Source code for compass.landice.tests.calving_dt_convergence.dt_convergence_test

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4
# from compass.validate import compare_variables  # not currently used
import numpy

from compass.landice.tests.calving_dt_convergence.run_model import RunModel
from compass.testcase import TestCase

[docs] class DtConvergenceTest(TestCase): """ A test case for running the same configuration with a series of values for config_adaptive_timestep_calvingCFL_fraction to check for convergence Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the case """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, calving, velo): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.landice.tests.calving_dt_convergence.CalvingDtConvergence The test group that this test case belongs to """ # noqa: E501 = f'calving_dt_convergence_test_{mesh}_{calving}_{velo}' subdir = f'{mesh}.{calving}.{velo}' super().__init__(test_group=test_group,, subdir=subdir) ntasks = 36 min_tasks = 4 # Do fewer runs if FO solver if velo == 'FO': self.fractions = numpy.arange(0.25, 2.3, 0.25) else: self.fractions = numpy.arange(0.2, 3.1, 0.2) for frac in self.fractions: name = f'frac{frac:.2f}' step = RunModel(test_case=self, name=name, mesh=mesh, calving=calving, velo=velo, calv_dt_frac=frac, ntasks=ntasks, min_tasks=min_tasks, openmp_threads=1) self.add_step(step)
# no configure() method is needed # no run() method is needed
[docs] def validate(self): """ Test cases can override this method to perform validation of variables and timers """ # If variable comparison is added, need to uncomment line 3 as well # variables = ['thickness', 'surfaceSpeed'] # compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=variables, # filename1='full_run/', # filename2='restart_run/') # plot results fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(10, 7)) ax[0].set(xlabel='year', ylabel='calving flux (kg/yr)') ax[1].set(xlabel='year', ylabel='cum. calving flux (kg)') ax[2].set(xlabel='year', ylabel='actual dt to calving dt ratio') ax[3].set(xlabel='fraction') ax[3].set_ylabel('# warnings', color='c') ax2 = ax[3].twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('fraction with warnings', color='g') jet = matplotlib.colormaps['jet'] colors = jet(numpy.linspace(0, 1, len(self.fractions))) nWarn = numpy.zeros([len(self.fractions)]) nTimesteps = numpy.zeros([len(self.fractions)]) i = 0 for frac in self.fractions: name = f'frac{frac:.2f}' f = netCDF4.Dataset(f'{name}/', 'r') yr = f.variables['daysSinceStart'][:] / 365.0 calv = f.variables['totalCalvingFlux'][:] deltat = f.variables['deltat'][:] ax[0].plot(yr[1:], calv[1:], '-', label=f'{frac:.2f}', color=colors[i]) ax[1].plot(yr[1:], (calv[1:] * deltat[1:]).cumsum(), '-', color=colors[i]) ratio = f.variables['dtCalvingCFLratio'][:] ax[2].plot(yr[1:], numpy.ones(yr[1:].shape) * frac, 'k:', label=f'{frac:.2f}') ax[2].plot(yr[1:], ratio[1:], '-', label=f'{frac:.2f}', color=colors[i]) # Now count errors file = open(f"{name}/log.landice.0000.out", "r") logcontents = # get number of occurrences of the substring in the string nWarn[i] = logcontents.count("WARNING: Failed to ablate") nTimesteps[i] = logcontents.count("Starting timestep number") ax[3].plot(frac, nWarn[i], 'co') ax2.plot(frac, nWarn[i] / nTimesteps[i], 'gx') f.close() i += 1 ax[0].legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 5}) plt.savefig(f'{}_comparison_plot.png', dpi=150)