import os
import shutil
import netCDF4
import xarray as xr
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call
from mpas_tools.scrip.from_mpas import scrip_from_mpas
from pyremap.descriptor.utility import (
def build_mapping_file(config, cores, logger, ismip6_grid_file, mapping_file,
scrip_from_latlon=True, mali_mesh_file=None,
Build a mapping file if it does not exist.
Mapping file is then used to remap the ismip6 source file in polarstero
coordinate to unstructured mali mesh
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for a ismip6 forcing test case
cores : int
the number of cores for the ESMF_RegridWeightGen
logger : logging.Logger
A logger for output from the step
ismip6_grid_file : str
ismip6 grid file
mapping_file : str
weights for interpolation from ismip6_grid_file to mali_mesh_file
scrip_from_latlon : bool, optional
whether to use the `lat`/`lon` coordinates to create the SCRIP file
for the `ismip6_grid_file` passed into the function
mali_mesh_file : str, optional
The MALI mesh file is used if mapping file does not exist
method_remap : str, optional
Remapping method used in building a mapping file
if os.path.exists(mapping_file):"Mapping file exists. Not building a new one.")
# create the scrip files if mapping file does not exist"Mapping file does not exist. Building one based on the"
" input/output meshes")"Creating temporary scrip files for source and "
"destination grids...")
if mali_mesh_file is None:
raise ValueError("Mapping file does not exist. To build one, Mali "
"mesh file with '-f' should be provided. "
"Type --help for info")
# name temporary scrip files that will be used to build mapping file
source_grid_scripfile = ""
mali_scripfile = ""
# this is the projection of ismip6 data for Antarctica
ismip6_projection = "ais-bedmap2"
# create the scrip file for the forcing dataset
if scrip_from_latlon:
create_scrip_from_latlon(ismip6_grid_file, source_grid_scripfile)
args = ["",
"--input", ismip6_grid_file,
"--scrip", source_grid_scripfile,
"--proj", ismip6_projection,
"--rank", "2"]
check_call(args, logger=logger)
# create a MALI mesh scripfile
# make sure the mali mesh file uses the longitude convention of [0 2pi]
# make changes on a duplicated file to avoid making changes to the
# original mesh file
mali_mesh_copy = f"{mali_mesh_file}_copy"
shutil.copy(mali_mesh_file, f"{mali_mesh_file}_copy")
args = ["",
"--file", mali_mesh_copy,
"--proj", ismip6_projection]
check_call(args, logger=logger)
# create a MALI mesh scripfile if mapping file does not exist
scrip_from_mpas(mali_mesh_copy, mali_scripfile)
# create a mapping file using ESMF weight gen
print(f"Creating a mapping file. Mapping method used: {method_remap}")
if method_remap is None:
raise ValueError("Desired remapping option should be provided with "
"--method. Available options are 'bilinear',"
"'neareststod', 'conserve'.")
parallel_executable = config.get('parallel', 'parallel_executable')
# split the parallel executable into constituents in case it includes flags
args = parallel_executable.split(' ')
args.extend(["-n", f"{cores}",
"-s", source_grid_scripfile,
"-d", mali_scripfile,
"-w", mapping_file,
"-m", method_remap,
"-i", "-64bit_offset",
"--dst_regional", "--src_regional"])
check_call(args, logger=logger)
# remove the temporary scripfiles once the mapping file is generated"Removing the temporary mesh and scripfiles...")
def create_scrip_from_latlon(source_grid_file, source_grid_scripfile):
Create a scripfile based on the `lat`/`lon` coordinates of a source
This function is needed, c.f. the scrip utility in the MPAS-Tools repo
(i.e. ``), when a dataset
does not have `x`/`y` coordinates to generate the scrip file from. This is
the case for the atmospheric forcing datasets from ISMIP6
and for RACMO products.
source_grid_file : str
input dataset (with `lat`/`lon` coords) to generate a scrip file for
source_grid_scripfile : str
output scrip file of the input smb data
ds = xr.open_dataset(source_grid_file)
out_file = netCDF4.Dataset(source_grid_scripfile, 'w')
# RACMO datasets, which use a rotated-pole grid, do not contain `x`/`y`
# dimensions, instead use `rlat`/`rlon` dimensions to find `nx`/`ny`
if "rlon" in ds and "rlat" in ds:
nx = ds.sizes["rlon"]
ny = ds.sizes["rlat"]
nx = ds.sizes["x"]
ny = ds.sizes["y"]
grid_size = nx * ny
# generate common variables used in scrip files
create_scrip(out_file, grid_size, grid_corners=4, grid_rank=2,
units="degrees", meshName=source_grid_file)
# place the information from our source dataset into the scrip dataset
out_file.variables["grid_center_lat"][:] =
out_file.variables["grid_center_lon"][:] = ds.lon.values.flat
out_file.variables["grid_dims"][:] = [nx, ny]
out_file.variables["grid_imask"][:] = 1
# determine the corners of gricells
if "lat_bnds" in ds and "lon_bnds" in ds:
lat_corner = ds.lat_bnds
if "time" in lat_corner.dims:
lat_corner = lat_corner.isel(time=0)
lon_corner = ds.lon_bnds
if "time" in lon_corner.dims:
lon_corner = lon_corner.isel(time=0)
lat_corner = lat_corner.values
lon_corner = lon_corner.values
# RACMO datasets do not have `lat_bnds`/`lon_bnds` variables. Instead
# the bounds of the RACMO dataset are approximated assuming the cell
# centers are located at the midpoint b/w cell edges
lat_corner = unwrap_corners(interp_extrap_corners_2d(
lon_corner = unwrap_corners(interp_extrap_corners_2d(ds.lon.values))
grid_corner_lat = lat_corner.reshape((grid_size, 4))
grid_corner_lon = lon_corner.reshape((grid_size, 4))
out_file.variables["grid_corner_lat"][:] = grid_corner_lat
out_file.variables["grid_corner_lon"][:] = grid_corner_lon