missing_data_mask)} points in input '
f'dataset with missing velocity values. Setting '
f'velocity-based spacing to maximum value.')
spacing_speed[thk == 0.0] = min_spac
spacing_speed = max_spac * np.ones_like(thk)
# Make cell spacing function mapping from distance to ice edge
if section.get('use_dist_to_edge') == 'True':'Using distance to ice edge for cell spacing')
spacing_edge = np.interp(dist_to_edge, [low_dist, high_dist],
[min_spac, max_spac], left=min_spac,
spacing_edge[thk == 0.0] = min_spac
spacing_edge = max_spac * np.ones_like(thk)
# Make cell spacing function mapping from distance to grounding line
if section.get('use_dist_to_grounding_line') == 'True':'Using distance to grounding line for cell spacing')
spacing_gl = np.interp(dist_to_grounding_line, [low_dist, high_dist],
[min_spac, max_spac], left=min_spac,
spacing_gl[thk == 0.0] = min_spac
spacing_gl = max_spac * np.ones_like(thk)
# Merge cell spacing methods
cell_width = max_spac * np.ones_like(thk)
for width in [spacing_bed, spacing_speed, spacing_edge, spacing_gl]:
cell_width = np.minimum(cell_width, width)
# Set large cell_width in areas we are going to cull anyway (speeds up
# whole process). Use 3x the cull_distance to avoid this affecting
# cell size in the final mesh. There may be a more rigorous way to set
# that distance.
if dist_to_edge is not None:
mask = np.logical_and(
thk == 0.0, dist_to_edge > (3. * cull_distance))'Setting cell_width in outer regions to max_spac '
f'for {mask.sum()} cells')
cell_width[mask] = max_spac
return cell_width
def get_dist_to_edge_and_gl(self, thk, topg, x, y,
section_name, window_size=None):
Calculate distance from each point to ice edge and grounding line,
to be used in mesh density functions in
:py:func:`compass.landice.mesh.set_cell_width()`. In future development,
this should be updated to use a faster package such as ``scikit-fmm``.
thk : numpy.ndarray
Ice thickness field from gridded dataset,
usually after trimming to flood fill mask
topg : numpy.ndarray
Bed topography field from gridded dataset
x : numpy.ndarray
x coordinates from gridded dataset
y : numpy.ndarray
y coordinates from gridded dataset
section_name : str
Section of the config file from which to read parameters. The
following options to be set in the given config section:
``levels``, ``x_min``, ``x_max``, ``y_min``, ``y_max``,
``min_spac``, ``max_spac``, ``high_log_speed``, ``low_log_speed``,
``high_dist``, ``low_dist``, ``high_dist_bed``, ``low_dist_bed``,
``high_bed``, ``low_bed``, ``cull_distance``, ``use_speed``,
``use_dist_to_edge``, ``use_dist_to_grounding_line``, and ``use_bed``.
See the Land-Ice Framework section of the Users or Developers guide
for more information about these options and their uses.
window_size : int or float
Size (in meters) of a search 'box' (one-directional) to use
to calculate the distance from each cell to the ice margin.
Bigger number makes search slower, but if too small, the transition
zone could get truncated. We usually want this calculated as the
maximum of ``high_dist`` and ``high_dist_bed``, but there may be cases
in which it is useful to set it manually. However, it should never be
smaller than either ``high_dist`` or ``high_dist_bed``.
