import numpy
from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile
from mpas_tools.planar_hex import make_planar_hex_mesh
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.mesh.conversion import convert, cull
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call
from compass.model import make_graph_file
from compass.step import Step
class SetupMesh(Step):
A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for circular_shelf
test cases
mesh_type : str
The resolution or mesh type of the test case
def __init__(self, test_case):
Create the step
test_case : compass.TestCase
The test case this step belongs to
super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='setup_mesh')
self.mesh_type = test_case.mesh_type
# no setup() method is needed
def run(self):
Run this step of the test case
logger = self.logger
config = self.config
section = config['circular_shelf']
nx = section.getint('nx')
ny = section.getint('ny')
dc = section.getfloat('dc')
dsMesh = make_planar_hex_mesh(nx=nx, ny=ny, dc=dc,
write_netcdf(dsMesh, '')
dsMesh = cull(dsMesh, logger=logger)
dsMesh = convert(dsMesh, logger=logger)
write_netcdf(dsMesh, '')
levels = section.get('levels')
args = ['',
'-i', '',
'-o', '',
'-l', levels,
check_call(args, logger)
_setup_circular_shelf_initial_conditions(config, logger,
def _setup_circular_shelf_initial_conditions(config, logger, filename):
Add the initial condition to the given MPAS mesh file
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for this test case, a combination of the defaults
for the machine, core and configuration
logger : logging.Logger
A logger for output from the step
filename : str
file to setup circular_shelf
section = config['circular_shelf']
use_mu = section.getboolean('use_mu')
use_7cells = section.getboolean('use_7cells')
# Open the file, get needed dimensions
gridfile = NetCDFFile(filename, 'r+')
nVertLevels = len(gridfile.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
if nVertLevels != 5:'nVertLevels in the supplied file was {}. '
'This test case is typically run with 5 levels.'
# Get variables
xCell = gridfile.variables['xCell']
yCell = gridfile.variables['yCell']
xEdge = gridfile.variables['xEdge']
yEdge = gridfile.variables['yEdge']
xVertex = gridfile.variables['xVertex']
yVertex = gridfile.variables['yVertex']
thickness = gridfile.variables['thickness']
bedTopography = gridfile.variables['bedTopography']
layerThicknessFractions = gridfile.variables['layerThicknessFractions']
cellsOnCell = gridfile.variables['cellsOnCell']
# Get b.c. variables
SMB = gridfile.variables['sfcMassBal']
# Center the circular_shelf in the center of the cell that is closest to
# the center of the domain.
# Only do this if it appears this has not already been done:
if xVertex[:].min() >= 0.0:"Shifting x/y coordinates to center domain at 0,0.")
# Find center of domain
x0 = xCell[:].min() + 0.5 * (xCell[:].max() - xCell[:].min())
y0 = yCell[:].min() + 0.5 * (yCell[:].max() - yCell[:].min())
# Calculate distance of each cell center from circular_shelf center
r = ((xCell[:] - x0)**2 + (yCell[:] - y0)**2)**0.5
centerCellIndex = numpy.abs(r[:]).argmin()
xShift = -1.0 * xCell[centerCellIndex]
yShift = -1.0 * yCell[centerCellIndex]
xCell[:] = xCell[:] + xShift
yCell[:] = yCell[:] + yShift
xEdge[:] = xEdge[:] + xShift
yEdge[:] = yEdge[:] + yShift
xVertex[:] = xVertex[:] + xShift
yVertex[:] = yVertex[:] + yShift
# Now update our local values of the origin location and distance array
# (or assume these are correct because this grid has previously been
# shifted)
x0 = 0.0
y0 = 0.0
r = ((xCell[:] - x0)**2 + (yCell[:] - y0)**2)**0.5
centerCellIndex = numpy.abs(r[:]).argmin()
# Make a circular ice mass
# Define circular_shelf dimensions - all in meters
r0 = 21000.0
thickness[:] = 0.0 # initialize to 0.0
# Calculate the circular_shelf thickness for cells within the desired
# radius (thickness will be NaN otherwise)
thickness_field = thickness[0, :]
thickness_field[r < r0] = 1000.0
thickness[0, :] = thickness_field
# flat bed at -2000 m everywhere with a single grounded point
bedTopography[:] = -2000.0
bedTopography[0, centerCellIndex] = -880.0
if use_7cells:'Making the grounded portion of the domain cover 7 cells '
'- the center cell and its 6 neighbors.')
bedTopography[0, cellsOnCell[centerCellIndex, :] - 1] = -880.0
else:'Making the grounded portion of the domain cover 1 cell'
'- the center cell.')
if use_mu:'Setting no-slip on the grounded portion of the domain'
'by setting a high mu field there.')
mu = gridfile.variables['muFriction']
# mu is 0 everywhere except a high value in the grounded cell
mu[:] = 0.0
mu[centerCellIndex] = 1.0e8
if use_7cells:
mu[cellsOnCell[centerCellIndex, :] - 1] = 1.0e8
else: # use Dirichlet b.c.'Setting no-slip on the grounded portion of the domain'
'by setting no-slip Dirichlet velocity boundary'
'conditions there.')
dirMask = gridfile.variables['dirichletVelocityMask']
uvel = gridfile.variables['uReconstructX']
vvel = gridfile.variables['uReconstructY']
dirMask[:] = 0
uvel[:] = 0.0
vvel[:] = 0.0
# Apply mask to basal level of grounded portion only
dirMask[:, centerCellIndex, -1] = 1
if use_7cells:
dirMask[:, cellsOnCell[centerCellIndex, :] - 1, -1] = 1
# Setup layerThicknessFractions
layerThicknessFractions[:] = 1.0 / nVertLevels
# boundary conditions
SMB[:] = 0.0 # m/yr
# Convert from units of m/yr to kg/m2/s using an assumed ice density
SMB[:] = SMB[:] * 910.0 / (3600.0 * 24.0 * 365.0)
gridfile.close()'Successfully added circular shelf initial conditions to: {}'