import numpy
import xarray
from mpas_tools.mesh.interpolation import interp_bilin
def interpolate_ocean_mask(ds_mesh, ds_geom, min_ocean_fraction,
Interpolate the ocean mask from the original BISICLES grid to the MPAS
mesh. This is handled separately from other fields because the ocean mask
is needed to cull land cells from the MPAS mesh before interpolating the
remaining fields.
ds_mesh : xarray.Dataset
An MPAS-Ocean mesh
ds_geom : xarray.Dataset
Ice-sheet topography produced by
min_ocean_fraction : float
The minimum ocean fraction after interpolation, below which the cell
is masked as land (which is not distinguished from grounded ice)
thin_film_present: bool
Whether domain contains a thin film below grounded ice
ds_mask : xarray.Dataset
A dataset containing ``regionCellMasks``, a field with the ocean mask
that can be used to cull land cells from the mesh
x, y, x_cell, y_cell, ocean_fraction = _get_geom_fields(
ds_geom, ds_mesh, thin_film_present)
ds_mask = xarray.Dataset()
valid = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(x_cell >= x[0], x_cell <= x[-1]),
numpy.logical_and(y_cell >= y[0], y_cell <= y[-1]))
x_cell = x_cell[valid]
y_cell = y_cell[valid]
ocean_frac_observed = numpy.zeros(ds_mesh.sizes['nCells'])
ocean_frac_observed[valid] = interp_bilin(x, y, ocean_fraction.values,
x_cell, y_cell)
mask = ocean_frac_observed > min_ocean_fraction
n_cells = mask.shape[0]
ds_mask['regionCellMasks'] = (('nCells', 'nRegions'),
mask.astype(int).reshape(n_cells, 1))
return ds_mask
def interpolate_geom(ds_mesh, ds_geom, min_ocean_fraction, thin_film_present):
Interpolate the ice geometry from the original BISICLES grid to the MPAS
ds_mesh : xarray.Dataset
An MPAS-Ocean mesh
ds_geom : xarray.Dataset
Ice-sheet topography produced by
min_ocean_fraction : float
The minimum ocean fraction after interpolation, below which the cell
is masked as land (which is not distinguished from grounded ice)
thin_film_present: bool
Whether domain contains a thin film below grounded ice
ds_out : xarray.Dataset
A dataset containing :
* ``bottomDepthObserved`` -- the bedrock elevation (positive up)
* ``ssh`` -- the sea surface height
* ``oceanFracObserved`` -- the fraction of the mesh cell that is ocean
* ``landIceFraction`` -- the fraction of the mesh cell that is covered
by land ice, grounded or floating
* ``landIceFloatingFraction`` -- the fraction of the mesh cell that is
covered by an ice shelf
* ``smoothedDraftMask`` -- a smoothed version of the floating mask that
may be useful for determining where to alter the vertical coordinate
to accommodate ice-shelf cavities
x, y, x_cell, y_cell, ocean_fraction = _get_geom_fields(
ds_geom, ds_mesh, thin_film_present)
ds_out = xarray.Dataset(ds_mesh)
ds_out.attrs = ds_mesh.attrs
ds_geom['oceanFraction'] = ocean_fraction
ds_geom['landIceFraction'] = (ds_geom.landIceFloatingFraction +
# mask the topography to the ocean region before interpolation
for var in ['Z_bed', 'Z_ice_draft', 'landIceFraction',
'landIceFloatingFraction', 'smoothedDraftMask']:
ds_geom[var] = ds_geom[var] * ds_geom['oceanFraction']
fields = {'bottomDepthObserved': 'Z_bed',
'ssh': 'Z_ice_draft',
'oceanFracObserved': 'oceanFraction',
'landIceFraction': 'landIceFraction',
'landIceGroundedFraction': 'landIceGroundedFraction',
'landIceFloatingFraction': 'landIceFloatingFraction',
'smoothedDraftMask': 'smoothedDraftMask'}
valid = numpy.logical_and(
numpy.logical_and(x_cell >= x[0], x_cell <= x[-1]),
numpy.logical_and(y_cell >= y[0], y_cell <= y[-1]))
if not numpy.all(valid):
raise ValueError('Something went wrong with culling. There are still '
'out-of-range cells in the culled mesh.')
for outfield, infield in fields.items():
field = interp_bilin(x, y, ds_geom[infield].values, x_cell, y_cell)
ds_out[outfield] = (('nCells',), field)
ocean_frac_observed = ds_out['oceanFracObserved']
if not numpy.all(ocean_frac_observed > min_ocean_fraction):
raise ValueError('Something went wrong with culling. There are still '
'non-ocean cells in the culled mesh.')
# Do not include landIceFloatingFraction here so that fractional melt
# fluxes are represented
for field in ['bottomDepthObserved', 'ssh', 'landIceFraction',
ds_out[field] = ds_out[field] / ocean_frac_observed
return ds_out
def _get_geom_fields(ds_geom, ds_mesh, thin_film_present):
x = ds_geom.x.values
y = ds_geom.y.values
x_cell = ds_mesh.xIsomipCell.values
y_cell = ds_mesh.yIsomipCell.values
if thin_film_present:
ocean_fraction = - ds_geom['landFraction'] + 1.0
ocean_fraction = (ds_geom['landIceFloatingFraction'] +
return x, y, x_cell, y_cell, ocean_fraction