import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
import numpy
import xarray
def get_author_and_email_from_git(config):
Get the author and email address config options from git if they are set to
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for this test case
author = config.get('global_ocean', 'author')
if author == 'autodetect':
author = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'config', '']).decode("utf-8").strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise ValueError('It appears you have not set up a git username '
'yet. Please do so or provide a config file '
'that sets config option "author" in '
config.set('global_ocean', 'author', author)
email = config.get('global_ocean', 'email')
if email == 'autodetect':
email = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'config', '']).decode("utf-8").strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise ValueError('It appears you have not set your email in git '
'yet. Please do so or provide a config file '
'that sets config option "email" in '
config.set('global_ocean', 'email', email)
def get_e3sm_mesh_names(config, levels):
Get short and long E3SM mesh name from config options and the given number
of vertical levels (typically taken from an initial condition or restart
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for this test case
levels : int
The number of vertical levels
short_mesh_name : str
The short E3SM name of the ocean and sea-ice mesh
long_mesh_name : str
The long E3SM name of the ocean and sea-ice mesh
config.set('global_ocean', 'levels', f'{levels}')
mesh_prefix = config.get('global_ocean', 'prefix')
min_res = config.get('global_ocean', 'min_res')
max_res = config.get('global_ocean', 'max_res')
e3sm_version = config.get('global_ocean', 'e3sm_version')
mesh_revision = config.get('global_ocean', 'mesh_revision')
if min_res == max_res:
res = min_res
res = f'{min_res}to{max_res}'
short_mesh_name = f'{mesh_prefix}{res}E{e3sm_version}r{mesh_revision}'
long_mesh_name = \
return short_mesh_name, long_mesh_name
def _get_metadata(dsInit, config):
""" add metadata to a given dataset """
author = config.get('global_ocean', 'author')
email = config.get('global_ocean', 'email')
creation_date = config.get('global_ocean', 'creation_date')
if creation_date == 'autodetect':
now =
creation_date = now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
config.set('global_ocean', 'creation_date', creation_date)
max_depth = dsInit.bottomDepth.max().values
# round to the nearest 0.1 m
max_depth = numpy.round(max_depth, 1)
config.set('global_ocean', 'max_depth', f'{max_depth}')
mesh_prefix = config.get('global_ocean', 'prefix')
min_res = config.get('global_ocean', 'min_res')
max_res = config.get('global_ocean', 'max_res')
levels = dsInit.sizes['nVertLevels']
config.set('global_ocean', 'levels', f'{levels}')
e3sm_version = config.get('global_ocean', 'e3sm_version')
mesh_revision = config.get('global_ocean', 'mesh_revision')
pull_request = config.get('global_ocean', 'pull_request')
short_name, long_name = get_e3sm_mesh_names(config, levels)
descriptions = dict()
replacements = {'<<<levels>>>': f'{levels}',
'<<<max_depth>>>': f'{max_depth:g}',
'<<<creation_date>>>': creation_date}
for prefix in ['mesh', 'init', 'bathy', 'bgc', 'wisc']:
option = f'{prefix}_description'
if config.has_option('global_ocean', option):
description = config.get('global_ocean', option)
description = ' '.join(
[line.strip() for line in description.split('\n')])
for placeholder, replacement in replacements.items():
if placeholder in description:
description = description.replace(placeholder,
descriptions[prefix] = description
prefix = f'MPAS_Mesh_{mesh_prefix}'
metadata = {'MPAS_Mesh_Short_Name': short_name,
'MPAS_Mesh_Long_Name': long_name,
'MPAS_Mesh_Prefix': mesh_prefix,
'MPAS_Mesh_E3SM_Version': e3sm_version,
'MPAS_Mesh_Pull_Request': pull_request,
f'{prefix}_Revision': mesh_revision,
f'{prefix}_Version_Author': author,
f'{prefix}_Version_Author_Email': email,
f'{prefix}_Version_Creation_Date': creation_date,
f'{prefix}_Minimum_Resolution_km': min_res,
f'{prefix}_Maximum_Resolution_km': max_res,
f'{prefix}_Maximum_Depth_m': f'{max_depth}',
f'{prefix}_Number_of_Levels': f'{levels}',
'MPAS_Mesh_Description': descriptions['mesh'],
'MPAS_Mesh_Bathymetry': descriptions['bathy'],
'MPAS_Initial_Condition': descriptions['init']}
if 'wisc' in descriptions:
metadata['MPAS_Mesh_Ice_Shelf_Cavities'] = descriptions['wisc']
if 'bgc' in descriptions:
metadata['MPAS_Mesh_Biogeochemistry'] = descriptions['bgc']
packages = {'compass': 'compass', 'JIGSAW': 'jigsaw',
'JIGSAW_Python': 'jigsawpy', 'MPAS_Tools': 'mpas_tools',
'NCO': 'nco', 'ESMF': 'esmf',
'geometric_features': 'geometric_features',
'Metis': 'metis', 'pyremap': 'pyremap'}
for name in packages:
package = packages[name]
metadata[f'MPAS_Mesh_{name}_Version'] = \
return metadata
def _get_conda_package_version(package):
conda = subprocess.check_output(['conda', 'list', package]).decode("utf-8")
lines = conda.split('\n')
for line in lines:
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] == package:
return parts[1]
return 'not found'