Source code for compass.landice.tests.hydro_radial.steady_state_drift_test

from compass.landice.tests.hydro_radial.run_model import RunModel
from compass.landice.tests.hydro_radial.setup_mesh import SetupMesh
from compass.landice.tests.hydro_radial.visualize import Visualize
from compass.testcase import TestCase

[docs] class SteadyStateDriftTest(TestCase): """ This test case assesses the drift of the model away from an initial condition that is a quasi-exact solution. """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.landice.tests.hydro_radial.HydroRadial The test group that this test case belongs to """ super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name='steady_state_drift_test') self.add_step( SetupMesh(test_case=self, initial_condition='exact')) self.add_step( RunModel(test_case=self, ntasks=128, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1)) step = Visualize(test_case=self) self.add_step(step)
# no configure() method is needed # no run() method is needed because we're doing the default: running all # steps