dist_to_edge : numpy.ndarray
Distance from each cell to the ice edge
dist_to_grounding_line : numpy.ndarray
Distance from each cell to the grounding line
logger = self.logger
section = self.config[section_name]
tic = time.time()
high_dist = float(section.get('high_dist'))
high_dist_bed = float(section.get('high_dist_bed'))
if window_size is None:
window_size = max(high_dist, high_dist_bed)
elif window_size < min(high_dist, high_dist_bed):'WARNING: window_size was set to a value smaller'
' than high_dist and/or high_dist_bed. Resetting'
f' window_size to {max(high_dist, high_dist_bed)},'
' which is max(high_dist, high_dist_bed)')
window_size = max(high_dist, high_dist_bed)
dx = x[1] - x[0] # assumed constant and equal in x and y
nx = len(x)
ny = len(y)
sz = thk.shape
# Create masks to define ice edge and grounding line
neighbors = np.array([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1],
[1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1]])
ice_mask = thk > 0.0
grounded_mask = thk > (-1028.0 / 910.0 * topg)
margin_mask = np.zeros(sz, dtype='i')
grounding_line_mask = np.zeros(sz, dtype='i')
for n in neighbors:
not_ice_mask = np.logical_not(np.roll(ice_mask, n, axis=[0, 1]))
margin_mask = np.logical_or(margin_mask, not_ice_mask)
not_grounded_mask = np.logical_not(np.roll(grounded_mask,
n, axis=[0, 1]))
grounding_line_mask = np.logical_or(grounding_line_mask,
# where ice exists and neighbors non-ice locations
margin_mask = np.logical_and(margin_mask, ice_mask)
# optional - plot mask
# plt.pcolor(margin_mask);
# Calculate dist to margin and grounding line
[XPOS, YPOS] = np.meshgrid(x, y)
dist_to_edge = np.zeros(sz)
dist_to_grounding_line = np.zeros(sz)
d = int(np.ceil(window_size / dx))
rng = np.arange(-1 * d, d, dtype='i')
max_dist = float(d) * dx
# just look over areas with ice
# ind = np.where(np.ravel(thk, order='F') > 0)[0]
ind = np.where(np.ravel(thk, order='F') >= 0)[0] # do it everywhere
for iii in range(len(ind)):
[i, j] = np.unravel_index(ind[iii], sz, order='F')
irng = i + rng
jrng = j + rng
# only keep indices in the grid
irng = irng[np.nonzero(np.logical_and(irng >= 0, irng < ny))]
jrng = jrng[np.nonzero(np.logical_and(jrng >= 0, jrng < nx))]
dist_to_here = ((XPOS[np.ix_(irng, jrng)] - x[j]) ** 2 +
(YPOS[np.ix_(irng, jrng)] - y[i]) ** 2) ** 0.5
dist_to_here_edge = dist_to_here.copy()
dist_to_here_grounding_line = dist_to_here.copy()
dist_to_here_edge[margin_mask[np.ix_(irng, jrng)] == 0] = max_dist
[np.ix_(irng, jrng)] == 0] = max_dist
dist_to_edge[i, j] = dist_to_here_edge.min()
dist_to_grounding_line[i, j] = dist_to_here_grounding_line.min()
toc = time.time()'compass.landice.mesh.get_dist_to_edge_and_gl() took {:0.2f} '
'seconds'.format(toc - tic))
return dist_to_edge, dist_to_grounding_line
def build_cell_width(self, section_name, gridded_dataset,
flood_fill_start=[None, None]):
Determine MPAS mesh cell size based on user-defined density function.
section_name : str
Section of the config file from which to read parameters. The
following options to be set in the given config section:
``levels``, ``x_min``, ``x_max``, ``y_min``, ``y_max``,
``min_spac``, ``max_spac``, ``high_log_speed``, ``low_log_speed``,
``high_dist``, ``low_dist``, ``high_dist_bed``, ``low_dist_bed``,
``high_bed``, ``low_bed``, ``cull_distance``, ``use_speed``,
``use_dist_to_edge``, ``use_dist_to_grounding_line``, and ``use_bed``.
See the Land-Ice Framework section of the Users or Developers guide
for more information about these options and their uses.
gridded_dataset : str
name of NetCDF file used to define cell spacing
flood_fill_start : list of ints
``i`` and ``j`` indices used to define starting location for flood
fill. Most cases will use ``[None, None]``, which will just start the
flood fill in the center of the gridded dataset.
cell_width : numpy.ndarray
Desired width of MPAS cells based on mesh desnity functions to pass to
x1 : float
x coordinates from gridded dataset
y1 : float
y coordinates from gridded dataset
geom_points : jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.VERT2_t
xy node coordinates to pass to ``build_planar_mesh()``
geom_edges : jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.EDGE2_t
xy edge coordinates between nodes to pass to ``build_planar_mesh()``
flood_mask : numpy.ndarray
mask calculated by the flood fill routine,
where cells connected to the ice sheet (or main feature)
are 1 and everything else is 0.
