Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.ssh_adjustment

from importlib.resources import contents

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call

from compass.model import partition, run_model
from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.forward import ForwardStep

[docs] class SshAdjustment(ForwardStep): """ A step for iteratively adjusting the pressure from the weight of the ice shelf to match the sea-surface height as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, init_path, name='ssh_adjustment', subdir=None): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init The test case this step belongs to init_path : str The path to the initial state to use for forward runs name : str, optional The name of the step subdir : str, optional The subdirectory for the step """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, mesh=test_case.mesh, time_integrator='split_explicit_ab2', name=name, subdir=subdir) self.add_namelist_options({'config_AM_globalStats_enable': '.false.'}) self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.namelists', 'namelist.ssh_adjust') self.add_streams_file('compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init', 'streams.ssh_adjust') mesh_package = test_case.mesh.package mesh_package_contents = list(contents(mesh_package)) mesh_namelist = 'namelist.ssh_adjust' if mesh_namelist in mesh_package_contents: self.add_namelist_file(mesh_package, mesh_namelist) mesh_streams = 'streams.ssh_adjust' if mesh_streams in mesh_package_contents: self.add_streams_file(mesh_package, mesh_streams) mesh_path = test_case.mesh.get_cull_mesh_path() self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{init_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{init_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{mesh_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{mesh_path}/') self.add_output_file(filename='')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the testcase """ config = self.config update_pio = config.getboolean('global_ocean', 'forward_update_pio') convert_to_cdf5 = config.getboolean('ssh_adjustment', 'convert_to_cdf5') self._adjust_ssh(update_pio=update_pio, convert_to_cdf5=convert_to_cdf5)
def _adjust_ssh(self, update_pio, convert_to_cdf5): """ Adjust the sea surface height to be dynamically consistent with land-ice pressure. """ ntasks = self.ntasks config = self.config logger = self.logger if update_pio: self.update_namelist_pio('namelist.ocean') partition(ntasks, config, logger) with xr.open_dataset('') as ds: ds = ds.isel(Time=0) init_ssh = ds.ssh modify_mask = np.logical_and(ds.maxLevelCell > 0, ds.sshAdjustmentMask == 1) land_ice_pressure = ds.landIcePressure" * Running forward model") run_model(self, update_pio=False, partition_graph=False)" - Complete")" * Updating SSH") with xr.open_dataset('') as ds_ssh: # get the last time entry ds_ssh = ds_ssh.isel(Time=ds_ssh.sizes['Time'] - 1) final_ssh = ds_ssh.ssh delta_ssh = modify_mask * (final_ssh - init_ssh) with xr.open_dataset('') as ds_out: ds_out['ssh'] = modify_mask * final_ssh if convert_to_cdf5: write_filename = '' else: write_filename = '' write_netcdf(ds_out, write_filename) if convert_to_cdf5: args = ['ncks', '-O', '-5', '', ''] check_call(args, logger=logger) # Write the largest change in SSH and its lon/lat to a file with open('maxDeltaSSH.log', 'w') as log_file: icell = np.abs(delta_ssh).argmax().values ds_cell = ds.isel(nCells=icell) delta_ssh_max = delta_ssh.isel(nCells=icell).values coords = (f'lon/lat: ' f'{np.rad2deg(ds_cell.lonCell.values):f} ' f'{np.rad2deg(ds_cell.latCell.values):f}') string = (f'delta_ssh_max: ' f'{delta_ssh_max:g}, {coords}')' {string}') log_file.write(f'{string}\n') string = (f'ssh: {final_ssh.isel(nCells=icell).values:g}, ' f'landIcePressure: ' f'{land_ice_pressure.isel(nCells=icell).values:g}')' {string}') log_file.write(f'{string}\n')" - Complete\n")