Source code for compass.ocean.tests.internal_wave.rpe_test.analysis

import numpy as np
import xarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cmocean

from compass.step import Step
from compass.ocean.rpe import compute_rpe

[docs] class Analysis(Step): """ A step for plotting the results of a series of RPE runs in the internal wave test group Attributes ---------- resolution : str The resolution of the test case nus : list of float A list of viscosities """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, nus): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to nus : list of float A list of viscosities """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='analysis') self.nus = nus self.add_input_file( filename='', target='../initial_state/') for index, nu in enumerate(nus): self.add_input_file( filename=f'output_{index+1}.nc', target=f'../rpe_test_{index+1}_nu_{nu:g}/') self.add_output_file( filename='sections_internal_wave.png') self.add_output_file(filename='rpe_t.png')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ rpe = compute_rpe(num_files=len(self.nus)) _plot(self.outputs[0], self.nus, rpe)
def _plot(filename, nus, rpe): """ Plot section of the internal wave at different viscosities Parameters ---------- filename : str The output file name nus : list of float The viscosity values rpe : numpy.ndarray The reference potential energy with size len(nu) x len(time) """ plt.switch_backend('Agg') nanosecondsPerDay = 8.64e13 num_files = len(nus) time = [1, 21] ds = xarray.open_dataset('') times = ds.daysSinceStartOfSim.values times = times.tolist() times = np.divide(times, nanosecondsPerDay) fig = plt.figure() for i in range(num_files): rpe_norm = np.divide((rpe[i, :]-rpe[i, 0]), rpe[i, 0]) plt.plot(times, rpe_norm, label=f"$\\nu_h=${nus[i]}") plt.xlabel('Time, days') plt.ylabel('RPE-RPE(0)/RPE(0)') plt.legend() plt.savefig('rpe_t.png') plt.close(fig) nCol = len(time) nRow = len(nus) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nRow, nCol, figsize=( 4.0 * nCol, 3.7 * nRow), constrained_layout=True) for iRow in range(nRow): ds = xarray.open_dataset(f'output_{iRow + 1}.nc') times = ds.daysSinceStartOfSim.values times = np.divide(times.tolist(), nanosecondsPerDay) var = ds.temperature.values for iCol in range(nCol): ax = axs[iRow, iCol] tidx = np.argmin(np.abs(times-time[iCol])) dis = ax.imshow( var[tidx, 0::4, :].T, extent=[0, 250, 500, 0], aspect='0.5', cmap='jet', vmin=10, vmax=20) if iRow == nRow - 1: ax.set_xlabel('x, km') if iCol == 0: ax.set_ylabel('depth, m') if iCol == nCol - 1: fig.colorbar(dis, ax=axs[iRow, iCol], aspect=10) ax.set_title(f"day {time[iCol]}, $\\nu_h=${nus[iRow]}") plt.savefig('sections_internal_wave.png')