section = self.config[section_name]
# get needed fields from gridded dataset
f = Dataset(gridded_dataset, 'r')
f.set_auto_mask(False) # disable masked arrays
x1 = f.variables['x1'][:]
y1 = f.variables['y1'][:]
thk = f.variables['thk'][0, :, :]
topg = f.variables['topg'][0, :, :]
vx = f.variables['vx'][0, :, :]
vy = f.variables['vy'][0, :, :]
# Get bounds defined by user, or use bound of gridded dataset
bnds = [np.min(x1), np.max(x1), np.min(y1), np.max(y1)]
bnds_options = ['x_min', 'x_max', 'y_min', 'y_max']
for index, option in enumerate(bnds_options):
bnd = section.get(option)
if bnd != 'None':
bnds[index] = float(bnd)
geom_points, geom_edges = set_rectangular_geom_points_and_edges(*bnds)
# Remove ice not connected to the ice sheet.
flood_mask = gridded_flood_fill(thk)
thk[flood_mask == 0] = 0.0
vx[flood_mask == 0] = 0.0
vy[flood_mask == 0] = 0.0
# Calculate distance from each grid point to ice edge
# and grounding line, for use in cell spacing functions.
distToEdge, distToGL = get_dist_to_edge_and_gl(
self, thk, topg, x1,
y1, section_name=section_name)
# Set cell widths based on mesh parameters set in config file
cell_width = set_cell_width(self, section_name=section_name,
thk=thk, bed=topg, vx=vx, vy=vy,
return (cell_width.astype('float64'), x1.astype('float64'),
y1.astype('float64'), geom_points, geom_edges, flood_mask)
def build_mali_mesh(self, cell_width, x1, y1, geom_points,
geom_edges, mesh_name, section_name,
gridded_dataset, projection, geojson_file=None,
Create the MALI mesh based on final cell widths determined by
:py:func:`compass.landice.mesh.build_cell_width()`, using Jigsaw and
MPAS-Tools functions. Culls the mesh based on config options, interpolates
all available fields from the gridded dataset to the MALI mesh using the
bilinear method, and marks domain boundaries as Dirichlet cells.
cell_width : numpy.ndarray
Desired width of MPAS cells calculated by :py:func:`build_cell_width()`
based on mesh density functions define in :py:func:`set_cell_width()`
to pass to
x1 : float
x coordinates from gridded dataset
y1 : float
y coordinates from gridded dataset
geom_points : jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.VERT2_t
xy node coordinates to pass to ``build_planar_mesh()``
geom_edges : jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.EDGE2_t
xy edge coordinates between nodes to pass to ``build_planar_mesh()``
mesh_name : str
Filename to be used for final MALI NetCDF mesh file.
section_name : str
Section of the config file from which to read parameters. The
following options to be set in the given config section:
``levels``, ``x_min``, ``x_max``, ``y_min``, ``y_max``,
``min_spac``, ``max_spac``, ``high_log_speed``, ``low_log_speed``,
``high_dist``, ``low_dist``, ``high_dist_bed``, ``low_dist_bed``,
``high_bed``, ``low_bed``, ``cull_distance``, ``use_speed``,
``use_dist_to_edge``, ``use_dist_to_grounding_line``, and ``use_bed``.
See the Land-Ice Framework section of the Users or Developers guide
for more information about these options and their uses.
gridded_dataset : str
Name of gridded dataset file to be used for interpolation to MALI mesh
projection : str
Projection to be used for setting lat-long fields.
Likely ``'gis-gimp'`` or ``'ais-bedmap2'``
geojson_file : str, optional
Name of geojson file that defines regional domain extent.
