import mpas_tools.mesh.creation.mesh_definition_tools as mdt
import numpy as np
from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep
class EC30to60BaseMesh(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep):
A step for creating EC30to60 and ECwISC30to60 meshes
def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude
cellWidth : numpy.array
m x n array of cell width in km
lon : numpy.array
longitude in degrees (length n and between -180 and 180)
lat : numpy.array
longitude in degrees (length m and between -90 and 90)
dlon = 10.
dlat = 0.1
nlon = int(360. / dlon) + 1
nlat = int(180. / dlat) + 1
lon = np.linspace(-180., 180., nlon)
lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., nlat)
cellWidthVsLat = mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(lat)
cellWidth = np.outer(cellWidthVsLat, np.ones([1, lon.size]))
return cellWidth, lon, lat