cores : int, optional
The number of cores to use for mask creation
logger = self.logger
section = self.config[section_name]'calling build_planar_mesh')
build_planar_mesh(cell_width, x1, y1, geom_points,
geom_edges, logger=logger)
dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset('')'culling mesh')
dsMesh = cull(dsMesh, logger=logger)'converting to MPAS mesh')
dsMesh = convert(dsMesh, logger=logger)'writing')
write_netcdf(dsMesh, '')
levels = section.get('levels')
args = ['',
'-i', '',
'-o', '',
'-l', levels, '-v', 'glimmer']
check_call(args, logger=logger)
args = ['', '-s',
gridded_dataset, '-d',
'', '-m', 'b', '-t']
check_call(args, logger=logger)
cullDistance = section.get('cull_distance')
if float(cullDistance) > 0.:
args = ['', '-f',
'', '-m',
'distance', '-d', cullDistance]
check_call(args, logger=logger)
else:'cullDistance <= 0 in config file. '
'Will not cull by distance to margin. \n')
if geojson_file is not None:
# This step is only necessary because the GeoJSON region
# is defined by lat-lon.
args = ['', '-f',
'', '-p', projection]
check_call(args, logger=logger)
args = ['compute_mpas_region_masks',
'-m', '',
'-o', '',
'-g', geojson_file,
'--process_count', f'{cores}',
check_call(args, logger=logger)'culling to geojson file')
dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset('')
if geojson_file is not None:
mask = xarray.open_dataset('')
mask = None
dsMesh = cull(dsMesh, dsInverse=mask, logger=logger)
write_netcdf(dsMesh, '')'Marking horns for culling')
args = ['', '-f', '']
check_call(args, logger=logger)'culling, converting, and sorting')
dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset('')
dsMesh = cull(dsMesh, logger=logger)
dsMesh = convert(dsMesh, logger=logger)
dsMesh = sort_mesh(dsMesh)
write_netcdf(dsMesh, '')
args = ['', '-i',
'', '-o',
mesh_name, '-l', levels, '-v', 'glimmer',
'--beta', '--thermal', '--obs', '--diri']
check_call(args, logger=logger)
args = ['', '-s',
gridded_dataset, '-d', mesh_name, '-m', 'b']
check_call(args, logger=logger)'Marking domain boundaries dirichlet')
args = ['',
'-f', mesh_name]
check_call(args, logger=logger)
args = ['', '-f',
mesh_name, '-p', projection]
check_call(args, logger=logger)
def make_region_masks(self, mesh_filename, mask_filename,
cores, tags, component='landice', all_tags=True):
Create masks for ice-sheet subregions based on data
in ``MPAS-Dev/geometric_fatures``.
mesh_filename : str
name of NetCDF mesh file for which to create region masks
mask_filename : str
name of NetCDF file to contain region masks
cores : int
number of processors used to create region masks
tags : list of str
Groups of regions for which masks are to be defined
logger = self.logger'creating region masks')
gf = GeometricFeatures()
fcMask = FeatureCollection()
fc =, objectType='region',
tags=tags, allTags=all_tags)
geojson_filename = 'regionMask.geojson'
args = ['compute_mpas_region_masks',
'-m', mesh_filename,
'-g', geojson_filename,
'-o', mask_filename,
'-t', 'cell', 'edge',
'--process_count', f'{cores}',
check_call(args, logger=logger)
def add_bedmachine_thk_to_ais_gridded_data(self, source_gridded_dataset,
Copy BedMachine thickness to AIS reference gridded dataset.
Replace thickness field in the compilation dataset with the one we
will be using from BedMachine for actual thickness interpolation.
There are significant inconsistencies between the masking of the two,
particularly along the Antarctic Peninsula, that lead to funky
mesh extent and culling if we use the thickness from 8km composite
dataset to define the cullMask but then actually interpolate thickness
from BedMachine.
This function uses bilinear interpolation to interpolate from the 500 m
resolution of BedMachine to the 8 km resolution of the reference dataset.
It is not particularly accurate, but is fast and adequate for generating
the flood filled mask for culling the mesh. Highly accurate conservative
remapping is performed later for actually interpolating BedMachine
thickness to the final MALI mesh.
source_gridded_dataset : str
name of NetCDF file containing original AIS gridded datasets
bedmachine_path : str
path to BedMachine dataset
gridded_dataset_with_bm_thk : str
name of NetCDF file with gridded dataset with BedMachine thk added
logger = self.logger
tic = time.perf_counter()
bm_data = Dataset(bedmachine_path, 'r')
bm_x = bm_data.variables['x'][:]
bm_y = bm_data.variables['y'][:]
bm_mask = bm_data.variables['iceMask'][:]
bm_thk = bm_data.variables['thk'][:]
# BedMachine v2 includes a mask with: 0=ocean, 1=land, 2=grd ice
# 3=flt ice, 4=vostok
# NOTE: Later versions of BedMachine may not have the same mask values!
# We only want to keep thickness where the mask has ice;
# this is necessary because thickness has been extrapolated.
bm_thk *= (bm_mask > 1.5)
# The two datasets are oriented differently, so align them.
bm_thk = np.flipud(np.rot90(bm_thk))
gridded_dataset_with_bm_thk = \
copyfile(source_gridded_dataset, gridded_dataset_with_bm_thk)
gg = Dataset(gridded_dataset_with_bm_thk, 'r+')
gg_x = gg.variables['x1'][:]
gg_y = gg.variables['y1'][:]
gg_xx, gg_yy = np.meshgrid(gg_x, gg_y)
gg_thk = interpn((bm_x, bm_y), bm_thk, (gg_xx, gg_yy),
bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
gg.variables['thk'][0, :, :] = gg_thk
toc = time.perf_counter()'Finished interpolating BedMachine thickness to reference '
f'grid in {toc - tic} seconds')
return gridded_dataset_with_bm_thk
def preprocess_ais_data(self, source_gridded_dataset,
Perform adjustments to gridded AIS datasets needed
for rest of compass workflow to utilize them
source_gridded_dataset : str
name of NetCDF file containing original AIS gridded datasets
floodFillMask : numpy.ndarray
0/1 mask of flood filled ice region
preprocessed_gridded_dataset : str
name of NetCDF file with preprocessed version of gridded dataset
logger = self.logger
# Apply floodFillMask to thickness field to help with culling
file_with_flood_fill = \
copyfile(source_gridded_dataset, file_with_flood_fill)
gg = Dataset(file_with_flood_fill, 'r+')
gg.variables['thk'][0, :, :] *= floodFillMask
gg.variables['vx'][0, :, :] *= floodFillMask
gg.variables['vy'][0, :, :] *= floodFillMask
# Now deal with the peculiarities of the AIS dataset.
preprocessed_gridded_dataset = \
data = Dataset(preprocessed_gridded_dataset, 'r+')
x1 = data.variables["x1"][:]
y1 = data.variables["y1"][:]
cellsWithIce = data.variables["thk"][:].ravel() > 0.
data.createVariable('iceMask', 'f', ('time', 'y1', 'x1'))
data.variables['iceMask'][:] = data.variables["thk"][:] > 0.
# Note: dhdt is only reported over grounded ice, so we will have to
# either update the dataset to include ice shelves or give them values of
# 0 with reasonably large uncertainties.
dHdt = data.variables["dhdt"][:]
dHdtErr = 0.05 * dHdt # assign arbitrary uncertainty of 5%
# Where dHdt data are missing, set large uncertainty
dHdtErr[dHdt > 1.e30] = 1.
# Extrapolate fields beyond region with ice to avoid interpolation
# artifacts of undefined values outside the ice domain
# Do this by creating a nearest neighbor interpolator of the valid data
# to recover the actual data within the ice domain and assign nearest
# neighbor values outside the ice domain
xGrid, yGrid = np.meshgrid(x1, y1)
xx = xGrid.ravel()
yy = yGrid.ravel()
bigTic = time.perf_counter()
for field in ['thk', 'bheatflx', 'vx', 'vy',
'ex', 'ey', 'thkerr', 'dhdt']:
tic = time.perf_counter()"Beginning building interpolator for {field}")
if field in ['thk', 'thkerr']:
mask = cellsWithIce.ravel()
elif field == 'bheatflx':
mask = np.logical_and(
data.variables[field][:].ravel() < 1.0e9,
data.variables[field][:].ravel() != 0.0)
elif field in ['vx', 'vy', 'ex', 'ey', 'dhdt']:
mask = np.logical_and(
data.variables[field][:].ravel() < 1.0e9,
cellsWithIce.ravel() > 0)
mask = cellsWithIce
interp = NearestNDInterpolator(
list(zip(xx[mask], yy[mask])),
toc = time.perf_counter()"Finished building interpolator in {toc - tic} seconds")
tic = time.perf_counter()"Beginning interpolation for {field}")
# NOTE: Do not need to evaluate the extrapolator at all grid cells.
# Only needed for ice-free grid cells, since is NN extrapolation
data.variables[field][0, :] = interp(xGrid, yGrid)
toc = time.perf_counter()"Interpolation completed in {toc - tic} seconds")
bigToc = time.perf_counter()"All interpolations completed in {bigToc - bigTic} seconds.")
# Now perform some additional clean up adjustments to the dataset
data.createVariable('dHdtErr', 'f', ('time', 'y1', 'x1'))
data.variables['dHdtErr'][:] = dHdtErr
data.createVariable('vErr', 'f', ('time', 'y1', 'x1'))
data.variables['vErr'][:] = np.sqrt(data.variables['ex'][:]**2 +
data.variables['bheatflx'][:] *= 1.e-3 # correct units
data.variables['bheatflx'].units = 'W m-2'
data.variables['subm'][:] *= -1.0 # correct basal melting sign
data.variables['subm_ss'][:] *= -1.0
data.renameVariable('dhdt', 'dHdt')
data.renameVariable('thkerr', 'topgerr')
data.createVariable('x', 'f', ('x1'))
data.createVariable('y', 'f', ('y1'))
data.variables['x'][:] = x1
data.variables['y'][:] = y1
return preprocessed_gridded_dataset
def interp_gridded2mali(self, source_file, mali_scrip, nProcs, dest_file, proj,
Interpolate gridded dataset (e.g. MEASURES, BedMachine) onto a MALI mesh
source_file : str
filepath to the source gridded datatset to be interpolated
mali_scrip : str
name of scrip file corresponding to destination MALI mesh
nProcs : int
number of processors to use for generating remapping weights
dest_file: str
MALI input file to which data should be remapped
proj: str
projection of the source dataset
variables: "all" or list of strings
either the string "all" or a list of strings
def __guess_scrip_name(filename):
# try searching for string followed by a version number
match ='(^.*[_-]v\d*[_-])+', filename)
if match:
# slice string to end of match minus one to leave of final _ or -
base_fn = filename[:match.end() - 1]
# no matches were found, just use the filename (minus extension)
base_fn = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
return f"{base_fn}"
logger = self.logger
source_scrip = __guess_scrip_name(os.path.basename(source_file))
weights_filename = ""
# make sure variables is a list, encompasses the variables="all" case
if isinstance(variables, str):
variables = [variables]
if not isinstance(variables, list):
raise TypeError("Arugment 'variables' is of incorrect type, must"
" either the string 'all' or a list of strings")'creating scrip file for source dataset')
# Note: writing scrip file to workdir
args = ['',
'-i', source_file,
'-s', source_scrip,
'-p', proj,
'-r', '2']
check_call(args, logger=logger)
# Generate remapping weights'generating gridded dataset -> MPAS weights')
args = ['srun', '-n', nProcs, 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen',
'--source', source_scrip,
'--destination', mali_scrip,
'--weight', weights_filename,
'--method', 'conserve',
"--dst_regional", "--src_regional", '--ignore_unmapped']
check_call(args, logger=logger)
# Perform actual interpolation using the weights'calling')
args = ['',
'-s', source_file,
'-d', dest_file,
'-m', 'e',
'-w', weights_filename,
'-v'] + variables
check_call(args, logger=logger)
def clean_up_after_interp(fname):
Perform some final clean up steps after interpolation
fname : str
name of file on which to perform clean up
# Create a backup in case clean-up goes awry
backup_name = f"{fname.split('.')[:-1][0]}"
copyfile(fname, backup_name)
# Clean up: trim to iceMask and set large velocity
# uncertainties where appropriate.
data = Dataset(fname, 'r+')
data.variables['thickness'][:] *= (data.variables['iceMask'][:] > 1.5)
mask = np.logical_or(
data.variables['thickness'][:] < 1.0)
mask = np.logical_or(
data.variables['observedSurfaceVelocityUncertainty'][:] == 0.0)
data.variables['observedSurfaceVelocityUncertainty'][0, mask[0, :]] = 1.0